[jackhill/mal.git] / bbc-basic / core.bas
1 REM > core function library for mal in BBC BASIC
3 REM BBC BASIC doesn't have function pointers. There are essentially
4 REM two ways to work around this. One is to use the BASIC EVAL function,
5 REM constructing a string that will call an arbitrary function with the
6 REM specified arguments. The other is to us a big CASE statement.
7 REM Following the suggestion in Hints.md, this code takes the latter
8 REM approach.
10 DEF PROCcore_ns
12 REM The actual DATA statements are embedded in the dispatch table below.
15 REM Call a core function, taking the function number and a mal list of
16 REM objects to pass as arguments.
17 DEF FNcore_call(fn%, args%)
18 LOCAL args%(), arg$
19 DIM args%(1)
20 CASE fn% OF
21 DATA +, 0
22 WHEN 0
23 PROCcore_prepare_args("ii", "+")
24 =FNalloc_int(args%(0) + args%(1))
25 DATA -, 1
26 WHEN 1
27 PROCcore_prepare_args("ii", "-")
28 =FNalloc_int(args%(0) - args%(1))
29 DATA *, 2
30 WHEN 2
31 PROCcore_prepare_args("ii", "*")
32 =FNalloc_int(args%(0) * args%(1))
33 DATA /, 3
34 WHEN 3
35 PROCcore_prepare_args("ii", "/")
36 =FNalloc_int(args%(0) DIV args%(1))
37 DATA list, 5
38 WHEN 5
39 =FNas_list(args%)
40 DATA list?, 6
41 WHEN 6
42 PROCcore_prepare_args("?", "list?")
43 =FNalloc_boolean(FNis_list(args%(0)))
44 DATA empty?, 7
45 WHEN 7
46 PROCcore_prepare_args("l", "empty?")
47 =FNalloc_boolean(FNis_empty(args%(0)))
48 DATA count, 8
49 WHEN 8
50 PROCcore_prepare_args("C", "count")
51 IF FNis_nil(args%(0)) THEN =FNalloc_int(0)
52 =FNalloc_int(FNcount(args%(0)))
53 DATA =, 9
54 WHEN 9
55 PROCcore_prepare_args("??", "=")
56 =FNalloc_boolean(FNcore_equal(args%(0), args%(1)))
57 DATA <, 10
58 WHEN 10
59 PROCcore_prepare_args("ii", "<")
60 =FNalloc_boolean(args%(0) < args%(1))
61 DATA <=, 11
62 WHEN 11
63 PROCcore_prepare_args("ii", "<=")
64 =FNalloc_boolean(args%(0) <= args%(1))
65 DATA >, 12
66 WHEN 12
67 PROCcore_prepare_args("ii", ">")
68 =FNalloc_boolean(args%(0) > args%(1))
69 DATA >=, 13
70 WHEN 13
71 PROCcore_prepare_args("ii", ">=")
72 =FNalloc_boolean(args%(0) >= args%(1))
73 DATA read-string, 14
74 WHEN 14
75 PROCcore_prepare_args("t", "read-string")
76 =FNread_str(args%(0))
77 DATA slurp, 15
78 WHEN 15
79 PROCcore_prepare_args("s", "slurp")
80 =FNcore_slurp(arg$)
81 DATA eval, 16
82 WHEN 16
83 PROCcore_prepare_args("?", "eval")
84 =FNEVAL(args%(0), repl_env%)
85 DATA pr-str, 17
86 WHEN 17
87 =FNcore_print(TRUE, " ", args%)
88 DATA str, 18
89 WHEN 18
90 =FNcore_print(FALSE, "", args%)
91 DATA prn, 4
92 WHEN 4
93 PRINT FNunbox_string(FNcore_print(TRUE, " ", args%))
94 =FNnil
95 DATA println, 19
96 WHEN 19
97 PRINT FNunbox_string(FNcore_print(FALSE, " ", args%))
98 =FNnil
99 DATA atom, 20
100 WHEN 20
101 PROCcore_prepare_args("?", "atom")
102 =FNalloc_atom(args%(0))
