[ntk/apt.git] / apt-pkg / indexcopy.cc
1 // -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*-
2 // Description /*{{{*/
3 // $Id: indexcopy.cc,v 1.10 2002/03/26 07:38:58 jgg Exp $
4 /* ######################################################################
6 Index Copying - Aid for copying and verifying the index files
8 This class helps apt-cache reconstruct a damaged index files.
10 ##################################################################### */
11 /*}}}*/
12 // Include Files /*{{{*/
13 #include "indexcopy.h"
15 #include <apt-pkg/error.h>
16 #include <apt-pkg/progress.h>
17 #include <apt-pkg/strutl.h>
18 #include <apt-pkg/fileutl.h>
19 #include <apt-pkg/configuration.h>
20 #include <apt-pkg/tagfile.h>
21 #include <apt-pkg/indexrecords.h>
22 #include <apt-pkg/md5.h>
23 #include <apt-pkg/cdrom.h>
24 #include <apti18n.h>
26 #include <iostream>
27 #include <sstream>
28 #include <unistd.h>
29 #include <sys/stat.h>
30 #include <sys/types.h>
31 #include <fcntl.h>
32 #include <stdio.h>
33 /*}}}*/
35 using namespace std;
39 // IndexCopy::CopyPackages - Copy the package files from the CD /*{{{*/
40 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
41 /* */
42 bool IndexCopy::CopyPackages(string CDROM,string Name,vector<string> &List,
43 pkgCdromStatus *log)
44 {
45 OpProgress *Progress = NULL;
46 if (List.size() == 0)
47 return true;
49 if(log)
50 Progress = log->GetOpProgress();
52 bool NoStat = _config->FindB("APT::CDROM::Fast",false);
53 bool Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::aptcdrom",false);
55 // Prepare the progress indicator
56 unsigned long TotalSize = 0;
57 for (vector<string>::iterator I = List.begin(); I != List.end(); I++)
58 {
59 struct stat Buf;
60 if (stat(string(*I + GetFileName()).c_str(),&Buf) != 0 &&
61 stat(string(*I + GetFileName() + ".gz").c_str(),&Buf) != 0)
62 return _error->Errno("stat","Stat failed for %s",
63 string(*I + GetFileName()).c_str());
64 TotalSize += Buf.st_size;
65 }
67 unsigned long CurrentSize = 0;
68 unsigned int NotFound = 0;
69 unsigned int WrongSize = 0;
70 unsigned int Packages = 0;
71 for (vector<string>::iterator I = List.begin(); I != List.end(); I++)
72 {
73 string OrigPath = string(*I,CDROM.length());
74 unsigned long FileSize = 0;
76 // Open the package file
77 FileFd Pkg;
78 if (FileExists(*I + GetFileName()) == true)
79 {
80 Pkg.Open(*I + GetFileName(),FileFd::ReadOnly);
81 FileSize = Pkg.Size();
82 }
83 else
84 {
85 FileFd From(*I + GetFileName() + ".gz",FileFd::ReadOnly);
86 if (_error->PendingError() == true)
87 return false;
88 FileSize = From.Size();
90 // Get a temp file
91 FILE *tmp = tmpfile();
92 if (tmp == 0)
93 return _error->Errno("tmpfile","Unable to create a tmp file");
94 Pkg.Fd(dup(fileno(tmp)));
95 fclose(tmp);
97 // Fork gzip
98 pid_t Process = fork();
99 if (Process < 0)
100 return _error->Errno("fork","Couldn't fork gzip");
102 // The child
103 if (Process == 0)
104 {
105 dup2(From.Fd(),STDIN_FILENO);
106 dup2(Pkg.Fd(),STDOUT_FILENO);
107 SetCloseExec(STDIN_FILENO,false);
108 SetCloseExec(STDOUT_FILENO,false);
110 const char *Args[3];
111 string Tmp = _config->Find("Dir::bin::gzip","gzip");
112 Args[0] = Tmp.c_str();
113 Args[1] = "-d";
114 Args[2] = 0;
115 execvp(Args[0],(char **)Args);
116 exit(100);
117 }
119 // Wait for gzip to finish
120 if (ExecWait(Process,_config->Find("Dir::bin::gzip","gzip").c_str(),false) == false)
