(* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 University of Urbana Champaign * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * file license.txt for more details. *) open Common open Ast_c (*****************************************************************************) (* Cpp Ast Manipulations *) (*****************************************************************************) (* * cpp-include-expander-builtin. * * alternative1: parse and call cpp tour a tour. So let cpp work at * the token level. That's what most tools do. * alternative2: apply cpp at the very end. Process that go through ast * and do the stuff such as #include, macro expand, * ifdef but on the ast! * * But need keep those info in ast at least, even bad * macro for instance, and for parse error region ? maybe can * get another chance ? * I think it's better to do the cpp-include-expander in a different step * rather than embedding it in the parser. The parser is already too complex. * Also keep with the tradition to try to parse as-is. * * todo? but maybe could discover new info that could help reparse * the ParseError in original file. Try again parsing it by * putting it in a minifile ? * * * todo? maybe can do some pass that work at the ifdef level and for instance * try to paren them, so have in Ast some stuff that are not * present at parsing time but that can then be constructed after * some processing (a little bit like my type for expression filler, * or position info filler, or include relative position filler). * * ??add such info about what was done somewhere ? could build new * ??ast each time but too tedious (maybe need delta-programming!) * * todo? maybe change cpp_ast_c to go deeper on local "" ? * * * TODO: macro expand, * TODO: handle ifdef * * * * cpp_ifdef_statementize: again better to separate concern and in parser * just add the directives in a flat way (IfdefStmt) and later do more * processing and transform them in a tree with some IfdefStmt2. *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Types *) (*****************************************************************************) type cpp_option = | I of Common.dirname | D of string * string option let i_of_cpp_options xs = xs +> Common.map_filter (function | I f -> Some f | D _ -> None ) let cpp_option_of_cmdline (xs, ys) = (xs +> List.map (fun s -> I s)) ++ (ys +> List.map (fun s -> if s =~ "\\([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*\\)=\\(.*\\)" then let (def, value) = matched2 s in D (def, Some value) else D (s, None) )) (*****************************************************************************) (* Helpers *) (*****************************************************************************) let _hcandidates = Hashtbl.create 101 let init_adjust_candidate_header_files dir = let ext = "[h]" in let files = Common.files_of_dir_or_files ext [dir] in files +> List.iter (fun file -> let base = Filename.basename file in pr2 file; Hashtbl.add _hcandidates base file; ); () (* may return a list of match ? *) let find_header_file1 cppopts dirname inc_file = match inc_file with | Local f -> let finalfile = Filename.concat dirname (Ast_c.s_of_inc_file inc_file) in if Sys.file_exists finalfile then [finalfile] else [] | NonLocal f -> i_of_cpp_options cppopts +> Common.map_filter (fun dirname -> let finalfile = Filename.concat dirname (Ast_c.s_of_inc_file inc_file) in if Sys.file_exists finalfile then Some finalfile else None ) | Wierd s -> pr2 ("CPPAST: wierd include not handled:" ^ s); [] (* todo? can try find most precise ? first just use basename but * then maybe look if have also some dir in common ? *) let find_header_file2 inc_file = match inc_file with | Local f | NonLocal f -> let s = (Ast_c.s_of_inc_file inc_file) in let base = Filename.basename s in let res = Hashtbl.find_all _hcandidates base in (match res with | [file] -> pr2 ("CPPAST: find header in other dir: " ^ file); res | [] -> [] | x::y::xs -> res ) | Wierd s -> [] let find_header_file cppopts dirname inc_file = let res1 = find_header_file1 cppopts dirname inc_file in match res1 with | [file] -> res1 | [] -> find_header_file2 inc_file | x::y::xs -> res1 (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let trace_cpp_process depth mark inc_file = pr2 (spf "%s>%s %s" (Common.repeat "-" depth +> Common.join "") mark (s_of_inc_file_bis inc_file)); () (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let _headers_hash = Hashtbl.create 101 (* On freebsd ocaml is trashing, use up to 1.6Go of memory and then * building the database_c takes ages. * * So just limit with following threshold to avoid this trashing, simple. * * On netbsd, got a Out_of_memory exn on this file; * /home/pad/software-os-src2/netbsd/dev/microcode/cyclades-z/ * even if the cache is small. That's because huge single * ast element and probably the ast marshalling fail. *) let threshold_cache_nb_files = ref 200 let parse_c_and_cpp_cache file = if Hashtbl.length _headers_hash > !threshold_cache_nb_files then Hashtbl.clear _headers_hash; Common.memoized _headers_hash file (fun () -> Parse_c.parse_c_and_cpp file ) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (show_cpp_i_opts: string list -> unit) = fun xs -> if not (null xs) then begin pr2 "-I"; xs +> List.iter pr2 end let (show_cpp_d_opts: string list -> unit) = fun xs -> if not (null xs) then begin pr2 "-D"; xs +> List.iter pr2 end (*****************************************************************************) (* Main entry *) (*****************************************************************************) let (cpp_expand_include2: ?depth_limit:int option -> cpp_option list -> Common.dirname -> Ast_c.program -> Ast_c.program) = fun ?