
What is Pycaml

A library written by which follows the Python/C API as closely as possible, while providing equivalent functionality for objective caml. This is built against python 2.x and Ocaml 3.04.

It is intended to allow users to build native ocaml libraries and use them from python, and alternately, in order to allow ocaml users to benefit from linkable libraries provided for python.

I created this library in order to take advantage of python binding for certain native libraries from ocaml. While it is true that I could have written new interfaces specifically for ocaml, the python interface is sufficient for my needs, and this project was easier.

Note: Unfortunately, the symbol init_exceptions exists in both compiled ocaml code, and the python runtime. In order to proceed, you must rename this symbol either in the ocaml distribution (in byterun/fail.c, and byterun/startup.c), or in the python distribution, and rebuild the software appropriately.

Please edit the Makefile to put in your system's libraries used for compiling programs embedded with python. This library compiles on most linux boxes without modification. The python interpreter is used to determine the path to the python library and must be in your path when you run make.

Get the distribution here:pycaml.tar.gz

Because these are made to closely mirror the python API, the user should become familiar with the python API.

Given Ocaml parameter passing convention, it was convenient to pass multiple arguments as members of a tuple, but single arguments without. Consequently, functions with arity 1, such as pytuple_new are called as

  pytuple_new 3 ;;

And functions with more arguments are called as

  pydict_getitemstring (dict,"keystring") ;;

Module Pycaml

Visible Types

The abstract type of python objects.
typepyobject_type =
The type representing the range of types available to python programs. Values of this type are provided by the pytype function, and identify the python type of opaque pyobject objects.

Supported Functions from the Python/C API

In each case, the signature of the function is unchanged from the Python/C API except for the case of 'out' pointer to pointer parameters; in the case of a single return, the returned value is copied, otherwise, a tuple is created with copies of all output parameters. In the case of zero parameter, or void return, unit is used.

In python API functions that take a FILE *, an int file descriptor is used instead such as those returned by the Unix library.

fun unit -> unit

py_initialize, py_finalize, pyerr_print, pyerr_clear, pyimport_cleanup

fun int -> unit

py_exit, pyerr_printex

fun string -> unit

py_setprogramname, py_setpythonhome

fun unit -> int

py_isinitialized, pyeval_getrestricted

fun string -> int

pyrun_simplestring, pyimport_importfrozenmodule,

fun (int * string) -> int

pyrun_anyfile, pyrun_simplefile, pyrun_interactiveone, pyrun_interactiveloop, py_fdisinteractive

fun (int * string * int) -> int

pyrun_anyfileex, pyrun_simplefileex

fun unit -> string

py_getprogramname, py_getpthonhome, py_getprogramfullpath, py_getprefix, py_getexecprefix, py_getpath, py_getversion, py_getplatform, py_getcopyright, py_getcompiler, py_getbuildinfo

fun (string * int * pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject


fun (int * string * int * pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject


fun (int * string * int * pyobject * pyobject * int) -> pyobject


fun (string * string * int) -> pyobject


fun (pyobject * int * int) -> int

pyobject_print, pytuple_getslice, pysequence_getslice

fun pyobject -> pyobject

pyobject_repr, pyobject_str, pyobject_unicode, pydict_keys, pydict_values, pydict_items, pydict_copy, pymodule_getdict, pymethod_function, pymethod_self, pymethod_class, pymodule_getdict, pyimport_reloadmodule, pyobject_type, pynumber_negative, pynumber_positive, pynumber_absolute, pynumber_invert, pynumber_int, pynumber_long, pynumber_float, pysequence_tuple, pysequence_list

fun (pyobject * pyobject * int) -> pyobject


fun (pyobject * string) -> pyobject

pyobject_getattrstring, pydict_getitemstring, pysequence_fast, pymapping_haskeystring, pymapping_getitemstring

fun (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject

pyobject_getattr, pystring_format, pydict_getitem, pyinstance_newraw, pyeval_callobject, pyobject_getitem, pyobject_delitem, pynumber_add, pynumber_subtract, pynumber_multiply, pynumber_divide, pynumber_remainder, pynumber_divmod, pynumber_lshift, pynumber_rshift, pynumber_and, pynumber_xor, pynumber_or, pynumber_inplaceadd, pynumber_inplacesubtract, pynumber_inplacemultiply, pynumber_inplacedivide, pynumber_inplaceremainder, pynumber_inplacelshift, pynumber_inplacershift, pynumber_inplaceand, pynumber_inplacexor, pynumber_inplaceor, pysequence_concat, pysequence_inplaceconcat

fun pyobject -> int

pyobject_istrue, pyobject_not, pycalable_check, pystring_size, pydict_size, pytuple_new, pyerr_exceptionmatches, pyobject_size, pynumber_check, pysequence_check, pysequence_size, pysequence_length, pymapping_check, pymapping_size, pymapping_length, pyint_asint

fun (pyobject * pyobject) -> int

pyobject_compare, pyobject_hasattr, pydict_delitem, pyerr_givenexceptionmatches, pysequence_count, pysequence_contains, pysequence_in, pysequence_index, pymapping_haskey

