(* * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * This file is part of Coccinelle. * * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License. * * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Coccinelle. If not, see . * * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of * Coccinelle under other licenses. *) let drop_spaces s = String.concat "" (Str.split (Str.regexp "[ ]+") s) let parse_line fp l n = if List.mem l fp then None else if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "#") l 0 then None (* comment line *) else let top_split = Str.split (Str.regexp ":") l in match top_split with cocci::first::others -> let rec loop tag = function [x] -> let x = String.concat "\\ " (Str.split (Str.regexp "[ ]+") x) in [(tag,x)] | first::rest -> let splitted = Str.split (Str.regexp "[ ]+") first in (match List.rev splitted with new_tag::info -> let rest = loop new_tag rest in (tag,String.concat "\\ " info)::rest | _ -> failwith "bad element") | _ -> failwith "no data" in Some (cocci,loop (drop_spaces first) others) | _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "bad line: %s" l) let collect_lines fp i = let lines = ref [] in let ln = ref 0 in let rec loop _ = ln := !ln + 1; (match parse_line fp (input_line i) !ln with Some l -> if List.mem l !lines then () else lines := l::!lines | None -> ()); loop() in try loop() with End_of_file -> !lines (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let process_fp fl = let i = open_in fl in let lines = ref ([] : string list) in let rec loop _ = let l = input_line i in (if not(Str.string_match (Str.regexp "#") l 0) then lines := l :: !lines); loop() in (try loop() with End_of_file -> ()); close_in i; !lines (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* same info, different categories *) let discard_ambiguous lines = let rec loop = function [] -> [] | (cocci,tags)::rest -> let (same,others) = List.partition (function (cocci2,tags2) -> tags = tags2 && not(cocci = cocci2)) rest in match same with [] -> (cocci,tags)::loop rest | _ -> Printf.printf "ignoring ambiguity:\n"; List.iter (function (cocci,tags) -> Printf.printf "%s: %s\n" cocci (String.concat ", " (List.map (function (tag,tagval) -> Printf.sprintf "%s: %s" tag tagval) tags))) ((cocci,tags)::same); loop others in loop lines (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* only actually collects the rightmost element into ors *) let split_or (cocci,line) = let rev = List.rev line in (cocci,List.rev(List.tl rev), List.hd rev) let collect_ors fp lines = let rec loop = function [] -> failwith "no lines" | [line] -> let (c,k,v) = split_or line in ((c,k,[v]),[]) | line::xs -> let (c,k,v) = split_or line in let ((c1,k1,v1),rest) = loop xs in if c = c1 && k = k1 && not (k = []) then if List.mem v v1 then ((c1,k1,v1),rest) else ((c1,k1,v::v1),rest) else ((c,k,[v]),((c1,k1,v1)::rest)) in let ((c,k,v),rest) = loop lines in let res = (c,k,v)::rest in List.fold_left (function prev -> function (c,k,v) -> match v with [] -> failwith "not possible" | [x] -> (c,k@v) :: prev | (tag,_)::_ -> (*let vs = Printf.sprintf "%s:(%s)" tag (String.concat "|" (List.sort compare (List.map (function (_,vl) -> vl) v))) in let attempt = Printf.sprintf "%s: %s %s" c (String.concat " " (List.map (function (k,v) -> k^":"^v) k)) vs in*) if true (*List.mem attempt fp*) then let vs = Printf.sprintf "\\\\\\\\\\(%s\\\\\\\\\\)" (String.concat "\\\\\\\\\\|" (List.sort compare (List.map (function (_,vl) -> vl) v))) in (c,k@[(tag,vs)]) :: prev else (List.map (function vi -> (c,k@[vi])) v) @ prev) [] res (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let command s = let _ = Sys.command s in () let created = ref ([] : (string * (int ref * out_channel)) list) let mktag n = Printf.sprintf "x%d" n let created_files = ref ([] : (string * int ref) list) let process_line env (cocci,tags) = let files = List.filter (function (c,f) -> c = cocci) env in List.iter (function (_,cocci_file) -> let resdir = Filename.chop_extension cocci_file in (if not(Sys.file_exists cocci_file) then failwith "no cocci file"); let (n,o) = try List.assoc resdir !created with Not_found -> begin command (Printf.sprintf "/bin/rm -r -f %s; mkdir %s" resdir resdir); let files = Printf.sprintf "%s/files" resdir in let o = open_out files in Printf.fprintf o "all: real_all\n\n"; let cell = ((ref 0),o) in created := (resdir,cell) :: !created; cell end in let temp_file = Filename.temp_file cocci ".cocci" in command (Printf.sprintf "cp %s %s" cocci_file temp_file); let first_tag_val = match tags with [] -> failwith "no tags" | (_,first_tag_val)::_ -> let cell = try List.assoc first_tag_val !created_files with Not_found -> let c = ref (-1) in created_files := (first_tag_val,c)::!created_files; c in cell := !cell + 1; if !cell = 0 then first_tag_val else Printf.sprintf "%s%d" first_tag_val !cell in List.iter (function (tag,tagval) -> command (Printf.sprintf "sed s/%s/%s/ %s > %s_out; cp %s_out %s" tag tagval temp_file temp_file temp_file temp_file)) tags; command (Printf.sprintf "mv %s %s/%s.cocci" temp_file resdir first_tag_val); Printf.fprintf o "%s:\n\tmono_spatch_linux %s.cocci ${ARGS}\n\n" (mktag !n) first_tag_val; n := !n + 1) files (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec mkenv = function [] -> [] | [_] -> failwith "required arguments: file (category x cocci file)*" | category::cocci::rest -> if Filename.check_suffix cocci ".cocci" then (category,cocci)::mkenv rest else failwith "required arguments: file (category x cocci file)*" let rec upto = function 0 -> [] | n -> (mktag (n-1)) :: (upto (n-1)) let _ = let (no_ors,args) = List.partition (function "-no_ors" -> true | _ -> false) (Array.to_list Sys.argv) in let (file,fp,env) = match List.tl args with file::env -> let rec loop prev = function [] -> if prev = "" then ([],[]) else ([prev],[]) | x::xs -> try let _ = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp ".cocci") x 0 in if prev = "" then ([],x::xs) else ([],prev::x::xs) with Not_found -> let (fp,env) = loop x xs in if prev = "" then (fp,env) else (prev::fp,env) in let (fp,env) = loop "" env in (file,fp,mkenv env) | _ -> failwith "one argument expected" in let fp = List.fold_left (@) [] (List.map process_fp fp) in let i = open_in file in let lines = collect_lines fp i in let lines = if no_ors = [] then collect_ors fp lines else lines in close_in i; let lines = discard_ambiguous lines in List.iter (process_line env) lines; List.iter (function (resdir,(n,o)) -> Printf.fprintf o "real_all: %s\n" (String.concat " " (List.rev (upto !n))); close_out o) !created