Guile-doc NEWS --- history of user-visible changes. -*- text -*- Copyright (C) 1997, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. See the end for copying conditions. Changes since Guile 1.3.4: * It's now possible to build HTML documentation as well as Info The guile-doc distribution now supports building HTML versions of the Guile tutorial and reference manual, in addition to the standard Info documentation. To enable this, include the `--enable-html' option when you run `./configure': ./configure --enable-html HTML documentation is installed in $(prefix)/html/guile-$(VERSION). Changes since Guile 1.0 (Sun 5 Jan 1997): * The current documentation approach, recommended by Jim Blandy, is to have: (*) a tutorial with the pedagogical style of guile-user, and a non-dry reference manual in the style of the most excellent GNU libc reference manual: the reference manual should be complete, but at the same time it should have an introductory screen for each major topic, which can be referenced if the user goes "up" a level in the info documentation. Copyright information: Copyright (C) 1996,1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute verbatim copies of this document as received, in any medium, provided that the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved, thus giving the recipient permission to redistribute in turn. Permission is granted to distribute modified versions of this document, or of portions of it, under the above conditions, provided also that they carry prominent notices stating who last changed them.