** News ** - Coccinelle no longer needs ocaml-sexplib nor ocaml-extlib. - Parallel building is possible when you do not build the bytecode and native version of spatch simultaneously. ** Compilation ** You must first install a recent version of - OCaml (at least 3.10), see http://caml.inria.fr/download.en.html At least, OCaml 3.12 is required to use the OCaml scripting feature in the SmPL code. - The Menhir parser generator (at least 20080912), see http://cristal.inria.fr/~fpottier/menhir/ (unless you got a version of the coccinelle source with the SmPL parser pre-generated) - Python and its development files (python-dev) (unless you run configure with the --without-python option) On Debian/Ubuntu, install the following packages - pkg-config (optional, but strongly recommended) - ocaml-native-compilers (or alternatively ocaml) - ocaml-findlib - libpycaml-ocaml-dev - menhir and libmenhir-ocaml-dev On Fedora, install the following packages - pkgconfig (optional, but strongly recommended) - chrpath - ocaml - ocaml-findlib - ocaml-camlp4-devel - ocaml-findlib-devel - ocaml-ocamldoc - ocaml-pcre-devel Note that on Fedora, there is currently not a package for menhir and pycaml. However, coccinelle bundles the sources of these packages and will use them when needed. The bundled pycaml package has support for python 3. Then simply type ./configure --enable-release make make install Other configuration flags of interest: --prefix default: /usr/local --disable-opt build the bytecode version --with-python=PATH choose a specific python executable --without-python no python scripting --disable-ocaml no ocaml scripting --disable-pycaml uses the bundled pycaml package instead of a installed pycaml package. --disable-pcre-syntax no pcre regexp syntax --enable-release=world builds the optimized and unoptimized version of spatch See ./configure --help for more options When the --enable-release flag was given to ./configure, 'make' will build in release configuration (no debugging symbols, etc.). It defaults to the optimized version, unless --disable-opt is given to configure. You could use 'make opt-only' to compile the optimized version only. Similarly, you can use 'make byte-only' for the unoptimized version. 'make install' installs whichever version was compiled, and installs a script 'spatch' (the frontend) that invokes the 'best' one with proper environment variables. You can also use 'make world' to compile the bytecode and the optimized code version. Make targets of interest: opt-only, opt compiles just the optimized version byt-only, byte compiles just the bytecode version world compiles both + frontends + docs all-release compiles the optimized version + frontends + docs all-dev compiles the bytecode version + frontends all default target: alias for either all-dev or all-release all.opt compiles the optimized version + frontends check run tests (note: not all tests are expected to succeed) As these make targets may change in the future, it is preferred to set the appropriate default using the --enable-release flag. We provide the files generated by menhir in the tarball. However, 'make distclean' will remove them. You could either restore them from the tarball or install menhir. Using 'make clean' should be safe with regards to these files. Note: The test target is intended for developers. In particular, you should not expect that every test will pass. In order to use the OCaml scripting feature in SmPL, you must compile Coccinelle with at least OCaml version 3.11. An extra file, coccilib.cmi, is produced and installed in /usr/share/cocci/ocaml, which is needed for the compilation of ocaml scripts. ** Bash integration ** To have completion under Bash, you can execute the following command: make install-bash It will install the shell script 'scripts/spatch.bash_completion' in /etc/bash_completion.d/spatch You can manually copy that file elsewhere if you have a different bash_completion directory. ** Runtime dependencies ** - Basic shell commands: - ls, cat, cp, mv, rm, grep, mkdir, find - Developper tool: diff ** Optional runtime dependencies ** - To quickly apply the semantic patches - glimpse indexer - To use OCaml scripting feature in SmPL - ocaml-native-compilers or ocaml-nox - ocaml-findlib - To generate a PDF of the control flow graph with '-graphical_trace' - pdftk and graphviz (with PDF support) If runtime tools are not in $PATH, paths to some of them can be specified with 'configure' or via commandline parameters to spatch. ** Dependencies for additional tools ** git, pushd, popd, sed, diffstat, cpp ** Uninstall ** To uninstall Coccinelle, you should use the following command make uninstall To also remove the bash completion script, run make uninstall-bash