Release coccinelle-0.1.1
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / commons / ocamlextra / suffix_tree.mli
2 Generalized suffix trees (GSTs).
4 Computes generalized suffix trees from list of strings. A terminal symbol is
5 implicitly added to them, but is not returned in the word labeling nodes and
6 leaves. This should allow a rather transparent handling of GSTs.
8 Node-based accesses are provided (sequences, root, children, suffix links,
9 node labels, index), as well as a functional for synthesizing attributes from
10 a GST. A readable representation of GSTs is derived from the later.
12(* made by Sebastien Ferre *)
14type node
15 (** Type of nodes in GSTs. *)
17type t
18 (** Type of GSTs. *)
20val make : string list -> t
21 (** [make l_str] computes a GST based on the set of strings given in [l_str]. *)
23val string_list : t -> string list
24 (** [string_list gst] returns the list of strings from which [gst] was computed. *)
26val string : t -> int -> string
27 (** [string gst k] returns the sequence number [k] (starting from 0). *)
29val root : t -> node
30 (** [root gst] returns the root node of the gst. *)
32val word : t -> node -> string
33 (** [word gst n] returns the word labeling node [n] in [gst]. *)
35val children : t -> node -> node list
36 (** [children gst n] returns a list of the children nodes of [n] in [gst]. *)
38val linked_node : t -> node -> node
39 (** [linked_node gst n] returns the node pointed by the suffix link from [n] in [gst]. *)
41val index : t -> node -> int * int
42 (** [index gst n] returns the index of a leaf [n] in [gst].
43 This index is a pair [(k,i)], where [k] is the number of the sequence (as used by [string]), and
44 [i] is the position of the related suffix (starting from [0] as usual in strings).
45 @raise Invalid_argument "Suffix_tree.index: not a leaf" if [n] is not a leaf (has some child). *)
47val implicit_node : t -> string -> node * string * node
48 (** [implicit_node gst word] returns an implicit_node [(node,word',child)], where [node] is the lowest
49 node in the suffix tre such that the concatenation of the word recognized by [node] and [word'] is
50 equal to [word], if [word'] is not the empty string, then [child] is the child node of [node], whose
51 label has [word'] as a prefix.
52 @raise Not_found when [word] is not a substring of [string_list gst]. *)
55val fold : t -> ('h -> node -> bool) -> ('h -> node -> 'h) -> ('s list -> 'h -> node -> 's) -> 'h -> 's
56 (** [fold gst filter herit synth init] computes some attribute(s) over a GST by using the 3 functions
57 [filter], [herit], [synth], and the initial value [init] inherited by the root node. ['h] is the type
58 of inherited attributes, and ['s] is the type of synthesized attributes, and so the type of the result.
60 The meaning of 3 functions is as follows:
61 - [filter h child] returns [true] if the node [child] must be explored given the inherited value of the current
62 node (parent of [child]),
63 - [herit h child] returns the value inherited by [child] given the inherited value of the current node
64 (parent of [child]),
65 - [synth l h node] returns the synthesized value of the current node, given its inherited value [h], and
66 the list [l] of synthesized values of explored children of [node] (according to [filter]).
68 *)
70val fold_node : t -> ('h -> node -> bool) -> ('h -> node -> 'h) -> ('s list -> 'h -> node -> 's) -> 'h -> node -> 's
71 (** Same as [fold], except the computation starts and finishes at the last argument node. *)
73val fold_s : t -> ('s list -> node -> 's) -> 's
74 (** [fold_s gst synth] is equivalent to [fold gst filter herit synth init], where there is no filtering, and
75 no inherited values: purely synthetic. *)
77val fold_s_node : t -> ('s list -> node -> 's) -> node -> 's
78 (** Same as [fold_s], except the computation starts and finishes at the last argument node. *)
80val fold_fs : t -> (node -> bool) -> ('s list -> node -> 's) -> 's
81 (** [fold_fs gst filter synth] is equivalent to [fold gst filter herit synth init], where there is no inherited
82 values. *)
84type tree = Node of string * tree list | Leaf of string * (int * int)
85val readable : t -> tree
86 (** [readable gst] returns a (more) readable representation of [gst].
87 Each node and leaf is decorated by its word label, and leaves are
88 also decorated by their index. *)
90val exact_matches : t -> string -> (int * int) list