(* * Copyright 2005-2010, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * This file is part of Coccinelle. * * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License. * * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Coccinelle. If not, see . * * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of * Coccinelle under other licenses. *) open Common (*****************************************************************************) (* Test framework *) (*****************************************************************************) (* There can be multiple .c for the same cocci file. The convention * is to have one base.cocci and a base.c and some optional * base_vernn.[c,res]. * * If want to test without iso, use -iso_file empty.iso option. *) let testone x compare_with_expected_flag = let x = if x =~ "\\(.*\\)_ver0$" then matched1 x else x in let base = if x =~ "\\(.*\\)_ver[0-9]+$" then matched1 x else x in let cfile = "tests/" ^ x ^ ".c" in let cocci_file = "tests/" ^ base ^ ".cocci" in let expected_res = "tests/" ^ x ^ ".res" in begin let cocci_infos = Cocci.pre_engine (cocci_file, !Config.std_iso) in let res = Cocci.full_engine cocci_infos [cfile] in Cocci.post_engine cocci_infos; let generated = match Common.optionise (fun () -> List.assoc cfile res) with | Some (Some outfile) -> if List.length res > 1 then pr2 ("note that not just " ^ cfile ^ " was involved"); let tmpfile = "/tmp/"^Common.basename cfile in pr2 (sprintf "One file modified. Result is here: %s" tmpfile); Common.command2 ("mv "^outfile^" "^tmpfile); tmpfile | Some None -> pr2 "no modification on the input file"; cfile | None -> raise Impossible in if compare_with_expected_flag then Compare_c.compare_default generated expected_res +> Compare_c.compare_result_to_string +> pr2; end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* note: if you get some weird results in -testall, and not in -test, * it is possible that a test file work in -test but may not * work while used inside a -testall. If we have some bugs in our * parser that modify some global state and that those states * are not reseted between each test file, then having run previous * test files may have an influence on another test file which mean * than a test may work in isolation (via -test) but not otherwise * (via -testall). Fortunately such bugs are rare. * *) let testall ?(expected_score_file="tests/SCORE_expected.sexp") () = let score = empty_score () in let expected_result_files = Common.glob "tests/*.res" +> List.filter (fun f -> Common.filesize f > 0) +> List.map Filename.basename +> List.sort compare in begin expected_result_files +> List.iter (fun res -> let x = if res =~ "\\(.*\\).res" then matched1 res else raise Impossible in let base = if x =~ "\\(.*\\)_ver[0-9]+" then matched1 x else x in let cfile = "tests/" ^ x ^ ".c" in let cocci_file = "tests/" ^ base ^ ".cocci" in let expected = "tests/" ^ res in let timeout_testall = 30 in try ( Common.timeout_function timeout_testall (fun () -> pr2 res; let cocci_infos = Cocci.pre_engine (cocci_file, !Config.std_iso) in let xs = Cocci.full_engine cocci_infos [cfile] in Cocci.post_engine cocci_infos; let generated = match List.assoc cfile xs with | Some generated -> generated | None -> cfile in let (correct, diffxs) = Compare_c.compare_default generated expected in (* I don't use Compare_c.compare_result_to_string because * I want to indent a little more the messages. *) (match correct with | Compare_c.Correct -> Hashtbl.add score res Common.Ok; | Compare_c.Pb s -> let s = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\"/tmp/cocci-output.*\"") "" s in (* on macos the temporary files are stored elsewhere *) let s = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\"/var/folders/.*/cocci-output.*\"") "" s in let s = "INCORRECT:" ^ s ^ "\n" ^ " diff (result(<) vs expected_result(>)) = \n" ^ (diffxs +> List.map(fun s -> " "^s^"\n") +> Common.join "") in Hashtbl.add score res (Common.Pb s) | Compare_c.PbOnlyInNotParsedCorrectly s -> let s = "seems incorrect, but only because of code that " ^ "was not parsable" ^ s in Hashtbl.add score res (Common.Pb s) ) ) ) with exn -> Common.reset_pr_indent(); let s = "PROBLEM\n" ^ (" exn = " ^ Printexc.to_string exn ^ "\n") in Hashtbl.add score res (Common.Pb s) ); pr2 "--------------------------------"; pr2 "statistics"; pr2 "--------------------------------"; Common.hash_to_list score +> List.iter (fun (s, v) -> pr_no_nl (Printf.sprintf "%-30s: " s); pr_no_nl ( match v with | Common.Ok -> "CORRECT\n" | Common.Pb s -> s ) ); flush stdout; flush stderr; pr2 "--------------------------------"; pr2 "regression testing