;;; Continuation-passing style (CPS) intermediate language (IL) ;; Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;;; Commentary: ;;; ;;; A module to assign stack slots to variables in a CPS term. ;;; ;;; Code: (define-module (language cps slot-allocation) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module (language cps) #:use-module (language cps dfg) #:export (allocate-slots lookup-slot lookup-constant-value lookup-maybe-constant-value lookup-nlocals lookup-call-proc-slot lookup-parallel-moves)) ;; Continuations can bind variables. The $allocation structure ;; represents the slot in which a variable is stored. ;; ;; Not all variables have slots allocated. Variables that are constant ;; and that are only used by primcalls that can accept constants ;; directly are not allocated to slots, and their SLOT value is false. ;; Likewise constants that are only used by calls are not allocated into ;; slots, to avoid needless copying. If a variable is constant, its ;; constant value is set to the CONST slot and HAS-CONST? is set to a ;; true value. ;; ;; DEF holds the label of the continuation that defines the variable, ;; and DEAD is a list of continuations at which the variable becomes ;; dead. (define-record-type $allocation (make-allocation def slot dead has-const? const) allocation? (def allocation-def) (slot allocation-slot) (dead allocation-dead set-allocation-dead!) (has-const? allocation-has-const?) (const allocation-const)) ;; Continuations can also have associated allocation data. For example, ;; when a call happens in a labelled continuation, we need to know what ;; slot the procedure goes in. Likewise before branching to the target ;; continuation, we might need to shuffle values into the right place: a ;; parallel move. $cont-allocation stores allocation data keyed on the ;; continuation label. (define-record-type $cont-allocation (make-cont-allocation call-proc-slot parallel-moves) cont-allocation? ;; Currently calls are allocated in the caller frame, above all locals ;; that are live at the time of the call. Therefore there is no ;; parallel move problem. We could be more clever here. (call-proc-slot cont-call-proc-slot) ;; Tail calls, multiple-value returns, and jumps to continuations with ;; multiple arguments are forms of parallel assignment. A ;; $parallel-move represents a specific solution to the parallel ;; assignment problem, with an ordered list of (SRC . DST) moves. This ;; may involve a temporary variable. ;; ;; ((src . dst) ...) (parallel-moves cont-parallel-moves)) (define (find-first-zero n) ;; Naive implementation. (let lp ((slot 0)) (if (logbit? slot n) (lp (1+ slot)) slot))) (define (find-first-trailing-zero n count) (let lp ((slot count)) (if (or (zero? slot) (logbit? (1- slot) n)) slot (lp (1- slot))))) (define (lookup-allocation sym allocation) (let ((res (hashq-ref allocation sym))) (unless res (error "Variable or continuation not defined" sym)) res)) (define (lookup-slot sym allocation) (match (lookup-allocation sym allocation) (($ $allocation def slot dead has-const? const) slot))) (define (lookup-constant-value sym allocation) (match (lookup-allocation sym allocation) (($ $allocation def slot dead #t const) const) (_ (error "Variable does not have constant value" sym)))) (define (lookup-maybe-constant-value sym allocation) (match (lookup-allocation sym allocation) (($ $allocation def slot dead has-const? const) (values has-const? const)))) (define (lookup-call-proc-slot k allocation) (match (lookup-allocation k allocation) (($ $cont-allocation proc-slot parallel-moves) (unless proc-slot (error "Continuation not a call" k)) proc-slot) (_ (error "Continuation not a call" k)))) (define (lookup-nlocals k allocation) (match (lookup-allocation k allocation) ((? number? nlocals) nlocals) (_ (error "Not a clause continuation" k)))) (define (lookup-parallel-moves k allocation) (match (lookup-allocation k allocation) (($ $cont-allocation proc-slot parallel-moves) (unless parallel-moves (error "Continuation does not have parallel moves" k)) parallel-moves) (_ (error "Continuation not a call" k)))) (define (solve-parallel-move src dst tmp) "Solve the parallel move problem between src and dst slot lists, which are comparable with eqv?. A tmp slot may be used." ;; This algorithm is taken from: "Tilting at windmills with Coq: ;; formal verification of a compilation algorithm for parallel moves" ;; by Laurence Rideau, Bernard Paul Serpette, and Xavier Leroy ;; (define (split-move moves reg) (let loop ((revhead '()) (tail moves)) (match tail (((and s+d (s . d)) . rest) (if (eqv? s reg) (cons d (append-reverse revhead rest)) (loop (cons s+d revhead) rest))) (_ #f)))) (define (replace-last-source reg moves) (match moves ((moves ... (s . d)) (append moves (list (cons reg d)))))) (let loop ((to-move (map cons src dst)) (being-moved '()) (moved '()) (last-source #f)) ;; 'last-source' should always be equivalent to: ;; (and (pair? being-moved) (car (last being-moved))) (match being-moved (() (match to-move (() (reverse moved)) (((and s+d (s . d)) . t1) (if (or (eqv? s d) ; idempotent (not s)) ; src is a constant and can be loaded directly (loop t1 '() moved #f) (loop t1 (list s+d) moved s))))) (((and s+d (s . d)) . b) (match (split-move to-move d) ((r . t1) (loop t1 (acons d r being-moved) moved last-source)) (#f (match b (() (loop to-move '() (cons s+d moved) #f)) (_ (if (eqv? d last-source) (loop to-move (replace-last-source tmp b) (cons s+d (acons d tmp moved)) tmp) (loop to-move b (cons s+d moved) last-source)))))))))) (define (allocate-slots fun) (define (empty-live-set) (cons #b0 '())) (define (add-live-variable sym slot live-set) (cons (logior (car live-set) (ash 1 slot)) (acons sym slot (cdr live-set)))) (define (remove-live-variable sym slot live-set) (cons (logand (car live-set) (lognot (ash 1 slot))) (acons sym #f (cdr live-set)))) (define (fold-live-set proc seed live-set) (let lp ((bits (car live-set)) (clauses (cdr live-set)) (seed seed)) (if (zero? bits) seed (match clauses (((sym . slot) . clauses) (if (and slot (logbit? slot bits)) (lp (logand bits (lognot (ash 1 slot))) clauses (proc sym slot seed)) (lp bits clauses seed))))))) (define (compute-slot live-set hint) (if (and hint (not (logbit? hint (car live-set)))) hint (find-first-zero (car live-set)))) (define (compute-call-proc-slot live-set nlocals) (+ 3 (find-first-trailing-zero (car live-set) nlocals))) (define dfg (compute-dfg fun #:global? #f)) (define allocation (make-hash-table)) (define (visit-clause clause live-set) (define nlocals (compute-slot live-set #f)) (define nargs (match clause (($ $cont _ _ ($ $kclause _ ($ $cont _ _ ($ $kargs names syms)))) (length syms)))) (define (allocate! sym k hint live-set) (match (hashq-ref allocation sym) (($ $allocation def slot dead has-const) ;; Parallel move already allocated this one. (if slot (add-live-variable sym slot live-set) live-set)) (_ (call-with-values (lambda () (find-constant-value sym dfg)) (lambda (has-const? const) (cond ((and has-const? (not (constant-needs-allocation? sym const dfg))) (hashq-set! allocation sym (make-allocation k #f '() has-const? const)) live-set) (else (let ((slot (compute-slot live-set hint))) (when (>= slot nlocals) (set! nlocals (+ slot 1))) (hashq-set! allocation sym (make-allocation k slot '() has-const? const)) (add-live-variable sym slot live-set))))))))) (define (dead sym k live-set) (match (lookup-allocation sym allocation) ((and allocation ($ $allocation def slot dead has-const? const)) (set-allocation-dead! allocation (cons k dead)) (remove-live-variable sym slot live-set)))) (define (allocate-frame! k nargs live-set) (let ((proc-slot (compute-call-proc-slot live-set nlocals))) (set! nlocals (max nlocals (+ proc-slot 1 nargs))) (hashq-set! allocation k (make-cont-allocation proc-slot (match (hashq-ref