103 DATA atom?, 21
104 WHEN 21
105 PROCcore_prepare_args("?", "atom?")
106 =FNalloc_boolean(FNis_atom(args%(0)))
107 DATA deref, 22
108 WHEN 22
109 PROCcore_prepare_args("a", "deref")
110 =FNatom_deref(args%(0))
111 DATA reset!, 23
112 WHEN 23
113 PROCcore_prepare_args("a?", "reset!")
114 PROCatom_reset(args%(0), args%(1))
115 =args%(1)
116 DATA swap!, 24
117 WHEN 24
118 PROCcore_prepare_args("af*", "swap!")
119 PROCatom_reset(args%(0), FNcore_apply(args%(1), FNalloc_pair(FNatom_deref(args%(0)), args%)))
120 =FNatom_deref(args%(0))
121 DATA cons, 25
122 WHEN 25
123 PROCcore_prepare_args("?l", "cons")
124 =FNalloc_pair(args%(0), args%(1))
125 DATA concat, 26
126 WHEN 26
127 =FNcore_concat(args%)
128 DATA nth, 27
129 WHEN 27
130 PROCcore_prepare_args("li", "nth")
131 =FNnth(args%(0), args%(1))
132 DATA first, 28
133 WHEN 28
134 PROCcore_prepare_args("C", "first")
135 IF FNis_nil(args%(0)) THEN =FNnil
136 =FNfirst(args%(0))
137 DATA rest, 29
138 WHEN 29
139 PROCcore_prepare_args("C", "rest")
140 IF FNis_nil(args%(0)) THEN =FNempty
141 =FNas_list(FNrest(args%(0)))
142 DATA throw, 30
143 WHEN 30
144 PROCcore_prepare_args("?", "throw")
145 MAL_ERR% = args%(0)
146 ERROR &40E80900, "Mal exception: " + FNunbox_string(FNpr_str(args%(0), FALSE))
147 DATA apply, 31
148 WHEN 31
149 PROCcore_prepare_args("f?*", "apply")
150 =FNcore_apply(args%(0), FNcore_apply_args(FNalloc_pair(args%(1), args%)))
151 DATA map, 32
152 WHEN 32
153 PROCcore_prepare_args("fl", "map")
154 =FNcore_map(args%(0), args%(1))
155 DATA nil?, 33
156 WHEN 33
157 PROCcore_prepare_args("?", "nil?")
158 =FNalloc_boolean(FNis_nil(args%(0)))
159 DATA true?, 34
160 WHEN 34
161 PROCcore_prepare_args("?", "true?")
162 IF NOT FNis_boolean(args%(0)) THEN =FNalloc_boolean(FALSE)
163 =args%(0)
164 DATA false?, 35
165 WHEN 35
166 PROCcore_prepare_args("?", "false?")
167 IF NOT FNis_boolean(args%(0)) THEN =FNalloc_boolean(FALSE)
168 =FNalloc_boolean(NOT FNunbox_boolean(args%(0)))
169 DATA symbol?, 36
170 WHEN 36
171 PROCcore_prepare_args("?", "symbol?")
172 =FNalloc_boolean(FNis_symbol(args%(0)))
173 DATA symbol, 37
174 WHEN 37
175 PROCcore_prepare_args("s", "symbol")
176 =FNalloc_symbol(arg$)
177 DATA keyword, 38
178 WHEN 38
179 PROCcore_prepare_args("s", "keyword")
180 IF LEFT$(arg$, 1) <> CHR$(127) THEN arg$ = CHR$(127) + arg$
181 =FNalloc_string(arg$)
182 DATA keyword?, 39
183 WHEN 39
184 PROCcore_prepare_args("?", "keyword?")
185 IF FNis_string(args%(0)) THEN
186 =FNalloc_boolean(LEFT$(FNunbox_string(args%(0)), 1) = CHR$(127))
188 =FNalloc_boolean(FALSE)
189 DATA vector, 40
190 WHEN 40
191 =FNas_vector(args%)
192 DATA vector?, 41
193 WHEN 41
194 PROCcore_prepare_args("?", "vector?")
195 =FNalloc_boolean(FNis_vector(args%(0)))
196 DATA sequential?, 42
197 WHEN 42
198 PROCcore_prepare_args("?", "sequential?")
199 =FNalloc_boolean(FNis_seq(args%(0)))
200 DATA hash-map, 43
201 WHEN 43
202 =FNcore_assoc(FNempty_hashmap, args%)