121 return _error->Error("gzip failed, perhaps the disk is full.");
123 Pkg.Seek(0);
124 }
125 pkgTagFile Parser(&Pkg);
126 if (_error->PendingError() == true)
127 return false;
129 // Open the output file
130 char S[400];
131 snprintf(S,sizeof(S),"cdrom:[%s]/%s%s",Name.c_str(),
132 (*I).c_str() + CDROM.length(),GetFileName());
133 string TargetF = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/";
134 TargetF += URItoFileName(S);
135 if (_config->FindB("APT::CDROM::NoAct",false) == true)
136 TargetF = "/dev/null";
137 FileFd Target(TargetF,FileFd::WriteAtomic);
138 FILE *TargetFl = fdopen(dup(Target.Fd()),"w");
139 if (_error->PendingError() == true)
140 return false;
141 if (TargetFl == 0)
142 return _error->Errno("fdopen","Failed to reopen fd");
144 // Setup the progress meter
145 if(Progress)
146 Progress->OverallProgress(CurrentSize,TotalSize,FileSize,
147 string("Reading ") + Type() + " Indexes");
149 // Parse
150 if(Progress)
151 Progress->SubProgress(Pkg.Size());
152 pkgTagSection Section;
153 this->Section = &Section;
154 string Prefix;
155 unsigned long Hits = 0;
156 unsigned long Chop = 0;
157 while (Parser.Step(Section) == true)
158 {
159 if(Progress)
160 Progress->Progress(Parser.Offset());
161 string File;
162 unsigned long Size;
163 if (GetFile(File,Size) == false)
164 {
165 fclose(TargetFl);
166 return false;
167 }
169 if (Chop != 0)
170 File = OrigPath + ChopDirs(File,Chop);
172 // See if the file exists
173 bool Mangled = false;
174 if (NoStat == false || Hits < 10)
175 {
176 // Attempt to fix broken structure
177 if (Hits == 0)
178 {
179 if (ReconstructPrefix(Prefix,OrigPath,CDROM,File) == false &&
180 ReconstructChop(Chop,*I,File) == false)
181 {
182 if (Debug == true)
183 clog << "Missed: " << File << endl;
184 NotFound++;
185 continue;
186 }
187 if (Chop != 0)
188 File = OrigPath + ChopDirs(File,Chop);
189 }
191 // Get the size
192 struct stat Buf;
193 if (stat(string(CDROM + Prefix + File).c_str(),&Buf) != 0 ||
194 Buf.st_size == 0)
195 {
196 // Attempt to fix busted symlink support for one instance
197 string OrigFile = File;
198 string::size_type Start = File.find("binary-");
199 string::size_type End = File.find("/",Start+3);
200 if (Start != string::npos && End != string::npos)
201 {
202 File.replace(Start,End-Start,"binary-all");
203 Mangled = true;
204 }
206 if (Mangled == false ||
207 stat(string(CDROM + Prefix + File).c_str(),&Buf) != 0)
208 {
209 if (Debug == true)
210 clog << "Missed(2): " << OrigFile << endl;
211 NotFound++;
212 continue;
213 }
214 }
216 // Size match
217 if ((unsigned)Buf.st_size != Size)
218 {
219 if (Debug == true)
220 clog << "Wrong Size: " << File << endl;
221 WrongSize++;
222 continue;
223 }
224 }
226 Packages++;
227 Hits++;
229 if (RewriteEntry(TargetFl,File) == false)
230 {
231 fclose(TargetFl);
232 return false;
233 }
234 }
235 fclose(TargetFl);
237 if (Debug == true)
238 cout << " Processed by using Prefix '" << Prefix << "' and chop " << Chop << endl;
240 if (_config->FindB("APT::CDROM::NoAct",false) == false)
241 {
242 // Move out of the partial directory
243 Target.Close();
244 string FinalF = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists");
245 FinalF += URItoFileName(S);
246 if (rename(TargetF.c_str(),FinalF.c_str()) != 0)
247 return _error->Errno("rename","Failed to rename");
248 }
250 /* Mangle the source to be in the proper notation with
