Release coccinelle-0.2.4
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / parsing_cocci /
... / ...
2 * Copyright 2010, INRIA, University of Copenhagen
3 * Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
4 * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen
5 * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
6 * This file is part of Coccinelle.
7 *
8 * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License.
11 *
12 * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with Coccinelle. If not, see <>.
19 *
20 * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of
21 * Coccinelle under other licenses.
22 *)
26 * Copyright 2010, INRIA, University of Copenhagen
27 * Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
28 * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen
29 * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
30 * This file is part of Coccinelle.
31 *
32 * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
33 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
34 * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License.
35 *
36 * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
37 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
39 * GNU General Public License for more details.
40 *
41 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
42 * along with Coccinelle. If not, see <>.
43 *
44 * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of
45 * Coccinelle under other licenses.
46 *)
49(* exports everything, used only by parser_cocci_menhir.mly *)
50module Ast0 = Ast0_cocci
51module Ast = Ast_cocci
53(* types for metavariable tokens *)
54type info = Ast.meta_name * Ast0.pure * Data.clt
55type idinfo = Ast.meta_name * Data.iconstraints * Ast0.pure * Data.clt
56type expinfo = Ast.meta_name * Data.econstraints * Ast0.pure * Data.clt
57type tyinfo = Ast.meta_name * Ast0.typeC list * Ast0.pure * Data.clt
58type list_info = Ast.meta_name * Ast.list_len * Ast0.pure * Data.clt
59type typed_expinfo =
60 Ast.meta_name * Data.econstraints * Ast0.pure *
61 Type_cocci.typeC list option * Data.clt
62type pos_info = Ast.meta_name * Data.pconstraints * Ast.meta_collect * Data.clt
64let get_option fn = function
65 None -> None
66 | Some x -> Some (fn x)
68let make_info line logical_line offset col strbef straft =
69 let new_pos_info =
70 {Ast0.line_start = line; Ast0.line_end = line;
71 Ast0.logical_start = logical_line; Ast0.logical_end = logical_line;
72 Ast0.column = col; Ast0.offset = offset; } in
73 { Ast0.pos_info = new_pos_info;
74 Ast0.attachable_start = true; Ast0.attachable_end = true;
75 Ast0.mcode_start = []; Ast0.mcode_end = [];
76 Ast0.strings_before = strbef; Ast0.strings_after = straft; }
78let clt2info (_,line,logical_line,offset,col,strbef,straft,pos) =
79 make_info line logical_line offset col strbef straft
81let drop_bef (arity,line,lline,offset,col,strbef,straft,pos) =
82 (arity,line,lline,offset,col,[],straft,pos)
84let drop_aft (arity,line,lline,offset,col,strbef,straft,pos) =
85 (arity,line,lline,offset,col,strbef,[],pos)
87let drop_pos (arity,line,lline,offset,col,strbef,straft,pos) =
88 (arity,line,lline,offset,col,strbef,straft,Ast0.NoMetaPos)
90let clt2mcode str = function
91 (Data.MINUS,line,lline,offset,col,strbef,straft,pos) ->
92 (str,Ast0.NONE,make_info line lline offset col strbef straft,
93 Ast0.MINUS(ref([],Ast0.default_token_info)),ref pos,-1)
94 | (Data.OPTMINUS,line,lline,offset,col,strbef,straft,pos) ->
95 (str,Ast0.OPT,make_info line lline offset col strbef straft,
96 Ast0.MINUS(ref([],Ast0.default_token_info)),ref pos,-1)
97 | (Data.UNIQUEMINUS,line,lline,offset,col,strbef,straft,pos) ->
98 (str,Ast0.UNIQUE,make_info line lline offset col strbef straft,
99 Ast0.MINUS(ref([],Ast0.default_token_info)),ref pos,-1)
