(* Note: this module passes paths to other commands, but does not take * quoting into account. Thus, if these paths contain spaces, it's likely * that things go wrong. *) module Ast = Ast_cocci exception CompileFailure of string exception LinkFailure of string let ext = if Config.dynlink_is_native then ".cmxs" else ".cma" let sysdir () = let sysdircmd = !Flag.ocamlfind ^ " printconf stdlib" in match Common.cmd_to_list sysdircmd with [sysdir] -> sysdir | _ -> raise (CompileFailure (sysdircmd ^" has failed")) let check_cmd cmd = let (_,stat) = Common.cmd_to_list_and_status cmd in match stat with Unix.WEXITED 0 -> true | _ -> false (* this function does not work when the executable has an extension like .exe *) let to_opt cmd = let n = String.length cmd in if n > 4 && String.compare (String.sub cmd (n-4) 4) ".opt" == 0 then cmd else cmd ^ ".opt" let check_runtime () = let has_opt = check_cmd (to_opt (!Flag.ocamlc) ^ " -version 2>&1 > /dev/null") in let has_c = check_cmd (!Flag.ocamlc ^ " -version 2>&1 > /dev/null") in if has_opt then begin Flag.ocamlc := to_opt (!Flag.ocamlc); Flag.ocamlopt := to_opt (!Flag.ocamlopt); Flag.ocamldep := to_opt (!Flag.ocamldep); Common.pr2 "Using native version of ocamlc/ocamlopt/ocamldep" end else if has_c then Common.pr2 "Using bytecode version of ocamlc/ocamlopt/ocamldep" else if Config.dynlink_is_native then failwith "No OCaml compiler found! Install either ocamlopt or ocamlopt.opt" else failwith "No OCaml compiler found! Install either ocamlc or ocamlc.opt" let init_ocamlcocci _ = "open Coccilib\n" let print_match ctr nm kind = let endlet = "| _ -> failwith \"bad value\" in\n" in let index = !ctr in ctr := !ctr + 1; Printf.sprintf "let %s = match List.nth args %d with Coccilib.%s x -> x %s" nm index kind endlet let string_rep_binding ctr = function (Some nm,Ast.MetaPosDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Pos" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaListlenDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Int" | (Some nm,_) (* strings for everything else *) -> print_match ctr nm "Str" | (None,_) -> "" let ast_rep_binding ctr = function (Some nm,Ast.MetaPosDecl _) -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "%s: No AST representation for position variables" nm) | (Some nm,Ast.MetaAnalysisDecl _) -> failwith "Todo" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaMetaDecl _) -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "%s: No AST representation for metavariables declared as \"%s\"" "metavariable" nm) | (Some nm,Ast.MetaIdDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Str" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaFreshIdDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Str" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaTypeDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Type" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaInitDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Init" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaInitListDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "InitList" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaListlenDecl _) -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "%s: No AST representation for listlen variables" nm) | (Some nm,Ast.MetaParamDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Param" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaParamListDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "ParamList" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaConstDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Expr" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaErrDecl _) -> failwith ("not supported: "^nm) | (Some nm,Ast.MetaExpDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Expr" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaIdExpDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Expr" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaLocalIdExpDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Expr" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaExpListDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "ExprList" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaDeclDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Decl" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaFieldDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Field" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaFieldListDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "FieldList" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaStmDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Stmt" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaStmListDecl _) -> failwith ("not supported: "^nm) | (Some nm,Ast.MetaFuncDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Str" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaLocalFuncDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Str" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaDeclarerDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Str" | (Some