(depth_limit=None) iops dirname ast -> pr2_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(); let already_included = ref [] in let rec aux stack dirname ast = let depth = List.length stack in ast +> Visitor_c.vk_program_s { Visitor_c.default_visitor_c_s with Visitor_c.kcppdirective_s = (fun (k, bigf) cpp -> match cpp with | Include {i_include = (inc_file, ii); i_rel_pos = h_rel_pos; i_is_in_ifdef = b; i_content = copt; } -> (match depth_limit with | Some limit when depth >= limit -> cpp | _ -> (match find_header_file iops dirname inc_file with | [file] -> if List.mem file !already_included then begin (* pr2 ("already included: " ^ file); *) trace_cpp_process depth "*" inc_file; k cpp end else begin trace_cpp_process depth "" inc_file; Common.push2 file already_included; (* CONFIG *) Flag_parsing_c.verbose_parsing := false; Flag_parsing_c.verbose_lexing := false; let (ast2, _stat) = parse_c_and_cpp_cache file in let ast = Parse_c.program_of_program2 ast2 in let dirname' = Filename.dirname file in (* recurse *) let ast' = aux (file::stack) dirname' ast in Include {i_include = (inc_file, ii); i_rel_pos = h_rel_pos; i_is_in_ifdef = b; i_content = Some (file, ast'); } end | [] -> trace_cpp_process depth "!!" inc_file; pr2 "CPPAST: file not found"; k cpp | x::y::zs -> trace_cpp_process depth "!!" inc_file; pr2 "CPPAST: too much candidates"; k cpp ) ) | _ -> k cpp ); } in aux [] dirname ast let cpp_expand_include ?depth_limit a b c = Common.profile_code "cpp_expand_include" (fun () -> cpp_expand_include2 ?depth_limit a b c) (* let unparse_showing_include_content ? *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Ifdef-statementize *) (*****************************************************************************) let is_ifdef_and_same_tag tag x = match x with | IfdefStmt (IfdefDirective ((_, tag2),_)) -> tag = tag2 | StmtElem _ | CppDirectiveStmt _ -> false | IfdefStmt2 _ -> raise Impossible (* What if I skipped in the parser only some of the ifdef elements * of the same tag. Once I passed one, I should pass all of them and so * at least should detect here that one tag is not "valid". Maybe in the parser * can return or marked some tags as "partially_passed_ifdef_tag". * Maybe could do in ast_c a MatchingTag of int * bool ref (* one_was_passed *) * where the ref will be shared by the ifdefs with the same matching tag * indice. Or simply count the number of directives with the same tag and * put this information in the tag. Hence the total_with_this_tag below. *) let should_ifdefize tag ifdefs_directives xxs = let IfdefTag (_tag, total_with_this_tag) = tag in if total_with_this_tag <> List.length ifdefs_directives then begin pr2 "CPPASTC: can not ifdefize, some of its directives were passed"; false end else (* todo? put more condition ? dont ifdefize declaration ? *) true (* return a triple, (ifdefs directive * grouped xs * remaining sequencable) * XXX1 XXX2 elsif YYY1 else ZZZ1 endif WWW1 WWW2 * => [elsif, else, endif], [XXX1 XXX2; YYY1; ZZZ1], [WWW1 WWW2] *) let group_ifdef tag xs = let (xxs, xs) = group_by_post (is_ifdef_and_same_tag tag) xs in xxs +> List.map snd +> List.map (fun x -> match x with | IfdefStmt y -> y | StmtElem _ | CppDirectiveStmt _ | IfdefStmt2 _ -> raise Impossible ), xxs +> List.map fst, xs let rec cpp_ifdef_statementize ast = Visitor_c.vk_program_s { Visitor_c.default_visitor_c_s with Visitor_c.kstatementseq_list_s = (fun (k, bigf) xs -> let rec aux xs = match xs with | [] -> [] | stseq::xs -> (match stseq with | StmtElem st -> Visitor_c.vk_statement_sequencable_s bigf stseq::aux xs | CppDirectiveStmt directive -> Visitor_c.vk_statement_sequencable_s bigf stseq::aux xs | IfdefStmt ifdef -> (match ifdef with | IfdefDirective ((Ifdef,tag),ii) -> let (restifdefs, xxs, xs') = group_ifdef tag xs in if should_ifdefize tag (ifdef::restifdefs) xxs then let res = IfdefStmt2 (ifdef::restifdefs, xxs) in Visitor_c.vk_statement_sequencable_s bigf res::aux xs' else Visitor_c.vk_statement_sequencable_s bigf stseq::aux xs | IfdefDirective (((IfdefElseif|IfdefElse|IfdefEndif),b),ii) -> pr2 "wierd: first directive is not a ifdef"; (* maybe not wierd, just that should_ifdefize * returned false *) Visitor_c.vk_statement_sequencable_s bigf stseq::aux xs ) | IfdefStmt2 (ifdef, xxs) -> failwith "already applied cpp_ifdef_statementize" ) in aux xs ); } ast (*****************************************************************************) (* Macro *) (*****************************************************************************) let (cpp_expand_macro_expr: Ast_c.define_kind -> Ast_c.argument Ast_c.wrap2 list -> Ast_c.expression option) = fun defkind args -> raise Todo