readline = require "./" types = require "./" reader = require "./" printer = require "./" # read READ = (str) -> reader.read_str str # eval eval_ast = (ast, env) -> if types._symbol_Q(ast) then env[] else if types._list_Q(ast) then -> EVAL(a, env)) else if types._vector_Q(ast) types._vector( -> EVAL(a, env))...) else if types._hash_map_Q(ast) new_hm = {} new_hm[k] = EVAL(ast[k],env) for k,v of ast new_hm else ast EVAL = (ast, env) -> #console.log "EVAL:", printer._pr_str ast if !types._list_Q ast then return eval_ast ast, env if ast.length == 0 then return ast # apply list [f, args...] = eval_ast ast, env f(args...) # print PRINT = (exp) -> printer._pr_str exp, true # repl repl_env = {} rep = (str) -> PRINT(EVAL(READ(str), repl_env)) repl_env["+"] = (a,b) -> a+b repl_env["-"] = (a,b) -> a-b repl_env["*"] = (a,b) -> a*b repl_env["/"] = (a,b) -> a/b # repl loop while (line = readline.readline("user> ")) != null continue if line == "" try console.log rep line catch exc continue if exc instanceof reader.BlankException if exc.stack? and exc.stack.length > 2000 console.log exc.stack.slice(0,1000) + "\n ..." + exc.stack.slice(-1000) else if exc.stack? console.log exc.stack else console.log exc # vim: ts=2:sw=2