;; Copyright (C) 2015 ;; "Mu Lei" known as "NalaGinrut" ;; This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . (library (reader) (export read_str) (import (guile) (pcre) (ice-9 match) (srfi srfi-1) (ice-9 regex) (types) (ice-9 format))) (define (make-Reader tokens) (lambda (cmd) (case cmd ((next) (if (null? tokens) '() (let ((r (car tokens))) (set! tokens (cdr tokens)) r))) ((peek) (if (null? tokens) '() (car tokens))) (else (error "Reader: Invalid cmd!" cmd))))) (define *token-re* (new-pcre "[\\s,]*(~@|[\\[\\]{}()'`~^@]|\"(?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*\"|;[^\n]*|[^\\s\\[\\]{}('\"`,;)]*)")) (define (tokenizer str) (filter (lambda (s) (and (not (string-null? s)) (not (string=? (substring s 0 1) ";")))) (pcre-search *token-re* str))) (define (delim-read reader delim) (let lp((next (reader 'peek)) (ret '())) (cond ((null? next) (throw 'mal-error (format #f "expected '~a'" delim))) ((string=? next delim) (reader 'next) (reverse ret)) (else (let* ((cur (read_form reader)) (n (reader 'peek))) (lp n (cons cur ret))))))) (define (read_list reader) (cond ((string=? ")" (reader 'peek)) (reader 'next) '()) (else (delim-read reader ")")))) (define (read_vector reader) (cond ((string=? "]" (reader 'peek)) (reader 'next) #()) (else (list->vector (delim-read reader "]"))))) (define (read_hashmap reader) (define ht (make-hash-table)) (define lst (delim-read reader "}")) (cond ((null? lst) ht) (else (let lp((k (car lst))) (cond ((null? k) ht) (else (when (null? (cdr lst)) (throw 'mal-error "read_hashmap: lack of value" k)) (let ((v (cadr lst))) (hash-set! ht k v) (lp (cddr lst))))))))) (define (read_atom reader) (let ((token (reader 'next))) (cond ((string-match "^-?[0-9][0-9.]*$" token) => (lambda (m) (string->number (match:substring m 0)))) ((string-match "^\"(.*)(.)$" token) => (lambda (m) (if (string=? "\"" (match:substring m 2)) (match:substring m 1) (throw 'mal-error "expected '\"'")))) ((string-match "^:(.*)" token) => (lambda (m) (_keyword (match:substring m 1)))) ((string=? "nil" token) nil) ((string=? "true" token) #t) ((string=? "false" token) #f) (else (string->symbol token))))) (define (read_form reader) (define (next) (reader 'next)) (define (more) (read_form reader)) (match (reader 'peek) (() *eof*) ; FIXME: what should be returned? ("'" (next) (list 'quote (more))) ("`" (next) (list 'quasiquote (more))) ("~" (next) (list 'unquote (more))) ("~@" (next) (list 'splice-unquote (more))) ("^" (next) (let ((meta (more))) `(with-meta ,(more) ,meta))) ("@" (next) `(deref ,(more))) (")" (next) (throw 'mal-error "unexpected ')'")) ("(" (next) (read_list reader)) ("]" (throw 'mal-error "unexpected ']'")) ("[" (next) (read_vector reader)) ("}" (throw 'mal-error "unexpected '}'")) ("{" (next) (read_hashmap reader)) (else (read_atom reader)))) (define (read_str str) (if (eof-object? str) str (let ((tokens (tokenizer str))) (read_form (make-Reader (if (null? tokens) (list str) tokens))))))