251 prefix dist [component] */
252 *I = string(*I,Prefix.length());
253 ConvertToSourceList(CDROM,*I);
254 *I = Prefix + ' ' + *I;
256 CurrentSize += FileSize;
257 }
258 if(Progress)
259 Progress->Done();
261 // Some stats
262 if(log) {
263 stringstream msg;
264 if(NotFound == 0 && WrongSize == 0)
265 ioprintf(msg, _("Wrote %i records.\n"), Packages);
266 else if (NotFound != 0 && WrongSize == 0)
267 ioprintf(msg, _("Wrote %i records with %i missing files.\n"),
268 Packages, NotFound);
269 else if (NotFound == 0 && WrongSize != 0)
270 ioprintf(msg, _("Wrote %i records with %i mismatched files\n"),
271 Packages, WrongSize);
272 if (NotFound != 0 && WrongSize != 0)
273 ioprintf(msg, _("Wrote %i records with %i missing files and %i mismatched files\n"), Packages, NotFound, WrongSize);
274 }
276 if (Packages == 0)
277 _error->Warning("No valid records were found.");
279 if (NotFound + WrongSize > 10)
280 _error->Warning("A lot of entries were discarded, something may be wrong.\n");
283 return true;
284 }
285 /*}}}*/
286 // IndexCopy::ChopDirs - Chop off the leading directory components /*{{{*/
287 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
288 /* */
289 string IndexCopy::ChopDirs(string Path,unsigned int Depth)
290 {
291 string::size_type I = 0;
292 do
293 {
294 I = Path.find('/',I+1);
295 Depth--;
296 }
297 while (I != string::npos && Depth != 0);
299 if (I == string::npos)
300 return string();
302 return string(Path,I+1);
303 }
304 /*}}}*/
305 // IndexCopy::ReconstructPrefix - Fix strange prefixing /*{{{*/
306 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
307 /* This prepends dir components from the path to the package files to
308 the path to the deb until it is found */
309 bool IndexCopy::ReconstructPrefix(string &Prefix,string OrigPath,string CD,
310 string File)
311 {
312 bool Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::aptcdrom",false);
313 unsigned int Depth = 1;
314 string MyPrefix = Prefix;
315 while (1)
316 {
317 struct stat Buf;
318 if (stat(string(CD + MyPrefix + File).c_str(),&Buf) != 0)
319 {
320 if (Debug == true)
321 cout << "Failed, " << CD + MyPrefix + File << endl;
322 if (GrabFirst(OrigPath,MyPrefix,Depth++) == true)
323 continue;
325 return false;
326 }
327 else
328 {
329 Prefix = MyPrefix;
330 return true;
331 }
332 }
333 return false;
334 }
335 /*}}}*/
336 // IndexCopy::ReconstructChop - Fixes bad source paths /*{{{*/
337 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
338 /* This removes path components from the filename and prepends the location
339 of the package files until a file is found */
340 bool IndexCopy::ReconstructChop(unsigned long &Chop,string Dir,string File)
341 {
342 // Attempt to reconstruct the filename
343 unsigned long Depth = 0;
344 while (1)
345 {
346 struct stat Buf;
347 if (stat(string(Dir + File).c_str(),&Buf) != 0)
348 {
349 File = ChopDirs(File,1);
350 Depth++;
351 if (File.empty() == false)
352 continue;
353 return false;
354 }
355 else
356 {
357 Chop = Depth;
358 return true;
359 }
360 }
361 return false;
362 }
363 /*}}}*/
364 // IndexCopy::ConvertToSourceList - Convert a Path to a sourcelist /*{{{*/
365 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
366 /* We look for things in dists/ notation and convert them to
367 <dist> <component> form otherwise it is left alone. This also strips
368 the CD path.
