(* Yoann Padioleau * * Copyright (C) 2010, University of Copenhagen DIKU and INRIA. * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Ecole des Mines de Nantes * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * file license.txt for more details. *) open Common module TH = Token_helpers open Parser_c (*****************************************************************************) (* Some debugging functions *) (*****************************************************************************) let pr2, pr2_once = Common.mk_pr2_wrappers Flag_parsing_c.verbose_parsing (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* fuzzy parsing, different "views" over the same program *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Normally I should not use ref/mutable in the token_extended type * and I should have a set of functions taking a list of tokens and * returning a list of tokens. The problem is that to make easier some * functions, it is better to work on better representation, on "views" * over this list of tokens. But then modifying those views and get * back from those views to the original simple list of tokens is * tedious. One way is to maintain next to the view a list of "actions" * (I was using a hash storing the charpos of the token and associating * the action) but it is tedious too. Simpler to use mutable/ref. We * use the same idea that we use when working on the Ast_c. *) (* old: when I was using the list of "actions" next to the views, the hash * indexed by the charpos, there could have been some problems: * how my fake_pos interact with the way I tag and adjust token ? * because I base my tagging on the position of the token ! so sometimes * could tag another fakeInfo that should not be tagged ? * fortunately I don't use anymore this technique. *) (* update: quite close to the Place_c.Inxxx *) type context = InFunction | InEnum | InStruct | InInitializer | NoContext type token_extended = { mutable tok: Parser_c.token; mutable where: context; (* less: need also a after ? *) mutable new_tokens_before : Parser_c.token list; (* line x col cache, more easily accessible, of the info in the token *) line: int; col : int; } (* todo? is it ok to reset as a comment a TDefEOL ? if do that, then * can confuse the parser. *) let set_as_comment cppkind x = if TH.is_eof x.tok then () (* otherwise parse_c will be lost if don't find a EOF token *) else x.tok <- TCommentCpp (cppkind, TH.info_of_tok x.tok) let mk_token_extended x = let (line, col) = TH.linecol_of_tok x in { tok = x; line = line; col = col; where = NoContext; new_tokens_before = []; } let rebuild_tokens_extented toks_ext = let _tokens = ref [] in toks_ext +> List.iter (fun tok -> tok.new_tokens_before +> List.iter (fun x -> push2 x _tokens); push2 tok.tok _tokens ); let tokens = List.rev !_tokens in (tokens +> acc_map mk_token_extended) (* x list list, because x list separated by ',' *) type paren_grouped = | Parenthised of paren_grouped list list * token_extended list | PToken of token_extended type brace_grouped = | Braceised of brace_grouped list list * token_extended * token_extended option | BToken of token_extended (* Far better data structure than doing hacks in the lexer or parser * because in lexer we don't know to which ifdef a endif is related * and so when we want to comment a ifdef, we don't know which endif * we must also comment. Especially true for the #if 0 which sometimes * have a #else part. * * x list list, because x list separated by #else or #elif *) type ifdef_grouped = | Ifdef of ifdef_grouped list list * token_extended list | Ifdefbool of bool * ifdef_grouped list list * token_extended list | NotIfdefLine of token_extended list type 'a line_grouped = Line of 'a list type body_function_grouped = | BodyFunction of token_extended list | NotBodyLine of token_extended list (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* view builders *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* todo: synchro ! use more indentation * if paren not closed and same indentation level, certainly because * part of a mid-ifdef-expression. *) let rec mk_parenthised xs = let rec loop acc = function | [] -> acc | x::xs -> (match x.tok with | TOPar _ | TOParDefine _ -> let body, extras, xs = mk_parameters [x] [] xs in loop (Parenthised (body,extras)::acc) xs | _ -> loop (PToken x::acc) xs ) in List.rev(loop [] xs) (* return the body of the parenthised expression and the rest of the tokens *) and mk_parameters extras acc_before_sep xs = match xs with | [] -> (* maybe because of #ifdef which "opens" '(' in 2 branches *) pr2 "PB: not found closing paren in fuzzy parsing"; [List.rev acc_before_sep], List.rev extras, [] | x::xs -> (match x.tok with (* synchro *) | TOBrace _ when x.col =|= 0 -> pr2 "PB: found synchro point } in paren"; [List.rev acc_before_sep], List.rev (extras), (x::xs) | TCPar _ | TCParEOL _ -> [List.rev acc_before_sep], List.rev (x::extras), xs | TOPar _ | TOParDefine _ -> let body, extrasnest, xs = mk_parameters [x] [] xs in mk_parameters extras (Parenthised (body,extrasnest)::acc_before_sep) xs | TComma _ -> let body, extras, xs = mk_parameters (x::extras) [] xs in (List.rev acc_before_sep)::body, extras, xs | _ -> mk_parameters extras (PToken x::acc_before_sep) xs ) let rec mk_braceised xs = let rec loop acc = function | [] -> acc | x::xs -> (match x.tok with | TOBrace _ -> let body, endbrace, xs = mk_braceised_aux [] xs in loop (Braceised (body, x, endbrace)::acc) xs | TCBrace _ -> pr2 "PB: found closing brace alone in fuzzy parsing"; loop (BToken x::acc) xs | _ -> loop (BToken x::acc) xs) in List.rev(loop [] xs) (* return the body of the parenthised expression and the rest of the tokens *) and mk_braceised_aux acc xs = match xs with | [] -> (* maybe because of #ifdef which "opens" '(' in 2 branches *) pr2 "PB: not found closing brace in fuzzy parsing"; [List.rev acc], None, [] | x::xs -> (match x.tok with | TCBrace _ -> [List.rev acc], Some x, xs | TOBrace _ -> let body, endbrace, xs = mk_braceised_aux [] xs in mk_braceised_aux (Braceised (body,x, endbrace)::acc) xs | _ -> mk_braceised_aux (BToken x::acc) xs ) let rec mk_ifdef xs = match xs with | [] -> [] | x::xs -> (match x.tok with | TIfdef _ -> let body, extra, xs = mk_ifdef_parameters [x] [] xs in Ifdef (body, extra)::mk_ifdef xs | TIfdefBool (b,_, _) -> let body, extra, xs = mk_ifdef_parameters [x] [] xs in (* if not passing, then consider a #if 0 as an ordinary #ifdef *) if !Flag_parsing_c.if0_passing then Ifdefbool (b, body, extra)::mk_ifdef xs else Ifdef(body, extra)::mk_ifdef xs | TIfdefMisc (b,_,_) | TIfdefVersion (b,_,_) -> let body, extra, xs = mk_ifdef_parameters [x] [] xs in Ifdefbool (b, body, extra)::mk_ifdef xs | _ -> (* todo? can have some Ifdef in the line ? *) let line, xs = Common.span (fun y -> y.line =|= x.line) (x::xs) in NotIfdefLine line::mk_ifdef xs ) and mk_ifdef_parameters extras acc_before_sep xs = match xs with | [] -> (* Note that mk_ifdef is assuming that CPP instruction are alone * on their line. Because I do a span (fun x -> is_same_line ...) * I might take with me a #endif if this one is mixed on a line * with some "normal" tokens. *) pr2 "PB: not found closing ifdef in fuzzy parsing"; [List.rev acc_before_sep], List.rev extras, [] | x::xs -> (match x.tok with | TEndif _ -> [List.rev acc_before_sep], List.rev (x::extras), xs | TIfdef _ -> let body, extrasnest, xs = mk_ifdef_parameters [x] [] xs in mk_ifdef_parameters extras (Ifdef (body, extrasnest)::acc_before_sep) xs | TIfdefBool (b,_,_) -> let body, extrasnest, xs = mk_ifdef_parameters [x] [] xs in if !Flag_parsing_c.if0_passing then mk_ifdef_parameters extras (Ifdefbool (b, body, extrasnest)::acc_before_sep) xs else mk_ifdef_parameters extras (Ifdef (body, extrasnest)::acc_before_sep) xs | TIfdefMisc (b,_,_) | TIfdefVersion (b,_,_) -> let body, extrasnest, xs = mk_ifdef_parameters [x] [] xs in mk_ifdef_parameters extras (Ifdefbool (b, body, extrasnest)::acc_before_sep) xs | TIfdefelse _ | TIfdefelif _ -> let body, extras, xs = mk_ifdef_parameters (x::extras) [] xs in (List.rev acc_before_sep)::body, extras, xs | _ -> let line, xs = Common.span (fun y -> y.line =|= x.line) (x::xs) in mk_ifdef_parameters extras (NotIfdefLine line::acc_before_sep) xs ) (* --------------------------------------- *) let line_of_paren = function | PToken x -> x.line | Parenthised (xxs, info_parens) -> (match info_parens with | [] -> raise Impossible | x::xs -> x.line ) let rec span_line_paren line = function | [] -> [],[] | x::xs -> (match x with | PToken tok when TH.is_eof tok.tok -> [], x::xs | _ -> if line_of_paren x =|= line then let (l1, l2) = span_line_paren