(* Yoann Padioleau * * Copyright (C) 2009 University of Urbana Champaign * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * file license.txt for more details. *) open Common open Oset open Parser_c (*****************************************************************************) (* Prelude *) (*****************************************************************************) (* * Is this module make all the tricks used in parsing_hacks and * most definitions in standard.h obsolete ? It depends. In a * static analysis context we want to be accurate, and so expand * all the code that will make our type/callgraph analysis simpler. * So we want to expand many macros, based on heuristics in this file. * In a transformation context, we want to let the programmer * match over certain constructs such as declarator, iterator, * macro_field, etc, and in this case we want to parse as-is. * * What could be done is that some of the analysis performed in this * file could then be injected in parsing_hacks, for instance via * hints, to make the parse as-is job easier too. * * * * todo: right now I find dangerous macro based on ## and go upward * to also include calling macros. But this dangerous macro itself * may use other macros that looks ok but that should also be expanded * because it defines some entities. So also recurse downward ? * * todo? do analysis a la Astec ? try infer the meaning of the macro * from its body but also from its context of use ? Can then * do a taxonomy of macro ? not just foreach or declarator but * polymorphic function (e.g. MAX), type generator, etc. Cf astec paper * or Ernst cpp study paper ? * *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Types *) (*****************************************************************************) (* callgraph of macros *) type key = string type node = (Common.filename * Cpp_token_c.define_def) list ref type edge = Direct type callgraph_macros = (key, node, edge) Ograph_simple.ograph_mutable let rootname = "__ROOT__" (*****************************************************************************) (* Helpers *) (*****************************************************************************) let bodytoks_of_body body = match body with | Cpp_token_c.DefineHint _ -> pr2 "weird, hint in cpp_analysis_c"; [] | Cpp_token_c.DefineBody xs -> xs let build_empty_set () = new Osetb.osetb Setb.empty (*****************************************************************************) (* Builder *) (*****************************************************************************) let build_callgraph_macros xs = let (g: callgraph_macros) = new Ograph_simple.ograph_mutable in g#add_node rootname (ref []); (* build nodes *) xs +> List.iter (fun (file, (x, def)) -> (* todo? if exist already ? *) g#add_node x (ref []); g#add_arc (rootname, x) Direct; ); xs +> List.iter (fun (file, (x, def)) -> let node = g#nodes#find x in Common.push2 (file, def) node; ); (* build edges *) xs +> List.iter (fun (file, (x, def)) -> let (s, params, body) = def in let toks = bodytoks_of_body body in toks +> List.iter (fun tok -> match tok with | TIdent (x2,ii) -> (try let _ = g#nodes#find x2 in g#add_arc (x, x2) Direct; with Not_found -> () ) | _ -> () ); ); g (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let check_no_loop_graph g = let self_referential = ref [] in let macros_in_loop_with_path = ref [] in let already = Hashtbl.create 101 in let already_error_msg = Hashtbl.create 101 in let rec aux_dfs path xi = if Hashtbl.mem already xi && List.mem xi path then begin let node = g#nodes#find xi in let file = match !node with | (file, _)::xs -> file | [] -> raise Impossible in (* in apache/srclib/apr/include/arch/win32/apr_dbg_win32_handles.h * we get some __ROOT__ -> CreateMutexA -> CreateMutexA because * the macro is self referential. Probably cpp has * some special handling of such case and does not expand * recursively. * *) let is_self_reference = match xi::path with | x::y::z -> x = y | _ -> false in if not is_self_reference && not (Hashtbl.mem already_error_msg xi) then begin Hashtbl.add already_error_msg xi true; pr2 (spf "PB: loop in macro %s of file %s" xi file); pr2 (spf "path is: %s" (Common.join " -> " (List.rev (xi::path)))); Common.push2 (xi, path) macros_in_loop_with_path; end else begin Common.push2 xi self_referential; end end else begin Hashtbl.add already xi true; (* f xi path; *) let succ = g#successors xi in let succ' = succ#tolist +> List.map fst in succ' +> List.iter (fun yi -> aux_dfs (xi::path) yi ); end in aux_dfs [] rootname; !self_referential, !macros_in_loop_with_path (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let slice_of_callgraph_macros (g: callgraph_macros) goodnodes = let (g': callgraph_macros) = new Ograph_simple.ograph_mutable in goodnodes#tolist +> List.iter (fun k -> let v = g#nodes#find k in g'#add_node k v; ); goodnodes#tolist +> List.iter (fun k -> let succ = g#successors k in let succ = Oset.mapo (fun (k', edge) -> k') (build_empty_set()) succ in let inter = succ $**$ goodnodes in inter#tolist +> List.iter (fun k' -> g'#add_arc (k, k') Direct; ) ); g' (*****************************************************************************) (* Macros expansion *) (*****************************************************************************) (* get the longuest one ? or the one that contains the dangerous macro ? *) let get_single_file_and_def_of_node k v = match !v with | [] -> raise Impossible | [file, def] -> file, def | (file, def)::y::ys -> pr2 (spf "multiple def for %s but I kept only one" k); file, def module TV = Token_views_c let (macro_expand: (string, Cpp_token_c.define_def) Hashtbl.t -> Cpp_token_c.define_def -> Cpp_token_c.define_def) = fun current_def def -> let (s, params, body) = def in let body' = match body with | Cpp_token_c.DefineHint _ -> body | Cpp_token_c.DefineBody xs -> (* bugfix: we dont want to evalute the x ## b at this moment. * so can not use fix_tokens_cpp in the same we use it * to parse C code. let xs' = Parsing_hacks.fix_tokens_cpp ~macro_defs:current_def xs in *) let tokens = xs in let tokens2 = ref (tokens +> Common.acc_map TV.mk_token_extended) in let cleaner = !tokens2 +> Parsing_hacks.filter_cpp_stuff in let paren_grouped = TV.mk_parenthised cleaner in Cpp_token_c.apply_macro_defs ~msg_apply_known_macro:(fun s2 -> pr2 (spf "APPLYING: %s in definition of %s" s2 s)) ~msg_apply_known_macro_hint:(fun s -> pr2 "hint") ~evaluate_concatop:false ~inplace_when_single:false current_def paren_grouped; (* because the before field is used by apply_macro_defs *) tokens2 := TV.rebuild_tokens_extented !tokens2; (* bugfix *) let cleaner = !tokens2 +> Parsing_hacks.filter_cpp_stuff in let xs' = Parsing_hacks.insert_virtual_positions (cleaner +> Common.acc_map (fun x -> x.TV.tok)) in Cpp_token_c.DefineBody xs' in (s, params, body') (* work by side effect as both the binding and callgraph are mutable * data structure *) let no_inlining = ref false let rec (recurse_expand_macro_topological_order: int -> (string, Cpp_token_c.define_def) Hashtbl.t -> callgraph_macros -> unit) = fun depth current_def g -> (* naive: *) if !no_inlining then g#nodes#tolist +> List.iter (fun (k, v) -> if k =$= rootname then () else let def = get_single_file_and_def_of_node k v +> snd in Hashtbl.add current_def k def ) else let remaining = g#nodes#tolist in (match remaining with | [] -> raise Impossible | [(k,n)] -> assert (k = rootname); (* end recursion *) () | x::y::xs -> let leafs = (g#leaf_nodes ())#tolist in pr2 (spf "step: %d, %s" depth (leafs +> Common.join " ")); Ograph_simple.print_ograph_generic ~str_of_key:(fun k -> k) ~str_of_node:(fun k node -> k) (spf "/tmp/graph-%d.dot" depth) g; assert(not (null leafs)); (* little specialisation to avoid useless work *) if depth = 0 then begin leafs +> List.iter (fun k -> let node = g#nodes#find k in let def = get_single_file_and_def_of_node k node +> snd in Hashtbl.add current_def k def ) end else begin let new_defs = leafs +> List.map (fun k -> let node = g#nodes#find k in let def = get_single_file_and_def_of_node k node +> snd in let def' = macro_expand current_def def in k, def' ) in new_defs +> List.iter (fun (k,def) -> Hashtbl.add current_def k def); end; leafs +> List.iter (fun k -> g#del_leaf_node_and_its_edges k); recurse_expand_macro_topological_order (depth+1) current_def g; ) (*****************************************************************************) (* Macros def analysis *) (*****************************************************************************) let is_dangerous_macro def = let (s, params, body) = def in let toks = bodytoks_of_body body in (match params, body with (* ex: APU_DECLARE_DATA *) | Cpp_token_c.NoParam, Cpp_token_c.DefineBody [] -> if s =~ ".