370 This implements a regex sort of like:
371 (.*)/dists/([^/]*)/(.*)/binary-*
372 ^ ^ ^- Component
373 | |-------- Distribution
374 |------------------- Path
376 It was deciced to use only a single word for dist (rather than say
377 unstable/non-us) to increase the chance that each CD gets a single
378 line in sources.list.
379 */
380 void IndexCopy::ConvertToSourceList(string CD,string &Path)
381 {
382 char S[300];
383 snprintf(S,sizeof(S),"binary-%s",_config->Find("Apt::Architecture").c_str());
385 // Strip the cdrom base path
386 Path = string(Path,CD.length());
387 if (Path.empty() == true)
388 Path = "/";
390 // Too short to be a dists/ type
391 if (Path.length() < strlen("dists/"))
392 return;
394 // Not a dists type.
395 if (stringcmp(Path.c_str(),Path.c_str()+strlen("dists/"),"dists/") != 0)
396 return;
398 // Isolate the dist
399 string::size_type Slash = strlen("dists/");
400 string::size_type Slash2 = Path.find('/',Slash + 1);
401 if (Slash2 == string::npos || Slash2 + 2 >= Path.length())
402 return;
403 string Dist = string(Path,Slash,Slash2 - Slash);
405 // Isolate the component
406 Slash = Slash2;
407 for (unsigned I = 0; I != 10; I++)
408 {
409 Slash = Path.find('/',Slash+1);
410 if (Slash == string::npos || Slash + 2 >= Path.length())
411 return;
412 string Comp = string(Path,Slash2+1,Slash - Slash2-1);
414 // Verify the trailing binary- bit
415 string::size_type BinSlash = Path.find('/',Slash + 1);
416 if (Slash == string::npos)
417 return;
418 string Binary = string(Path,Slash+1,BinSlash - Slash-1);
420 if (Binary != S && Binary != "source")
421 continue;
423 Path = Dist + ' ' + Comp;
424 return;
425 }
426 }
427 /*}}}*/
428 // IndexCopy::GrabFirst - Return the first Depth path components /*{{{*/
429 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
430 /* */
431 bool IndexCopy::GrabFirst(string Path,string &To,unsigned int Depth)
432 {
433 string::size_type I = 0;
434 do
435 {
436 I = Path.find('/',I+1);
437 Depth--;
438 }
439 while (I != string::npos && Depth != 0);
441 if (I == string::npos)
442 return false;
444 To = string(Path,0,I+1);
445 return true;
446 }
447 /*}}}*/
448 // PackageCopy::GetFile - Get the file information from the section /*{{{*/
449 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
450 /* */
451 bool PackageCopy::GetFile(string &File,unsigned long &Size)
452 {
453 File = Section->FindS("Filename");
454 Size = Section->FindI("Size");
455 if (File.empty() || Size == 0)
456 return _error->Error("Cannot find filename or size tag");
457 return true;
458 }
459 /*}}}*/
460 // PackageCopy::RewriteEntry - Rewrite the entry with a new filename /*{{{*/
461 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
462 /* */
463 bool PackageCopy::RewriteEntry(FILE *Target,string File)
464 {
465 TFRewriteData Changes[] = {{"Filename",File.c_str()},
466 {}};
468 if (TFRewrite(Target,*Section,TFRewritePackageOrder,Changes) == false)
469 return false;
470 fputc('\n',Target);
471 return true;
472 }
473 /*}}}*/
474 // SourceCopy::GetFile - Get the file information from the section /*{{{*/
475 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
476 /* */
477 bool SourceCopy::GetFile(string &File,unsigned long &Size)
478 {
479 string Files = Section->FindS("Files");
480 if (Files.empty() == true)
481 return false;
483 // Stash the / terminated directory prefix
484 string Base = Section->FindS("Directory");
485 if (Base.empty() == false && Base[Base.length()-1] != '/')
486 Base += '/';
488 // Read the first file triplet
489 const char *C = Files.c_str();
490 string sSize;
491 string MD5Hash;
493 // Parse each of the elements
494 if (ParseQuoteWord(C,MD5Hash) == false ||
