(* Yoann Padioleau * * Copyright (C) 2010, University of Copenhagen DIKU and INRIA. * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Ecole des Mines de Nantes * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * file license.txt for more details. *) open Common module TH = Token_helpers module LP = Lexer_parser module Stat = Parsing_stat (*****************************************************************************) (* Wrappers *) (*****************************************************************************) let pr2_err, pr2_once = Common.mk_pr2_wrappers Flag_parsing_c.verbose_parsing (*****************************************************************************) (* Helpers *) (*****************************************************************************) let lexbuf_to_strpos lexbuf = (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf, Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf) let token_to_strpos tok = (TH.str_of_tok tok, TH.pos_of_tok tok) let mk_info_item2 filename toks = let buf = Buffer.create 100 in let s = (* old: get_slice_file filename (line1, line2) *) begin toks +> List.iter (fun tok -> match TH.pinfo_of_tok tok with | Ast_c.OriginTok _ -> Buffer.add_string buf (TH.str_of_tok tok) | Ast_c.AbstractLineTok _ -> raise Impossible | _ -> () ); Buffer.contents buf end in (s, toks) let mk_info_item a b = Common.profile_code "C parsing.mk_info_item" (fun () -> mk_info_item2 a b) let info_same_line line xs = xs +> List.filter (fun info -> Ast_c.line_of_info info =|= line) (* move in cpp_token_c ? *) let is_define_passed passed = let xs = passed +> List.rev +> List.filter TH.is_not_comment in if List.length xs >= 2 then (match Common.head_middle_tail xs with | Parser_c.TDefine _, _, Parser_c.TDefEOL _ -> true | _ -> false ) else begin pr2_err "WEIRD: length list of error recovery tokens < 2 "; false end (*****************************************************************************) (* Error diagnostic *) (*****************************************************************************) let error_msg_tok tok = let file = TH.file_of_tok tok in if !Flag_parsing_c.verbose_parsing then Common.error_message file (token_to_strpos tok) else ("error in " ^ file ^ "; set verbose_parsing for more info") let print_bad line_error (start_line, end_line) filelines = begin pr2 ("badcount: " ^ i_to_s (end_line - start_line)); for i = start_line to end_line do let line = filelines.(i) in if i =|= line_error then pr2 ("BAD:!!!!!" ^ " " ^ line) else pr2 ("bad:" ^ " " ^ line) done end (*****************************************************************************) (* Stats on what was passed/commentized *) (*****************************************************************************) let commentized xs = xs +> Common.tail_map_filter (function | Parser_c.TCommentCpp (cppkind, ii) -> let s = Ast_c.str_of_info ii in let legal_passing = match !Flag_parsing_c.filter_passed_level with | 0 -> false | 1 -> List.mem cppkind [Token_c.CppAttr] || (s =~ "__.*") | 2 -> List.mem cppkind [Token_c.CppAttr;Token_c.CppPassingNormal] || (s =~ "__.*") | 3 -> List.mem cppkind [Token_c.CppAttr;Token_c.CppPassingNormal;Token_c.CppDirective] || (s =~ "__.*") | 4 -> List.mem cppkind [Token_c.CppAttr;Token_c.CppPassingNormal;Token_c.CppMacro] || (s =~ "__.*") | 5 -> List.mem cppkind [Token_c.CppAttr;Token_c.CppPassingNormal;Token_c.CppDirective;Token_c.CppMacro] || (s =~ "__.*") | _ -> failwith "not valid level passing number" in if legal_passing then None else Some (ii.Ast_c.pinfo) (* | Ast_c.CppOther -> (match s with | s when s =~ "KERN_.*" -> None | s when s =~ "__.