with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps; with Smart_Pointers; with Envs; package Types.Hash_Map is type Hash_Map_Mal_Type is new List_Mal_Type with private; function New_Hash_Map_Mal_Type return Mal_Handle; function "=" (A, B : Hash_Map_Mal_Type) return Boolean; overriding function Prepend (Op : Mal_Handle; To_Vector : Hash_Map_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle; overriding procedure Append (V : in out Hash_Map_Mal_Type; E : Mal_Handle); overriding function Length (L : Hash_Map_Mal_Type) return Natural; overriding function Is_Null (L : Hash_Map_Mal_Type) return Boolean; overriding function Null_List (L : List_Types) return Hash_Map_Mal_Type; -- Duplicate copies the list (logically). This is to allow concatenation, -- The result is always a List_List. overriding function Duplicate (The_List : Hash_Map_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle; overriding function Nth (L :Hash_Map_Mal_Type; N : Natural) return Mal_Handle; overriding procedure Add_Defs (Defs : Hash_Map_Mal_Type; Env : Envs.Env_Handle); -- Get the first item in the list: overriding function Car (L : Hash_Map_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle; -- Get the rest of the list (second item onwards) overriding function Cdr (L : Hash_Map_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle; overriding function Map (Func_Ptr : Func_Access; L : Hash_Map_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle; function Assoc (H : Hash_Map_Mal_Type; List : Mal_Handle) return Mal_Handle; function Dis_Assoc (H : Hash_Map_Mal_Type; List : Mal_Handle) return Mal_Handle; function Get (H : Hash_Map_Mal_Type; Key : Mal_Handle) return Mal_Handle; function All_Keys (H : Hash_Map_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle; function All_Values (H : Hash_Map_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle; function Contains (H : Hash_Map_Mal_Type; Key : Mal_Handle) return Boolean; type Hash_Ptr is access all Hash_Map_Mal_Type; function Deref_Hash (SP : Mal_Handle) return Hash_Ptr; Not_Appropriate : exception; private function Hash (M : Mal_Handle) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type; package Mal_Mal_Hash is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps (Key_Type => Mal_Handle, Element_Type => Mal_Handle, Hash => Hash, Equivalent_Keys => "=", "=" => "="); type Hash_Map_Mal_Type is new List_Mal_Type with record Is_Key_Expected : Boolean := True; Next_Key : Mal_Handle; Hash : Mal_Mal_Hash.Map; end record; overriding function To_Str (T : Hash_Map_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True) return Mal_String; end Types.Hash_Map;