495 ParseQuoteWord(C,sSize) == false ||
496 ParseQuoteWord(C,File) == false)
497 return _error->Error("Error parsing file record");
499 // Parse the size and append the directory
500 Size = atoi(sSize.c_str());
501 File = Base + File;
502 return true;
503 }
504 /*}}}*/
505 // SourceCopy::RewriteEntry - Rewrite the entry with a new filename /*{{{*/
506 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
507 /* */
508 bool SourceCopy::RewriteEntry(FILE *Target,string File)
509 {
510 string Dir(File,0,File.rfind('/'));
511 TFRewriteData Changes[] = {{"Directory",Dir.c_str()},
512 {}};
514 if (TFRewrite(Target,*Section,TFRewriteSourceOrder,Changes) == false)
515 return false;
516 fputc('\n',Target);
517 return true;
518 }
519 /*}}}*/
520 // SigVerify::Verify - Verify a files md5sum against its metaindex /*{{{*/
521 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
522 /* */
523 bool SigVerify::Verify(string prefix, string file, indexRecords *MetaIndex)
524 {
525 const indexRecords::checkSum *Record = MetaIndex->Lookup(file);
527 // we skip non-existing files in the verifcation to support a cdrom
528 // with no Packages file (just a Package.gz), see LP: #255545
529 // (non-existing files are not considered a error)
530 if(!FileExists(prefix+file))
531 {
532 _error->Warning(_("Skipping nonexistent file %s"), string(prefix+file).c_str());
533 return true;
534 }
536 if (!Record)
537 {
538 _error->Warning(_("Can't find authentication record for: %s"), file.c_str());
539 return false;
540 }
542 if (!Record->Hash.VerifyFile(prefix+file))
543 {
544 _error->Warning(_("Hash mismatch for: %s"),file.c_str());
545 return false;
546 }
548 if(_config->FindB("Debug::aptcdrom",false))
549 {
550 cout << "File: " << prefix+file << endl;
551 cout << "Expected Hash " << Record->Hash.toStr() << endl;
552 }
554 return true;
555 }
556 /*}}}*/
557 bool SigVerify::CopyMetaIndex(string CDROM, string CDName, /*{{{*/
558 string prefix, string file)
559 {
560 char S[400];
561 snprintf(S,sizeof(S),"cdrom:[%s]/%s%s",CDName.c_str(),
562 (prefix).c_str() + CDROM.length(),file.c_str());
563 string TargetF = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists");
564 TargetF += URItoFileName(S);
566 FileFd Target;
567 FileFd Rel;
568 Target.Open(TargetF,FileFd::WriteAtomic);
569 Rel.Open(prefix + file,FileFd::ReadOnly);
570 if (_error->PendingError() == true)
571 return false;
572 if (CopyFile(Rel,Target) == false)
573 return false;
575 return true;
576 }
577 /*}}}*/
578 bool SigVerify::CopyAndVerify(string CDROM,string Name,vector<string> &SigList, /*{{{*/
579 vector<string> PkgList,vector<string> SrcList)
580 {
581 if (SigList.size() == 0)
582 return true;
584 bool Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::aptcdrom",false);
586 // Read all Release files
587 for (vector<string>::iterator I = SigList.begin(); I != SigList.end(); I++)
588 {
589 if(Debug)
590 cout << "Signature verify for: " << *I << endl;
592 indexRecords *MetaIndex = new indexRecords;
593 string prefix = *I;
595 string const releasegpg = *I+"Release.gpg";
596 string const release = *I+"Release";
598 // a Release.gpg without a Release should never happen
599 if(FileExists(release) == false)
600 {
601 delete MetaIndex;
602 continue;
603 }
605 pid_t pid = ExecFork();
606 if(pid < 0) {
607 _error->Error("Fork failed");
608 return false;
609 }
610 if(pid == 0)
611 RunGPGV(release, releasegpg);
613 if(!ExecWait(pid, "gpgv")) {
614 _error->Warning("Signature verification failed for: %s",
615 releasegpg.c_str());
616 // something went wrong, don't copy the Release.gpg
617 // FIXME: delete any existing gpg file?