information"; pr2 "--------------------------------"; (* now default argument of testall: let expected_score_file = "tests/SCORE_expected.sexp" in *) let expected_score_file_orig = "tests/SCORE_expected_orig.sexp" in let best_of_both_file = "tests/SCORE_best_of_both.sexp" in let actual_score_file = "tests/SCORE_actual.sexp" in pr2 ("regression file: "^ expected_score_file); let (expected_score : score) = if Sys.file_exists expected_score_file then let sexp = Sexp.load_sexp expected_score_file in Sexp_common.score_of_sexp sexp else if Sys.file_exists expected_score_file_orig then begin pr2 (spf "use expected orig file (%s)" expected_score_file_orig); Common.command2 (spf "cp %s %s" expected_score_file_orig expected_score_file); let sexp = Sexp.load_sexp expected_score_file in Sexp_common.score_of_sexp sexp end else empty_score() in let new_bestscore = Common.regression_testing_vs score expected_score in let xs = Common.hash_to_list score in let sexp = Sexp_common.sexp_of_score_list xs in let s_score = Sexp.to_string_hum sexp in Common.write_file ~file:(actual_score_file) s_score; let xs2 = Common.hash_to_list new_bestscore in let sexp2 = Sexp_common.sexp_of_score_list xs2 in let s_score2 = Sexp.to_string_hum sexp2 in Common.write_file ~file:(best_of_both_file) s_score2; Common.print_total_score score; let (good, total) = Common.total_scores score in let (expected_good, expected_total) = Common.total_scores expected_score in if good = expected_good then begin pr2 "Current score is equal to expected score; everything is fine"; raise (UnixExit 0); end else if good < expected_good then begin pr2 "Current score is lower than expected :("; pr2 (spf "(was expecting %d but got %d)" expected_good good); pr2 ""; pr2 "If you think it's normal, then maybe you need to update the"; pr2 (spf "score file %s, copying info from %s." expected_score_file actual_score_file); raise (UnixExit 1); end else begin pr2 "Current score is greater than expected :)"; pr2 (spf "(was expecting %d but got %d)" expected_good good); pr2 "Generating new expected score file and saving old one"; Common.command2_y_or_no_exit_if_no (spf "mv %s %s" expected_score_file (expected_score_file ^ ".save")); Common.command2_y_or_no_exit_if_no (spf "mv %s %s" best_of_both_file expected_score_file); raise (UnixExit 0); end end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) type okfailed = Ok | SpatchOK | Failed (* test_to_string *) let t_to_s = function | Ok -> ".ok" | SpatchOK -> ".spatch_ok" | Failed -> ".failed" let delete_previous_result_files infile = [Ok;SpatchOK;Failed] +> List.iter (fun kind -> Common.command2 ("rm -f " ^ infile ^ t_to_s kind) ) (* quite similar to compare_with_expected below *) let test_okfailed cocci_file cfiles = cfiles +> List.iter delete_previous_result_files; (* final_files contain the name of an output file (a .ok or .failed * or .spatch_ok), and also some additionnal strings to be printed in * this output file in addition to the general error message of * full_engine. *) let final_files = ref [] in let newout = Common.new_temp_file "cocci" ".stdout" in let t = Unix.gettimeofday () in let time_per_file_str () = let t' = Unix.gettimeofday () in let tdiff = t' -. t in let tperfile = tdiff /. (float_of_int (List.length cfiles)) in spf "time: %f" tperfile in Common.redirect_stdout_stderr newout (fun () -> try ( Common.timeout_function_opt !Flag_cocci.timeout (fun () -> let cocci_infos = Cocci.pre_engine (cocci_file, !Config.std_iso) in let outfiles = Cocci.full_engine cocci_infos cfiles in Cocci.post_engine cocci_infos; let time_str = time_per_file_str () in outfiles +> List.iter (fun (infile, outopt) -> let (dir, base, ext) = Common.dbe_of_filename infile in let expected_suffix = match ext with | "c" -> "res" | "h" -> "h.res" | s -> pr2 ("WEIRD: not a .c or .h :" ^ base ^ "." ^ s); "" (* no extension, will compare to same file *) in let expected_res = Common.filename_of_dbe (dir, base, expected_suffix) in let expected_res2 = Common.filename_of_dbe (dir,"corrected_"^ base,expected_suffix) in (* can delete more than the first delete_previous_result_files * because here we can have more files than in cfiles, for instance * the header files *) delete_previous_result_files infile; match outopt, Common.lfile_exists expected_res with | None, false -> () | Some outfile, false -> let s =("PB: input file " ^ infile ^ " modified but no .res") in push2 (infile^t_to_s Failed, [s;time_str]) final_files | x, true -> let outfile = match x with | Some outfile -> outfile | None -> infile in let diff = Compare_c.compare_default outfile expected_res in let s1 = (Compare_c.compare_result_to_string