query("update presign set presign_status = 'DONE' where php_session_id = '$id' "); header('Location: analytics.php'); } if (isset($_GET['sign_php_session_id'])){ $id = $_GET['sign_php_session_id']; $petition->query("update presign set presign_status = 'SIGNED' where php_session_id = '$id' "); header('Location: analytics.php'); } if ($_COOKIE['level'] == 'manager'){ slack_general('ADMIN: Redirect Manager Home ('.$_COOKIE['name'].') ('.$_COOKIE['level'].')','md-petition'); header('Location: manager_home.php'); } if (isset($_GET['flag_invalid_signature'])){ $id = $_GET['flag_invalid_signature']; $petition->query("update signatures set signature_status = 'flag_invalid_signature' where id = '$id' "); header('Location: analytics.php'); } if (isset($_GET['flag_duplicate'])){ $id = $_GET['flag_duplicate']; $petition->query("update signatures set signature_status = 'flag_duplicate' where id = '$id' "); header('Location: analytics.php'); } if (isset($_GET['flag_ip_address'])){ $ip = $_GET['flag_ip_address']; $petition->query("update signatures set signature_status = 'flag_ip_address' where ip_address = '$ip' "); header('Location: analytics.php'); } if (isset($_GET['resign_requested'])){ $id = $_GET['resign_requested']; $petition->query("update signatures set signature_status = 'resign_requested' where id = '$id' "); header('Location: analytics.php'); } if (isset($_GET['bot'])){ $id = $_GET['bot']; $petition->query("update signatures set signature_status = 'bot' where id = '$id' "); header('Location: analytics.php'); } if (isset($_GET['flag_VTRID'])){ $VTRID = $_GET['flag_VTRID']; $petition->query("update signatures set signature_status = 'flag_VTRID' where VTRID = '$VTRID' "); header('Location: analytics.php'); } if (isset($_GET['flag_phone'])){ $flag_phone = $_GET['flag_phone']; $petition->query("update signatures set signature_status = 'flag_phone' where contact_phone = '$flag_phone' "); header('Location: analytics.php'); } include_once('header.php'); if (isset($_GET['ip_address'])){ $ip = $_GET['ip_address']; echo "

Review $ip

"; $q = "SELECT * FROM signatures where ip_address = '$ip' order by signature_status desc "; $r = $petition->query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ $color = 'white'; $pos = strpos($d['date_time_signed'], date('Y-m-d')); if ($pos !== false) { $color= 'yellow'; } echo ""; } echo "
$d[date_time_signed] $d[VTRID] ".id2petition($d['petition_id'])." $d[signed_name_as] $d[signed_name_as_circulator] $d[contact_phone] $d[signature_status] $d[printed_status] flag invalid signature flag VTRID flag ip address flag duplicate contact phone resign requested bot
"; }elseif(isset($_GET['php_session_id']) && empty($_GET['follow_up'])){ $php_session_id = $_GET['php_session_id']; echo "

Review $php_session_id

"; $q = "SELECT * FROM presign where php_session_id = '$php_session_id' order by id desc "; $r = $petition->query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ $color = 'white'; $test = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($d['action_on'])); $pos = strpos($test, date('Y-m-d')); if ($pos !== false) { $color= 'yellow'; } echo ""; } echo "
$d[action_on] $d[php_page] ".id2petition($d['petition'])." $d[invite] $d[invite_error] $d[name] $d[email_for_follow_up] $d[phone_for_validation] $d[presign_status] $d[ip_address] $d[browser_string]
CLEAR ALERT - SIGNATURE FOUND - ADD TO FOLLOW UP LIST 1"; }elseif(isset($_GET['php_session_id']) && isset($_GET['follow_up'])){ $php_session_id = $_GET['php_session_id']; echo "

Adding Follow up for $php_session_id to $_GET[follow_up]

"; $q = "SELECT * FROM presign where php_session_id = '$php_session_id' order by id desc "; $r = $petition->query($q); $i=0; while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ if ($i == 0){ $petition->query("insert into follow_up (name, email, php_session, petition_id) values ('$d[name]','$d[email]','$php_session_id','$_GET[follow_up]') "); } $color = 'white'; $test = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($d['action_on'])); $pos = strpos($test, date('Y-m-d')); if ($pos !== false) { $color= 'yellow'; } $i++; echo ""; } echo "
$d[action_on] $d[php_page] ".id2petition($d['petition'])." $d[invite] $d[invite_error] $d[name] $d[email_for_follow_up] $d[phone_for_validation] $d[presign_status] $d[ip_address] $d[browser_string]
CLEAR ALERT - SIGNATURE FOUND"; }elseif (isset($_GET['VTRID'])){ $VTRID = $_GET['VTRID']; echo "

Review $VTRID

"; $q = "SELECT * FROM signatures where VTRID = '$VTRID' and signature_status <> 'deleted' order by petition_id, id DESC "; $r = $petition->query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ $color = 'white'; $pos = strpos($d['date_time_signed'], date('Y-m-d')); if ($pos !== false) { $color= 'yellow'; } echo ""; } echo "
$d[date_time_signed] $d[ip_address] ".id2petition($d['petition_id'])." $d[signed_name_as] $d[signed_name_as_circulator] $d[contact_phone] $d[signature_status] $d[printed_status] flag invalid signature flag VTRID flag ip address flag duplicate contact phone resign requested bot
"; } ?>

Signature Analytics


SysOp Says: Transparency = Trust


Follow up requested - never signed.
    '' order by id desc"; $r = $petition->query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ $q2="SELECT * FROM presign where php_session_id = '$d[php_session_id]' order by id desc"; $r2 = $petition->query($q2); $d2 = mysqli_fetch_array($r2); echo "
  1. $d2[name] $d2[email_for_follow_up] ".id2petition($d2['petition'])." $d2[invite]
  2. "; } ?>


Last 10
    query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ echo "
  1. $d[date_time_signed] ".id2petition($d['petition_id'])." $d[signed_name_as]
  2. "; } ?>

IP Address

Watching for duplicates.
    query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ if ($d['count'] > 1){ echo "
  1. $d[ip_address] ".id2petition($d['petition_id'])." $d[count] $d[signed_name_as]
  2. "; } } ?>


Watching for duplicates.
    query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ if ($d['count'] > 1){ echo "
  1. $d[VTRID] ".id2petition($d['petition_id'])." $d[count] $d[signed_name_as]
  2. "; } } ?>


Watching for 0
    'bot' and signature_status <> 'flag_invalid_signature' and signature_status <> 'resign_requested'"; $r = $petition->query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ echo "
  1. $d[date_time_signed] $d[ip_address] IP INFO $d[petition_id] $d[signed_name_as]
  2. "; } ?>

Petition ID Bugs

Watching for 0
    'bot' and signature_status <> 'flag_invalid_signature' and signature_status <> 'resign_requested'"; $r = $petition->query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ echo "
  1. $d[date_time_signed] $d[ip_address] IP INFO $d[petition_id] $d[signed_name_as]
  2. "; } ?>


These are most likely from early bugs
    query($q); $show = 0; while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ $show = 1; echo "
  1. $d[date_time_signed] $d[ip_address] IP INFO $d[VTRID] $d[petition_id] $d[signed_name_as]
  2. "; } ?>


These are bots on the site.
    query($q); $show = 0; while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ $show = 1; echo "
  1. $d[date_time_signed] $d[ip_address] IP INFO $d[VTRID] $d[petition_id] $d[signed_name_as]
  2. "; } ?>