*" -> None | _ -> Some (ii.Ast_c.pinfo) ) *) | Parser_c.TCommentMisc ii | Parser_c.TAction ii -> Some (ii.Ast_c.pinfo) | _ -> None ) let count_lines_commentized xs = let line = ref (-1) in let count = ref 0 in begin commentized xs +> List.iter (function Ast_c.OriginTok pinfo | Ast_c.ExpandedTok (_,(pinfo,_)) -> let newline = pinfo.Common.line in if newline <> !line then begin line := newline; incr count end | _ -> ()); !count end let print_commentized xs = let line = ref (-1) in begin let ys = commentized xs in ys +> List.iter (function Ast_c.OriginTok pinfo | Ast_c.ExpandedTok (_,(pinfo,_)) -> let newline = pinfo.Common.line in let s = pinfo.Common.str in let s = Str.global_substitute (Str.regexp "\n") (fun s -> "") s in if newline =|= !line then prerr_string (s ^ " ") else begin if !line =|= -1 then pr2_no_nl "passed:" else pr2_no_nl "\npassed:"; line := newline; pr2_no_nl (s ^ " "); end | _ -> ()); if not (null ys) then pr2 ""; end (*****************************************************************************) (* Lexing only *) (*****************************************************************************) (* called by parse_print_error_heuristic *) let tokens2 file = let table = Common.full_charpos_to_pos_large file in Common.with_open_infile file (fun chan -> let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel chan in try let rec tokens_aux acc = let tok = Lexer_c.token lexbuf in (* fill in the line and col information *) let tok = tok +> TH.visitor_info_of_tok (fun ii -> { ii with Ast_c.pinfo= (* could assert pinfo.filename = file ? *) match Ast_c.pinfo_of_info ii with Ast_c.OriginTok pi -> Ast_c.OriginTok (Common.complete_parse_info_large file table pi) | Ast_c.ExpandedTok (pi,vpi) -> Ast_c.ExpandedTok((Common.complete_parse_info_large file table pi),vpi) | Ast_c.FakeTok (s,vpi) -> Ast_c.FakeTok (s,vpi) | Ast_c.AbstractLineTok pi -> failwith "should not occur" }) in if TH.is_eof tok then List.rev (tok::acc) else tokens_aux (tok::acc) in tokens_aux [] with | Lexer_c.Lexical s -> failwith ("lexical error " ^ s ^ "\n =" ^ (Common.error_message file (lexbuf_to_strpos lexbuf))) | e -> raise e ) let time_lexing ?(profile=true) a = if profile then Common.profile_code_exclusif "LEXING" (fun () -> tokens2 a) else tokens2 a let tokens ?profile a = Common.profile_code "C parsing.tokens" (fun () -> time_lexing ?profile a) let tokens_of_string string = let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string string in try let rec tokens_s_aux () = let tok = Lexer_c.token lexbuf in if TH.is_eof tok then [tok] else tok::(tokens_s_aux ()) in tokens_s_aux () with | Lexer_c.Lexical s -> failwith ("lexical error " ^ s ^ "\n =" ) | e -> raise e (*****************************************************************************) (* Parsing, but very basic, no more used *) (*****************************************************************************) (* * !!!Those function use refs, and are not reentrant !!! so take care. * It use globals defined in Lexer_parser. * * update: because now lexer return comments tokens, those functions * may not work anymore. *) let parse file = let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel (open_in file) in let result = Parser_c.main Lexer_c.token lexbuf in result let parse_print_error file = let chan = (open_in file) in let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel chan in let error_msg () = Common.error_message file (lexbuf_to_strpos lexbuf) in try lexbuf +> Parser_c.main Lexer_c.token with | Lexer_c.Lexical s -> failwith ("lexical error " ^s^ "\n =" ^ error_msg ()) | Parsing.Parse_error -> failwith ("parse error \n = " ^ error_msg ()) | Semantic_c.Semantic (s, i) -> failwith ("semantic error " ^ s ^ "\n =" ^ error_msg ()) | e -> raise e (*****************************************************************************) (* Parsing