;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; PEG benchmark suite (minimal right now). ;; Parses very long equations several times; outputs the average time ;; it took and the standard deviation of times. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (use-modules (ice-9 pretty-print)) (use-modules (srfi srfi-1)) (use-modules (ice-9 peg)) (use-modules (ice-9 popen)) ;; Generate random equations. (define (gen-rand-eq len) (if (= len 0) (random 1000) (let ((len (if (even? len) (+ len 1) len))) (map (lambda (x) (if (odd? x) (gen-rand len 'op) (gen-rand len 'number))) (iota len))))) (define (gen-rand len type) (cond ((eq? type 'number) (cond ((= (random 5) 0) (gen-rand-eq (floor (/ len 5)))) (#t (random 1000)))) (#t (list-ref '(+ - * /) (random 4))))) ;; Generates a random equation string (len is a rough indicator of the ;; resulting length). (define (gen-str len) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write (gen-rand-eq len))))) ;; Generates a left-associative parser (see tutorial). (define (make-left-parser next-func) (lambda (sum first . rest) (if (null? rest) (apply next-func first) (if (string? (cadr first)) (list (string->symbol (cadr first)) (apply next-func (car first)) (apply next-func (car rest))) (car (reduce (lambda (l r) (list (list (cadr r) (car r) (apply next-func (car l))) (string->symbol (cadr l)))) 'ignore (append (list (list (apply next-func (caar first)) (string->symbol (cadar first)))) (cdr first) (list (append rest '("done")))))))))) ;; Functions for parsing equations (see tutorial). (define (parse-value value first . rest) (if (null? rest) (string->number (cadr first)) (apply parse-sum (car rest)))) (define parse-product (make-left-parser parse-value)) (define parse-sum (make-left-parser parse-product)) (define parse-expr parse-sum) (define (eq-parse str) (apply parse-expr (peg:tree (peg-parse expr str)))) ;; PEG for parsing equations (see tutorial). (define-grammar "expr <- sum sum <-- (product ('+' / '-'))* product product <-- (value ('*' / '/'))* value value <-- sp number sp / sp '(' expr ')' sp number <-- [0-9]+ sp < [ \t\n]*") ;; gets the time in seconds (with a fractional part) (define (canon-time) (let ((pair (gettimeofday))) (+ (+ (car pair) (* (cdr pair) (expt 10 -6))) 0.0))) ;; Times how long it takes for FUNC to complete when called on ARGS. ;; **SIDE EFFECT** Writes the time FUNC took to stdout. ;; Returns the return value of FUNC. (define (time-func func . args) (let ((start (canon-time))) (let ((res (apply func args))) (pretty-print `(took ,(- (canon-time) start) seconds)) res))) ;; Times how long it takes for FUNC to complete when called on ARGS. ;; Returns the time FUNC took to complete. (define (time-ret-func func . args) (let ((start (canon-time))) (let ((res (apply func args))) (- (canon-time) start)))) ;; test string (randomly generated) (define tst1 "(621 - 746 * 945 - 194 * (204 * (965 - 738 + (846)) - 450 / (116 * 293 * 543) + 858 / 693 - (890 * (260) - 855) + 875 - 684 / (749 - (846) + 127) / 670) - 293 - 815 - 628 * 93 - 662 + 561 / 645 + 112 - 71 - (286 - ((324) / 424 + 956) / 190 + ((848) / 132 * 602) + 5 + 765 * 220 - ((801) / 191 - 299) * 708 + 151 * 682) + (943 + 847 - 145 - 816 / 550 - 217 / 9 / 969 * 524 * 447 / 323) * 991 - 283 * 915 / 733 / 478 / (680 + 343 * 186 / 341 * ((571) * 848 - 47) - (492 + 398 * (616)) + 270 - 539 * 34 / 47 / 458) * 417 / 406 / 354 * 678 + 524 + 40 / 282 - 792 * 570 - 305 * 14 + (248 - 678 * 8 - 53 - 215 / 677 - 665 / 216 - 275 - 462 / 502) - 24 - 780 + (967 / (636 / 400 * 823) + 933 - 361 - 620 - 255 / 372 + 394 * 869 / 839 * 727) + (436 + 993 - 668 + 772 - 33 + 64 - 252 * 957 * 320 + 540 / (23 * 74 / (422))) + (516 / (348 * 219 * 986) * 85 * 149 * 957 * 602 / 141 / 80 / 456 / 92 / (443 * 468 * 466)) * 568 / (271 - 42 + 271 + 592 + 71 * (766 + (11) * 946) / 728 / 137 / 111 + 557 / 962) * 179 - 936 / 821 * 101 - 206 / (267 - (11 / 906 * 290) / 722 / 98 - 987 / 989 - 470 * 833 - (720 / 34 - 280) + 638 / 940) - 889 * 84 * 630 + ((214 - 888 + (46)) / 540 + 941 * 724 / 759 * (679 / 527 - 764) * 413 + 831 / 559 - (308 / 796 / 737) / 20))") ;; appends two equations (adds them together) (define (eq-append . eqs) (if (null? eqs) "0" (if (null? (cdr eqs)) (car eqs) (string-append (car eqs) " + " (apply eq-append (cdr eqs)))))) ;; concatenates an equation onto itself n times using eq-append (define (string-n str n) (if (<= n 0) "0" (if (= n 1) str (eq-append str (string-n str (- n 1)))))) ;; standard deviation (no bias-correction) ;; (also called population standard deviation) (define (stddev . lst) (let ((llen (length lst))) (if (<= llen 0) 0 (let* ((avg (/ (reduce + 0 lst) llen)) (mapfun (lambda (x) (real-part (expt (- x avg) 2))))) (sqrt (/ (reduce + 0 (map mapfun lst)) llen)))))) ;; average (define (avg . lst) (if (null? lst) 0 (/ (reduce + 0 lst) (length lst)))) (pretty-print "Parsing equations (see PEG in tutorial). Sample size of 10 for each test.") (pretty-print (let ((lst (map (lambda (ignore) (reduce-right append 0 (map (lambda (x) (let* ((mstr (string-n tst1 x)) (strlen (string-length mstr))) (let ((func (lambda () (begin (peg-parse expr mstr) 'done)))) `(((string of length ,strlen first pass) ,(time-ret-func func)) ((string of length ,strlen second pass) ,(time-ret-func func)))))) (filter (lambda (x) (= (modulo x 25) 0)) (iota 100))))) (iota 10)))) (let ((compacted (reduce-right (lambda (accum conc) (map (lambda (l r) (append l (cdr r))) accum conc)) 0 lst))) (map (lambda (els) `(,(car els) (average time in seconds ,(apply avg (cdr els))) (standard deviation ,(apply stddev (cdr els))))) compacted)))) (define (sys-calc str) (let* ((pipe (open-input-pipe (string-append "echo \"" str "\" | bc -l"))) (str (read pipe))) (close-pipe pipe) str)) (define (lisp-calc str) (+ (eval (eq-parse str) (interaction-environment)) 0.0)) ;; (pretty-print `(,(sys-calc tst1) ,(lisp-calc tst1)))