@r@ expression x,a; position p1, p2; @@ f(x@p1,a@p2) @script:ocaml@ y << r.x; yy << r.a; p1 << r.p1; p2 << r.p2; @@ let p1_ = List.hd p1 in let file1 = p1_.Coccilib.file in let cure1 = p1_.Coccilib.current_element in let line1 = p1_.Coccilib.line in let line_end1 = p1_.Coccilib.line_end in let colb1 = p1_.Coccilib.col in let cole1 = p1_.Coccilib.col_end in Printf.printf "%s and %s\n" y yy; Printf.printf "%s @ p1 (file:\"%s\" fct:\"%s\" line:%d-%d col:%d-%d)\n" y file1 cure1 line1 line_end1 colb1 cole1; Printf.printf "%s @ p2 - p2 is not used in the SP. ocamlc should have reported a warning.\n" yy @script:ocaml@ y << r.a; zz << r.x; @@ Printf.printf "%s again and %s again \n" zz y