Release coccinelle-0.1.5
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / tools /
1(* The following finds out for each file, how it does deallocation for each
2allocator *)
4let collect i =
5 let info = ref [] in
6 let rec loop _ =
7 let l = input_line i in
8 (if String.length l > 2 && String.get l 0 = '+'
9 then info := (String.sub l 1 (String.length l - 1))::!info);
10 loop() in
11 try loop()
12 with End_of_file -> List.rev !info
14let split l =
15 let rec loop acc = function
16 [] -> acc
17 | x::xs ->
18 if String.get x 0 = '+' (* the start of a new file *)
19 then
20 (match Str.split (Str.regexp " ") x with
21 _::x::_ -> loop ((x,[])::acc) xs
22 | _ -> failwith ("no file: "^x))
23 else
24 let acc =
25 match acc with
26 (file,instances)::rest -> (file,x::instances)::rest
27 | _ -> failwith "not possible" in
28 loop acc xs in
29 let res = List.rev (loop [] l) in
30 (function (x,l) -> (x,List.rev l)) res
32let detect_alloc_free str l =
33 let try_add a f l =
34 let (same,diff) = List.partition (function (a1,f1) -> a = a1) l in
35 match same with
36 [(a1,f1)] -> if List.mem f f1 then l else (a1,f::f1) :: diff
37 | _ -> (a,[f])::l in
38 let rec loop acc = function
39 [] -> acc
40 | x::xs ->
41 match Str.split (Str.regexp (str^"\", ")) x with
42 _::matches ->
43 let acc =
44 List.fold_left
45 (function acc ->
46 function rest ->
47 (match Str.split (Str.regexp "[, )]+") rest with
48 alloc::free::_ -> try_add alloc free acc
49 | _ -> acc))
50 acc matches in
51 loop acc xs
52 | _ -> loop acc xs in
53 List.sort compare
54 ( (function (a,f) -> (a,List.sort compare f)) (loop [] l))
56let rec iterate str = function
57 [] -> []
58 | (x,l)::xs ->
59 List.fold_left
60 (function rest ->
61 function info ->
62 let (same,diff) =
63 List.partition (function (x1,l1) -> l1 = info) rest in
64 match same with
65 [(files,info)] -> (x::files,info)::diff
66 | _ -> ([x],info)::diff)
67 (iterate str xs) (detect_alloc_free str l)
69(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
70(* The following prints that information *)
72let print_output l =
73 List.iter
74 (function (files,(a,fs)) ->
75 List.iter (function x -> Printf.printf "%s\n" x) files;
76 Printf.printf " alloc: %s, free: %s\n" a (String.concat ", " fs);
77 Printf.printf "\n")
78 l
80(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
81(* The following makes a semantic patch for that information *)
83let sedify o generic_file dir l =
84 List.iter
85 (function (files,(a,fs)) ->
86 match fs with
87 [f] ->
88 let _ =
89 Sys.command
90 (Printf.sprintf
91 "sed s/ALLOC/%s/ %s | sed s/FREE/%s/ > %s/%s-%s.cocci\n"
92 a generic_file f dir a f) in ()
93 | _ -> ())
94 l;
95 List.iter
96 (function (files,(a,fs)) ->
97 match fs with
98 [f] -> Printf.fprintf o "mono_spatch_linux %s-%s.cocci &\n" a f
99 | _ -> ())
100 l
102let collect_allocs l =
103 let union =
104 List.fold_left
105 (function rest -> function x ->
106 if List.mem x rest then rest else x::rest) in
107 List.fold_left
108 (function rest ->
109 function (files,(a,fs)) ->
110 let (same,diff) =
111 List.partition (function (a1,fs1) -> a = a1) rest in
112 match same with
113 [(a1,fs1)] -> (a,union fs fs1)::diff
114 | [] -> (a,fs)::rest
115 | _ -> failwith "not possible")
116 [] l
118let sedify_ors o generic_file dir l =
119 let l = collect_allocs l in
120 List.iter
121 (function (a,fs) ->
122 match fs with
123 [_] | [] -> ()
124 | (f::_) ->
125 let sfs =
126 Printf.sprintf "\"\\\\\\(%s\\\\\\)\""
127 (String.concat "\\\\\\|" fs) in
128 let _ =
129 Sys.command
130 (Printf.sprintf
131 "sed s/ALLOC/%s/ %s | sed s/FREE/%s/ > %s/%s-%s_et_al.cocci\n"
132 a generic_file sfs dir a f) in ())
133 l;
134 List.iter
135 (function (a,fs) ->
136 match fs with
137 [_] | [] -> ()
138 | (f::_) ->
139 Printf.fprintf o "mono_spatch_linux %s-%s_et_al.cocci &\n" a f)
140 l
142(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
144let sed = ref false
145let gen = ref "generic2.cocci"
146let dir = ref "p2"
147let file = ref ""
148let str = ref "detected allocator"
150let options = [ "-sed", Arg.Set sed, "sed output";
151 "-sp", Arg.String (function x -> gen := x),
152 "detection string";
153 "-str", Arg.String (function x -> str := x),
154 "cocci file for use with sed";
155 "-dir", Arg.String (function x -> dir := x),
156 "dir for sed output"; ]
157let usage = ""
159let _ =
160 Arg.parse (Arg.align options) (fun x -> file := x) usage;
161 let i = open_in !file in
162 let l = collect i in
163 close_in i;
164 let l = split l in
165 let l = iterate !str l in
166 (if !sed
167 then
168 begin
169 let o = open_out (Printf.sprintf "%s/files" !dir) in
170 Printf.fprintf o "#!/bin/bash\n\n";
171 sedify o !gen !dir l;
172 sedify_ors o !gen !dir l;
173 Printf.fprintf o "\nwait\n/bin/rm tmp*out\n";
174 close_out o
175 end);
176 if not !sed then print_output l