nm,Ast.MetaIteratorDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Str" | (None,_) -> "" let manage_script_vars script_vars = let rec loop n = function [] -> "" | (_,x)::xs -> (Printf.sprintf "let %s = List.nth script_args %d in\n" x n) ^ (loop (n+1) xs) in loop 0 script_vars (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Iteration management *) let print_iteration_code o = let translator l = String.concat "\n | " (List.map (function x -> Printf.sprintf "%s -> \"%s\"" (String.capitalize x) x) l) in let add_virt_rules_method = match !Iteration.parsed_virtual_rules with [] -> "" | l -> Printf.sprintf " method add_virtual_rule r = let r = match r with %s in virtual_rules <- Common.union_set [r] virtual_rules\n" (translator l) in let add_virt_ids_method = match !Iteration.parsed_virtual_identifiers with [] -> "" | l -> Printf.sprintf " method add_virtual_identifier i v = let i = match i with %s in try let v1 = List.assoc i virtual_identifiers in if not (v = v1) then failwith (\"multiple values specified for \"^i) with Not_found -> virtual_identifiers <- (i,v) :: virtual_identifiers" (translator l) in Printf.fprintf o " class iteration () = object val mutable files = None val mutable files_changed = false val mutable virtual_rules = ([] : string list) val mutable virtual_identifiers = ([] : (string * string) list) method set_files f = files <- Some f %s%s method register () = Iteration.add_pending_instance (files,virtual_rules,virtual_identifiers) end\n\n" add_virt_rules_method add_virt_ids_method (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let prepare_rule (name, metavars, script_vars, code) = let fname = String.concat "_" (Str.split (Str.regexp " ") name) in (* function header *) let function_header body = Printf.sprintf "let %s args script_args =\n %s" fname body in (* parameter list *) let build_parameter_list body = let ctr = ref 0 in let lets = String.concat "" (List.rev (List.fold_left (function prev -> function ((str_nm,ast_nm),_,mv) -> (* order important; ctr is incremented *) let string_rep = string_rep_binding ctr (str_nm,mv) in let ast_rep = ast_rep_binding ctr (ast_nm,mv) in ast_rep :: string_rep :: prev) [] metavars)) in lets ^ (manage_script_vars script_vars) ^ body in (* add to hash table *) let hash_add body = Printf.sprintf "%s\nlet _ = Hashtbl.add Coccilib.fcts \"%s\" %s\n" body name fname in hash_add (function_header (build_parameter_list code)) let prepare coccifile code = let init_rules = List.fold_left (function prev -> function Ast_cocci.InitialScriptRule (name,"ocaml",deps,code) -> code :: prev | _ -> prev) [] code in let init_rules = List.rev init_rules in let other_rules = List.fold_left (function prev -> function Ast_cocci.ScriptRule (name,"ocaml",deps,mv,script_vars,code) -> (name,mv,script_vars,code) :: prev | Ast_cocci.InitialScriptRule (name,"ocaml",deps,code) -> prev | Ast_cocci.FinalScriptRule (name,"ocaml",deps,code) -> (name,[],[],code) :: prev | _ -> prev) [] code in let other_rules = List.rev other_rules in if init_rules = [] && other_rules = [] then None else begin let basefile = Filename.basename (Filename.chop_extension coccifile) in let basefile = String.concat "_" (Str.split (Str.regexp "-") basefile) in let (file,o) = Filename.open_temp_file basefile ".ml" in (* Global initialization *) Printf.fprintf o "%s\n" (init_ocamlcocci()); (* virtual rules and identifiers *) (if !Iteration.parsed_virtual_rules != [] then Printf.fprintf o "type __virtual_rules__ = %s\n\n" (String.concat " | " (List.map String.capitalize !Iteration.parsed_virtual_rules))); (if !Iteration.parsed_virtual_identifiers != [] then Printf.fprintf o "type __virtual_identifiers__ = %s\n\n" (String.concat " | " (List.map (function x -> Printf.sprintf "%s" x) (List.map String.capitalize !Iteration.parsed_virtual_identifiers)))); print_iteration_code o; (* Semantic patch specific initialization *) Printf.fprintf o "%s" (String.concat "\n\n" init_rules); (* Semantic patch rules and finalizer *) let rule_code = List.map prepare_rule other_rules in Printf.fprintf o "%s" (String.concat "\n\n" rule_code); close_out o; check_runtime (); Some file end (* give a path to the coccilib cmi file *) let find_cmifile name = let path1 = Printf.sprintf "%s/ocaml/%s.cmi" Config.path name in if Sys.file_exists path1 then path1 else let path2 = Printf.sprintf "%s/ocaml/coccilib/%s.cmi" Config.path name in if Sys.file_exists path2 then path2 else raise (CompileFailure ("No coccilib.cmi in " ^ path1 ^ " or " ^ path2)) (* extract upper case identifiers from the cmi file. This will be an * approximation of the modules referenced by the coccilib, which are * thus present in the application and do not need to be loaded by * the dynamic linker. *) module ModuleSet = Set.Make(String) let approx_coccilib_deps cmi = let chan = open_in_bin cmi in let tbl = Hashtbl.create 1024 in let buf = Buffer.create 140 in begin try while true do let c = input_char chan in let has_ident = Buffer.length buf > 0 in if has_ident then begin if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '_' || c == '\'' then Buffer.add_char buf c else begin if Buffer.length buf >= 3 then begin