subelements, useful to debug parser *) (*****************************************************************************) (* * !!!Those function use refs, and are not reentrant !!! so take care. * It use globals defined in Lexer_parser. *) (* old: * let parse_gen parsefunc s = * let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in * let result = parsefunc Lexer_c.token lexbuf in * result *) let parse_gen parsefunc s = let toks = tokens_of_string s +> List.filter TH.is_not_comment in (* Why use this lexing scheme ? Why not classically give lexer func * to parser ? Because I now keep comments in lexer. Could * just do a simple wrapper that when comment ask again for a token, * but maybe simpler to use cur_tok technique. *) let all_tokens = ref toks in let cur_tok = ref (List.hd !all_tokens) in let lexer_function = (fun _ -> if TH.is_eof !cur_tok then (pr2_err "LEXER: ALREADY AT END"; !cur_tok) else let v = Common.pop2 all_tokens in cur_tok := v; !cur_tok ) in let lexbuf_fake = Lexing.from_function (fun buf n -> raise Impossible) in let result = parsefunc lexer_function lexbuf_fake in result let type_of_string = parse_gen Parser_c.type_name let statement_of_string = parse_gen Parser_c.statement let expression_of_string = parse_gen Parser_c.expr (* ex: statement_of_string "(struct us_data* )psh->hostdata = NULL;" *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Parsing default define macros, usually in a standard.h file *) (*****************************************************************************) let extract_macros2 file = Common.save_excursion Flag_parsing_c.verbose_lexing (fun () -> Flag_parsing_c.verbose_lexing := false; let toks = tokens ~profile:false file in let toks = Parsing_hacks.fix_tokens_define toks in Cpp_token_c.extract_macros toks ) let extract_macros a = Common.profile_code_exclusif "HACK" (fun () -> extract_macros2 a) (*****************************************************************************) (* Helper for main entry point *) (*****************************************************************************) (* The use of local refs (remaining_tokens, passed_tokens, ...) makes * possible error recovery. Indeed, they allow to skip some tokens and * still be able to call again the ocamlyacc parser. It is ugly code * because we cant modify ocamllex and ocamlyacc. As we want some * extended lexing tricks, we have to use such refs. * * Those refs are now also used for my lalr(k) technique. Indeed They * store the futur and previous tokens that were parsed, and so * provide enough context information for powerful lex trick. * * - passed_tokens_last_ckp stores the passed tokens since last * checkpoint. Used for NotParsedCorrectly and also to build the * info_item attached to each program_element. * - passed_tokens_clean is used for lookahead, in fact for lookback. * - remaining_tokens_clean is used for lookahead. Now remaining_tokens * contain some comments and so would make pattern matching difficult * in lookahead. Hence this variable. We would like also to get rid * of cpp instruction because sometimes a cpp instruction is between * two tokens and makes a pattern matching fail. But lookahead also * transform some cpp instruction (in comment) so can't remove them. * * So remaining_tokens, passed_tokens_last_ckp contain comment-tokens, * whereas passed_tokens_clean and remaining_tokens_clean does not contain * comment-tokens. * * Normally we have: * toks = (reverse passed_tok) ++ cur_tok ++ remaining_tokens * after the call to pop2. * toks = (reverse passed_tok) ++ remaining_tokens * at the and of the lexer_function call. * At the very beginning, cur_tok and remaining_tokens overlap, but not after. * At the end of lexer_function