100 | (Data.PLUS,line,lline,offset,col,strbef,straft,pos) ->
101 (str,Ast0.NONE,make_info line lline offset col strbef straft,
102 Ast0.PLUS(Ast.ONE),ref pos,-1)
103 | (Data.PLUSPLUS,line,lline,offset,col,strbef,straft,pos) ->
104 (str,Ast0.NONE,make_info line lline offset col strbef straft,
105 Ast0.PLUS(Ast.MANY),ref pos,-1)
106 | (Data.CONTEXT,line,lline,offset,col,strbef,straft,pos) ->
107 (str,Ast0.NONE,make_info line lline offset col strbef straft,
108 Ast0.CONTEXT(ref(Ast.NOTHING,
109 Ast0.default_token_info,Ast0.default_token_info)),
110 ref pos,-1)
111 | (Data.OPT,line,lline,offset,col,strbef,straft,pos) ->
112 (str,Ast0.OPT,make_info line lline offset col strbef straft,
113 Ast0.CONTEXT(ref(Ast.NOTHING,
114 Ast0.default_token_info,Ast0.default_token_info)),
115 ref pos,-1)
116 | (Data.UNIQUE,line,lline,offset,col,strbef,straft,pos) ->
117 (str,Ast0.UNIQUE,make_info line lline offset col strbef straft,
118 Ast0.CONTEXT(ref(Ast.NOTHING,
119 Ast0.default_token_info,Ast0.default_token_info)),
120 ref pos,-1)
122let id2name (name, clt) = name
123let id2clt (name, clt) = clt
124let id2mcode (name, clt) = clt2mcode name clt
126let mkdots str (dot,whencode) =
127 match str with
128 "..." -> Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Dots(clt2mcode str dot, whencode))
129 | "ooo" -> Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Circles(clt2mcode str dot, whencode))
130 | "***" -> Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Stars(clt2mcode str dot, whencode))
131 | _ -> failwith "cannot happen"
133let mkedots str (dot,whencode) =
134 match str with
135 "..." -> Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Edots(clt2mcode str dot, whencode))
136 | "ooo" -> Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Ecircles(clt2mcode str dot, whencode))
137 | "***" -> Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Estars(clt2mcode str dot, whencode))
138 | _ -> failwith "cannot happen"
140let mkdpdots str dot =
141 match str with
142 "..." -> Ast0.wrap(Ast0.DPdots(clt2mcode str dot))
143 | "ooo" -> Ast0.wrap(Ast0.DPcircles(clt2mcode str dot))
144 | _ -> failwith "cannot happen"
146let mkidots str (dot,whencode) =
147 match str with
148 "..." -> Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Idots(clt2mcode str dot, whencode))
149 | _ -> failwith "cannot happen"
151let mkddots str (dot,whencode) =
152 match (str,whencode) with
153 ("...",None) -> Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Ddots(clt2mcode str dot, None))
154 | ("...",Some [w]) -> Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Ddots(clt2mcode str dot, Some w))
155 | _ -> failwith "cannot happen"
157let mkddots_one str (dot,whencode) =
158 match str with
159 "..." -> Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Ddots(clt2mcode str dot, whencode))
160 | _ -> failwith "cannot happen"
162let mkpdots str dot =
163 match str with
164 "..." -> Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Pdots(clt2mcode str dot))
165 | "ooo" -> Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Pcircles(clt2mcode str dot))
166 | _ -> failwith "cannot happen"
168let arith_op ast_op left op right =
169 Ast0.wrap
170 (Ast0.Binary(left, clt2mcode (Ast.Arith ast_op) op, right))
172let logic_op ast_op left op right =
173 Ast0.wrap
174 (Ast0.Binary(left, clt2mcode (Ast.Logical ast_op) op, right))
176let make_cv cv ty =
177 match cv with None -> ty | Some x -> Ast0.wrap (Ast0.ConstVol(x,ty))
179let top_dots l =
180 let circle x =
181 match Ast0.unwrap x with Ast0.Circles(_) -> true | _ -> false in
182 let star x =
183 match Ast0.unwrap x with Ast0.Stars(_) -> true | _ -> false in
184 if List.exists circle l
185 then Ast0.wrap(Ast0.CIRCLES(l))
186 else
187 if List.exists star l
188 then Ast0.wrap(Ast0.STARS(l))
189 else Ast0.wrap(Ast0.DOTS(l))
191(* here the offset is that of the first in the sequence of *s, not that of
192each * individually *)
193let pointerify ty m =
194 List.fold_left
195 (function inner ->
196 function cur ->
197 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Pointer(inner,clt2mcode "*" cur)))
198 ty m
200let ty_pointerify ty m =
201 List.fold_left
202 (function inner -> function cur -> Type_cocci.Pointer(inner))
203 ty m
205(* Left is <=>, Right is =>. Collect <=>s. *)
206(* The parser should have done this, with precedences. But whatever... *)
207let iso_adjust first_fn fn first rest =
208 let rec loop = function
209 [] -> [[]]
210 | (Common.Left x)::rest ->
211 (match loop rest with
212 front::after -> (fn x::front)::after
213 | _ -> failwith "not possible")
214 | (Common.Right x)::rest ->
215 (match loop rest with
216 front::after -> []::(fn x::front)::after
217 | _ -> failwith "not possible") in
218 match loop rest with
219 front::after -> (first_fn first::front)::after
220 | _ -> failwith "not possible"
222let lookup rule name =
223 try
224 let info = Hashtbl.find Data.all_metadecls rule in
225 List.find (function mv -> Ast.get_meta_name mv = (rule,name)) info
226 with
227 Not_found ->
228 raise
229 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic("bad rule "^rule^" or bad variable "^name))
231let check_meta_tyopt type_irrelevant = function
232 Ast.MetaIdDecl(Ast.NONE,(rule,name)) ->
233 (match lookup rule name with
234 Ast.MetaIdDecl(_,_) | Ast.MetaFreshIdDecl(_,_) -> ()
235 | _ ->
236 raise
237 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic
238 ("incompatible inheritance declaration "^name)))
239 | Ast.MetaFreshIdDecl((rule,name),seed) ->
240 raise
241 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic
242 "can't inherit the freshness of an identifier")
243 | Ast.MetaListlenDecl((rule,name)) ->
244 (match lookup rule name with
245 Ast.MetaListlenDecl(_) -> ()
246 | _ ->
247 raise
248 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic
249 ("incompatible inheritance declaration "^name)))
250 | Ast.MetaTypeDecl(Ast.NONE,(rule,name)) ->
251 (match lookup rule name with
252 Ast.MetaTypeDecl(_,_) -> ()
253 | _ ->
254 raise
255 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic
256 ("incompatible inheritance declaration "^name)))
257 | Ast.MetaInitDecl(Ast.NONE,(rule,name)) ->
258 (match lookup rule name with
259 Ast.MetaInitDecl(_,_) -> ()
260 | _ ->
261 raise
262 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic
263 ("incompatible inheritance declaration "^name)))
264 | Ast.MetaParamDecl(Ast.NONE,(rule,name)) ->
265 (match lookup rule name with
266 Ast.MetaParamDecl(_,_) -> ()
267 | _ ->
268 raise
269 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic
270 ("incompatible inheritance declaration "^name)))
271 | Ast.MetaParamListDecl(Ast.NONE,(rule,name),len_name) ->
272 (match lookup rule name with
273 Ast.MetaParamListDecl(_,_,_) -> ()
274 | _ ->
275 raise
276 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic
277 ("incompatible inheritance declaration "^name)))
278 | Ast.MetaErrDecl(Ast.NONE,(rule,name)) ->
279 (match lookup rule name with
280 Ast.MetaErrDecl(_,_) -> ()
281 | _ ->
282 raise
283 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic
284 ("incompatible inheritance declaration "^name)))
285 | Ast.MetaExpDecl(Ast.NONE,(rule,name),ty) ->
286 (match lookup rule name with
287 Ast.MetaExpDecl(_,_,ty1) when type_irrelevant or ty = ty1 -> ()
288 | _ ->
289 raise
290 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic
291 ("incompatible inheritance declaration "^name)))
292 | Ast.MetaIdExpDecl(Ast.NONE,(rule,name),ty) ->
293 (match lookup rule name with
294 Ast.MetaIdExpDecl(_,_,ty1) when type_irrelevant or ty = ty1 -> ()
295 | _ ->
296 raise
297 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic
298 ("incompatible inheritance declaration "^name)))
299 | Ast.MetaLocalIdExpDecl(Ast.NONE,(rule,name),ty) ->
300 (match lookup rule name with
301 Ast.MetaLocalIdExpDecl(_,_,ty1) when type_irrelevant or ty = ty1 -> ()
302 | _ ->
303 raise
304 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic
305 ("incompatible inheritance declaration "^name)))
306 | Ast.MetaExpListDecl(Ast.NONE,(rule,name),len_name) ->
307 (match lookup rule name with
308 Ast.MetaExpListDecl(_,_,_) -> ()
309 | Ast.MetaParamListDecl(_,_,_) when not (!Flag.make_hrule = None) -> ()
310 | _ ->
311 raise
312 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic
313 ("incompatible inheritance declaration "^name)))
314 | Ast.MetaStmDecl(Ast.NONE,(rule,name)) ->
315 (match lookup rule name with
316 Ast.MetaStmDecl(_,_) -> ()
317 | _ ->
318 raise
319 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic
320 ("incompatible inheritance declaration "^name)))
321 | Ast.MetaStmListDecl(Ast.NONE,(rule,name)) ->
322 (match lookup rule name with
323 Ast.MetaStmListDecl(_,_) -> ()
324 | _ ->
325 raise
326 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic
327 ("incompatible inheritance declaration "^name)))
328 | Ast.MetaFuncDecl(Ast.NONE,(rule,name)) ->
329 (match lookup rule name with
330 Ast.MetaFuncDecl(_,_) -> ()
331 | _ ->
332 raise
333 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic
334 ("incompatible inheritance declaration "^name)))
335 | Ast.MetaLocalFuncDecl(Ast.NONE,(rule,name)) ->
336 (match lookup rule name with
337 Ast.MetaLocalFuncDecl(_,_) -> ()
338 | _ ->
339 raise
340 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic
341 ("incompatible inheritance declaration "^name)))
342 | Ast.MetaConstDecl(Ast.NONE,(rule,name),ty) ->
343 (match lookup rule name with
344 Ast.MetaConstDecl(_,_,ty1) when type_irrelevant or ty = ty1 -> ()
345 | _ ->
346 raise
347 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic
348 ("incompatible inheritance declaration "^name)))
349 | Ast.MetaPosDecl(Ast.NONE,(rule,name)) ->
350 (match lookup rule name with
351 Ast.MetaPosDecl(_,_) ->
352 if not (List.mem rule !Data.inheritable_positions)
353 then
354 raise
355 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic
356 ("position cannot be inherited over modifications: "^name))
357 | _ ->
358 raise
359 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic
360 ("incompatible inheritance declaration "^name)))
361 | _ ->
362 raise
363 (Semantic_cocci.Semantic ("arity not allowed on imported declaration"))
365let check_meta m = check_meta_tyopt false m
367let check_inherited_constraint meta_name fn =
368 match meta_name with
369 (None,_) -> failwith "constraint must be an inherited variable"
370 | (Some rule,name) ->
371 let i = (rule,name) in
372 check_meta_tyopt true (fn i);
373 i
375let create_metadec ar ispure kindfn ids current_rule =
376 List.concat
377 (
378 (function (rule,nm) ->
379 let (rule,checker) =
380 match rule with
381 None -> ((current_rule,nm),function x -> [Common.Left x])
382 | Some rule ->
383 ((rule,nm),
384 function x -> check_meta x; [Common.Right x]) in
385 kindfn ar rule ispure checker)
386 ids)
389let create_metadec_virt ar ispure kindfn ids current_rule =
390 List.concat
391 (
392 (function nm ->
393 let checker = function x -> [Common.Right x] in
394 kindfn ar nm ispure checker !Flag.defined_virtual_env)
395 ids)
397let create_fresh_metadec kindfn ids current_rule =
398 List.concat
399 (
400 (function ((rule,nm),seed) ->
401 let (rule,checker) =
402 match rule with
403 None -> ((current_rule,nm),function x -> [Common.Left x])
404 | Some rule ->
405 ((rule,nm),
406 function x -> check_meta x; [Common.Right x]) in
407 kindfn rule checker seed)
408 ids)
410let create_metadec_with_constraints ar ispure kindfn ids current_rule =
411 List.concat
412 (
413 (function ((rule,nm),constraints) ->
414 let (rule,checker) =
415 match rule with
416 None -> ((current_rule,nm),function x -> [Common.Left x])
417 | Some rule ->
418 ((rule,nm),
419 function x -> check_meta x; [Common.Right x]) in
420 kindfn ar rule ispure checker constraints)
421 ids)
423let create_metadec_ty ar ispure kindfn ids current_rule =
424 List.concat
425 (
426 (function ((rule,nm),constraints) ->
427 let (rule,checker) =
428 match rule with
429 None -> ((current_rule,nm),function x -> [Common.Left x])
430 | Some rule ->
431 ((rule,nm),
432 function x -> check_meta x; [Common.Right x]) in
433 kindfn ar rule ispure checker constraints)
434 ids)
436let create_len_metadec ar ispure kindfn lenid ids current_rule =
437 let (lendec,lenname) =
438 match lenid with
439 Common.Left lenid ->
440 let lendec =
441 create_metadec Ast.NONE Ast0.Impure
442 (fun _ name _ check_meta -> check_meta(Ast.MetaListlenDecl(name)))
443 [lenid] current_rule in
444 let lenname =
445 match lendec with
446 [Common.Left (Ast.MetaListlenDecl(x))] -> Ast.MetaLen x
447 | [Common.Right (Ast.MetaListlenDecl(x))] -> Ast.MetaLen x
448 | _ -> failwith "unexpected length declaration" in
449 (lendec,lenname)
450 | Common.Right n -> ([],Ast.CstLen n) in
451 lendec@(create_metadec ar ispure (kindfn lenname) ids current_rule)
453(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
455let str2inc s =
456 let elements = Str.split (Str.regexp "/") s in
457 (function "..." -> Ast.IncDots | s -> Ast.IncPath s) elements
459(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
460(* declarations and statements *)
462let meta_decl name =
463 let (nm,pure,clt) = name in
464 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.MetaDecl(clt2mcode nm clt,pure))
466let meta_field name =
467 let (nm,pure,clt) = name in
468 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.MetaField(clt2mcode nm clt,pure))
470let meta_stm name =
471 let (nm,pure,clt) = name in
472 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.MetaStmt(clt2mcode nm clt,pure))
474let exp_stm exp pv =
475 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.ExprStatement (exp, clt2mcode ";" pv))
477let ifthen iff lp tst rp thn =
478 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.IfThen(clt2mcode "if" iff,
479 clt2mcode "(" lp,tst,clt2mcode ")" rp,thn,
480 (Ast0.default_info(),Ast0.context_befaft())))
482let ifthenelse iff lp tst rp thn e els =
483 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.IfThenElse(clt2mcode "if" iff,
484 clt2mcode "(" lp,tst,clt2mcode ")" rp,thn,
485 clt2mcode "else" e,els,
486 (Ast0.default_info(),Ast0.context_befaft())))
488let forloop fr lp e1 sc1 e2 sc2 e3 rp s =
489 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.For(clt2mcode "for" fr,clt2mcode "(" lp,e1,
490 clt2mcode ";" sc1,e2,
491 clt2mcode ";" sc2,e3,clt2mcode ")" rp,s,
492 (Ast0.default_info(),Ast0.context_befaft())))
494let whileloop w lp e rp s =
495 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.While(clt2mcode "while" w,clt2mcode "(" lp,
496 e,clt2mcode ")" rp,s,
497 (Ast0.default_info(),Ast0.context_befaft())))
499let doloop d s w lp e rp pv =
500 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Do(clt2mcode "do" d,s,clt2mcode "while" w,
501 clt2mcode "(" lp,e,clt2mcode ")" rp,
502 clt2mcode ";" pv))
504let iterator i lp e rp s =
505 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Iterator(i,clt2mcode "(" lp,e,clt2mcode ")" rp,s,
506 (Ast0.default_info(),Ast0.context_befaft())))
508let switch s lp e rp lb d c rb =
509 let d =
511 (function d ->
512 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Decl((Ast0.default_info(),Ast0.context_befaft()),d)))
513 d in
514 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Switch(clt2mcode "switch" s,clt2mcode "(" lp,e,
