;;;; Occam-like channels ;;; Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;; ;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;; version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA (define-module (ice-9 occam-channel) #:use-syntax (ice-9 syncase) #:use-module (oop goops) #:use-module (ice-9 threads) #:export-syntax (alt ;; macro use: oc:lock oc:unlock oc:consequence oc:immediate-dispatch oc:late-dispatch oc:first-channel oc:set-handshake-channel oc:unset-handshake-channel) #:export (make-channel ? ! make-timer ;; macro use: handshake-channel mutex sender-waiting? immediate-receive late-receive ) ) (define no-data '(no-data)) (define receiver-waiting '(receiver-waiting)) (define-class ()) (define-class () (handshake-channel #:accessor handshake-channel) (data #:accessor data #:init-value no-data) (cv #:accessor cv #:init-form (make-condition-variable)) (mutex #:accessor mutex #:init-form (make-mutex))) (define-method (initialize (ch ) initargs) (next-method) (set! (handshake-channel ch) ch)) (define-method (make-channel) (make )) (define-method (sender-waiting? (ch )) (not (eq? (data ch) no-data))) (define-method (receiver-waiting? (ch )) (eq? (data ch) receiver-waiting)) (define-method (immediate-receive (ch )) (signal-condition-variable (cv ch)) (let ((res (data ch))) (set! (data ch) no-data) res)) (define-method (late-receive (ch )) (let ((res (data ch))) (set! (data ch) no-data) res)) (define-method (? (ch )) (lock-mutex (mutex ch)) (let ((res (cond ((receiver-waiting? ch) (unlock-mutex (mutex ch)) (scm-error 'misc-error '? "another process is already receiving on ~A" (list ch) #f)) ((sender-waiting? ch) (immediate-receive ch)) (else (set! (data ch) receiver-waiting) (wait-condition-variable (cv ch) (mutex ch)) (late-receive ch))))) (unlock-mutex (mutex ch)) res)) (define-method (! (ch )) (! ch *unspecified*)) (define-method (! (ch ) (x )) (lock-mutex (mutex (handshake-channel ch))) (cond ((receiver-waiting? ch) (set! (data ch) x) (signal-condition-variable (cv (handshake-channel ch)))) ((sender-waiting? ch) (unlock-mutex (mutex (handshake-channel ch))) (scm-error 'misc-error '! "another process is already sending on ~A" (list ch) #f)) (else (set! (data ch) x) (wait-condition-variable (cv ch) (mutex ch)))) (unlock-mutex (mutex (handshake-channel ch)))) ;;; Add protocols? (define-class () (port #:accessor port #:init-keyword #:port)) (define-method (make-channel (port )) (make #:port port)) (define-method (? (ch )) (read (port ch))) (define-method (! (ch )) (write (port ch))) (define-class ()) (define the-timer (make )) (define timer-cv (make-condition-variable)) (define timer-mutex (make-mutex)) (define (make-timer) the-timer) (define (timeofday->us t) (+ (* 1000000 (car t)) (cdr t))) (define (us->timeofday n) (cons (quotient n 1000000) (remainder n 1000000))) (define-method (? (ch )) (timeofday->us (gettimeofday))) (define-method (? (ch ) (t )) (lock-mutex timer-mutex) (wait-condition-variable timer-cv timer-mutex (us->timeofday t)) (unlock-mutex timer-mutex)) ;;; (alt CLAUSE ...) ;;; ;;; CLAUSE ::= ((? CH) FORM ...) ;;; | (EXP (? CH) FORM ...) ;;; | (EXP FORM ...) ;;; ;;; where FORM ... can be => (lambda (x) ...) ;;; ;;; *fixme* Currently only handles :s ;;; (define-syntax oc:lock (syntax-rules (?) ((_ ((? ch) form ...)) (lock-mutex (mutex ch))) ((_ (exp (? ch) form ...)) (lock-mutex (mutex ch))) ((_ (exp form ...)) #f))) (define-syntax oc:unlock (syntax-rules (?) ((_ ((? ch) form ...)) (unlock-mutex (mutex ch))) ((_ (exp (? ch) form ...)) (unlock-mutex (mutex ch))) ((_ (exp form ...)) #f))) (define-syntax oc:consequence (syntax-rules (=>) ((_ data) data) ((_ data => (lambda (x) e1 e2 ...)) (let ((x data)) e1 e2 ...)) ((_ data e1 e2 ...) (begin data e1 e2 ...)))) (define-syntax oc:immediate-dispatch (syntax-rules (?) ((_ ((? ch) e1 ...)) ((sender-waiting? ch) (oc:consequence (immediate-receive ch) e1 ...))) ((_ (exp (? ch) e1 ...)) ((and exp (sender-waiting? ch)) (oc:consequence (immediate-receive ch) e1 ...))) ((_ (exp e1 ...)) (exp e1 ...)))) (define-syntax oc:late-dispatch (syntax-rules (?) ((_ ((? ch) e1 ...)) ((sender-waiting? ch) (oc:consequence (late-receive ch) e1 ...))) ((_ (exp (? ch) e1 ...)) ((and exp (sender-waiting? ch)) (oc:consequence (late-receive ch) e1 ...))) ((_ (exp e1 ...)) (#f)))) (define-syntax oc:first-channel (syntax-rules (?) ((_ ((? ch) e1 ...) c2 ...) ch) ((_ (exp (? ch) e1 ...) c2 ...) ch) ((_ c1 c2 ...) (first-channel c2 ...)))) (define-syntax oc:set-handshake-channel (syntax-rules (?) ((_ ((? ch) e1 ...) handshake) (set! (handshake-channel ch) handshake)) ((_ (exp (? ch) e1 ...) handshake) (and exp (set! (handshake-channel ch) handshake))) ((_ (exp e1 ...) handshake) #f))) (define-syntax oc:unset-handshake-channel (syntax-rules (?) ((_ ((? ch) e1 ...)) (set! (handshake-channel ch) ch)) ((_ (exp (? ch) e1 ...)) (and exp (set! (handshake-channel ch) ch))) ((_ (exp e1 ...)) #f))) (define-syntax alt (lambda (x) (define (else-clause? x) (syntax-case x (else) ((_) #f) ((_ (else e1 e2 ...)) #t) ((_ c1 c2 ...) (else-clause? (syntax (_ c2 ...)))))) (syntax-case x (else) ((_ c1 c2 ...) (else-clause? x) (syntax (begin (oc:lock c1) (oc:lock c2) ... (let ((res (cond (oc:immediate-dispatch c1) (oc:immediate-dispatch c2) ...))) (oc:unlock c1) (oc:unlock c2) ... res)))) ((_ c1 c2 ...) (syntax (begin (oc:lock c1) (oc:lock c2) ... (let ((res (cond (oc:immediate-dispatch c1) (oc:immediate-dispatch c2) ... (else (let ((ch (oc:first-channel c1 c2 ...))) (oc:set-handshake-channel c1 ch) (oc:set-handshake-channel c2 ch) ... (wait-condition-variable (cv ch) (mutex ch)) (oc:unset-handshake-channel c1) (oc:unset-handshake-channel c2) ... (cond (oc:late-dispatch c1) (oc:late-dispatch c2) ...)))))) (oc:unlock c1) (oc:unlock c2) ... res)))))))