call, cur_tok overlap with passed_tok. * * convention: I use "tr" for "tokens refs" * * I now also need this lexing trick because the lexer return comment * tokens. *) type tokens_state = { mutable rest : Parser_c.token list; mutable rest_clean : Parser_c.token list; mutable current : Parser_c.token; (* it's passed since last "checkpoint", not passed from the beginning *) mutable passed : Parser_c.token list; mutable passed_clean : Parser_c.token list; } let mk_tokens_state toks = { rest = toks; rest_clean = (toks +> List.filter TH.is_not_comment); current = (List.hd toks); passed = []; passed_clean = []; } let clone_tokens_state tr = { rest = tr.rest; rest_clean = tr.rest_clean; current = tr.current; passed = tr.passed; passed_clean = tr.passed_clean; } let copy_tokens_state ~src ~dst = dst.rest <- src.rest; dst.rest_clean <- src.rest_clean; dst.current <- src.current; dst.passed <- src.passed; dst.passed_clean <- src.passed_clean; () (* todo? agglomerate the x##b ? *) let rec filter_noise n xs = match n, xs with | _, [] -> [] | 0, xs -> xs | n, x::xs -> (match x with | Parser_c.TMacroAttr _ -> filter_noise (n-1) xs | _ -> x::filter_noise (n-1) xs ) let clean_for_lookahead xs = match xs with | [] -> [] | [x] -> [x] | x::xs -> x::filter_noise 10 xs (* Hacked lex. This function use refs passed by parse_print_error_heuristic * tr means token refs. *) let rec lexer_function ~pass tr = fun lexbuf -> match tr.rest with | [] -> pr2_err "ALREADY AT END"; tr.current | v::xs -> tr.rest <- xs; tr.current <- v; if !Flag_parsing_c.debug_lexer then Common.pr2_gen v; if TH.is_comment v then begin tr.passed <- v::tr.passed; lexer_function ~pass tr lexbuf end else begin let x = List.hd tr.rest_clean in tr.rest_clean <- List.tl tr.rest_clean; assert (x =*= v); (match v with (* fix_define1. * * Why not in parsing_hacks lookahead and do passing like * I do for some ifdef directives ? Because here I also need to * generate some tokens sometimes and so I need access to the * tr.passed, tr.rest, etc. *) | Parser_c.TDefine (tok) -> if not (LP.current_context () =*= LP.InTopLevel) && (!Flag_parsing_c.cpp_directive_passing || (pass >= 2)) then begin incr Stat.nDefinePassing; pr2_once ("CPP-DEFINE: inside function, I treat it as comment"); let v' = Parser_c.TCommentCpp (Token_c.CppDirective,TH.info_of_tok v) in tr.passed <- v'::tr.passed; tr.rest <- Parsing_hacks.comment_until_defeol tr.rest; tr.rest_clean <- Parsing_hacks.drop_until_defeol tr.rest_clean; lexer_function ~pass tr lexbuf end else begin tr.passed <- v::tr.passed; tr.passed_clean <- v::tr.passed_clean; v end | Parser_c.TUndef (tok) -> if not (LP.current_context () =*= LP.InTopLevel) && (!Flag_parsing_c.cpp_directive_passing || (pass >= 2)) then begin incr Stat.nUndefPassing; pr2_once ("CPP-UNDEF: inside function, I treat it as comment"); let v' = Parser_c.TCommentCpp (Token_c.CppDirective,TH.info_of_tok v) in tr.passed <- v'::tr.passed; tr.rest <- Parsing_hacks.comment_until_defeol tr.rest; tr.rest_clean <- Parsing_hacks.drop_until_defeol tr.rest_clean; lexer_function ~pass tr lexbuf end else begin tr.passed <- v::tr.passed; tr.passed_clean <- v::tr.passed_clean; v end | Parser_c.TInclude (includes, filename, inifdef, info) -> if not (LP.current_context () =*= LP.InTopLevel) && (!Flag_parsing_c.cpp_directive_passing || (pass >= 2)) then begin incr Stat.nIncludePassing; pr2_once ("CPP-INCLUDE: inside function, I treat it as comment"); let v = Parser_c.TCommentCpp(Token_c.CppDirective, info) in tr.passed <- v::tr.passed; lexer_function ~pass tr lexbuf end else begin let (v,new_tokens) = Parsing_hacks.tokens_include(info, includes, filename, inifdef) in let new_tokens_clean = new_tokens +> List.filter TH.is_not_comment in