618 continue;
619 }
621 // Open the Release file and add it to the MetaIndex
622 if(!MetaIndex->Load(release))
623 {
624 _error->Error("%s",MetaIndex->ErrorText.c_str());
625 return false;
626 }
628 // go over the Indexfiles and see if they verify
629 // if so, remove them from our copy of the lists
630 vector<string> keys = MetaIndex->MetaKeys();
631 for (vector<string>::iterator I = keys.begin(); I != keys.end(); I++)
632 {
633 if(!Verify(prefix,*I, MetaIndex)) {
634 // something went wrong, don't copy the Release.gpg
635 // FIXME: delete any existing gpg file?
636 _error->Discard();
637 continue;
638 }
639 }
641 // we need a fresh one for the Release.gpg
642 delete MetaIndex;
644 // everything was fine, copy the Release and Release.gpg file
645 CopyMetaIndex(CDROM, Name, prefix, "Release");
646 CopyMetaIndex(CDROM, Name, prefix, "Release.gpg");
647 }
649 return true;
650 }
651 /*}}}*/
652 // SigVerify::RunGPGV - returns the command needed for verify /*{{{*/
653 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
654 /* Generating the commandline for calling gpgv is somehow complicated as
655 we need to add multiple keyrings and user supplied options. Also, as
656 the cdrom code currently can not use the gpgv method we have two places
657 these need to be done - so the place for this method is wrong but better
658 than code duplication… */
659 bool SigVerify::RunGPGV(std::string const &File, std::string const &FileGPG,
660 int const &statusfd, int fd[2])
661 {
662 string const gpgvpath = _config->Find("Dir::Bin::gpg", "/usr/bin/gpgv");
663 // FIXME: remove support for deprecated APT::GPGV setting
664 string const trustedFile = _config->FindFile("Dir::Etc::Trusted",
665 _config->Find("APT::GPGV::TrustedKeyring", "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg").c_str());
666 string const trustedPath = _config->FindDir("Dir::Etc::TrustedParts", "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d");
668 bool const Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::Acquire::gpgv", false);
670 if (Debug == true)
671 {
672 std::clog << "gpgv path: " << gpgvpath << std::endl;
673 std::clog << "Keyring file: " << trustedFile << std::endl;
674 std::clog << "Keyring path: " << trustedPath << std::endl;
675 }
677 std::vector<string> keyrings = GetListOfFilesInDir(trustedPath, "gpg", false);
678 if (FileExists(trustedFile) == true)
679 keyrings.push_back(trustedFile);
681 std::vector<const char *> Args;
682 Args.reserve(30);
684 if (keyrings.empty() == true)
685 return false;
687 Args.push_back(gpgvpath.c_str());
688 Args.push_back("--ignore-time-conflict");
690 if (statusfd != -1)
691 {
692 Args.push_back("--status-fd");
693 char fd[10];
694 snprintf(fd, sizeof(fd), "%i", statusfd);
695 Args.push_back(fd);
696 }
698 for (vector<string>::const_iterator K = keyrings.begin();
699 K != keyrings.end(); ++K)
700 {
701 Args.push_back("--keyring");
702 Args.push_back(K->c_str());
703 }
705 Configuration::Item const *Opts;