203 DATA map?, 44
204 WHEN 44
205 PROCcore_prepare_args("?", "map?")
206 =FNalloc_boolean(FNis_hashmap(args%(0)))
207 DATA assoc, 45
208 WHEN 45
209 PROCcore_prepare_args("h*", "assoc")
210 =FNcore_assoc(args%(0), args%)
211 DATA dissoc, 46
212 WHEN 46
213 PROCcore_prepare_args("h*", "dissoc")
214 WHILE NOT FNis_empty(args%)
215 args%(0) = FNhashmap_remove(args%(0), FNunbox_string(FNfirst(args%)))
216 args% = FNrest(args%)
218 =args%(0)
219 DATA get, 47
220 WHEN 47
221 IF FNis_nil(FNfirst(args%)) THEN =FNnil
222 PROCcore_prepare_args("hs", "get")
223 =FNhashmap_get(args%(0), arg$)
224 DATA contains?, 48
225 WHEN 48
226 PROCcore_prepare_args("hs", "contains?")
227 =FNalloc_boolean(FNhashmap_contains(args%(0), arg$))
228 DATA keys, 49
229 WHEN 49
230 PROCcore_prepare_args("h", "keys")
231 =FNhashmap_keys(args%(0))
232 DATA vals, 50
233 WHEN 50
234 PROCcore_prepare_args("h", "vals")
235 =FNhashmap_vals(args%(0))
236 DATA readline, 51
237 WHEN 51
238 PROCcore_prepare_args("s", "readline")
239 PRINT arg$;
240 LINE INPUT "" arg$
241 =FNalloc_string(arg$)
242 DATA meta, 52
243 WHEN 52
244 PROCcore_prepare_args("?", "meta")
245 =FNmeta(args%(0))
246 DATA with-meta, 53
247 WHEN 53
248 PROCcore_prepare_args("??", "with-meta")
249 =FNwith_meta(args%(0), args%(1))
250 DATA time-ms, 54
251 WHEN 54
252 PROCcore_prepare_args("", "time-ms")
253 =FNalloc_int(TIME * 10)
254 DATA conj, 55
255 WHEN 55
256 PROCcore_prepare_args("l*", "conj")
257 IF FNis_list(args%(0)) THEN
258 WHILE NOT FNis_empty(args%)
259 args%(0) = FNalloc_pair(FNfirst(args%), args%(0))
260 args% = FNrest(args%)
262 =args%(0)
263 ELSE : REM args%(0) is a vector
264 =FNas_vector(FNcore_concat1(args%(0), args%))
266 DATA string?, 56
267 WHEN 56
268 PROCcore_prepare_args("?", "string?")
269 IF FNis_string(args%(0)) THEN
270 =FNalloc_boolean(LEFT$(FNunbox_string(args%(0)), 1) <> CHR$(127))
272 =FNalloc_boolean(FALSE)
273 DATA number?, 57
274 WHEN 57
275 PROCcore_prepare_args("?", "number?")
276 =FNalloc_boolean(FNis_int(args%(0)))
277 DATA fn?, 58
278 WHEN 58
279 PROCcore_prepare_args("?", "fn?")
280 =FNalloc_boolean(FNis_nonmacro_fn(args%(0)) OR FNis_corefn(args%(0)))
281 DATA macro?, 59
282 WHEN 59
283 PROCcore_prepare_args("?", "macro?")
284 =FNalloc_boolean(FNis_macro(args%(0)))
285 DATA seq, 60
286 WHEN 60
287 PROCcore_prepare_args("?", "seq")
288 =FNcore_seq(args%(0))
