(* HCoop Domtool (http://hcoop.sourceforge.net/) * Copyright (c) 2006, Adam Chlipala * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *) (* Apache HTTPD handling *) structure Apache :> APACHE = struct open Ast val _ = Env.type_one "web_node" Env.string (fn node => List.exists (fn x => x = node) Config.Apache.webNodes_all orelse (Domain.hasPriv "www" andalso List.exists (fn x => x = node) Config.Apache.webNodes_admin)) val _ = Env.registerFunction ("web_node_to_node", fn [e] => SOME e | _ => NONE) val _ = Env.type_one "proxy_port" Env.int (fn n => n > 1024) val _ = Env.type_one "proxy_target" Env.string (fn s => let fun default () = List.exists (fn s' => s = s') Config.Apache.proxyTargets in case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #":") s of ["http", "//localhost", rest] => (case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #"/") rest of port :: _ => (case Int.fromString port of NONE => default () | SOME n => n > 1024 orelse default ()) | _ => default ()) | _ => default () end) val _ = Env.type_one "rewrite_arg" Env.string (CharVector.all Char.isAlphaNum) val _ = Env.type_one "suexec_flag" Env.bool (fn b => b orelse Domain.hasPriv "www") fun validLocation s = size s > 0 andalso size s < 1000 andalso CharVector.all (fn ch => Char.isAlphaNum ch orelse ch = #"-" orelse ch = #"_" orelse ch = #"." orelse ch = #"/") s val _ = Env.type_one "location" Env.string validLocation val dl = ErrorMsg.dummyLoc val _ = Defaults.registerDefault ("WebNodes", (TList (TBase "web_node", dl), dl), (fn () => (EList (map (fn s => (EString s, dl)) Config.Apache.webNodes_default), dl))) val _ = Defaults.registerDefault ("SSL", (TBase "bool", dl), (fn () => (EVar "false", dl))) val _ = Defaults.registerDefault ("User", (TBase "your_user", dl), (fn () => (EString (Domain.getUser ()), dl))) val _ = Defaults.registerDefault ("Group", (TBase "your_group", dl), (fn () => (EString (Domain.getUser ()), dl))) val _ = Defaults.registerDefault ("DocumentRoot", (TBase "your_path", dl), (fn () => (EString (Config.homeBase ^ "/" ^ Domain.getUser () ^ "/" ^ Config.Apache.public_html), dl))) val _ = Defaults.registerDefault ("ServerAdmin", (TBase "email", dl), (fn () => (EString (Domain.getUser () ^ "@" ^ Config.defaultDomain), dl))) val _ = Defaults.registerDefault ("SuExec", (TBase "suexec_flag", dl), (fn () => (EApp ((EVar "suexec_flag", dl), (EVar "true", dl)), dl))) val redirect_code = fn (EVar "temp", _) => SOME "temp" | (EVar "permanent", _) => SOME "permanent" | (EVar "seeother", _) => SOME "seeother" | (EVar "redir300", _) => SOME "300" | (EVar "redir301", _) => SOME "301" | (EVar "redir302", _) => SOME "302" | (EVar "redir303", _) => SOME "303" | (EVar "redir304", _) => SOME "304" | (EVar "redir305", _) => SOME "305" | (EVar "redir307", _) => SOME "307" | _ => NONE val flag = fn (EVar "redirect", _) => SOME "R" | (EVar "forbidden", _) => SOME "F" | (EVar "gone", _) => SOME "G" | (EVar "last", _) => SOME "L" | (EVar "chain", _) => SOME "C" | (EVar "nosubreq", _) => SOME "NS" | (EVar "nocase", _) => SOME "NC" | (EVar "qsappend", _) => SOME "QSA" | (EVar "noescape", _) => SOME "NE" | (EVar "passthrough", _) => SOME "PT" | (EApp ((EVar "mimeType", _), e), _) => Option.map (fn s => "T=" ^ s) (Env.string e) | (EApp ((EVar "redirectWith", _), e), _) => Option.map (fn s => "R=" ^ s) (redirect_code e) | (EApp ((EVar "skip", _), e), _) => Option.map (fn n => "S=" ^ Int.toString n) (Env.int e) | (EApp ((EApp ((EVar "env", _), e1), _), e2), _) => (case Env.string e1 of NONE => NONE | SOME s1 => Option.map (fn s2 => "E=" ^ s1 ^ ":" ^ s2) (Env.string e2)) | _ => NONE val cond_flag = fn (EVar "cond_nocase", _) => SOME "NC" | (EVar "ornext", _) => SOME "OR" | _ => NONE val apache_option = fn (EVar "execCGI", _) => SOME "ExecCGI" | (EVar "includesNOEXEC", _) => SOME "IncludesNOEXEC" | (EVar "indexes", _) => SOME "Indexes" | _ => NONE val autoindex_width = fn (EVar "autofit", _) => SOME "*" | (EApp ((EVar "characters", _), n), _) => Option.map Int.toString (Env.int n) | _ => NONE val autoindex_option = fn (EApp ((EVar "descriptionWidth", _), w), _) => Option.map (fn w => ("DescriptionWidth", SOME w)) (autoindex_width w) | (EVar "fancyIndexing", _) => SOME ("FancyIndexing", NONE) | (EVar "foldersFirst", _) => SOME ("FoldersFirst", NONE) | (EVar "htmlTable", _) => SOME ("HTMLTable", NONE) | (EVar "iconsAreLinks", _) => SOME ("IconsAreLinks", NONE) | (EApp ((EVar "iconHeight", _), n), _) => Option.map (fn w => ("IconHeight", SOME (Int.toString w))) (Env.int n) | (EApp ((EVar "iconWidth", _), n), _) => Option.map (fn w => ("IconWidth", SOME (Int.toString w))) (Env.int n) | (EVar "ignoreCase", _) => SOME ("IgnoreCase", NONE) | (EVar "ignoreClient", _) => SOME ("IgnoreClient", NONE) | (EApp ((EVar "nameWidth", _), w), _) => Option.map (fn w => ("NameWidth", SOME w)) (autoindex_width w) | (EVar "scanHtmlTitles", _) => SOME ("ScanHTMLTitles", NONE) | (EVar "suppressColumnSorting", _) => SOME ("SuppressColumnSorting", NONE) | (EVar "suppressDescription", _) => SOME ("SuppressDescription", NONE) | (EVar "suppressHtmlPreamble", _) => SOME ("SuppressHTMLPreamble", NONE) | (EVar "suppressIcon", _) => SOME ("SuppressIcon", NONE) | (EVar "suppressLastModified", _) => SOME ("SuppressLastModified", NONE) | (EVar "suppressRules", _) => SOME ("SuppressRules", NONE) | (EVar "suppressSize", _) => SOME ("SuppressSize", NONE) | (EVar "trackModified", _) => SOME ("TrackModified", NONE) | (EVar "versionSort", _) => SOME ("VersionSort", NONE) | (EVar "xhtml", _) => SOME ("XHTML", NONE) | _ => NONE val vhostsChanged = ref false val logDeleted = ref false val () = Slave.registerPreHandler (fn () => (vhostsChanged := false; logDeleted := false)) fun findVhostUser fname = let val inf = TextIO.openIn fname fun loop () = case TextIO.inputLine inf of NONE => NONE | SOME line => if String.isPrefix "# Owner: " line then case String.tokens Char.isSpace line of [_, _, user] => SOME user | _ => NONE else loop () in loop () before TextIO.closeIn inf end handle _ => NONE val () = Slave.registerFileHandler (fn fs => let val spl = OS.Path.splitDirFile (#file fs) in if String.isSuffix ".vhost" (#file spl) orelse String.isSuffix ".vhost_ssl" (#file spl) then let val realVhostFile = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = Config.Apache.confDir, file = #file spl} val user = findVhostUser (#file fs) val oldUser = findVhostUser realVhostFile in if (oldUser = NONE andalso #action fs <> Slave.Add) orelse (user = NONE andalso #action fs <> Slave.Delete) then print ("Can't find user in " ^ #file fs ^ " or " ^ realVhostFile ^ "! Taking no action.\n") else let fun realLogDir user = let val realLogDir = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = Config.homeBase, file = valOf user} val realLogDir = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = realLogDir, file = "apache"} val realLogDir = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = realLogDir, file = "log"} val realLogDir = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = realLogDir, file = Slave.hostname ()} val {base, ...