706 Opts = _config->Tree("Acquire::gpgv::Options");
707 if (Opts != 0)
708 {
709 Opts = Opts->Child;
710 for (; Opts != 0; Opts = Opts->Next)
711 {
712 if (Opts->Value.empty() == true)
713 continue;
714 Args.push_back(Opts->Value.c_str());
715 }
716 }
718 Args.push_back(FileGPG.c_str());
719 Args.push_back(File.c_str());
720 Args.push_back(NULL);
722 if (Debug == true)
723 {
724 std::clog << "Preparing to exec: " << gpgvpath;
725 for (std::vector<const char *>::const_iterator a = Args.begin(); *a != NULL; ++a)
726 std::clog << " " << *a;
727 std::clog << std::endl;
728 }
730 if (statusfd != -1)
731 {
732 int const nullfd = open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY);
733 close(fd[0]);
734 // Redirect output to /dev/null; we read from the status fd
735 dup2(nullfd, STDOUT_FILENO);
736 dup2(nullfd, STDERR_FILENO);
737 // Redirect the pipe to the status fd (3)
738 dup2(fd[1], statusfd);
740 putenv((char *)"LANG=");
741 putenv((char *)"LC_ALL=");
742 putenv((char *)"LC_MESSAGES=");
743 }
745 execvp(gpgvpath.c_str(), (char **) &Args[0]);
746 return true;
747 }
748 /*}}}*/
749 bool TranslationsCopy::CopyTranslations(string CDROM,string Name, /*{{{*/
750 vector<string> &List, pkgCdromStatus *log)
751 {
752 OpProgress *Progress = NULL;
753 if (List.size() == 0)
754 return true;
756 if(log)
757 Progress = log->GetOpProgress();
759 bool Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::aptcdrom",false);
761 // Prepare the progress indicator
762 unsigned long TotalSize = 0;
763 for (vector<string>::iterator I = List.begin(); I != List.end(); I++)
764 {
765 struct stat Buf;
766 if (stat(string(*I).c_str(),&Buf) != 0 &&
767 stat(string(*I + ".gz").c_str(),&Buf) != 0)
768 return _error->Errno("stat","Stat failed for %s",
769 string(*I).c_str());
770 TotalSize += Buf.st_size;
771 }
773 unsigned long CurrentSize = 0;
774 unsigned int NotFound = 0;
775 unsigned int WrongSize = 0;
776 unsigned int Packages = 0;
777 for (vector<string>::iterator I = List.begin(); I != List.end(); I++)
778 {
779 string OrigPath = string(*I,CDROM.length());
780 unsigned long FileSize = 0;
782 // Open the package file
783 FileFd Pkg;
784 if (FileExists(*I) == true)
785 {
786 Pkg.Open(*I,FileFd::ReadOnly);
787 FileSize = Pkg.Size();
788 }
789 else
790 {
791 FileFd From(*I + ".gz",FileFd::ReadOnly);
792 if (_error->PendingError() == true)
793 return false;
794 FileSize = From.Size();
796 // Get a temp file
797 FILE *tmp = tmpfile();
798 if (tmp == 0)
799 return _error->Errno("tmpfile","Unable to create a tmp file");
800 Pkg.Fd(dup(fileno(tmp)));
801 fclose(tmp);
803 // Fork gzip
804 pid_t Process = fork();
805 if (Process < 0)
806 return _error->Errno("fork","Couldn't fork gzip");
808 // The child
809 if (Process == 0)
810 {
811 dup2(From.Fd(),STDIN_FILENO);
812 dup2(Pkg.Fd(),STDOUT_FILENO);
813 SetCloseExec(STDIN_FILENO,false);
814 SetCloseExec(STDOUT_FILENO,false);
816 const char *Args[3];
817 string Tmp = _config->Find("Dir::bin::gzip","gzip");
818 Args[0] = Tmp.c_str();