515 clt2mcode ")" rp,clt2mcode "{" lb,
516 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.DOTS(d)),
517 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.DOTS(c)),clt2mcode "}" rb))
519let ret_exp r e pv =
520 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.ReturnExpr(clt2mcode "return" r,e,clt2mcode ";" pv))
522let ret r pv =
523 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Return(clt2mcode "return" r,clt2mcode ";" pv))
525let break b pv =
526 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Break(clt2mcode "break" b,clt2mcode ";" pv))
528let cont c pv =
529 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Continue(clt2mcode "continue" c,clt2mcode ";" pv))
531let label i dd =
532 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Label(i,clt2mcode ":" dd))
534let goto g i pv =
535 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Goto(clt2mcode "goto" g,i,clt2mcode ";" pv))
537let seq lb s rb =
538 Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Seq(clt2mcode "{" lb,s,clt2mcode "}" rb))
540(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
542let check_rule_name = function
543 Some nm ->
544 let n = id2name nm in
545 (try let _ = Hashtbl.find Data.all_metadecls n in
546 raise (Semantic_cocci.Semantic ("repeated rule name"))
547 with Not_found -> Some n)
548 | None -> None
550let make_iso_rule_name_result n =
551 (try let _ = Hashtbl.find Data.all_metadecls n in
552 raise (Semantic_cocci.Semantic ("repeated rule name"))
553 with Not_found -> ());
554 Ast.CocciRulename
555 (Some n,Ast.NoDep,[],[],Ast.Undetermined,false (*discarded*))
557let make_cocci_rule_name_result nm d i a e ee =
558 Ast.CocciRulename (check_rule_name nm,d,i,a,e,ee)
560let make_generated_rule_name_result nm d i a e ee =
561 Ast.GeneratedRulename (check_rule_name nm,d,i,a,e,ee)
563let make_script_rule_name_result lang nm deps =
564 let l = id2name lang in
565 Ast.ScriptRulename (check_rule_name nm,l,deps)
567let make_initial_script_rule_name_result lang deps =
568 let l = id2name lang in
569 Ast.InitialScriptRulename(None,l,deps)
571let make_final_script_rule_name_result lang deps =
572 let l = id2name lang in
573 Ast.FinalScriptRulename(None,l,deps)
575(* Allows type alone only when it is void and only when there is only one
576 parameter. This avoids ambiguity problems in the parser. *)
577let verify_parameter_declarations = function
578 [] -> ()
579 | [x] ->
580 (match Ast0.unwrap x with
581 Ast0.Param(t, None) ->
582 (match Ast0.unwrap t with
583 Ast0.BaseType(Ast.VoidType,_) -> ()
584 | _ ->
585 failwith
586 (Printf.sprintf
587 "%d: only void can be a parameter without an identifier"
588 (Ast0.get_line t)))
589 | _ -> ())
590 | l ->
591 List.iter
592 (function x ->
593 match Ast0.unwrap x with
594 Ast0.Param(t, None) ->
595 failwith
596 (Printf.sprintf
597 "%d: only void alone can be a parameter without an identifier"
598 (Ast0.get_line t))
599 | _ -> ())
600 l
602(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
603(* decide whether an init list is ordered or unordered *)
605let struct_initializer initlist =
606 let rec loop i =
607 match Ast0.unwrap i with
608 Ast0.InitGccExt _ -> true
609 | Ast0.InitGccName _ -> true
610 | Ast0.OptIni i | Ast0.UniqueIni i -> loop i
611 | Ast0.MetaInit _ -> true (* ambiguous... *)
612 | _ -> false in
613 let l = Ast0.undots initlist in
614 (l = []) or (List.exists loop l)
616let drop_dot_commas initlist =
617 match Ast0.unwrap initlist with
618 Ast0.DOTS(l) ->
619 let rec loop after_comma = function
620 [] -> []
621 | x::xs ->
622 (match Ast0.unwrap x with
623 Ast0.Idots(dots,whencode) -> x :: (loop true xs)
624 | Ast0.IComma(comma) when after_comma -> (*drop*) loop false xs
625 | _ -> x :: (loop false xs)) in
626 Ast0.rewrap initlist (Ast0.DOTS(loop false l))
627 | _ -> failwith "not supported"