line xs in (x::l1, l2) else ([], x::xs) ) let rec mk_line_parenthised xs = match xs with | [] -> [] | x::xs -> let line_no = line_of_paren x in let line, xs = span_line_paren line_no xs in Line (x::line)::mk_line_parenthised xs (* --------------------------------------- *) let rec mk_body_function_grouped xs = match xs with | [] -> [] | x::xs -> (match x with | {tok = TOBrace _; col = 0} -> let is_closing_brace = function | {tok = TCBrace _; col = 0 } -> true | _ -> false in let body, xs = Common.span (fun x -> not (is_closing_brace x)) xs in (match xs with | ({tok = TCBrace _; col = 0 })::xs -> BodyFunction body::mk_body_function_grouped xs | [] -> pr2 "PB:not found closing brace in fuzzy parsing"; [NotBodyLine body] | _ -> raise Impossible ) | _ -> let line, xs = Common.span (fun y -> y.line =|= x.line) (x::xs) in NotBodyLine line::mk_body_function_grouped xs ) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* view iterators *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec iter_token_paren f xs = xs +> List.iter (function | PToken tok -> f tok; | Parenthised (xxs, info_parens) -> info_parens +> List.iter f; xxs +> List.iter (fun xs -> iter_token_paren f xs) ) let rec iter_token_brace f xs = xs +> List.iter (function | BToken tok -> f tok; | Braceised (xxs, tok1, tok2opt) -> f tok1; do_option f tok2opt; xxs +> List.iter (fun xs -> iter_token_brace f xs) ) let rec iter_token_ifdef f xs = xs +> List.iter (function | NotIfdefLine xs -> xs +> List.iter f; | Ifdefbool (_, xxs, info_ifdef) | Ifdef (xxs, info_ifdef) -> info_ifdef +> List.iter f; xxs +> List.iter (iter_token_ifdef f) ) let tokens_of_paren xs = let g = ref [] in xs +> iter_token_paren (fun tok -> push2 tok g); List.rev !g let tokens_of_paren_ordered xs = let g = ref [] in let rec aux_tokens_ordered = function | PToken tok -> push2 tok g; | Parenthised (xxs, info_parens) -> let (opar, cpar, commas) = match info_parens with | opar::xs -> (match List.rev xs with | cpar::xs -> opar, cpar, List.rev xs | _ -> raise Impossible ) | _ -> raise Impossible in push2 opar g; aux_args (xxs,commas); push2 cpar g; and aux_args (xxs, commas) = match xxs, commas with | [], [] -> () | [xs], [] -> xs +> List.iter aux_tokens_ordered | xs::ys::xxs, comma::commas -> xs +> List.iter aux_tokens_ordered; push2 comma g; aux_args (ys::xxs, commas) | _ -> raise Impossible in xs +> List.iter aux_tokens_ordered; List.rev !g (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* set the context info in token *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec set_in_function_tag xs = (* could try: ) { } but it can be the ) of a if or while, so * better to base the heuristic on the position in column zero. * Note that some struct or enum or init put also their { in first column * but set_in_other will overwrite the previous InFunction tag. *) match xs with | [] -> () (* ) { and the closing } is in column zero, then certainly a function *) | BToken ({tok = TCPar _ })::(Braceised (body, tok1, Some tok2))::xs when tok1.col <> 0 && tok2.col =|= 0 -> body +> List.iter (iter_token_brace (fun tok -> tok.where <- InFunction )); set_in_function_tag xs | (BToken x)::xs -> set_in_function_tag xs | (Braceised (body, tok1, Some tok2))::xs when tok1.col =|= 0 && tok2.col =|= 0 -> body +> List.iter (iter_token_brace (fun tok -> tok.where <- InFunction )); set_in_function_tag xs | Braceised (body, tok1, tok2)::xs -> set_in_function_tag xs let rec set_in_other xs = match xs with | [] -> () (* enum x { } *) | BToken ({tok = Tenum _})::BToken ({tok = TIdent _}) ::Braceised(body, tok1, tok2)::xs | BToken ({tok = Tenum _}) ::Braceised(body, tok1, tok2)::xs -> body +> List.iter (iter_token_brace (fun tok -> tok.where <- InEnum; )); set_in_other xs (* struct x { } *) | BToken ({tok = Tstruct _})::BToken ({tok = TIdent _}) ::Braceised(body, tok1, tok2)::xs -> body +> List.iter (iter_token_brace (fun tok -> tok.where <- InStruct; )); set_in_other xs (* = { } *) | BToken ({tok = TEq _}) ::Braceised(body, tok1, tok2)::xs -> body +> List.iter (iter_token_brace (fun tok -> tok.where <- InInitializer; )); set_in_other xs | BToken _::xs -> set_in_other xs | Braceised(body, tok1, tok2)::xs -> body +> List.iter set_in_other; set_in_other xs let set_context_tag xs = begin set_in_function_tag xs; set_in_other xs; end