(import (scheme base)) (import (scheme write)) (import (scheme process-context)) (import (lib util)) (import (lib reader)) (import (lib printer)) (import (lib types)) (import (lib env)) (import (lib core)) (define (READ input) (read-str input)) (define (eval-ast ast env) (let ((type (and (mal-object? ast) (mal-type ast))) (value (and (mal-object? ast) (mal-value ast)))) (case type ((symbol) (env-get env value)) ((list) (mal-list (map (lambda (item) (EVAL item env)) value))) ((vector) (mal-vector (vector-map (lambda (item) (EVAL item env)) value))) ((map) (mal-map (alist-map (lambda (key value) (cons key (EVAL value env))) value))) (else ast)))) (define (starts-with? ast sym) (let ((items (mal-value ast))) (and (not (null? items)) (let ((a0 (car items))) (and (mal-instance-of? a0 'symbol) (eq? (mal-value a0) sym)))))) (define (qq-lst xs) (if (null? xs) (mal-list '()) (let ((elt (car xs)) (acc (qq-lst (cdr xs)))) (if (and (mal-instance-of? elt 'list) (starts-with? elt 'splice-unquote)) (mal-list (list (mal-symbol 'concat) (cadr (mal-value elt)) acc)) (mal-list (list (mal-symbol 'cons) (QUASIQUOTE elt) acc)))))) (define (QUASIQUOTE ast) (case (and (mal-object? ast) (mal-type ast)) ((list) (if (starts-with? ast 'unquote) (cadr (mal-value ast)) (qq-lst (->list (mal-value ast))))) ((vector) (mal-list (list (mal-symbol 'vec) (qq-lst (->list (mal-value ast)))))) ((map symbol) (mal-list (list (mal-symbol 'quote) ast))) (else ast))) (define (EVAL ast env) (let ((type (and (mal-object? ast) (mal-type ast)))) (if (not (eq? type 'list)) (eval-ast ast env) (let ((items (mal-value ast))) (if (null? items) ast (let ((a0 (car items))) (case (and (mal-object? a0) (mal-value a0)) ((def!) (let ((symbol (mal-value (cadr items))) (value (EVAL (list-ref items 2) env))) (env-set env symbol value) value)) ((let*) (let ((env* (make-env env)) (binds (->list (mal-value (cadr items)))) (form (list-ref items 2))) (let loop ((binds binds)) (when (pair? binds) (let ((key (mal-value (car binds)))) (when (null? (cdr binds)) (error "unbalanced list")) (let ((value (EVAL (cadr binds) env*))) (env-set env* key value) (loop (cddr binds)))))) (EVAL form env*))) ; TCO ((do) (let ((forms (cdr items))) (if (null? forms) mal-nil ;; the evaluation order of map is unspecified (let loop ((forms forms)) (let ((form (car forms)) (tail (cdr forms))) (if (null? tail) (EVAL form env) ; TCO (begin (EVAL form env) (loop tail)))))))) ((if) (let* ((condition (EVAL (cadr items) env)) (type (and (mal-object? condition) (mal-type condition)))) (if (memq type '(false nil)) (if (< (length items) 4) mal-nil (EVAL (list-ref items 3) env)) ; TCO (EVAL (list-ref items 2) env)))) ; TCO ((quote) (cadr items)) ((quasiquoteexpand) (QUASIQUOTE (cadr items))) ((quasiquote) (EVAL (QUASIQUOTE (cadr items)) env)) ; TCO ((fn*) (let* ((binds (->list (mal-value (cadr items)))) (binds (map mal-value binds)) (body (list-ref items 2)) (fn (lambda args (let ((env* (make-env env binds args))) (EVAL body env*))))) (make-func body binds env fn))) (else (let* ((items (mal-value (eval-ast ast env))) (op (car items)) (ops (cdr items))) (if (func? op) (let* ((outer (func-env op)) (binds (func-params op)) (env* (make-env outer binds ops))) (EVAL (func-ast op) env*)) ; TCO (apply op ops))))))))))) (define (PRINT ast) (pr-str ast #t)) (define repl-env (make-env #f)) (for-each (lambda (kv) (env-set repl-env (car kv) (cdr kv))) ns) (define (rep input) (PRINT (EVAL (READ input) repl-env))) (define args (cdr (command-line))) (env-set repl-env 'eval (lambda (ast) (EVAL ast repl-env))) (env-set repl-env '*ARGV* (mal-list (map mal-string (cdr-safe args)))) (rep "(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))") (rep "(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \"\nnil)\")))))") (define (main) (let loop () (let ((input (readline "user> "))) (when input (guard (ex ((error-object? ex) (when (not (memv 'empty-input (error-object-irritants ex))) (display "[error] ") (display (error-object-message ex)) (newline))) ((and (pair? ex) (eq? (car ex) 'user-error)) (display "[error] ") (display (pr-str (cdr ex) #t)) (newline))) (display (rep input)) (newline)) (loop)))) (newline)) (if (null? args) (main) (rep (string-append "(load-file \"" (car args) "\")")))