allocation k) (($ $cont-allocation #f moves) moves) (#f #f)))) live-set)) (define (parallel-move! src-k src-slots pre-live-set post-live-set dst-slots) (let* ((tmp-slot (find-first-zero (logior (car pre-live-set) (car post-live-set)))) (moves (solve-parallel-move src-slots dst-slots tmp-slot))) (when (and (>= tmp-slot nlocals) (assv tmp-slot moves)) (set! nlocals (+ tmp-slot 1))) (hashq-set! allocation src-k (make-cont-allocation (match (hashq-ref allocation src-k) (($ $cont-allocation proc-slot #f) proc-slot) (#f #f)) moves)) post-live-set)) (define (visit-cont cont label live-set) (define (maybe-kill-definition sym live-set) (if (and (lookup-slot sym allocation) (dead-after-def? sym dfg)) (dead sym label live-set) live-set)) (define (kill-conditionally-dead live-set) (if (branch? label dfg) (let ((branches (find-other-branches label dfg))) (fold-live-set (lambda (sym slot live-set) (if (and (> slot nargs) (dead-after-branch? sym label branches dfg)) (dead sym label live-set) live-set)) live-set live-set)) live-set)) (match cont (($ $kentry self tail clauses) (let ((live-set (allocate! self label 0 live-set))) (for-each (cut visit-cont <> label live-set) clauses)) live-set) (($ $kclause arity ($ $cont k src body)) (visit-cont body k live-set)) (($ $kargs names syms body) (visit-term body label (kill-conditionally-dead (fold maybe-kill-definition (fold (cut allocate! <> label #f <>) live-set syms) syms)))) (($ $ktrunc) live-set) (($ $kif) live-set))) (define (visit-term term label live-set) (match term (($ $letk conts body) (let ((live-set (visit-term body label live-set))) (for-each (match-lambda (($ $cont k src cont) (visit-cont cont k live-set))) conts)) live-set) (($ $continue k exp) (visit-exp exp label k live-set)))) (define (visit-exp exp label k live-set) (define (use sym live-set) (if (and (lookup-slot sym allocation) (dead-after-use? sym k dfg)) (dead sym k live-set) live-set)) (match exp (($ $var sym) (use sym live-set)) (($ $call proc args) (match (lookup-cont k (dfg-cont-table dfg)) (($ $ktail) (let ((tail-nlocals (1+ (length args)))) (set! nlocals (max nlocals tail-nlocals)) (parallel-move! label (map (cut lookup-slot <> allocation) (cons proc args)) live-set (fold use live-set (cons proc args)) (iota tail-nlocals)))) (($ $ktrunc arity kargs) (let* ((live-set (fold use (use proc (allocate-frame! label (length args) live-set)) args)) (proc-slot (lookup-call-proc-slot label allocation)) (dst-syms (lookup-bound-syms kargs dfg)) (nvals (length dst-syms)) (src-slots (map (cut + proc-slot 1 <>) (iota nvals))) (live-set* (fold (cut allocate! <> kargs <> <>) live-set dst-syms src-slots)) (dst-slots (map (cut lookup-slot <> allocation) dst-syms))) (parallel-move! label src-slots live-set live-set* dst-slots))) (else (fold use (use proc (allocate-frame! label (length args) live-set)) args)))) (($ $primcall name args) (fold use live-set args)) (($ $values args) (let ((live-set* (fold use live-set args))) (define (compute-dst-slots) (match (lookup-cont k (dfg-cont-table dfg)) (($ $ktail) (let ((tail-nlocals (1+ (length args)))) (set! nlocals (max nlocals tail-nlocals)) (cdr (iota tail-nlocals)))) (_ (let* ((src-slots (map (cut lookup-slot <> allocation) args)) (dst-syms (lookup-bound-syms k dfg)) (dst-live-set (fold (cut allocate! <> k <> <>) live-set* dst-syms src-slots))) (map (cut lookup-slot <> allocation) dst-syms))))) (parallel-move! label (map (cut lookup-slot <> allocation) args) live-set live-set* (compute-dst-slots)))) (($ $prompt escape? tag handler) (use tag live-set)) (_ live-set))) (match clause (($ $cont k _ body) (visit-cont body k live-set) (hashq-set! allocation k nlocals)))) (match fun (($ $fun meta free ($ $cont k _ ($ $kentry self tail clauses))) (let ((live-set (add-live-variable self 0 (empty-live-set)))) (hashq-set! allocation self (make-allocation k 0 '() #f #f)) (for-each (cut visit-clause <> live-set) clauses) allocation))))