let key = Buffer.contents buf in if Hashtbl.mem tbl key then () else Hashtbl.add tbl (Buffer.contents buf) () end; Buffer.clear buf end end else begin if c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' then (* perhaps the begin of a captialized identifier *) Buffer.add_char buf c else () end done with End_of_file -> () end; close_in chan; tbl let filter_dep existing_deps (accld, accinc) dep = if Hashtbl.mem existing_deps dep then (accld, accinc) (* skip an existing dep *) else match dep with (* Built-in and OCaml defaults are filtered out *) "Arg" | "Arith_status" | "Array" | "ArrayLabels" | "Big_int" | "Bigarray" | "Buffer" | "Callback" | "CamlinternalLazy" | "CamlinternalMod" | "CamlinternalOO" | "Char" | "Complex" | "Condition" | "Digest" | "Dynlink" | "Event" | "Filename" | "Format" | "Gc" | "Genlex" | "GraphicsX11" | "Hashtbl" | "Int32" | "Int64" | "Lazy" | "Lexing" | "List" | "ListLabels" | "Map" | "Marshal" | "MoreLabels" | "Mutex" | "Nativeint" | "Num" | "Obj" | "Oo" | "Parsing" | "Pervasives" | "Printexc" | "Printf" | "Queue" | "Random" | "Scanf" | "Set" | "Sort" | "Stack" | "StdLabels" | "Str" | "Stream" | "String" | "StringLabels" | "Sys" | "ThreadUnix" | "Unix" | "UnixLabels" | "Weak" -> (accld, accinc) | "Dbm" -> ("dbm"::accld, accinc) | "Graphics" -> ("graphics"::accld, accinc) | "Thread" -> ("thread"::accld, accinc) | "Tk" -> ("tk"::accld, accinc) | _ -> let l = Char.lowercase (String.get dep 0)in String.set dep 0 l; (accld, dep::accinc) let get_dir p = let inclcmd = !Flag.ocamlfind ^" query "^p in let dir = List.hd (Common.cmd_to_list inclcmd) in (dir, p) let parse_dep cmifile mlfile depout = let empty_deps = ([], "") in let existing_deps = approx_coccilib_deps cmifile in let re_colon = Str.regexp_string ":" in match Str.split re_colon depout with _::[dep] -> let deplist = Str.split (Str.regexp_string " ") dep in let (libs, orderdep) = List.fold_left (filter_dep existing_deps) ([],[]) deplist in if libs <> [] || orderdep <> [] then begin if check_cmd (!Flag.ocamlfind ^ " printconf 2>&1 > /dev/null") then let packages = List.rev orderdep in let inclflags = List.map get_dir packages in let intlib = List.map get_dir libs in let alllibs = List.rev_append intlib inclflags in let plist = List.fold_left (fun acc (_,p) -> acc ^" "^p) "" alllibs in let flags = String.concat " " (List.map (fun (d,_) -> "-I "^d) inclflags) in if flags <> "" || libs <> [] then begin Common.pr2 ("Extra OCaml packages used in the semantic patch:"^ plist); (alllibs, flags) end else begin Common.pr2 ("Warning: ocamlfind did not find "^ (if (List.length libs + List.length orderdep) = 1 then "this package:" else "one of these packages:")^ plist); empty_deps end else begin Common.pr2 ("Warning: ocamlfind not found but "^mlfile^" uses "^dep); empty_deps end end else empty_deps | _ -> raise (CompileFailure ("Wrong dependencies for "^mlfile^" (Got "^depout^")")) let dep_flag cmifile mlfile = let depcmd = !Flag.ocamldep ^" -modules "^mlfile in match Common.cmd_to_list depcmd with [dep] -> parse_dep cmifile mlfile dep | err -> List.iter (function x -> Common.pr2 (x^"\n")) err; raise (CompileFailure ("Failed ocamldep for "^mlfile)) let compile_bytecode_cmd flags mlfile = let obj = (Filename.chop_extension mlfile) ^ ".cmo" in (obj, Printf.sprintf "%s -c %s %s %s" !Flag.ocamlc obj flags mlfile) let compile_native_cmd flags mlfile = let obj = (Filename.chop_extension mlfile) ^ ".cmxs" in (obj, Printf.sprintf "%s -shared -o %s %s %s" !Flag.ocamlopt obj flags mlfile) let compile mlfile cmd = Common.pr2 cmd; match Sys.command cmd with 0 -> () | _ -> raise (CompileFailure mlfile) let load_obj obj = Dynlink.allow_unsafe_modules true; try Dynlink.loadfile obj with Dynlink.Error e -> Common.pr2 (Dynlink.error_message e); raise (LinkFailure obj) let load_lib (dir, name) = let obj = dir ^ "/" ^name ^ ext in Common.pr2 ("Loading "^ obj ^"..."); load_obj obj let load_libs libs = List.iter load_lib libs let load_file mlfile = let cmifile = find_cmifile "coccilib" in let (ldlibs, inc) = dep_flag cmifile mlfile in (* add ocaml and ocaml/coccilib as search directories for the ocaml scripting *) let flags = Printf.sprintf "-g -I %s %s -I %s" (sysdir ()) inc (Filename.dirname cmifile) in let (obj, cmd) = if Config.dynlink_is_native then compile_native_cmd flags mlfile else compile_bytecode_cmd flags mlfile in compile mlfile cmd; Common.pr2 "Compilation OK!"; load_libs ldlibs; Common.pr2 "Loading ML code of the SP..."; load_obj obj let clean_file mlfile = let basefile = Filename.chop_extension mlfile in let files = if Config.dynlink_is_native then [basefile ^ ".cmxs"; basefile ^ ".cmx"; basefile ^ ".o"; basefile ^ ".annot"] else [basefile ^ ".cmo"; basefile ^ ".annot"] in if not !Flag_parsing_cocci.keep_ml_script then Sys.remove mlfile; Sys.remove (basefile^".cmi"); List.iter (fun f -> try Sys.remove f with _ -> ()) files (* This function is used in testing.ml. Once the ML file is compiled and loaded, newly available functions are reported here. *) let test () = Hashtbl.iter (fun key fct -> Common.pr2 ("Fct registered: \""^key^"\"") ) Coccilib.fcts