fun (pyobject * pyobject * int) -> int

pyobject_richcomparebool, pysequence_delitem

fun (pyobject * string * pyobject) -> int

pyobject_setattrstring, pydict_setitemstring

fun (pyobject * string) -> int

pyobject_hasattrstring, pydict_delitemstring, pysequence_inplacerepeat

fun (pyobject * pyobject) -> (pyobject * pyobject)

pynumber_coerce, pynumber_coerceex

fun (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> int

pyobject_setattr, pydict_setitem, pyobject_setitem

fun pyobject -> int64

pyobject_hash, pyint_aslong

fun pyobject -> string

pystring_asstring, pymodule_getname, pymodule_getfilename

fun (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject

pystring_concat, pystring_concatanddel

fun string -> pyobject

pystring_fromstring, pymodule_new, pyimport_addmodule, pyimport_importmodule, pyimport_import

fun unit -> pyobject

pydict_new, pyerr_occurred, pyimport_getmoduledict, pyeval_getbuiltins, pyeval_getglobals, pyeval_getlocals, pyeval_getframe

fun pyobject -> unit

pydict_clear, pyerr_setnone

fun (pyobject * int) -> (pyobject * pyobject * int)


fun int64 -> pyobject


fun unit -> int64


fun float -> pyobject


fun pyobject -> float


fun int -> pyobject

pytuple_new, pyint_fromint

fun (pyobject * int) -> pyobject

pytuple_getitem, pysequence_repeat, pysequence_getitem

fun (pyobject * int * pyobject) -> int

pytuple_setitem, pysequence_setitem, pymapping_setitem

fun (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject

pyslice_new, pyclass_new, pyinstance_new, pymethod_new, pyeval_callobjectwithkeywords, pynumber_power, pynumber_inplacepower

fun (pyobject * int) -> (int * int * int)


fun (int * int * int * int) -> pyobject


fun (pyobject * pyobject) -> unit


fun (pyobject * string) -> unit


fun (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject)

pyerr_fetch, pyerr_normalizeexception

fun (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> unit


fun (pyobject * string) -> pyobject


fun (string * pyobject * string) -> pyobject


fun (string * pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject


fun pyobject -> string

pyobject_ascharbuffer, pyobject_asreadbuffer, pyobject_aswritebuffer

fun (pyobject * int * int * pyobject) -> int


fun (pyobject * int * int) -> int


Unique Functions Needed for Ocaml

In addition to the functions in the usual library, several new functions are provided which give specific support for ocaml.

pytuple_toarray pyobject -> pyobject array
Convert a python tuple to an ocaml array containing the same items.
pywrap_closure(pyobject -> pyobject) -> pyobject
Create a python callable object from a closure. The closure receives the argument tuple from the invocation and returns a pyobject.
pywrap_value'a -> pyobject
Create a simple void * style wrapping around an ocaml object. The object may be retrieved with pyunwrap_value : pyobject -> 'a. Use this to enclose an ocaml data structure in python to be used later.
pynullunit -> pyobject
Generate the null PyObject * and return it. This may sound dangerous, but it is used by library calls to indicate errors to the python system.
pynoneunit -> pyobject
Generate a reference to the Py_None object.
pytuple_fromarray pyobject array -> pyobject
Create a pytuple (as would be used for a function call) from the given array. This may be used to implement varargs calls on python functions, and for other purposes.
pytuple_empty pyobject array -> pyobject
Shortcut for pytuple_new 0
pytuple_fromsingle pyobject -> pyobject
Create a tuple with the single given object inside. Use this to create single element tuples as for a function call with one argument.
pytuple1-5 (pyobject * ...) -> pyobject
Create a python tuple that has the same contents as the given ocaml tuple.
pytype pyobject -> pyobject_type
Determine roughly which type family the given value belongs to. For example, pytype (pystring_fromstring "hi") yields StringType.

Sample Application

This is the sample application that I developed the library with. It illustrates a python function call, as well as a call back into ocaml. The first form is used in cases where python libraries are to be used from ocaml, and the second would be used to produce native libraries in ocaml.

open Pycaml ;;

let colorsys = pyimport_importmodule "colorsys"
let dict = pymodule_getdict colorsys

let triplet = pytuple3 (pyfloat_fromdouble 1.0,
			pyfloat_fromdouble 0.5,
			pyfloat_fromdouble 0.2) ;;

let rgbtoyiq = pydict_getitemstring (dict,"rgb_to_yiq")
let triplet = pyeval_callobject (rgbtoyiq,triplet)

let _ = print_endline ((string_of_float
			  (pyfloat_asdouble (pytuple_getitem (triplet,0)))) ^ 
		       " " ^
			  (pyfloat_asdouble (pytuple_getitem (triplet,1)))) ^
		       " " ^
			  (pyfloat_asdouble (pytuple_getitem (triplet,2))))) ;;

let x = pywrap_closure 
    (fun x -> print_string (pystring_asstring (pytuple_getitem (x,0))) ; 
      pynone ())

let _ = pyeval_callobject 
    (x,pytuple_fromsingle (pystring_fromstring "hi there"))