;;;; -*-scheme-*- ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;;; ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;;; version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;;;; (define-module (ice-9 pretty-print) :use-module (ice-9 optargs) :export (pretty-print)) ;; From SLIB. ;;"genwrite.scm" generic write used by pretty-print and truncated-print. ;; Copyright (c) 1991, Marc Feeley ;; Author: Marc Feeley (feeley@iro.umontreal.ca) ;; Distribution restrictions: none (define genwrite:newline-str (make-string 1 #\newline)) (define (generic-write obj display? width per-line-prefix output) (define (read-macro? l) (define (length1? l) (and (pair? l) (null? (cdr l)))) (let ((head (car l)) (tail (cdr l))) (case head ((quote quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing) (length1? tail)) (else #f)))) (define (read-macro-body l) (cadr l)) (define (read-macro-prefix l) (let ((head (car l))) (case head ((quote) "'") ((quasiquote) "`") ((unquote) ",") ((unquote-splicing) ",@")))) (define (out str col) (and col (output str) (+ col (string-length str)))) (define (wr obj col) (cond ((and (pair? obj) (read-macro? obj)) (wr (read-macro-body obj) (out (read-macro-prefix obj) col))) (else (out (object->string obj (if display? display write)) col)))) (define (pp obj col) (define (spaces n col) (if (> n 0) (if (> n 7) (spaces (- n 8) (out " " col)) (out (substring " " 0 n) col)) col)) (define (indent to col) (and col (if (< to col) (and (out genwrite:newline-str col) (out per-line-prefix 0) (spaces to 0)) (spaces (- to col) col)))) (define (pr obj col extra pp-pair) (if (or (pair? obj) (vector? obj)) ; may have to split on multiple lines (let ((result '()) (left (min (+ (- (- width col) extra) 1) max-expr-width))) (generic-write obj display? #f "" (lambda (str) (set! result (cons str result)) (set! left (- left (string-length str))) (> left 0))) (if (> left 0) ; all can be printed on one line (out (reverse-string-append result) col) (if (pair? obj) (pp-pair obj col extra) (pp-list (vector->list obj) (out "#" col) extra pp-expr)))) (wr obj col))) (define (pp-expr expr col extra) (if (read-macro? expr) (pr (read-macro-body expr) (out (read-macro-prefix expr) col) extra pp-expr) (let ((head (car expr))) (if (symbol? head) (let ((proc (style head))) (if proc (proc expr col extra) (if (> (string-length (symbol->string head)) max-call-head-width) (pp-general expr col extra #f #f #f pp-expr) (pp-call expr col extra pp-expr)))) (pp-list expr col extra pp-expr))))) ; (head item1 ; item2 ; item3) (define (pp-call expr col extra pp-item) (let ((col* (wr (car expr) (out "(" col)))) (and col (pp-down (cdr expr) col* (+ col* 1) extra pp-item)))) ; (item1 ; item2 ; item3) (define (pp-list l col extra pp-item) (let ((col (out "(" col))) (pp-down l col col extra pp-item))) (define (pp-down l col1 col2 extra pp-item) (let loop ((l l) (col col1)) (and col (cond ((pair? l) (let ((rest (cdr l))) (let ((extra (if (null? rest) (+ extra 1) 0))) (loop rest (pr (car l) (indent col2 col) extra pp-item))))) ((null? l) (out ")" col)) (else (out ")" (pr l (indent col2 (out "." (indent col2 col))) (+ extra 1) pp-item))))))) (define (pp-general expr col extra named? pp-1 pp-2 pp-3) (define (tail1 rest col1 col2 col3) (if (and pp-1 (pair? rest)) (let* ((val1 (car rest)) (rest (cdr rest)) (extra (if (null? rest) (+ extra 1) 0))) (tail2 rest col1 (pr val1 (indent col3 col2) extra pp-1) col3)) (tail2 rest col1 col2 col3))) (define (tail2 rest col1 col2 col3) (if (and pp-2 (pair? rest)) (let* ((val1 (car rest)) (rest (cdr rest)) (extra (if (null? rest) (+ extra 1) 0))) (tail3 rest col1 (pr val1 (indent col3 col2) extra pp-2))) (tail3 rest col1 col2))) (define (tail3 rest col1 col2) (pp-down rest col2 col1 extra pp-3)) (let* ((head (car expr)) (rest (cdr expr)) (col* (wr head (out "(" col)))) (if (and named? (pair? rest)) (let* ((name (car rest)) (rest (cdr rest)) (col** (wr name (out " " col*)))) (tail1 rest (+ col indent-general) col** (+ col** 1))) (tail1 rest (+ col indent-general) col* (+ col* 1))))) (define (pp-expr-list l col extra) (pp-list l col extra pp-expr)) (define (pp-LAMBDA expr col extra) (pp-general expr col extra #f pp-expr-list #f pp-expr)) (define (pp-IF expr col extra) (pp-general expr col extra #f pp-expr #f pp-expr)) (define (pp-COND expr col extra) (pp-call expr col extra pp-expr-list)) (define (pp-CASE expr col extra) (pp-general expr col extra #f pp-expr #f pp-expr-list)) (define (pp-AND expr col extra) (pp-call expr col extra pp-expr)) (define (pp-LET expr col extra) (let* ((rest (cdr expr)) (named? (and (pair? rest) (symbol? (car rest))))) (pp-general expr col extra named? pp-expr-list #f pp-expr))) (define (pp-BEGIN expr col extra) (pp-general expr col extra #f #f #f pp-expr)) (define (pp-DO expr col extra) (pp-general expr col extra #f pp-expr-list pp-expr-list pp-expr)) ; define formatting style (change these to suit your style) (define indent-general 2) (define max-call-head-width 5) (define max-expr-width 50) (define (style head) (case head ((lambda let* letrec define) pp-LAMBDA) ((if set!) pp-IF) ((cond) pp-COND) ((case) pp-CASE) ((and or) pp-AND) ((let) pp-LET) ((begin) pp-BEGIN) ((do) pp-DO) (else #f))) (pr obj col 0 pp-expr)) (out per-line-prefix 0) (if width (out genwrite:newline-str (pp obj 0)) (wr obj 0)) ;; Return `unspecified' (if #f #f)) ; (reverse-string-append l) = (apply string-append (reverse l)) (define (reverse-string-append l) (define (rev-string-append l i) (if (pair? l) (let* ((str (car l)) (len (string-length str)) (result (rev-string-append (cdr l) (+ i len)))) (let loop ((j 0) (k (- (- (string-length result) i) len))) (if (< j len) (begin (string-set! result k (string-ref str j)) (loop (+ j 1) (+ k 1))) result))) (make-string i))) (rev-string-append l 0)) (define (pretty-print obj . opts) "Pretty-print OBJ on PORT, which is a keyword argument defaulting to the current output port. Formatting can be controlled by a number of keyword arguments: Each line in the output is preceded by the string PER-LINE-PREFIX, which is empty by default. The output lines will be at most WIDTH characters wide; the default is 79. If DISPLAY? is true, display rather than write representation will be used. Instead of with a keyword argument, you can also specify the output port directly after OBJ, like (pretty-print OBJ PORT)." (if (pair? opts) (if (keyword? (car opts)) (apply pretty-print-with-keys obj opts) (apply pretty-print-with-keys obj #:port (car opts) (cdr opts))) (pretty-print-with-keys obj))) (define* (pretty-print-with-keys obj #:key (port (current-output-port)) (width 79) (display? #f) (per-line-prefix "")) (generic-write obj display? (- width (string-length per-line-prefix)) per-line-prefix (lambda (s) (display s port) #t)))