This directory contains some tests for Guile, and some generic test support code. To run these tests, you will need a version of Guile more recent than 15 Feb 1999 --- the tests use the (ice-9 and-let*) and (ice-9 getopt-long) modules, which were added to Guile around then. Right now, we only have tests for I/O ports. To run the test suite, you'll need to: - edit the path to the guile interpreter in `guile-test', and - edit the paths in `paths.scm', so `guile-test' can find the test scripts. Once that's done, you can just run the `guile-test' script. That script has usage instructions in the comments at the top. You can reference the file `lib.scm' from your own code as the module (test-suite lib); it also has comments at the top and before each function explaining what's going on. Please write more Guile tests, and send them to We'll merge them into the distribution. All test suites must be licensed for our use under the GPL, but I don't think I'm going to collect assignment papers for them.