;;; GDB debugging support for Guile. ;;; ;;; Copyright 2014, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program. If not, see . (define-module (guile-gdb) #:use-module (system base types) #:use-module (system vm debug) #:use-module ((gdb) #:hide (symbol? frame?)) #:use-module ((gdb) #:select ((symbol? . gdb:symbol?) (frame? . gdb:frame?))) #:use-module (gdb printing) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (srfi srfi-11) #:use-module (srfi srfi-41) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ice-9 binary-ports) #:export (%gdb-memory-backend display-vm-frames)) ;;; Commentary: ;;; ;;; This file defines GDB extensions to pretty-print 'SCM' objects, and ;;; to walk Guile's virtual machine stack. ;;; ;;; This file is installed under a name that follows the convention that ;;; allows GDB to auto-load it anytime the user is debugging libguile ;;; (info "(gdb) objfile-gdbdotext file"). ;;; ;;; Code: (define (type-name-from-descriptor descriptor-array type-number) "Return the name of the type TYPE-NUMBER as seen in DESCRIPTOR-ARRAY, or #f if the information is not available." (let ((descriptors (lookup-global-symbol descriptor-array))) (and descriptors (let ((code (type-code (symbol-type descriptors)))) (or (= TYPE_CODE_ARRAY code) (= TYPE_CODE_PTR code))) (let* ((type-descr (value-subscript (symbol-value descriptors) type-number)) (name (value-field type-descr "name"))) (value->string name))))) (define %gdb-memory-backend ;; The GDB back-end to access the inferior's memory. (let ((void* (type-pointer (lookup-type "void")))) (define (dereference-word address) ;; Return the word at ADDRESS. (value->integer (value-dereference (value-cast (make-value address) (type-pointer void*))))) (define (open address size) ;; Return a port to the SIZE bytes starting at ADDRESS. (if size (open-memory #:start address #:size size) (open-memory #:start address))) (define (type-name kind number) ;; Return the type name of KIND type NUMBER. (type-name-from-descriptor (case kind ((smob) "scm_smobs") ((port) "scm_ptobs")) number)) (memory-backend dereference-word open type-name))) ;;; ;;; GDB pretty-printer registration. ;;; (define scm-value->string (lambda* (value #:optional (backend %gdb-memory-backend)) "Return a representation of value VALUE as a string." (object->string (scm->object (value->integer value) backend)))) (define (make-scm-pretty-printer-worker obj) (define (list->iterator list) (make-iterator list list (let ((n 0)) (lambda (iter) (match (iterator-progress iter) (() (end-of-iteration)) ((elt . list) (set-iterator-progress! iter list) (let ((name (format #f "[~a]" n))) (set! n (1+ n)) (cons name (object->string elt))))))))) (cond ((string? obj) (make-pretty-printer-worker "string" ; display hint (lambda (printer) obj) #f)) ((and (array? obj) (match (array-shape obj) (((0 _)) #t) (_ #f))) (make-pretty-printer-worker "array" ; display hint (lambda (printer) (let ((tag (array-type obj))) (case tag ((#t) "#") ((b) "#") (else (format #f "#<~avector>" tag))))) (lambda (printer) (list->iterator (array->list obj))))) ((inferior-struct? obj) (make-pretty-printer-worker "array" ; display hint (lambda (printer) (format #f "#" (inferior-struct-name obj))) (lambda (printer) (list->iterator (inferior-struct-fields obj))))) (else (make-pretty-printer-worker #f ; display hint (lambda (printer) (object->string obj)) #f)))) (define %scm-pretty-printer (make-pretty-printer "SCM" (lambda (pp value) (let ((name (type-name (value-type value)))) (and (and name (string=? name "SCM")) (make-scm-pretty-printer-worker (scm->object (value->integer value) %gdb-memory-backend))))))) (define* (register-pretty-printer #:optional objfile) (prepend-pretty-printer! objfile %scm-pretty-printer)) (register-pretty-printer) ;;; ;;; VM stack walking. ;;; (define ip-type (type-pointer (lookup-type "scm_t_uint32"))) (define fp-type (type-pointer (lookup-type "SCM"))) (define sp-type (type-pointer (lookup-type "SCM"))) (define-record-type (make-vm-frame ip sp fp saved-ip saved-fp) vm-frame? (ip vm-frame-ip) (sp vm-frame-sp) (fp vm-frame-fp) (saved-ip vm-frame-saved-ip) (saved-fp vm-frame-saved-fp)) ;; See libguile/frames.h. (define* (vm-frame ip sp fp #:optional (backend %gdb-memory-backend)) "Return the components of the stack frame at FP." (make-vm-frame ip sp fp (value-dereference (value-cast (value-sub fp 1) (type-pointer ip-type))) (value-dereference (value-cast (value-sub fp 2) (type-pointer fp-type))))) (define (vm-engine-frame? frame) (let ((sym (frame-function frame))) (and sym (member (symbol-name sym) '("vm_debug_engine" "vm_regular_engine"))))) (define (find-vp) "Find the scm_vm pointer for the current thread." (let loop ((frame (newest-frame))) (and frame (if (vm-engine-frame? frame) (frame-read-var frame "vp") (loop (frame-older frame)))))) (define (newest-vm-frame) "Return the newest VM frame or #f." (let ((vp (find-vp))) (and vp (vm-frame (value-field vp "ip") (value-field vp "sp") (value-field vp "fp"))))) (define* (vm-frame-older frame #:optional (backend %gdb-memory-backend)) (let ((ip (vm-frame-saved-ip frame)) (sp (value-sub (vm-frame-fp frame) 3)) (fp (vm-frame-saved-fp frame))) (and (not (zero? (value->integer fp))) (vm-frame ip sp fp backend)))) (define (vm-frames) "Return a SRFI-41 stream of the current VM frame stack." (stream-unfold identity vm-frame? vm-frame-older (newest-vm-frame))) (define (vm-frame-locals frame) (let ((fp (vm-frame-fp frame)) (sp (vm-frame-sp frame))) (let lp ((slot 0) (ptr fp)) (if (value<=? ptr sp) (acons (string-append "v" (number->string slot)) (value-dereference ptr) (lp (1+ slot) (value-add ptr 1))) '())))) (define (lookup-symbol-or-false name) (match (lookup-symbol name) (#f #f) ((sym _) sym))) (define (find-mapped-elf-image addr) (let ((array (lookup-symbol-or-false "mapped_elf_images")) (count (lookup-symbol-or-false "mapped_elf_images_count"))) (and array count (let ((array (symbol-value array)) (count (value->integer (symbol-value count)))) (let lp ((start 0) (end count)) (if (< start end) (let ((n (+ start (ash (- end start) -1)))) (if (value (find-mapped-elf-image addr) (lambda (mei) (let* ((start (value->integer (value-field mei "start"))) (size (- (value->integer (value-field mei "end")) start)) (mem-port (open-memory #:start start #:size size)) (bv (get-bytevector-all mem-port)) (ctx (debug-context-from-image bv))) ;; The image is in this process at "bv", but in the ;; inferior at mei.start. Therefore we relocate addr ;; before we look for the PDI. (let ((addr (+ (value->integer addr) (- (debug-context-base ctx) start)))) (find-program-debug-info addr ctx))))))) (define (vm-frame-function-name frame) (define (default-name) "[unknown]") (cond ((vm-frame-program-debug-info frame) => (lambda (pdi) (or (and=> (program-debug-info-name pdi) symbol->string) "[anonymous]"))) (else (let ((ip (vm-frame-ip frame))) (define (ip-in-symbol? name) (let ((sym (lookup-symbol-or-false name))) (and sym (let* ((val (symbol-value sym)) (size (type-sizeof (value-type val))) (char* (type-pointer (arch-char-type (current-arch)))) (val-as-char* (value-cast val char*))) (and (value<=? val-as-char* ip) (valueinteger (vm-frame-ip frame))) (pdi (vm-frame-program-debug-info frame))) (and pdi (find-source-for-addr (program-debug-info-addr pdi) (program-debug-info-context pdi))))) (define* (dump-vm-frame frame #:optional (port (current-output-port))) (format port " name: ~a~%" (vm-frame-function-name frame)) (format port " ip: 0x~x~%" (value->integer (vm-frame-ip frame))) (format port " fp: 0x~x~%" (value->integer (vm-frame-fp frame))) (for-each (match-lambda ((name . val) (let ((obj (scm->object (value->integer val) %gdb-memory-backend))) (format port " ~a: ~a~%" name obj)))) (vm-frame-locals frame))) (define* (display-vm-frames #:optional (port (current-output-port))) "Display the VM frames on PORT." (stream-for-each (lambda (frame) (dump-vm-frame frame port)) (vm-frames))) ;;; ;;; Frame filters. ;;; (define-syntax compile-time-cond (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((_ (test body ...) clause ...) (if (eval (syntax->datum #'test) (current-module)) #'(begin body ...) #'(compile-time-cond clause ...))) ((_) #'(begin))))) (compile-time-cond ((false-if-exception (resolve-interface '(gdb frame-filters))) (use-modules (gdb frame-filters)) (define (snarfy-frame-decorator dec) (let* ((frame (decorated-frame-frame dec)) (sym (frame-function frame))) (or (and sym (gdb:symbol? sym) (let ((c-name (symbol-name sym))) (match (lookup-symbol (string-append "s_" c-name)) (#f #f) ((scheme-name-sym _) (and (string-prefix? "const char [" (type-print-name (symbol-type scheme-name-sym))) (let* ((scheme-name-value (symbol-value scheme-name-sym)) (scheme-name (value->string scheme-name-value)) (name (format #f "~a [~a]" scheme-name c-name))) (redecorate-frame dec #:function-name name))))))) dec))) (define* (vm-frame-filter gdb-frames #:optional (vm-frames (vm-frames))) (define (synthesize-frame gdb-frame vm-frame) (let* ((ip (value->integer (vm-frame-ip vm-frame))) (source (vm-frame-source vm-frame))) (redecorate-frame gdb-frame #:function-name (vm-frame-function-name vm-frame) #:address ip #:filename (and=> source source-file) #:line (and=> source source-line-for-user) #:arguments '() #:locals (vm-frame-locals vm-frame) #:children '()))) (define (recur gdb-frame gdb-frames vm-frames) (stream-cons gdb-frame (vm-frame-filter gdb-frames vm-frames))) (cond ((or (stream-null? gdb-frames) (not (lookup-symbol "vm_boot_continuation_code"))) gdb-frames) (else (let ((gdb-frame (stream-car gdb-frames)) (gdb-frames (stream-cdr gdb-frames))) (match (lookup-symbol "vm_boot_continuation_code") ((boot-sym _) (let ((boot-ptr (symbol-value boot-sym))) (cond ((vm-engine-frame? (decorated-frame-frame gdb-frame)) (let lp ((children (reverse (decorated-frame-children gdb-frame))) (vm-frames vm-frames)) (define (finish reversed-children vm-frames) (let ((children (reverse reversed-children))) (recur (redecorate-frame gdb-frame #:children children) gdb-frames vm-frames))) (cond ((stream-null? vm-frames) (finish children vm-frames)) (else (let* ((vm-frame (stream-car vm-frames)) (vm-frames (stream-cdr vm-frames))) (if (value=? (vm-frame-ip vm-frame) boot-ptr) ;; Drop the boot frame and finish. (finish children vm-frames) (lp (cons (synthesize-frame gdb-frame vm-frame) children) vm-frames))))))) (else (recur gdb-frame gdb-frames vm-frames)))))))))) (add-frame-filter! (make-decorating-frame-filter "guile-snarf-decorator" snarfy-frame-decorator #:objfile (current-objfile))) (add-frame-filter! (make-frame-filter "guile-vm-frame-filter" vm-frame-filter #:objfile (current-objfile)))) (#t #f)) ;;; libguile-2.2-gdb.scm ends here