819 Args[1] = "-d";
820 Args[2] = 0;
821 execvp(Args[0],(char **)Args);
822 exit(100);
823 }
825 // Wait for gzip to finish
826 if (ExecWait(Process,_config->Find("Dir::bin::gzip","gzip").c_str(),false) == false)
827 return _error->Error("gzip failed, perhaps the disk is full.");
829 Pkg.Seek(0);
830 }
831 pkgTagFile Parser(&Pkg);
832 if (_error->PendingError() == true)
833 return false;
835 // Open the output file
836 char S[400];
837 snprintf(S,sizeof(S),"cdrom:[%s]/%s",Name.c_str(),
838 (*I).c_str() + CDROM.length());
839 string TargetF = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/";
840 TargetF += URItoFileName(S);
841 if (_config->FindB("APT::CDROM::NoAct",false) == true)
842 TargetF = "/dev/null";
843 FileFd Target(TargetF,FileFd::WriteAtomic);
844 FILE *TargetFl = fdopen(dup(Target.Fd()),"w");
845 if (_error->PendingError() == true)
846 return false;
847 if (TargetFl == 0)
848 return _error->Errno("fdopen","Failed to reopen fd");
850 // Setup the progress meter
851 if(Progress)
852 Progress->OverallProgress(CurrentSize,TotalSize,FileSize,
853 string("Reading Translation Indexes"));
855 // Parse
856 if(Progress)
857 Progress->SubProgress(Pkg.Size());
858 pkgTagSection Section;
859 this->Section = &Section;
860 string Prefix;
861 unsigned long Hits = 0;
862 unsigned long Chop = 0;
863 while (Parser.Step(Section) == true)
864 {
865 if(Progress)
866 Progress->Progress(Parser.Offset());
868 const char *Start;
869 const char *Stop;
870 Section.GetSection(Start,Stop);
871 fwrite(Start,Stop-Start, 1, TargetFl);
872 fputc('\n',TargetFl);
874 Packages++;
875 Hits++;
876 }
877 fclose(TargetFl);
879 if (Debug == true)
880 cout << " Processed by using Prefix '" << Prefix << "' and chop " << Chop << endl;
882 if (_config->FindB("APT::CDROM::NoAct",false) == false)
883 {
884 // Move out of the partial directory
885 Target.Close();
886 string FinalF = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists");
887 FinalF += URItoFileName(S);
888 if (rename(TargetF.c_str(),FinalF.c_str()) != 0)
889 return _error->Errno("rename","Failed to rename");
890 }
893 CurrentSize += FileSize;
894 }
895 if(Progress)
896 Progress->Done();
898 // Some stats
899 if(log) {
900 stringstream msg;
901 if(NotFound == 0 && WrongSize == 0)
902 ioprintf(msg, _("Wrote %i records.\n"), Packages);
903 else if (NotFound != 0 && WrongSize == 0)
904 ioprintf(msg, _("Wrote %i records with %i missing files.\n"),
905 Packages, NotFound);
906 else if (NotFound == 0 && WrongSize != 0)
907 ioprintf(msg, _("Wrote %i records with %i mismatched files\n"),
908 Packages, WrongSize);
909 if (NotFound != 0 && WrongSize != 0)
910 ioprintf(msg, _("Wrote %i records with %i missing files and %i mismatched files\n"), Packages, NotFound, WrongSize);
911 }
913 if (Packages == 0)
914 _error->Warning("No valid records were found.");
916 if (NotFound + WrongSize > 10)
917 _error->Warning("A lot of entries were discarded, something may be wrong.\n");
920 return true;
921 }
922 /*}}}*/