;;;; optargs.scm -- support for optional arguments ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;;; ;;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;;;; any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;;; along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to ;;;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, ;;;; Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ;;;; ;;;; Contributed by Maciej Stachowiak ;;; Commentary: ;;; {Optional Arguments} ;;; ;;; The C interface for creating Guile procedures has a very handy ;;; "optional argument" feature. This module attempts to provide ;;; similar functionality for procedures defined in Scheme with ;;; a convenient and attractive syntax. ;;; ;;; exported macros are: ;;; let-optional ;;; let-optional* ;;; let-keywords ;;; let-keywords* ;;; lambda* ;;; define* ;;; define*-public ;;; defmacro* ;;; defmacro*-public ;;; ;;; ;;; Summary of the lambda* extended parameter list syntax (brackets ;;; are used to indicate grouping only): ;;; ;;; ext-param-list ::= [identifier]* [#:optional [ext-var-decl]+]? ;;; [#:key [ext-var-decl]+ [#:allow-other-keys]?]? ;;; [[#:rest identifier]|[. identifier]]? ;;; ;;; ext-var-decl ::= identifier | ( identifier expression ) ;;; ;;; The characters `*', `+' and `?' are not to be taken literally; they ;;; mean respectively, zero or more occurences, one or more occurences, ;;; and one or zero occurences. ;;; ;;; Code: (define-module (ice-9 optargs)) ;; let-optional rest-arg (binding ...) . body ;; let-optional* rest-arg (binding ...) . body ;; macros used to bind optional arguments ;; ;; These two macros give you an optional argument interface that is ;; very "Schemey" and introduces no fancy syntax. They are compatible ;; with the scsh macros of the same name, but are slightly ;; extended. Each of binding may be of one of the forms or ;; ( ). rest-arg should be the rest-argument of ;; the procedures these are used from. The items in rest-arg are ;; sequentially bound to the variable namess are given. When rest-arg ;; runs out, the remaining vars are bound either to the default values ;; or to `#f' if no default value was specified. rest-arg remains ;; bound to whatever may have been left of rest-arg. ;; (defmacro-public let-optional (REST-ARG BINDINGS . BODY) (let-optional-template REST-ARG BINDINGS BODY 'let)) (defmacro-public let-optional* (REST-ARG BINDINGS . BODY) (let-optional-template REST-ARG BINDINGS BODY 'let*)) ;; let-keywords rest-arg allow-other-keys? (binding ...) . body ;; let-keywords* rest-arg allow-other-keys? (binding ...) . body ;; macros used to bind keyword arguments ;; ;; These macros pick out keyword arguments from rest-arg, but do not ;; modify it. This is consistent at least with Common Lisp, which ;; duplicates keyword args in the rest arg. More explanation of what ;; keyword arguments in a lambda list look like can be found below in ;; the documentation for lambda*. Bindings can have the same form as ;; for let-optional. If allow-other-keys? is false, an error will be ;; thrown if anything that looks like a keyword argument but does not ;; match a known keyword parameter will result in an error. ;; (defmacro-public let-keywords (REST-ARG ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS? BINDINGS . BODY) (let-keywords-template REST-ARG ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS? BINDINGS BODY 'let)) (defmacro-public let-keywords* (REST-ARG ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS? BINDINGS . BODY) (let-keywords-template REST-ARG ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS? BINDINGS BODY 'let*)) ;; some utility procedures for implementing the various let-forms. (define (let-o-k-template REST-ARG BINDINGS BODY let-type proc) (let ((bindings (map (lambda (x) (if (list? x) x (list x #f))) BINDINGS))) `(,let-type ,(map proc bindings) ,@BODY))) (define (let-optional-template REST-ARG BINDINGS BODY let-type) (if (null? BINDINGS) `(begin ,@BODY) (let-o-k-template REST-ARG BINDINGS BODY let-type (lambda (optional) `(,(car optional) (cond ((not (null? ,REST-ARG)) (let ((result (car ,REST-ARG))) ,(list 'set! REST-ARG `(cdr ,REST-ARG)) result)) (else ,(cadr optional)))))))) (define (let-keywords-template REST-ARG ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS? BINDINGS BODY let-type) (if (null? BINDINGS) `(begin ,@BODY) (let* ((kb-list-gensym (gensym "kb:G")) (bindfilter (lambda (key) `(,(car key) (cond ((assq ',(car key) ,kb-list-gensym) => cdr) (else ,(cadr key))))))) `(let* ((ra->kbl ,rest-arg->keyword-binding-list) (,kb-list-gensym (ra->kbl ,REST-ARG ',(map (lambda (x) (symbol->keyword (if (pair? x) (car x) x))) BINDINGS) ,ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS?))) ,(let-o-k-template REST-ARG BINDINGS BODY let-type bindfilter))))) (define (rest-arg->keyword-binding-list rest-arg keywords allow-other-keys?) (if (null? rest-arg) '() (let loop ((first (car rest-arg)) (rest (cdr rest-arg)) (accum '())) (let ((next (lambda (a) (if (null? (cdr rest)) a (loop (cadr rest) (cddr rest) a))))) (if (keyword? first) (cond ((memq first keywords) (if (null? rest) (error "Keyword argument has no value.") (next (cons (cons (keyword->symbol first) (car rest)) accum)))) ((not allow-other-keys?) (error "Unknown keyword in arguments.")) (else (if (null? rest) accum (next accum)))) (if (null? rest) accum (loop (car rest) (cdr rest) accum))))))) ;; This is a reader extension to support the (deprecated) use of ;; "#&optional" instead of "#:optional" (read-hash-extend #\& (lambda (c port) (display "WARNING: `#&' is deprecated, use `#:' instead\n" (current-error-port)) (case (read port) ((optional) #:optional) ((key) #:key) ((rest) #:rest) ((allow-other-keys) #:allow-other-keys) (else (error "Bad #& value."))))) ;; lambda* args . body ;; lambda extended for optional and keyword arguments ;; ;; lambda* creates a procedure that takes optional arguments. These ;; are specified by putting them inside brackets at the end of the ;; paramater list, but before any dotted rest argument. For example, ;; (lambda* (a b #:optional c d . e) '()) ;; creates a procedure with fixed arguments a and b, optional arguments c ;; and d, and rest argument e. If the optional arguments are omitted ;; in a call, the variables for them are bound to `#f'. ;; ;; lambda* can also take keyword arguments. For example, a procedure ;; defined like this: ;; (lambda* (#:key xyzzy larch) '()) ;; can be called with any of the argument lists (#:xyzzy 11) ;; (#:larch 13) (#:larch 42 #:xyzzy 19) (). Whichever arguments ;; are given as keywords are bound to values. ;; ;; Optional and keyword arguments can also be given default values ;; which they take on when they are not present in a call, by giving a ;; two-item list in place of an optional argument, for example in: ;; (lambda* (foo #:optional (bar 42) #:key (baz 73)) (list foo bar baz)) ;; foo is a fixed argument, bar is an optional argument with default ;; value 42, and baz is a keyword argument with default value 73. ;; Default value expressions are not evaluated unless they are needed ;; and until the procedure is called. ;; ;; lambda* now supports two more special parameter list keywords. ;; ;; lambda*-defined procedures now throw an error by default if a ;; keyword other than one of those specified is found in the actual ;; passed arguments. However, specifying #:allow-other-keys ;; immediately after the keyword argument declarations restores the ;; previous behavior of ignoring unknown keywords. lambda* also now ;; guarantees that if the same keyword is passed more than once, the ;; last one passed is the one that takes effect. For example, ;; ((lambda* (#:key (heads 0) (tails 0)) (display (list heads tails))) ;; #:heads 37 #:tails 42 #:heads 99) ;; would result in (99 47) being displayed. ;; ;; #:rest is also now provided as a synonym for the dotted syntax rest ;; argument. The argument lists (a . b) and (a #:rest b) are equivalent in ;; all respects to lambda*. This is provided for more similarity to DSSSL, ;; MIT-Scheme and Kawa among others, as well as for refugees from other ;; Lisp dialects. (defmacro-public lambda* (ARGLIST . BODY) (parse-arglist ARGLIST (lambda (non-optional-args optionals keys aok? rest-arg) ; Check for syntax errors. (if (not (every? symbol? non-optional-args)) (error "Syntax error in fixed argument declaration.")) (if (not (every? ext-decl? optionals)) (error "Syntax error in optional argument declaration.")) (if (not (every? ext-decl? keys)) (error "Syntax error in keyword argument declaration.")) (if (not (or (symbol? rest-arg) (eq? #f rest-arg))) (error "Syntax error in rest argument declaration.")) ;; generate the code. (let ((rest-gensym (or rest-arg (gensym "lambda*:G")))) (if (not (and (null? optionals) (null? keys))) `(lambda (,@non-optional-args . ,rest-gensym) ;; Make sure that if the proc had a docstring, we put it ;; here where it will be visible. ,@(if (and (not (null? BODY)) (string? (car BODY))) (list (car BODY)) '()) (let-optional* ,rest-gensym ,optionals (let-keywords* ,rest-gensym ,aok? ,keys ,@(if (and (not rest-arg) (null? keys)) `((if (not (null? ,rest-gensym)) (error "Too many arguments."))) '()) ,@BODY))) `(lambda (,@non-optional-args . ,(if rest-arg rest-arg '())) ,@BODY)))))) (define (every? pred lst) (or (null? lst) (and (pred (car lst)) (every? pred (cdr lst))))) (define (ext-decl? obj) (or (symbol? obj) (and (list? obj) (= 2 (length obj)) (symbol? (car obj))))) (define (parse-arglist arglist cont) (define (split-list-at val lst cont) (cond ((memq val lst) => (lambda (pos) (if (memq val (cdr pos)) (error (with-output-to-string (lambda () (map display `(,val " specified more than once in argument list."))))) (cont (reverse (cdr (memq val (reverse lst)))) (cdr pos) #t)))) (else (cont lst '() #f)))) (define (parse-opt-and-fixed arglist keys aok? rest cont) (split-list-at #:optional arglist (lambda (before after split?) (if (and split? (null? after)) (error "#:optional specified but no optional arguments declared.") (cont before after keys aok? rest))))) (define (parse-keys arglist rest cont) (split-list-at #:allow-other-keys arglist (lambda (aok-before aok-after aok-split?) (if (and aok-split? (not (null? aok-after))) (error "#:allow-other-keys not at end of keyword argument declarations.") (split-list-at #:key aok-before (lambda (key-before key-after key-split?) (cond ((and aok-split? (not key-split?)) (error "#:allow-other-keys specified but no keyword arguments declared.")) (key-split? (cond ((null? key-after) (error "#:key specified but no keyword arguments declared.")) ((memq #:optional key-after) (error "#:optional arguments declared after #:key arguments.")) (else (parse-opt-and-fixed key-before key-after aok-split? rest cont)))) (else (parse-opt-and-fixed arglist '() #f rest cont))))))))) (define (parse-rest arglist cont) (cond ((null? arglist) (cont '() '() '() #f #f)) ((not (pair? arglist)) (cont '() '() '() #f arglist)) ((not (list? arglist)) (let* ((copy (list-copy arglist)) (lp (last-pair copy)) (ra (cdr lp))) (set-cdr! lp '()) (if (memq #:rest copy) (error "Cannot specify both #:rest and dotted rest argument.") (parse-keys copy ra cont)))) (else (split-list-at #:rest arglist (lambda (before after split?) (if split? (case (length after) ((0) (error "#:rest not followed by argument.")) ((1) (parse-keys before (car after) cont)) (else (error "#:rest argument must be declared last."))) (parse-keys before #f cont))))))) (parse-rest arglist cont)) ;; define* args . body ;; define*-public args . body ;; define and define-public extended for optional and keyword arguments ;; ;; define* and define*-public support optional arguments with ;; a similar syntax to lambda*. They also support arbitrary-depth ;; currying, just like Guile's define. Some examples: ;; (define* (x y #:optional a (z 3) #:key w . u) (display (list y z u))) ;; defines a procedure x with a fixed argument y, an optional agument ;; a, another optional argument z with default value 3, a keyword argument w, ;; and a rest argument u. ;; (define-public* ((foo #:optional bar) #:optional baz) '()) ;; This illustrates currying. A procedure foo is defined, which, ;; when called with an optional argument bar, returns a procedure that ;; takes an optional argument baz. ;; ;; Of course, define*[-public] also supports #:rest and #:allow-other-keys ;; in the same way as lambda*. (defmacro-public define* (ARGLIST . BODY) (define*-guts 'define ARGLIST BODY)) (defmacro-public define*-public (ARGLIST . BODY) (define*-guts 'define-public ARGLIST BODY)) ;; The guts of define* and define*-public. (define (define*-guts DT ARGLIST BODY) (define (nest-lambda*s arglists) (if (null? arglists) BODY `((lambda* ,(car arglists) ,@(nest-lambda*s (cdr arglists)))))) (define (define*-guts-helper ARGLIST arglists) (let ((first (car ARGLIST)) (al (cons (cdr ARGLIST) arglists))) (if (symbol? first) `(,DT ,first ,@(nest-lambda*s al)) (define*-guts-helper first al)))) (if (symbol? ARGLIST) `(,DT ,ARGLIST ,@BODY) (define*-guts-helper ARGLIST '()))) ;; defmacro* name args . body ;; defmacro*-public args . body ;; defmacro and defmacro-public extended for optional and keyword arguments ;; ;; These are just like defmacro and defmacro-public except that they ;; take lambda*-style extended paramter lists, where #:optional, ;; #:key, #:allow-other-keys and #:rest are allowed with the usual ;; semantics. Here is an example of a macro with an optional argument: ;; (defmacro* transmorgify (a #:optional b) (defmacro-public defmacro* (NAME ARGLIST . BODY) (defmacro*-guts 'define NAME ARGLIST BODY)) (defmacro-public defmacro*-public (NAME ARGLIST . BODY) (defmacro*-guts 'define-public NAME ARGLIST BODY)) ;; The guts of defmacro* and defmacro*-public (define (defmacro*-guts DT NAME ARGLIST BODY) `(,DT ,NAME (,(lambda (transformer) (defmacro:transformer transformer)) (lambda* ,ARGLIST ,@BODY)))) ;;; optargs.scm ends here