289 DATA "", -1
291 ERROR &40E809F1, "Call to non-existent core function"
293 DEF PROCcore_prepare_args(spec$, fn$)
294 REM Check that a core function is being provided with the correct
295 REM number and type of arguments and unbox them as appropriate.
296 REM spec$ is the argument specification as a string. Each character
297 REM represents an argument:
299 REM "i" - Must be an integer; unbox into args%()
300 REM "s" - Must be a string; unbox into arg$
301 REM "t" - Must be a string; stuff into args%()
302 REM "l" - Must be a sequence; stuff into args%()
303 REM "f" - Must be a function; stuff into args%()
304 REM "a" - Must be an atom; stuff into args%()
305 REM "h" - Must be a hash-map; stuff into args%()
306 REM "C" - Must be 'count'able stuff into args%()
307 REM "?" - Any single argument stuff into args%()
308 REM "*" - Any number of (trailing) arguments; leave in args%
310 REM This function shares some local variables with FNcore_call.
312 LOCAL i%, val%
314 IF RIGHT$(spec$) = "*" THEN
315 spec$ = LEFT$(spec$)
316 IF FNcount(args%) < LEN(spec$) THEN
317 ERROR &40E80921, "Core function '"+fn$+"' requires at least "+STR$(LEN(spec$))+" arguments"
319 ELSE
320 IF FNcount(args%) <> LEN(spec$) THEN
321 ERROR &40E80921, "Core function '"+fn$+"' requires "+STR$(LEN(spec$))+" arguments"
324 FOR i% = 1 TO LEN(spec$)
325 val% = FNfirst(args%)
326 CASE MID$(spec$, i%, 1) OF
327 WHEN "i"
328 IF NOT FNis_int(val%) THEN
329 ERROR &40E80911, "Argument "+STR$(i%)+" to core function '"+fn$+"' must be an integer"
331 args%(i% - 1) = FNunbox_int(val%)
332 WHEN "s"
333 IF NOT FNis_string(val%) THEN
334 ERROR &40E80914, "Argument "+STR$(i%)+" to core function '"+fn$+"' must be a string"
336 arg$ = FNunbox_string(val%)
337 WHEN "t"
338 IF NOT FNis_string(val%) THEN
339 ERROR &40E80914, "Argument "+STR$(i%)+" to core function '"+fn$+"' must be a string"
341 args%(i% - 1) = val%
342 WHEN "l"
343 IF NOT FNis_seq(val%) THEN
344 ERROR &40E80916, "Argument "+STR$(i%)+" to core function '"+fn$+"' must be a sequence"
346 args%(i% - 1) = val%
347 WHEN "f"
348 IF NOT FNis_fn(val%) AND NOT FNis_corefn(val%) THEN
349 ERROR &40E80919, "Argument "+STR$(i%)+" to core function '"+fn$+"' must be a function"
351 args%(i% - 1) = val%
352 WHEN "a"
353 IF NOT FNis_atom(val%) THEN
354 ERROR &40E8091C, "Argument "+STR$(i%)+" to core function '"+fn$+"' must be an atom"
356 args%(i% - 1) = val%
357 WHEN "h"
358 IF NOT FNis_hashmap(val%) THEN
359 ERROR &40E8091D, "Argument "+STR$(i%)+" to core function '"+fn$+"' must be a hash-map"
361 args%(i% - 1) = val%
362 WHEN "C"
363 IF NOT FNis_seq(val%) AND NOT FNis_nil(val%) THEN
364 ERROR &40E8091F, "Argument "+STR$(i%)+" to core function '"+fn$+"' must be a countable value"
366 args%(i% - 1) = val%
367 WHEN "?"
368 args%(i% - 1) = val%
370 args% = FNrest(args%)
371 NEXT i%
374 REM Innards of the '=' function.
375 DEF FNcore_equal(a%, b%)
376 IF a% = b% THEN =TRUE
377 IF FNis_int(a%) AND FNis_int(b%) THEN =FNunbox_int(a%) = FNunbox_int(b%)
378 IF FNis_symbol(a%) AND FNis_symbol(b%) THEN
379 =FNunbox_symbol(a%) = FNunbox_symbol(b%)
381 IF FNis_string(a%) AND FNis_string(b%) THEN
382 =FNunbox_string(a%) = FNunbox_string(b%)
384 IF FNis_seq(a%) AND FNis_seq(b%) THEN
385 IF FNis_empty(a%) AND FNis_empty(b%) THEN =TRUE
386 IF FNis_empty(a%) <> FNis_empty(b%) THEN =FALSE
387 IF NOT FNcore_equal(FNfirst(a%), FNfirst(b%)) THEN =FALSE
388 =FNcore_equal(FNrest(a%), FNrest(b%))