diff) in if fst diff =*= Compare_c.Correct then push2 (infile ^ (t_to_s Ok), [s1;time_str]) final_files else if Common.lfile_exists expected_res2 then begin let diff = Compare_c.compare_default outfile expected_res2 in let s2 = Compare_c.compare_result_to_string diff in if fst diff =*= Compare_c.Correct then push2 (infile ^ (t_to_s SpatchOK),[s2;s1;time_str]) final_files else push2 (infile ^ (t_to_s Failed), [s2;s1;time_str]) final_files end else push2 (infile ^ (t_to_s Failed), [s1;time_str]) final_files ) ); ) with exn -> let clean s = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\\\\n") "\n" (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp ("\\\\\"")) "\"" (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\\\\t") "\t" s)) in let s = "PROBLEM\n"^(" exn = " ^ clean(Printexc.to_string exn) ^ "\n") in let time_str = time_per_file_str () in (* we may miss some file because cfiles is shorter than outfiles. * For instance the detected local headers are not in cfiles, so * may have less failed. But at least have some failed. *) cfiles +> List.iter (fun infile -> push2 (infile ^ (t_to_s Failed), [s;time_str]) final_files; ); ); !final_files +> List.iter (fun (file, additional_strs) -> Common.command2 ("cp " ^ newout ^ " " ^ file); with_open_outfile file (fun (pr, chan) -> additional_strs +> List.iter (fun s -> pr (s ^ "\n")) ); ) let test_regression_okfailed () = (* it's xxx.c.ok *) let chop_ext f = f +> Filename.chop_extension in let newscore = Common.empty_score () in let oks = Common.cmd_to_list ("find -name \"*.ok\"") ++ Common.cmd_to_list ("find -name \"*.spatch_ok\"") in let failed = Common.cmd_to_list ("find -name \"*.failed\"") in if null (oks ++ failed) then failwith "no ok/failed file, you certainly did a make clean" else begin oks +> List.iter (fun s -> Hashtbl.add newscore (chop_ext s) Common.Ok ); failed +> List.iter (fun s -> Hashtbl.add newscore (chop_ext s) (Common.Pb "fail") ); pr2 "--------------------------------"; pr2 "regression testing information"; pr2 "--------------------------------"; Common.regression_testing newscore ("score_failed.marshalled") end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* quite similar to test_ok_failed. Maybe could factorize code *) let compare_with_expected outfiles = pr2 ""; outfiles +> List.iter (fun (infile, outopt) -> let (dir, base, ext) = Common.dbe_of_filename infile in let expected_suffix = match ext with | "c" -> "res" | "h" -> "h.res" | s -> failwith ("weird C file, not a .c or .h :" ^ s) in let expected_res = Common.filename_of_dbe (dir, base, expected_suffix) in let expected_res2 = Common.filename_of_dbe (dir,"corrected_"^ base,expected_suffix) in match outopt, Common.lfile_exists expected_res with | None, false -> () | Some outfile, false -> let s =("PB: input file " ^ infile ^ " modified but no .res") in pr2 s | x, true -> let outfile = match x with | Some outfile -> outfile | None -> infile in let diff = Compare_c.compare_default outfile expected_res in let s1 = (Compare_c.compare_result_to_string diff) in if fst diff =*= Compare_c.Correct then pr2_no_nl (infile ^ " " ^ s1) else if Common.lfile_exists expected_res2 then begin let diff = Compare_c.compare_default outfile expected_res2 in let s2 = Compare_c.compare_result_to_string diff in if fst diff =*= Compare_c.Correct then pr2 (infile ^ " is spatchOK " ^ s2) else pr2 (infile ^ " is failed " ^ s2) end else pr2 (infile ^ " is failed " ^ s1) ) (*****************************************************************************) (* Subsystem testing *) (*****************************************************************************) let test_parse_cocci file = if not (file =~ ".*\\.cocci") then pr2 "warning: seems not a .cocci file"; let (_,xs,_,_,_,_,grep_tokens,query) = Parse_cocci.process file (Some !Config.std_iso) false in xs +> List.iter Pretty_print_cocci.unparse; Printf.printf "grep tokens\n"; List.iter (function x -> Printf.printf "%s\n" (String.concat " " x)) grep_tokens; match !Flag.scanner with Flag.NoScanner -> () | Flag.Glimpse | Flag.Google _ -> (match query with None -> pr "No query" | Some x -> pr (String.concat " || " x)) (*****************************************************************************) (* to be called by ocaml toplevel, to test. *) (*****************************************************************************) (* no point to memoize this one *) let sp_of_file file iso = Parse_cocci.process file iso false (* TODO: Remove *) (* let flows_of_ast astc = astc +> Common.map_filter (fun e -> ast_to_flow_with_error_messages e) let one_flow flows = List.hd flows let one_ctl ctls = List.hd (List.hd ctls) *)