*_H_*" then false else true (* ex: AP_DECLARE(x) x *) | Cpp_token_c.Params([s1]), Cpp_token_c.DefineBody [TIdent (s2,i1)] -> s1 =$= s2 (* keyword aliases. eg: APR_inline __inline__ *) | Cpp_token_c.NoParam, Cpp_token_c.DefineBody [x] -> (match x with | Tinline _ -> true | Tconst _ -> true | Tstatic _ -> true | Textern _ -> true | _ -> false ) | _ , Cpp_token_c.DefineBody xs -> (match List.rev xs with (* make extract_macros looping on apache, get some infinite "step x" *) | TPtVirg _::_ -> true | _ -> false ) | _ -> false ) || (toks +> List.exists (fun tok -> match tok with | TCppConcatOp _ -> true | Tattribute (ii) -> true | TattributeNoarg (ii) -> true (* FP with local variable. | TIdent (s,ii) -> s ==~ Parsing_hacks.regexp_annot && not (List.mem s ["__FILE__";"__LINE__";"__FUNCTION__"]) *) | _ -> false )) let is_trivial_macro def = let (s, params, body) = def in match params, body with | Cpp_token_c.NoParam, Cpp_token_c.DefineBody [Parser_c.TInt _] (* no!!! those are not trivial macro, they are dangerous too. | Cpp_token_c.NoParam, Cpp_token_c.DefineBody [] -> true *) | _ -> false (* | () when s ==~ Parsing_hacks.regexp_annot -> true | () when List.exists (function (*| Parser_c.Tattribute _ -> true*) | Parser_c.TCppConcatOp _ -> true | _ -> false) bodytoks -> true | () -> false in *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Main entry point *) (*****************************************************************************) let extract_dangerous_macros xs = (* prepare initial set of macro definitions to work on *) let all_macros = xs +> List.map (fun (file, defs) -> defs +> List.map (fun def -> file, def) ) +> List.flatten in let macros = all_macros +> Common.exclude(fun (file,(x,def)) -> is_trivial_macro def) in (* initial set of problematic macros *) let problematic_macros = macros +> Common.filter (fun (file, (x, def)) -> is_dangerous_macro def) in (* include the ancestors of problematic macros *) let g = build_callgraph_macros macros in let self_referiential, macros_in_loop_with_path = check_no_loop_graph g in Ograph_simple.print_ograph_generic ~str_of_key:(fun k -> k) ~str_of_node:(fun k node -> k) "/tmp/graph.dot" g; let start = problematic_macros +> List.map (fun (file, (x, def)) -> x) +> Common.nub in let finalset = start +> List.fold_left (fun acc x -> if List.exists (fun y -> fst y = x) macros_in_loop_with_path || List.mem x self_referiential then begin pr2 (spf "PB: ignoring %s macro as it is in a loop" x); acc end else let acc = acc#add x in let ancestors = g#ancestors x in acc $++$ ancestors ) (build_empty_set ()) in (* Now prepare for fixpoint expansion of macros to avoid doing * the work in cpp_engine. *) let sliced_g = slice_of_callgraph_macros g finalset in Ograph_simple.print_ograph_generic ~str_of_key:(fun k -> k) ~str_of_node:(fun k node -> k) "/tmp/graph2.dot" sliced_g; (* do fixpoint expansion *) let (binding: (string, Cpp_token_c.define_def) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 101 in (* work by side effects on the hashtbl and graph *) recurse_expand_macro_topological_order 0 binding sliced_g; (* prepare final result *) let final_macros = binding +> Common.hash_to_list +> List.map (fun (x, def) -> let node = g#nodes#find x in let file = get_single_file_and_def_of_node x node +> fst in (file, (x, def)) ) in pr2 (spf "total macros numbers: %d" (List.length all_macros)); pr2 (spf "problematic macros numbers: %d" (List.length problematic_macros)); pr2 (spf "final (after closure) problematic macros numbers: %d" (List.length final_macros)); let grouped = Common.group_assoc_bykey_eff final_macros in grouped