tr.passed <- v::tr.passed; tr.passed_clean <- v::tr.passed_clean; tr.rest <- new_tokens ++ tr.rest; tr.rest_clean <- new_tokens_clean ++ tr.rest_clean; v end | _ -> (* typedef_fix1 *) let v = match v with | Parser_c.TIdent (s, ii) -> if LP.is_typedef s && not (!Flag_parsing_c.disable_add_typedef) && pass =|= 1 then Parser_c.TypedefIdent (s, ii) else Parser_c.TIdent (s, ii) | x -> x in let v = Parsing_hacks.lookahead ~pass (clean_for_lookahead (v::tr.rest_clean)) tr.passed_clean in tr.passed <- v::tr.passed; (* the lookahead may have changed the status of the token and * consider it as a comment, for instance some #include are * turned into comments, hence this code. *) match v with | Parser_c.TCommentCpp _ -> lexer_function ~pass tr lexbuf | v -> tr.passed_clean <- v::tr.passed_clean; v ) end let max_pass = 4 let get_one_elem ~pass tr (file, filelines) = if not (LP.is_enabled_typedef()) && !Flag_parsing_c.debug_typedef then pr2_err "TYPEDEF:_handle_typedef=false. Not normal if dont come from exn"; (* normally have to do that only when come from an exception in which * case the dt() may not have been done * TODO but if was in scoped scope ? have to let only the last scope * so need do a LP.lexer_reset_typedef (); *) LP.enable_typedef(); LP._lexer_hint := (LP.default_hint ()); LP.save_typedef_state(); tr.passed <- []; let lexbuf_fake = Lexing.from_function (fun buf n -> raise Impossible) in (try (* -------------------------------------------------- *) (* Call parser *) (* -------------------------------------------------- *) Common.profile_code_exclusif "YACC" (fun () -> Left (Parser_c.celem (lexer_function ~pass tr) lexbuf_fake) ) with e -> LP.restore_typedef_state(); (* must keep here, before the code that adjusts the tr fields *) let line_error = TH.line_of_tok tr.current in let passed_before_error = tr.passed in let current = tr.current in (* error recovery, go to next synchro point *) let (passed', rest') = Parsing_recovery_c.find_next_synchro tr.rest tr.passed in tr.rest <- rest'; tr.passed <- passed'; tr.current <- List.hd passed'; tr.passed_clean <- []; (* enough ? *) (* with error recovery, rest and rest_clean may not be in sync *) tr.rest_clean <- (tr.rest +> List.filter TH.is_not_comment); let info_of_bads = Common.map_eff_rev TH.info_of_tok tr.passed in Right (info_of_bads, line_error, tr.passed, passed_before_error, current, e) ) (* Macro problem recovery *) (* used by the multi-pass error recovery expand-on-demand *) (* val candidate_macros_in_passed: defs: (string, define_def) Hashtbl.t -> Parser_c.token list -> (string * define_def) list *) let candidate_macros_in_passed2 ~defs passed = let res = ref [] in let res2 = ref [] in passed +> List.iter (function | Parser_c.TIdent (s,_) (* bugfix: may have to undo some infered things *) | Parser_c.TMacroIterator (s,_) | Parser_c.TypedefIdent (s,_) -> (match Common.hfind_option s defs with | Some def -> if s ==~ Parsing_hacks.regexp_macro then (* pr2 (spf "candidate: %s" s); *) Common.push2 (s, def) res else Common.push2 (s, def) res2 | None -> () ) | _ -> () ); if null !res then !res2 else !res let candidate_macros_in_passed ~defs b = Common.profile_code "MACRO managment" (fun () -> candidate_macros_in_passed2 ~defs b) let find_optional_macro_to_expand2 ~defs toks = let defs = Common.hash_of_list defs in let toks = toks +> Common.tail_map (function (* special cases to undo *) | Parser_c.TMacroIterator (s, ii) -> if Hashtbl.mem defs s then Parser_c.TIdent (s, ii) else Parser_c.TMacroIterator (s, ii) | Parser_c.TypedefIdent (s, ii) -> if Hashtbl.mem defs s then Parser_c.TIdent (s, ii) else Parser_c.TypedefIdent (s, ii) | x -> x ) in let tokens = toks in Parsing_hacks.fix_tokens_cpp ~macro_defs:defs