390 IF FNis_hashmap(a%) AND FNis_hashmap(b%) THEN
391 REM Take advantage of the sorted keys in our hash-maps.
392 IF FNcore_equal(FNhashmap_keys(a%), FNhashmap_keys(b%)) THEN
393 IF FNcore_equal(FNhashmap_vals(a%), FNhashmap_vals(b%)) THEN =TRUE
396 =FALSE
398 REM Innards of the 'slurp' function.
399 DEF FNcore_slurp(file$)
400 LOCAL f%, out%
401 f% = OPENIN(file$)
402 IF f% = 0 THEN ERROR &40E80940, "File '"+file$+"' not found"
403 out% = FNcore_slurp_channel(f%)
404 CLOSE#f%
405 =out%
407 DEF FNcore_slurp_channel(f%)
408 LOCAL this%
409 IF EOF#f% THEN =FNalloc_string("")
410 REM GET$# doesn't include a trailing newline.
411 this% = FNalloc_string(GET$#f% + CHR$(10))
412 =FNstring_concat(this%, FNcore_slurp_channel(f%))
414 REM General-purpose printing function
415 DEF FNcore_print(print_readably%, sep$, args%)
416 LOCAL out%
417 IF FNis_empty(args%) THEN =FNalloc_string("")
418 out% = FNpr_str(FNfirst(args%), print_readably%)
419 args% = FNrest(args%)
420 WHILE NOT FNis_empty(args%)
421 out% = FNstring_append(out%, sep$)
422 out% = FNstring_concat(out%, FNpr_str(FNfirst(args%), print_readably%))
423 args% = FNrest(args%)
425 =out%
427 REM Innards of the 'apply' function, also used by 'swap!'
428 DEF FNcore_apply(fn%, args%)
429 LOCAL ast%, env%
430 IF FNis_corefn(fn%) THEN =FNcore_call(FNunbox_corefn(fn%), args%)
431 IF FNis_fn(fn%) THEN
432 ast% = FNfn_ast(fn%)
433 env% = FNnew_env(FNfn_env(fn%), FNfn_params(fn%), args%)
434 =FNEVAL(ast%, env%)
436 ERROR &40E80918, "Not a function"
438 REM Innards of 'concat' function
439 DEF FNcore_concat(args%)
440 LOCAL tail%
441 IF FNis_empty(args%) THEN =FNempty
442 tail% = FNcore_concat(FNrest(args%))
443 =FNcore_concat1(FNfirst(args%), tail%)
445 DEF FNcore_concat1(prefix%, tail%)
446 IF FNis_empty(prefix%) THEN =tail%
447 =FNalloc_pair(FNfirst(prefix%), FNcore_concat1(FNrest(prefix%), tail%))
449 REM Recursively assemble the argument list for 'apply'
450 DEF FNcore_apply_args(args%)
451 IF FNis_empty(FNrest(args%)) THEN =FNfirst(args%)
452 =FNalloc_pair(FNfirst(args%), FNcore_apply_args(FNrest(args%)))
454 REM Innards of the 'map' function
455 DEF FNcore_map(fn%, args%)
456 LOCAL car%, cdr%
457 IF FNis_empty(args%) THEN =args%
458 car% = FNcore_apply(fn%, FNalloc_pair(FNfirst(args%), FNempty))
459 cdr% = FNcore_map(fn%, FNrest(args%))
460 =FNalloc_pair(car%, cdr%)
462 REM Innards of the 'hash-map' function
463 DEF FNcore_assoc(map%, args%)
464 LOCAL args%()
465 DIM args%(1)
466 WHILE NOT FNis_empty(args%)
467 PROCcore_prepare_args("s?*", "hash-map")
468 map% = FNhashmap_set(map%, arg$, args%(1))
470 =map%
472 REM Innards of the 'seq' function
473 DEF FNcore_seq(val%)
474 LOCAL s$, i%
475 IF FNis_empty(val%) OR FNis_nil(val%) THEN =FNnil
476 IF FNis_list(val%) THEN =val%
477 IF FNis_vector(val%) THEN =FNas_list(val%)
478 IF FNis_string(val%) THEN
479 s$ = FNunbox_string(val%)
480 IF s$ = "" THEN =FNnil
481 val% = FNempty
482 FOR i% = LEN(s$) TO 1 STEP -1
483 val% = FNalloc_pair(FNalloc_string(MID$(s$, i%, 1)), val%)
484 NEXT i%
485 =val%
487 ERROR &40E8091F, "Argument to 'seq' must be list, vector, string, or nil"
489 REM Local Variables:
490 REM indent-tabs-mode: nil
491 REM End: