(* * Copyright 2010, INRIA, University of Copenhagen * Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * This file is part of Coccinelle. * * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License. * * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Coccinelle. If not, see . * * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of * Coccinelle under other licenses. *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Cocci vs C *) (*****************************************************************************) (* This module was introduced to factorize code between * pattern.ml and transformation.ml. In both cases we need * to "compare" a piece of C with a piece of Cocci, and depending * if we want just to pattern or transform, we perform different * actions on the tokens. So, the common code is in this module * and the module specific actions are in pattern.ml and transformation.ml. * * We could have used a visitor approach as in visitor_c but I prefer * this time to use a functor. The specific actions are passed * via a module to the functor. * * If the functor is too complex too understand, you can look at * the comments in pattern.ml and transformation.ml to look at * how it was done before, which may help to understand how * it is done now. * * You can also look at the papers on parser combinators in haskell * (cf a pearl by meijer in ICFP) to understand our monadic * approach to matching/unifying. *) (* should be used as less as possible. Most of the time the code in * cocci_vs_c should be the same if we pattern or transform *) type mode = PatternMode | TransformMode (* used in both pattern and transform, in envf *) val equal_metavarval : Ast_c.metavar_binding_kind -> Ast_c.metavar_binding_kind -> bool (* for inherited metavariables. no declaration link on expressions *) val equal_inh_metavarval : Ast_c.metavar_binding_kind -> Ast_c.metavar_binding_kind -> bool (*****************************************************************************) (* The parameter of the functor (the specific actions) *) (*****************************************************************************) module type PARAM = sig type tin type 'a tout (* a matcher between 'a' and 'b' take 'a' and 'b' in parameter, * and "something" (tin; a state that is threaded across calls), * and return a new 'a' and 'b' encapsulated in "something" (tout) *) type ('a, 'b) matcher = 'a -> 'b -> tin -> ('a * 'b) tout val mode : mode (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The monadic combinators *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* it kinds of take a matcher in parameter, and another matcher, * and returns a matcher, so =~ matcher -> matcher -> matcher *) val ( >>= ) : (tin -> ('a * 'b) tout) -> ('a -> 'b -> tin -> ('c * 'd) tout) -> tin -> ('c * 'd) tout val return : 'a * 'b -> tin -> ('a * 'b) tout val fail : tin -> ('a * 'b) tout val ( >||> ) : (tin -> 'a tout) -> (tin -> 'a tout) -> tin -> 'a tout val ( >|+|> ) : (tin -> 'a tout) -> (tin -> 'a tout) -> tin -> 'a tout val ( >&&> ) : (tin -> bool) -> (tin -> 'a tout) -> tin -> 'a tout (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Tokens tagging *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val tokenf : ('a Ast_cocci.mcode, Ast_c.info) matcher val tokenf_mck : (Ast_cocci.mcodekind, Ast_c.info) matcher (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Distr_f functions, to tag a range of tokens *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val distrf_e : (Ast_cocci.meta_name Ast_cocci.mcode, Ast_c.expression) matcher val distrf_args : (Ast_cocci.meta_name Ast_cocci.mcode, (Ast_c.argument, Ast_c.il) Common.either list) matcher val distrf_type : (Ast_cocci.meta_name Ast_cocci.mcode, Ast_c.fullType) matcher val distrf_params : (Ast_cocci.meta_name Ast_cocci.mcode, (Ast_c.parameterType, Ast_c.il) Common.either list) matcher val distrf_param : (Ast_cocci.meta_name Ast_cocci.mcode, Ast_c.parameterType) matcher val distrf_ini : (Ast_cocci.meta_name Ast_cocci.mcode, Ast_c.initialiser) matcher val distrf_inis : (Ast_cocci.meta_name Ast_cocci.mcode, (Ast_c.initialiser, Ast_c.il) Common.either list) matcher val distrf_decl : (Ast_cocci.meta_name Ast_cocci.mcode, Ast_c.declaration) matcher val distrf_field : (Ast_cocci.meta_name Ast_cocci.mcode, Ast_c.field) matcher val distrf_node : (Ast_cocci.meta_name Ast_cocci.mcode, Control_flow_c.node) matcher val distrf_define_params : (Ast_cocci.meta_name Ast_cocci.mcode, (string Ast_c.wrap, Ast_c.il) Common.either list) matcher val distrf_enum_fields : (Ast_cocci.meta_name Ast_cocci.mcode, (Ast_c.oneEnumType, Ast_c.il) Common.either list) matcher val distrf_struct_fields : (Ast_cocci.meta_name Ast_cocci.mcode, Ast_c.field list) matcher val distrf_cst : (Ast_cocci.meta_name Ast_cocci.mcode, (Ast_c.constant, string) Common.either Ast_c.wrap) matcher (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Modifying nested expression and nested types, with Exp and Ty *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val cocciExp : (Ast_cocci.expression, Ast_c.expression) matcher -> (Ast_cocci.expression, Control_flow_c.node) matcher val cocciExpExp : (Ast_cocci.expression, Ast_c.expression) matcher -> (Ast_cocci.expression, Ast_c.expression) matcher val cocciTy : (Ast_cocci.fullType, Ast_c.fullType) matcher -> (Ast_cocci.fullType, Control_flow_c.node) matcher val cocciInit : (Ast_cocci.initialiser, Ast_c.initialiser) matcher -> (Ast_cocci.initialiser, Control_flow_c.node) matcher (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Environment manipulation. Extract info from tin, the "something" *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val envf : Ast_cocci.keep_binding -> Ast_cocci.inherited -> Ast_cocci.meta_name Ast_cocci.mcode * Ast_c.metavar_binding_kind * (* pos info, if needed *) (unit -> Common.filename * string * Ast_c.posl * Ast_c.posl) -> (unit -> tin -> 'x tout) -> (tin -> 'x tout) val check_idconstraint : ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a -> 'b -> (unit -> tin -> 'x tout) -> (tin -> 'x tout) val check_constraints_ne : ('a, 'b) matcher -> 'a list -> 'b -> (unit -> tin -> 'x tout) -> (tin -> 'x tout) val all_bound : Ast_cocci.meta_name list -> tin -> bool val optional_storage_flag : (bool -> tin -> 'x tout) -> (tin -> 'x tout) val optional_qualifier_flag : (bool -> tin -> 'x tout) -> (tin -> 'x tout) val value_format_flag: (bool -> tin -> 'x tout) -> (tin -> 'x tout) end (*****************************************************************************) (* The functor itself *) (*****************************************************************************) module COCCI_VS_C : functor (X : PARAM) -> sig type ('a, 'b) matcher = 'a -> 'b -> X.tin -> ('a * 'b) X.tout val rule_elem_node : (Ast_cocci.rule_elem, Control_flow_c.node) matcher val expression : (Ast_cocci.expression, Ast_c.expression) matcher (* there are far more functions in this functor but they do not have * to be exported *) end