tokens (* just calling apply_macro_defs and having a specialized version * of the code in fix_tokens_cpp is not enough as some work such * as the passing of the body of attribute in Parsing_hacks.find_macro_paren * will not get the chance to be run on the new expanded tokens. * Hence even if it's expensive, it's currently better to * just call directly fix_tokens_cpp again here. let tokens2 = ref (tokens +> Common.acc_map TV.mk_token_extended) in let cleaner = !tokens2 +> Parsing_hacks.filter_cpp_stuff in let paren_grouped = TV.mk_parenthised cleaner in Cpp_token_c.apply_macro_defs ~msg_apply_known_macro:(fun s -> pr2 (spf "APPLYING: %s" s)) ~msg_apply_known_macro_hint:(fun s -> pr2 "hint") defs paren_grouped; (* because the before field is used by apply_macro_defs *) tokens2 := TV.rebuild_tokens_extented !tokens2; Parsing_hacks.insert_virtual_positions (!tokens2 +> Common.acc_map (fun x -> x.TV.tok)) *) let find_optional_macro_to_expand ~defs a = Common.profile_code "MACRO managment" (fun () -> find_optional_macro_to_expand2 ~defs a) (*****************************************************************************) (* Main entry points *) (*****************************************************************************) let (_defs : (string, Cpp_token_c.define_def) Hashtbl.t ref) = ref (Hashtbl.create 101) let (_defs_builtins : (string, Cpp_token_c.define_def) Hashtbl.t ref) = ref (Hashtbl.create 101) (* can not be put in parsing_hack, cos then mutually recursive problem as * we also want to parse the standard.h file. *) let init_defs_macros std_h = if not (Common.lfile_exists std_h) then pr2 ("warning: Can't find default macro file: " ^ std_h) else begin pr2 ("init_defs: " ^ std_h); _defs := Common.hash_of_list (extract_macros std_h); end let init_defs_builtins file_h = if not (Common.lfile_exists file_h) then pr2 ("warning: Can't find macro file: " ^ file_h) else begin pr2 ("init_defs_builtins: " ^ file_h); _defs_builtins := Common.hash_of_list (extract_macros file_h); end type info_item = string * Parser_c.token list type program2 = toplevel2 list and extended_program2 = toplevel2 list * (string, Lexer_parser.identkind) Common.scoped_h_env (* type defs *) * (string, Cpp_token_c.define_def) Hashtbl.t (* macro defs *) and toplevel2 = Ast_c.toplevel * info_item let program_of_program2 xs = xs +> List.map fst let with_program2 f program2 = program2 +> Common.unzip +> (fun (program, infos) -> f program, infos ) +> Common.uncurry Common.zip (* note: as now we go in 2 passes, there is first all the error message of * the lexer, and then the error of the parser. It is not anymore * interwinded. * * !!!This function use refs, and is not reentrant !!! so take care. * It use globals defined in Lexer_parser and also the _defs global * in parsing_hack.ml. * * This function uses internally some semi globals in the * tokens_stat record and parsing_stat record. *) let parse_print_error_heuristic2 saved_typedefs saved_macros file = let filelines = Common.cat_array file in let stat = Parsing_stat.default_stat file in (* -------------------------------------------------- *) (* call lexer and get all the tokens *) (* -------------------------------------------------- *) LP.lexer_reset_typedef saved_typedefs; Parsing_hacks.ifdef_paren_cnt := 0; let toks_orig = tokens file in let toks = Parsing_hacks.fix_tokens_define toks_orig in let toks = Parsing_hacks.fix_tokens_cpp ~macro_defs:!_defs_builtins toks in (* expand macros on demand trick, preparation phase *) let macros = Common.profile_code "MACRO mgmt prep 1" (fun () -> let macros = match saved_macros with None -> Hashtbl.copy !_defs | Some h -> h in (* include also builtins as some macros may generate some builtins too * like __decl_spec or __stdcall *) !_defs_builtins +> Hashtbl.iter (fun s def -> Hashtbl.replace macros s def; ); macros ) in Common.profile_code "MACRO mgmt prep 2" (fun () -> let local_macros = extract_macros file in local_macros +> List.iter (fun (s, def) -> Hashtbl.replace macros s def; ); ); let tr = mk_tokens_state toks in let rec loop tr = (* todo?: I am not sure that it represents current_line, cos maybe * tr.current partipated in the previous parsing phase, so maybe tr.current * is not the first token of the next parsing phase. Same with checkpoint2. * It would be better to record when we have a } or ; in parser.mly, * cos we know that they are the last symbols of external_declaration2. * * bugfix: may not be equal to 'file' as after macro expansions we can * start to parse a new entity from the body of a macro, for instance * when parsing a define_machine() body, cf standard.h *) let checkpoint = TH.line_of_tok tr.current in let checkpoint_file = TH.file_of_tok tr.current in (* call the parser *) let elem = let pass1 = Common.profile_code "Parsing: 1st pass" (fun () -> get_one_elem ~pass:1 tr (file, filelines) ) in match pass1 with | Left e -> Left e | Right (info,line_err, passed, passed_before_error, cur, exn) -> if !Flag_parsing_c.disable_multi_pass then pass1 else begin Common.profile_code "Parsing: multi pass" (fun () -> pr2_err "parsing pass2: try again"; let toks = List.rev passed ++ tr.rest in let new_tr = mk_tokens_state toks in copy_tokens_state ~src:new_tr ~dst:tr; let passx = get_one_elem ~pass:2 tr (file, filelines) in (match passx with | Left e -> passx | Right (info,line_err,passed,passed_before_error,cur,exn) -> let candidates = candidate_macros_in_passed ~defs:macros passed in if is_define_passed passed || null candidates then passx else begin (* todo factorize code *) pr2_err "parsing pass3: try again"; let toks = List.rev passed ++ tr.rest in let toks' = find_optional_macro_to_expand ~defs:candidates toks in let new_tr = mk_tokens_state toks' in copy_tokens_state ~src:new_tr ~dst:tr; let passx = get_one_elem ~pass:3 tr (file, filelines) in (match passx with | Left e -> passx | Right (info,line_err,passed,passed_before_error,cur,exn) -> pr2_err "parsing pass4: try again"; let candidates = candidate_macros_in_passed ~defs:macros passed in let toks = List.rev passed ++ tr.rest in let toks' = find_optional_macro_to_expand ~defs:candidates toks in let new_tr = mk_tokens_state toks' in copy_tokens_state ~src:new_tr ~dst:tr; let passx = get_one_elem ~pass:4 tr (file, filelines) in passx ) end ) ) end in (* again not sure if checkpoint2 corresponds to end of bad region *) let checkpoint2 = TH.line_of_tok tr.current in (* <> line_error *) let checkpoint2_file = TH.file_of_tok tr.current in let diffline = if (checkpoint_file =$= checkpoint2_file) && (checkpoint_file =$= file) then (checkpoint2 - checkpoint) else 0 (* TODO? so if error come in middle of something ? where the * start token was from original file but synchro found in body * of macro ? then can have wrong number of lines stat. * Maybe simpler just to look at tr.passed and count * the lines in the token from the correct file ? *) in let info = mk_info_item file (List.rev tr.passed) in (* some stat updates *) stat.Stat.commentized <- stat.Stat.commentized + count_lines_commentized (snd info); let elem = match elem with | Left e -> stat.Stat.correct <- stat.Stat.correct + diffline; e | Right (info_of_bads, line_error, toks_of_bads, _passed_before_error, cur, exn) -> let was_define = is_define_passed tr.passed in if was_define && !Flag_parsing_c.filter_msg_define_error then () else begin (match exn with | Lexer_c.Lexical _ | Parsing.Parse_error | Semantic_c.Semantic _ -> () | e -> raise e ); if !Flag_parsing_c.show_parsing_error then begin (match exn with (* Lexical is not anymore launched I think *) | Lexer_c.Lexical s -> pr2 ("lexical error " ^s^ "\n =" ^ error_msg_tok cur) | Parsing.Parse_error -> pr2 ("parse error \n = " ^ error_msg_tok cur) | Semantic_c.Semantic (s, i) -> pr2 ("semantic error " ^s^ "\n ="^ error_msg_tok cur) | e -> raise Impossible ); (* bugfix: *) if (checkpoint_file =$= checkpoint2_file) && checkpoint_file =$= file then print_bad line_error (checkpoint, checkpoint2) filelines else pr2 "PB: bad: but on tokens not from original file" end; let pbline = toks_of_bads +> Common.filter (TH.is_same_line_or_close line_error) +> Common.filter TH.is_ident_like in let error_info = (pbline +> List.map TH.str_of_tok), line_error in stat.Stat.problematic_lines <- error_info::stat.Stat.problematic_lines; end; if was_define && !Flag_parsing_c.filter_define_error then stat.Stat.correct <- stat.Stat.correct + diffline else stat.Stat.bad <- stat.Stat.bad + diffline; Ast_c.NotParsedCorrectly info_of_bads in (match elem with | Ast_c.FinalDef x -> [(Ast_c.FinalDef x, info)] | xs -> (xs, info):: loop tr (* recurse *) ) in let v = loop tr in let v = with_program2 Parsing_consistency_c.consistency_checking v in let v = let new_td = ref (Common.clone_scoped_h_env !LP._typedef) in Common.clean_scope_h new_td; (v, !new_td, macros) in (v, stat) let time_total_parsing a b = Common.profile_code "TOTAL" (fun () -> parse_print_error_heuristic2 a b) let parse_print_error_heuristic a b = Common.profile_code "C parsing" (fun () -> time_total_parsing a b) (* alias *) let parse_c_and_cpp a = let ((c,_,_),stat) = parse_print_error_heuristic None None a in (c,stat) let parse_c_and_cpp_keep_typedefs td macs a = parse_print_error_heuristic td macs a (*****************************************************************************) (* Same but faster cos memoize stuff *) (*****************************************************************************) let parse_cache file = if not !Flag_parsing_c.use_cache then parse_print_error_heuristic None None file else let _ = pr2 "TOFIX" in let need_no_changed_files = (* should use Sys.argv.(0), would be safer. *) [ (* TOFIX Config.path ^ "/parsing_c/c_parser.cma"; (* we may also depend now on the semantic patch because the SP may use macro and so we will disable some of the macro expansions from standard.h. *) !Config.std_h; *) ] in let need_no_changed_variables = (* could add some of the flags of flag_parsing_c.ml *) [] in Common.cache_computation_robust file ".ast_raw" (need_no_changed_files, need_no_changed_variables) ".depend_raw" (fun () -> parse_print_error_heuristic None None file) (*****************************************************************************) (* Some special cases *) (*****************************************************************************) let (cstatement_of_string: string -> Ast_c.statement) = fun s -> let tmpfile = Common.new_temp_file "cocci_stmt_of_s" "c" in Common.write_file tmpfile ("void main() { \n" ^ s ^ "\n}"); let program = parse_c_and_cpp tmpfile +> fst in program +> Common.find_some (fun (e,_) -> match e with | Ast_c.Definition ({Ast_c.f_body = [Ast_c.StmtElem st]},_) -> Some st | _ -> None ) let (cexpression_of_string: string -> Ast_c.expression) = fun s -> let tmpfile = Common.new_temp_file "cocci_expr_of_s" "c" in Common.write_file tmpfile ("void main() { \n" ^ s ^ ";\n}"); let program = parse_c_and_cpp tmpfile +> fst in program +> Common.find_some (fun (e,_) -> match e with | Ast_c.Definition ({Ast_c.f_body = compound},_) -> (match compound with | [Ast_c.StmtElem st] -> (match Ast_c.unwrap_st st with | Ast_c.ExprStatement (Some e) -> Some e | _ -> None ) | _ -> None ) | _ -> None )