open Common (*****************************************************************************) (* coded for LFS *) (* todo: could take an incr/decr func in param, to make it generic * opti: remember the min/max (optimisation to have intersect biggest x -> x) * opti: avoid all those rev, and avoid the intervise * (but yes the algo are then more complex :) * opti: balanced set intervalle *) (*****************************************************************************) type seti = elt list (* last elements is in first pos, ordered reverse *) and elt = Exact of int | Interv of int * int (* invariant= ordered list, no incoherent interv (one elem or zero elem), * merged (intervalle are separated) *) let invariant xs = let rec aux min xs = xs +> List.fold_left (fun min e -> match e with | Exact i -> if i <= min then pr2 (sprintf "i = %d, min = %d" i min); (* todo: should be even stronger, shoud be i > min+1 *) assert (i > min); i | Interv (i,j) -> assert (i > min); assert (j > i); j ) min in ignore(aux min_int (List.rev xs)); () let string_of_seti xs = "[" ^ join "," (xs +> List.rev +> map (function | (Exact i) -> string_of_int i | (Interv (i,j)) -> Printf.sprintf "%d - %d" i j)) ^ "]" (*****************************************************************************) let empty = [] let pack newi j = function | [] -> [Interv (newi,j)] | (Exact z)::xs -> (Interv (newi, j))::(if newi =|= z then xs else (Exact z)::xs) | (Interv (i', j'))::xs -> if newi =|= j' then (Interv (i', j))::xs (* merge *) else (Interv (newi, j))::(Interv (i', j'))::xs (* the only possible merges are when x = i-1, otherwise, the job is done before *) let rec (add2: int -> seti -> seti) = fun x -> function | [] -> [Exact x] | (Exact i)::xs when x > i+1 -> (Exact x)::(Exact i)::xs | (Interv (i,j)::xs) when x > j+1 -> (Exact x)::(Interv (i,j))::xs | (Interv (i,j)::xs) when x =|= j+1 -> (Interv (i,x))::xs | (Exact i)::xs when x =|= i+1 -> (Interv (i,x))::xs | (Exact i)::xs when i =|= x -> (Exact i)::xs | (Interv (i,j)::xs) when x <= j && x >= i -> (Interv (i,j))::xs | other -> (* let _ = log "Cache miss" in *) let _ = count2 () in (match other with | (Exact i)::xs when x =|= i-1 -> pack x i xs | (Exact i)::xs when x < i-1 -> (Exact i)::add x xs | (Interv (i,j)::xs) when x =|= i-1 -> pack x j xs | (Interv (i,j)::xs) when x < i-1 -> (Interv (i,j))::add x xs | _ -> raise Impossible ) and add x y = let _ = count5 () in add2 x y let rec tolist2 = function | [] -> [] | (Exact i)::xs -> i::tolist2 xs | (Interv (i,j))::xs -> enum i j @ tolist2 xs let rec tolist xs = List.rev (tolist2 xs) let rec fromlist = function xs -> List.fold_left (fun a e -> add e a) empty xs let intervise = function | Exact x -> Interv (x,x) | y -> y let exactize = function | Interv (i,j) when i =|= j -> Exact i | y -> y let exactize2 x y = if x =|= y then Exact x else Interv (x,y) let rec (remove: int -> seti -> seti) = fun x xs -> match xs with | [] -> [] (* pb, not in *) | (Exact z)::zs -> (match x <=> z with | Equal -> zs | Sup -> xs (* pb, not in *) | Inf -> (Exact z)::remove x zs ) | (Interv (i,j)::zs) -> if x > j then xs (* pb not in *) else if x >= i && x <= j then ( let _ = assert (j > i) in (* otherwise can lead to construct seti such as [7,6] when removing 6 from [6,6] *) match () with | _ when x =|= i -> [exactize2 (i+1) j] | _ when x =|= j -> [exactize2 i (j-1)] | _ -> [exactize2 (x+1) j; exactize2 i (x-1)] ) @ zs else (Interv (i,j))::remove x zs (* let _ = Example (remove 635 [Interv (3, 635)] = [Interv (3, 634)]) *) (* let _ = Example (remove 2 [Interv (6, 7); Interv(1,4)] = [Interv (6,7); Interv (3,4); Exact 1]) *) (* let _ = Example (remove 6 [Interv (6, 7); Interv(1,4)] = [Exact 7; Interv (1,4)]) *) (* let _ = Example (remove 1 [Interv (6, 7); Interv(1,2)] = [Interv (6,7); Exact 2]) *) (* let _ = Example (remove 3 [Interv (1, 7)] = [Interv (4,7); Interv (1,2)]) *) let _ = assert_equal (remove 3 [Interv (1, 7)]) [Interv (4,7); Interv (1,2)] let _ = assert_equal (remove 4 [Interv (3, 4)]) [Exact (3);] (* let _ = example (try (ignore(remove 6 [Interv (6, 6)] = []); false) with _ -> true) *) let rec mem e = function | [] -> false | (Exact x)::xs -> (match e <=> x with | Equal -> true | Sup -> false | Inf -> mem e xs ) | (Interv (i,j)::xs) -> if e > j then false else if e >= i && e <= j then true else mem e xs let iter f xs = xs +> List.iter (function | Exact i -> f i | Interv (i, j) -> for k = i to j do f k done ) let is_empty xs = xs =*= [] let choose = function | [] -> failwith "not supposed to be called with empty set" | (Exact i)::xs -> i | (Interv (i,j))::xs -> i let elements xs = tolist xs let rec cardinal = function | [] -> 0 | (Exact _)::xs -> 1+cardinal xs | (Interv (i,j)::xs) -> (j-i) +1 + cardinal xs (*****************************************************************************) (* TODO: could return corresponding osetb ? *) let rec inter xs ys = let rec aux = fun xs ys -> match (xs, ys) with | (_, []) -> [] | ([],_) -> [] | (x::xs, y::ys) -> (match (x, y) with | (Interv (i1, j1), Interv (i2, j2)) -> (match i1 <=> i2 with | Equal -> (match j1 <=> j2 with | Equal -> (Interv (i1,j1))::aux xs ys (* [ ] *) (* [ ] *) | Inf -> (Interv (i1, j1))::aux xs ((Interv (j1+1, j2))::ys) (* [ ] [ TODO? could have [ so cant englobe right now, but would be better *) (* [ ] *) | Sup -> (Interv (i1, j2))::aux ((Interv (j2+1, j1))::xs) ys (* [ ] *) (* [ ] [ same *) ) | Inf -> if j1 < i2 then aux xs (y::ys) (* need order ? *) (* [ ] *) (* [ ] *) else (match j1 <=> j2 with | Equal -> (Interv (i2, j1))::aux xs ys (* [ ] *) (* [ ] *) | Inf -> (Interv (i2, j1))::aux xs ((Interv (j1+1, j2))::ys) (* [ ] [ same *) (* [ ] *) | Sup -> (Interv (i2, j2))::aux ((Interv (j2+1, j1))::xs) ys (* [ ] *) (* [ ] [ same *) ) | Sup -> aux (y::ys) (x::xs) (* can cos commutative *) ) | _ -> raise Impossible (* intervise *) ) in (* TODO avoid the rev rev, but aux good ? need order ? *) List.rev_map exactize (aux (List.rev_map intervise xs) (List.rev_map intervise ys)) let union xs ys = let rec aux = fun xs ys -> match (xs, ys) with | (vs, []) -> vs | ([],vs) -> vs | (x::xs, y::ys) -> (match (x, y) with | (Interv (i1, j1), Interv (i2, j2)) -> (match i1 <=> i2 with | Equal -> (match j1 <=> j2 with | Equal -> (Interv (i1,j1))::aux xs ys (* [ ] *) (* [ ] *) | Inf -> (Interv (i1, j1))::aux xs ((Interv (j1+1, j2))::ys) (* [ ] [ TODO? could have [ so cant englobe right now, but would be better *) (* [ ] *) | Sup -> (Interv (i1, j2))::aux ((Interv (j2+1, j1))::xs) ys (* [ ] *) (* [ ] [ same *) ) | Inf -> if j1 < i2 then Interv (i1, j1):: aux xs (y::ys) (* [ ] *) (* [ ] *) else (match j1 <=> j2 with | Equal -> (Interv (i1, j1))::aux xs ys (* [ ] *) (* [ ] *) | Inf -> (Interv (i1, j1))::aux xs ((Interv (j1+1, j2))::ys) (* [ ] [ same *) (* [ ] *) | Sup -> (Interv (i1, j2))::aux ((Interv (j2+1, j1))::xs) ys (* [ ] *) (* [ ] [ same *) ) | Sup -> aux (y::ys) (x::xs) (* can cos commutative *) ) | _ -> raise Impossible (* intervise *) ) in (* union_set (tolist xs) (tolist ys) +> fromlist *) List.rev_map exactize (aux (List.rev_map intervise xs) (List.rev_map intervise ys)) (* bug/feature: discovered by vlad rusu, my invariant for intervalle is * not very strong, should return (Interv (1,4)) *) (* let _ = Example (union [Interv (1, 4)] [Interv (1, 3)] = ([Exact 4; Interv (1,3)])) *) let diff xs ys = let rec aux = fun xs ys -> match (xs, ys) with | (vs, []) -> vs | ([],vs) -> [] | (x::xs, y::ys) -> (match (x, y) with | (Interv (i1, j1), Interv (i2, j2)) -> (match i1 <=> i2 with | Equal -> (match j1 <=> j2 with | Equal -> aux xs ys (* [ ] *) (* [ ] *) | Inf -> aux xs ((Interv (j1+1, j2))::ys) (* [ ] *) (* [ ] *) | Sup -> aux ((Interv (j2+1, j1))::xs) ys (* [ ] *) (* [ ] *) ) | Inf -> if j1 < i2 then Interv (i1, j1):: aux xs (y::ys) (* [ ] *) (* [ ] *) else (match j1 <=> j2 with | Equal -> (Interv (i1, i2-1))::aux xs ys (* -1 cos exlude [ *) (* [ ] *) (* [ ] *) | Inf -> (Interv (i1, i2-1))::aux xs ((Interv (j1+1, j2))::ys) (* [ ] *) (* [ ] *) | Sup -> (Interv (i1, i2-1))::aux ((Interv (j2+1, j1))::xs) ys (* [ ] *) (* [ ] *) ) | Sup -> if j2 < i1 then aux (x::xs) ys (* [ ] *) (* [ ] *) else (match j1 <=> j2 with | Equal -> aux xs ys (* [ ] *) (* [ ] *) | Inf -> aux xs ((Interv (j1+1, j2))::ys) (* [ ] *) (* [ ] *) | Sup -> aux ((Interv (j2+1, j1))::xs) ys (* [ ] *) (* [ ] *) ) ) | _ -> raise Impossible (* intervise *) ) in (* minus_set (tolist xs) (tolist ys) +> fromlist *) List.rev_map exactize (aux (List.rev_map intervise xs) (List.rev_map intervise ys)) (* let _ = Example (diff [Interv (3,7)] [Interv (4,5)] = [Interv (6, 7); Exact 3]) *) (*****************************************************************************) let rec debug = function | [] -> "" | (Exact i)::xs -> (Printf.sprintf "Exact:%d;" i) ^ (debug xs) | (Interv (i,j)::xs) -> (Printf.sprintf "Interv:(%d,%d);" i j) ^ debug xs (*****************************************************************************) (* if operation return wrong result, then may later have to patch them *) let patch1 xs = exactize xs let patch2 xs = xs +> (fun e -> match e with | Interv (i,j) when i > j && i =|= j+1 -> let _ = pr2 (sprintf "i = %d, j = %d" i j) in Exact i | e -> e ) let patch3 xs = let rec aux min xs = xs +> List.fold_left (fun (min,acc) e -> match e with | Exact i -> if i =|= min then (min, acc) else (i, (Exact i)::acc) | Interv (i,j) -> (j, (Interv (i,j)::acc)) ) (min, []) in aux min_int (List.rev xs) +> snd