real_escape_string($_POST['name']); $email = $petition->real_escape_string($_POST['email']); $sec_level = $petition->real_escape_string($_POST['sec_level']); $group_id = $petition->real_escape_string($_POST['group_id']); $petition_id = $petition->real_escape_string($_POST['petition_id']); $q = "insert into users (name, email, sec_level, group_id, petition_id) values ('$name','$email','$sec_level','$group_id','$petition_id') "; $petition->query($q); slack_general_admin('SQL: '.$q,'md-petition-signed'); include_once('../email.php'); $pass = rand(1000,9999); $salt = md5(rand(1000,9999)); $hash = md5($pass.$salt); $encrypted = $hash.':'.$salt; $subject = 'MD Petition Login'; $body = 'Login with '.$email.' and your new password '.$pass.' at'; meps_mail($email,$body,$subject); $petition->query("update users set pass = '$encrypted' WHERE email = '$email'"); echo "

Password has been Sent.

"; slack_general_admin('DEBUG: '.$body,'md-petition-signed'); } if(isset($_GET['approve'])){ $id = $_GET['approve']; $petition->query("update petitions set admin_status = 'approved' where petition_id = '$id' "); } slack_general('ADMIN: Home Page Loaded ('.$_COOKIE['name'].') ('.$_COOKIE['level'].')','md-petition'); ?>

Admin Home

Admin Sessions

Last 50
    query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ echo "
  1. $d[ip] $d[username] $d[php_page] $d[browser_string]
  2. "; } ?>

User Sessions

Last 50
    query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ echo "
  1. $d[php_page] $d[browser_string]
  2. "; } ?>


Security Level
Group ID
Petition ID
query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ $alert=''; if ($d[pass] == ''){ $alert='NEEDS PASSWORD RESET'; } echo "
  • ID $d[id] EM $d[email] NM $d[name] GI $d[group_id] PI $d[petition_id] SL $d[sec_level] $alert
  • "; } ?>

    New Petitions

    query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ echo "
  • $d[petition_id] $d[web_short_name] $d[web_color] $d[group_id] $d[petition_name] $d[eligibleVoterListField] $d[eligibleVoterListEquals] $d[eligibleVoterListEnforce]
  • "; } ?>

    Approved Petitions

    query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ echo "
  • $d[petition_id] $d[web_short_name] $d[web_color] $d[group_id] $d[petition_name] $d[eligibleVoterListField] $d[eligibleVoterListEquals] $d[eligibleVoterListEnforce]
  • "; } ?>


    query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ echo "
  • $d[id] $d[name]
  • "; } ?>


    query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ echo "
  • $d[id] $d[text_title]
  • "; } ?> "; $chart=''; $chart2=''; $chart3=''; $q3 = "SELECT just_date FROM signatures where just_date <> '0000-00-00' group by just_date"; //echo "
  • $q3
  • "; $r3 = $petition->query($q3); $total=0; $total2=0; $goal = $d['signature_goal']; if ($goal == 0){ $goal = 10000; } $trader_sma_timePeriod=0; while ($d3 = mysqli_fetch_array($r3)){ $just_date = $d3['just_date']; $q2 = "SELECT * FROM signatures where just_date = '$just_date' and signature_status = 'verified' "; //echo "
  • $q2
  • "; $r2 = $petition->query($q2); $count = mysqli_num_rows($r2); $chart .= '{ label: "'.$just_date.'", y: '.intval($count).' }, '; $total = $total + intval($count); $chart2 .= '{ label: "'.$just_date.'", y: '.intval($total).' }, '; $goal = $goal - intval($count); $chart3 .= '{ label: "'.$just_date.'", y: '.intval($goal).' }, '; $q2 = "SELECT * FROM follow_up where date_sent = '$just_date' "; $r2 = $petition->query($q2); $count = mysqli_num_rows($r2); $chart4 .= '{ label: "'.$just_date.'", y: '.intval($count).' }, '; $total2 = $total2 + $count; $chart5 .= '{ label: "'.$just_date.'", y: '.intval($total2).' }, '; $q2 = "SELECT * FROM presign where only_date = '$just_date' "; $r2 = $petition->query($q2); $count = mysqli_num_rows($r2); if($count > 0){ // start this graph when there is data $chart6 .= '{ label: "'.$just_date.'", y: '.intval($count).' }, '; // graph latest sma $trader_sma_real[] = intval($count); $trader_sma_timePeriod++; $trader_sma = trader_sma($trader_sma_real,$trader_sma_timePeriod); //print_r($trader_sma); $the_index = $trader_sma_timePeriod - 1; $this_sma = $trader_sma[$the_index]; // should be last value? $chart7 .= '{ label: "'.$just_date.'", y: '.intval($this_sma).' }, '; } } $chart = rtrim(trim($chart), ","); $chart2 = rtrim(trim($chart2), ","); $chart3 = rtrim(trim($chart3), ","); $chart4 = rtrim(trim($chart4), ","); $chart5 = rtrim(trim($chart5), ","); $chart6 = rtrim(trim($chart6), ","); $chart7 = rtrim(trim($chart7), ","); ob_start(); ?> var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", { theme:"light2", animationEnabled: true, exportEnabled: true, title:{ text: " Signature Tracker" }, axisY :{ includeZero: false, title: "Number of Signatures", suffix: "", scaleBreaks: { autoCalculate: true } }, toolTip: { shared: "true" }, legend:{ cursor:"pointer", itemclick : toggleDataSeries }, data: [{ type: "line", visible: true, showInLegend: true, yValueFormatString: "#####", name: "Total Signatures Count", dataPoints: [ ] },{ type: "line", visible: true, showInLegend: true, yValueFormatString: "#####", name: "Total Follow Up Count", dataPoints: [ ] },{ type: "column", visible: true, showInLegend: true, yValueFormatString: "#####", name: "New Daily Signatures", dataPoints: [ ] },{ type: "column", visible: true, showInLegend: true, yValueFormatString: "#####", name: "Follow Up Sent", dataPoints: [ ] }] } ); chart.render(); var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", { theme:"light2", animationEnabled: true, exportEnabled: true, title:{ text: " Web Monitor" }, axisY :{ includeZero: false, title: "Number of Pages Loaded", suffix: "", scaleBreaks: { autoCalculate: true } }, toolTip: { shared: "true" }, legend:{ cursor:"pointer", itemclick : toggleDataSeries }, data: [{ type: "line", visible: true, showInLegend: true, yValueFormatString: "#####", name: "Web Activity", dataPoints: [ ] },{ type: "line", visible: true, showInLegend: true, yValueFormatString: "#####", name: "Simple Moving Average", dataPoints: [ ] }] } ); chart.render();