import 'types.dart'; class Env { final Env outer; final data = {}; Env([this.outer, List binds, List exprs]) { if (binds == null) { assert(exprs == null); } else { assert(exprs != null && (binds.length == exprs.length || binds.contains(new MalSymbol('&')))); for (var i = 0; i < binds.length; i++) { if (binds[i] == new MalSymbol('&')) { set(binds[i + 1], new MalList(exprs.sublist(i))); break; } set(binds[i], exprs[i]); } } } void set(MalSymbol key, MalType value) { data[key] = value; } Env find(MalSymbol key) { if (data[key] != null) { return this; } if (outer != null) { return outer.find(key); } return null; } MalType get(MalSymbol key) { var env = find(key); if (env != null) { return[key]; } throw new NotFoundException(key.value); } } class NotFoundException implements Exception { /// The name of the symbol that was not found. final String value; NotFoundException(this.value); String toString() => "'$value' not found"; }