source readline.vim source types.vim source reader.vim source printer.vim source env.vim source core.vim let MalExceptionObj = "" function READ(str) return ReadStr(a:str) endfunction function PairQ(obj) return SequentialQ(a:obj) && !EmptyQ(a:obj) endfunction function Quasiquote(ast) if !PairQ(a:ast) return ListNew([SymbolNew("quote"), a:ast]) endif let a0 = ListFirst(a:ast) if SymbolQ(a0) && ObjValue(a0) == "unquote" return ListNth(a:ast, 1) elseif PairQ(a0) && SymbolQ(ListFirst(a0)) && ObjValue(ListFirst(a0)) == "splice-unquote" return ListNew([SymbolNew("concat"), ListNth(a0, 1), Quasiquote(ListRest(a:ast))]) else return ListNew([SymbolNew("cons"), Quasiquote(a0), Quasiquote(ListRest(a:ast))]) end endfunction function IsMacroCall(ast, env) if !ListQ(a:ast) return 0 endif let a0 = ListFirst(a:ast) if !SymbolQ(a0) return 0 endif let macroname = ObjValue(a0) if empty(a:env.find(macroname)) return 0 endif return MacroQ(a:env.get(macroname)) endfunction function MacroExpand(ast, env) let ast = a:ast while IsMacroCall(ast, a:env) let macroobj = a:env.get(ObjValue(ListFirst(ast))) let macroargs = ListRest(ast) let ast = FuncInvoke(macroobj, macroargs) endwhile return ast endfunction function EvalAst(ast, env) if SymbolQ(a:ast) let varname = ObjValue(a:ast) return a:env.get(varname) elseif ListQ(a:ast) let ret = [] for e in ObjValue(a:ast) call add(ret, EVAL(e, a:env)) endfor return ListNew(ret) elseif VectorQ(a:ast) let ret = [] for e in ObjValue(a:ast) call add(ret, EVAL(e, a:env)) endfor return VectorNew(ret) elseif HashQ(a:ast) let ret = {} for [k,v] in items(ObjValue(a:ast)) let keyobj = HashParseKey(k) let newkey = EVAL(keyobj, a:env) let newval = EVAL(v, a:env) let keystring = HashMakeKey(newkey) let ret[keystring] = newval endfor return HashNew(ret) else return a:ast end endfunction function GetCatchClause(ast) if ListCount(a:ast) < 3 return "" end let catch_clause = ListNth(a:ast, 2) if ListFirst(catch_clause) == SymbolNew("catch*") return catch_clause else return "" end endfunction function EVAL(ast, env) let ast = a:ast let env = a:env while 1 if !ListQ(ast) return EvalAst(ast, env) end let ast = MacroExpand(ast, env) if !ListQ(ast) return EvalAst(ast, env) end if EmptyQ(ast) return ast endif let first = ListFirst(ast) let first_symbol = SymbolQ(first) ? ObjValue(first) : "" if first_symbol == "def!" let a1 = ObjValue(ast)[1] let a2 = ObjValue(ast)[2] return env.set(ObjValue(a1), EVAL(a2, env)) elseif first_symbol == "let*" let a1 = ObjValue(ast)[1] let a2 = ObjValue(ast)[2] let env = NewEnv(env) let let_binds = ObjValue(a1) let i = 0 while i < len(let_binds) call env.set(ObjValue(let_binds[i]), EVAL(let_binds[i+1], env)) let i = i + 2 endwhile let ast = a2 " TCO elseif first_symbol == "quote" return ListNth(ast, 1) elseif first_symbol == "quasiquote" let ast = Quasiquote(ListNth(ast, 1)) " TCO elseif first_symbol == "defmacro!" let a1 = ListNth(ast, 1) let a2 = ListNth(ast, 2) let macro = MarkAsMacro(EVAL(a2, env)) return env.set(ObjValue(a1), macro) elseif first_symbol == "macroexpand" return MacroExpand(ListNth(ast, 1), env) elseif first_symbol == "if" let condvalue = EVAL(ObjValue(ast)[1], env) if FalseQ(condvalue) || NilQ(condvalue) if len(ObjValue(ast)) < 4 return g:MalNil else let ast = ObjValue(ast)[3] endif else let ast = ObjValue(ast)[2] endif " TCO elseif first_symbol == "try*" try return EVAL(ListNth(ast, 1), env) catch let catch_clause = GetCatchClause(ast) if empty(catch_clause) throw v:exception endif let exc_var = ObjValue(ListNth(catch_clause, 1)) if v:exception == "__MalException__" let exc_value = g:MalExceptionObj else let exc_value = StringNew(v:exception) endif let catch_env = NewEnvWithBinds(env, ListNew([SymbolNew(exc_var)]), ListNew([exc_value])) return EVAL(ListNth(catch_clause, 2), catch_env) endtry elseif first_symbol == "do" let astlist = ObjValue(ast) call EvalAst(ListNew(astlist[1:-2]), env) let ast = astlist[-1] " TCO elseif first_symbol == "fn*" let fn = NewFn(ListNth(ast, 2), env, ListNth(ast, 1)) return fn elseif first_symbol == "eval" let ast = EVAL(ListNth(ast, 1), env) let env = env.root() " TCO else " apply list let el = EvalAst(ast, env) let funcobj = ListFirst(el) let args = ListRest(el) if NativeFunctionQ(funcobj) return NativeFuncInvoke(funcobj, args) elseif FunctionQ(funcobj) let fn = ObjValue(funcobj) let ast = fn.ast let env = NewEnvWithBinds(fn.env, fn.params, args) " TCO else throw "Not a function" endif endif endwhile endfunction function PRINT(exp) return PrStr(a:exp, 1) endfunction function RE(str, env) return EVAL(READ(a:str), a:env) endfunction function REP(str, env) return PRINT(EVAL(READ(a:str), a:env)) endfunction function GetArgvList() let args = argv() let list = [] for arg in args[1:] call add(list, StringNew(arg)) endfor return ListNew(list) endfunction set maxfuncdepth=10000 let repl_env = NewEnv("") for [k, v] in items(CoreNs) call repl_env.set(k, v) endfor call repl_env.set("*ARGV*", GetArgvList()) call RE("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))", repl_env) call RE("(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))", repl_env) call RE("(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))", repl_env) call RE("(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) `(let* (or_FIXME ~(first xs)) (if or_FIXME or_FIXME (or ~@(rest xs))))))))", repl_env) if !empty(argv()) try call RE('(load-file "' . argv(0) . '")', repl_env) catch call PrintLn("Error: " . v:exception) endtry qall! endif while 1 let [eof, line] = Readline("user> ") if eof break endif if line == "" continue endif try call PrintLn(REP(line, repl_env)) catch call PrintLn("Error: " . v:exception) endtry endwhile qall!