#!/usr/bin/env hy (import [hy.models [HySymbol :as Sym]]) (import sys traceback) (import [reader [read-str Blank]]) (import [printer [pr-str]]) (import [env [env-new env-get env-set]]) ;; read (defn READ [str] (read-str str)) ;; eval (defn eval-ast [ast env] ;;(print "eval-ast:" ast (type ast)) (if (symbol? ast) (env-get env ast) (instance? dict ast) (dict (map (fn [k] [(EVAL k env) (EVAL (get ast k) env)]) ast)) (instance? tuple ast) (tuple (map (fn [x] (EVAL x env)) ast)) (instance? list ast) (list (map (fn [x] (EVAL x env)) ast)) True ast)) (defn EVAL [ast env] ;;(print "EVAL:" ast (type ast)) ;; indented to match later steps (if (not (instance? tuple ast)) (eval-ast ast env) ;; apply list (do (setv [a0 a1 a2] [(nth ast 0) (nth ast 1) (nth ast 2)]) (if (none? a0) ast (= (Sym "def!") a0) (env-set env a1 (EVAL a2 env)) (= (Sym "let*") a0) (do (setv env (env-new env)) (for [[b e] (partition a1 2)] (env-set env b (EVAL e env))) (EVAL a2 env)) ;; apply (do (setv el (eval-ast ast env) f (first el) args (list (rest el))) (apply f args)))))) ;; print (defn PRINT [exp] (pr-str exp True)) ;; repl (def repl-env (env-new)) (defn REP [str] (PRINT (EVAL (READ str) repl-env))) (env-set repl-env '+ +) (env-set repl-env '- -) (env-set repl-env '* *) (env-set repl-env '/ /) (defmain [&rest args] ;; indented to match later steps (while True (try (do (setv line (raw_input "user> ")) (if (= "" line) (continue)) (print (REP line))) (except [EOFError] (break)) (except [Blank]) (except [e Exception] (print (.join "" (apply traceback.format_exception (.exc_info sys))))))))