} = OS.Path.splitBaseExt (#file spl) in OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = realLogDir, file = base} end in vhostsChanged := true; case #action fs of Slave.Delete => (if !logDeleted then () else (ignore (OS.Process.system Config.Apache.down); logDeleted := true); ignore (OS.Process.system (Config.rm ^ " -rf " ^ realVhostFile)); ignore (OS.Process.system (Config.rm ^ " -rf " ^ realLogDir oldUser))) | Slave.Add => let val rld = realLogDir user in ignore (OS.Process.system (Config.cp ^ " " ^ #file fs ^ " " ^ realVhostFile)); if Posix.FileSys.access (rld, []) then () else OS.FileSys.mkDir rld end | _ => (ignore (OS.Process.system (Config.cp ^ " " ^ #file fs ^ " " ^ realVhostFile)); if user <> oldUser then let val old = realLogDir oldUser val rld = realLogDir user in if !logDeleted then () else (ignore (OS.Process.system Config.Apache.down); logDeleted := true); ignore (OS.Process.system (Config.rm ^ " -rf " ^ realLogDir oldUser)); if Posix.FileSys.access (rld, []) then () else OS.FileSys.mkDir rld end else ()) end end else () end) val () = Slave.registerPostHandler (fn () => (if !vhostsChanged then Slave.shellF ([if !logDeleted then Config.Apache.undown else Config.Apache.reload], fn cl => "Error reloading Apache with " ^ cl) else ())) val vhostFiles : (string * TextIO.outstream) list ref = ref [] fun write' s = app (fn (node, file) => TextIO.output (file, s node)) (!vhostFiles) fun write s = app (fn (_, file) => TextIO.output (file, s)) (!vhostFiles) val rewriteEnabled = ref false val localRewriteEnabled = ref false val currentVhost = ref "" val currentVhostId = ref "" val pre = ref (fn _ : {user : string, nodes : string list, id : string, hostname : string} => ()) fun registerPre f = let val old = !pre in pre := (fn x => (old x; f x)) end val post = ref (fn () => ()) fun registerPost f = let val old = !post in post := (fn () => (old (); f ())) end val aliaser = ref (fn _ : string => ()) fun registerAliaser f = let val old = !aliaser in aliaser := (fn x => (old x; f x)) end fun suexec_flag (EApp ((EVar "suexec_flag", _), e), _) = Env.bool e | suexec_flag _ = NONE val () = Env.containerV_one "vhost" ("host", Env.string) (fn (env, host) => let val nodes = Env.env (Env.list Env.string) (env, "WebNodes") val ssl = Env.env Env.bool (env, "SSL") val user = Env.env Env.string (env, "User") val group = Env.env Env.string (env, "Group") val docroot = Env.env Env.string (env, "DocumentRoot") val sadmin = Env.env Env.string (env, "ServerAdmin") val suexec = Env.env suexec_flag (env, "SuExec") val fullHost = host ^ "." ^ Domain.currentDomain () val vhostId = fullHost ^ (if ssl then ".ssl" else "") val confFile = fullHost ^ (if ssl then ".vhost_ssl" else ".vhost") in currentVhost := fullHost; currentVhostId := vhostId; rewriteEnabled := false; localRewriteEnabled := false; vhostFiles := map (fn node => let val file = Domain.domainFile {node = node, name = confFile} in TextIO.output (file, "# Owner: "); TextIO.output (file, user); TextIO.output (file, "\n\n"); TextIO.output (file, "\tErrorLog "); TextIO.output (file, Config.homeBase); TextIO.output (file, "/"); TextIO.output (file, user); TextIO.output (file, "/apache/log/"); TextIO.output (file, node); TextIO.output (file, "/"); TextIO.output (file, vhostId); TextIO.output (file, "/error.log\n\tCustomLog "); TextIO.output (file, Config.homeBase); TextIO.output (file, "/"); TextIO.output (file, user); TextIO.output (file, "/apache/log/"); TextIO.output (file, node); TextIO.output (file, "/"); TextIO.output (file, vhostId); TextIO.output (file, "/access.log combined\n"); (Config.homeBase ^ "/" ^ user ^ "/apache/log/" ^ node ^ "/" ^ vhostId, file) end) nodes; write "\tServerName "; write fullHost; if suexec then (write "\n\tSuexecUserGroup "; write user; write " "; write group) else (); write "\n\tDocumentRoot "; write docroot; write "\n\tServerAdmin "; write sadmin; if ssl then (write "\n\tSSLEngine on") else (); write "\n"; !pre {user = user, nodes = nodes, id = vhostId, hostname = fullHost} end, fn () => (!post (); write "\n"; app (TextIO.closeOut o #2) (!vhostFiles))) val inLocal = ref false val () = Env.container_one "location" ("prefix", Env.string) (fn prefix => (write "\t\n"; inLocal := true), fn () => (write "\t\n"; inLocal := false; localRewriteEnabled := false)) val () = Env.container_one "directory" ("directory", Env.string) (fn directory => (write "\t\n"; inLocal := true), fn () => (write "\t\n"; inLocal := false; localRewriteEnabled := false)) fun checkRewrite () = if !inLocal then if !rewriteEnabled orelse !localRewriteEnabled then () else (write "\tRewriteEngine on\n"; localRewriteEnabled := true) else if !rewriteEnabled then () else (write "\tRewriteEngine on\n"; rewriteEnabled := true) val () = Env.action_three "localProxyRewrite" ("from", Env.string, "to", Env.string, "port", Env.int) (fn (from, to, port) => (checkRewrite (); write "\tRewriteRule\t"; write from; write "\thttp://localhost:"; write (Int.toString port); write "/"; write to; write " [P]\n")) val () = Env.action_two "proxyPass" ("from", Env.string, "to", Env.string) (fn (from, to) => (write "\tProxyPass\t"; write from; write "\t"; write to; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_two "proxyPassReverse" ("from", Env.string, "to", Env.string) (fn (from, to) => (write "\tProxyPassReverse\t"; write from; write "\t"; write to; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_three "rewriteRule" ("from", Env.string, "to", Env.string, "flags", Env.list flag) (fn (from, to, flags) => (checkRewrite (); write "\tRewriteRule\t"; write from; write "\t"; write to; case flags of [] => () | flag::rest => (write " ["; write flag; app (fn flag => (write ","; write flag)) rest; write "]"); write "\n")) val () = Env.action_three "rewriteCond" ("test", Env.string, "pattern", Env.string, "flags", Env.list cond_flag) (fn (from, to, flags) => (checkRewrite (); write "\tRewriteCond\t"; write from; write "\t"; write to; case flags of [] => () | flag::rest => (write " ["; write flag; app (fn flag => (write ","; write flag)) rest; write "]"); write "\n")) val () = Env.action_one "rewriteLogLevel" ("level", Env.int) (fn level => (checkRewrite (); write "\tRewriteLog "; write' (fn x => x); write "/rewrite.log\n\tRewriteLogLevel "; write (Int.toString level); write "\n")) val () = Env.action_two "alias" ("from", Env.string, "to", Env.string) (fn (from, to) => (write "\tAlias\t"; write from; write " "; write to; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_two "scriptAlias" ("from", Env.string, "to", Env.string) (fn (from, to) => (write "\tScriptAlias\t"; write from; write " "; write to; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_two "errorDocument" ("code", Env.string, "handler", Env.string) (fn (code, handler) => (write "\tErrorDocument\t"; write code; write " "; write handler; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_one "options" ("options", Env.list apache_option) (fn opts => case opts of [] => () | _ => (write "\tOptions"; app (fn opt => (write " "; write opt)) opts; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_one "set_options" ("options", Env.list apache_option) (fn opts => case opts of [] => () | _ => (write "\tOptions"; app (fn opt => (write " +"; write opt)) opts; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_one "unset_options" ("options", Env.list apache_option) (fn opts => case opts of [] => () | _ => (write "\tOptions"; app (fn opt => (write " -"; write opt)) opts; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_one "directoryIndex" ("filenames", Env.list Env.string) (fn opts => (write "\tDirectoryIndex"; app (fn opt => (write " "; write opt)) opts; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_one "serverAlias" ("host", Env.string) (fn host => (write "\tServerAlias "; write host; write "\n"; !aliaser host)) val authType = fn (EVar "basic", _) => SOME "basic" | (EVar "digest", _) => SOME "digest" | _ => NONE val () = Env.action_one "authType" ("type", authType) (fn ty => (write "\tAuthType "; write ty; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_one "authName" ("name", Env.string) (fn name => (write "\tAuthName \""; write name; write "\"\n")) val () = Env.action_one "authUserFile" ("file", Env.string) (fn name => (write "\tAuthUserFile "; write name; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_none "requireValidUser" (fn () => write "\tRequire valid-user\n") val () = Env.action_one "requireUser" ("users", Env.list Env.string) (fn names => case names of [] => () | _ => (write "\tRequire user"; app (fn name => (write " "; write name)) names; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_one "requireGroup" ("groups", Env.list Env.string) (fn names => case names of [] => () | _ => (write "\tRequire group"; app (fn name => (write " "; write name)) names; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_none "orderAllowDeny" (fn () => write "\tOrder allow,deny\n") val () = Env.action_none "orderDenyAllow" (fn () => write "\tOrder deny,allow\n") val () = Env.action_none "allowFromAll" (fn () => write "\tAllow from all\n") val () = Env.action_one "allowFrom" ("entries", Env.list Env.string) (fn names => case names of [] => () | _ => (write "\tAllow from"; app (fn name => (write " "; write name)) names; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_none "denyFromAll" (fn () => write "\tDeny from all\n") val () = Env.action_one "denyFrom" ("entries", Env.list Env.string) (fn names => case names of [] => () | _ => (write "\tDeny from"; app (fn name => (write " "; write name)) names; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_none "satisfyAll" (fn () => write "\tSatisfy all\n") val () = Env.action_none "satisfyAny" (fn () => write "\tSatisfy any\n") val () = Env.action_one "forceType" ("type", Env.string) (fn ty => (write "\tForceType "; write ty; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_none "forceTypeOff" (fn () => write "\tForceType None\n") val () = Env.action_two "action" ("what", Env.string, "how", Env.string) (fn (what, how) => (write "\tAction "; write what; write " "; write how; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_one "addDefaultCharset" ("charset", Env.string) (fn ty => (write "\tAddDefaultCharset "; write ty; write "\n")) (*val () = Env.action_one "davSvn" ("path", Env.string) (fn path => (write "\tDAV svn\n\tSVNPath "; write path; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_one "authzSvnAccessFile" ("path", Env.string) (fn path => (write "\tAuthzSVNAccessFile "; write path; write "\n"))*) val () = Env.action_two "addDescription" ("description", Env.string, "patterns", Env.list Env.string) (fn (desc, pats) => case pats of [] => () | _ => (write "\tAddDescription \""; write (String.toString desc); write "\""; app (fn pat => (write " "; write pat)) pats; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_one "indexOptions" ("options", Env.list autoindex_option) (fn opts => case opts of [] => () | _ => (write "\tIndexOptions"; app (fn (opt, arg) => (write " "; write opt; Option.app (fn arg => (write "="; write arg)) arg)) opts; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_one "set_indexOptions" ("options", Env.list autoindex_option) (fn opts => case opts of [] => () | _ => (write "\tIndexOptions"; app (fn (opt, arg) => (write " +"; write opt; Option.app (fn arg => (write "="; write arg)) arg)) opts; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_one "unset_indexOptions" ("options", Env.list autoindex_option) (fn opts => case opts of [] => () | _ => (write "\tIndexOptions"; app (fn (opt, _) => (write " -"; write opt)) opts; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_one "headerName" ("name", Env.string) (fn name => (write "\tHeaderName "; write name; write "\n")) val () = Env.action_one "readmeName" ("name", Env.string) (fn name => (write "\tReadmeName "; write name; write "\n")) val () = Domain.registerResetLocal (fn () => ignore (OS.Process.system (Config.rm ^ " -rf /var/domtool/vhosts/*"))) end