local utils = require('utils') local types = require('types') local reader = require('reader') local printer = require('printer') local readline = require('readline') local socket = require('socket') local Nil, List, HashMap, _pr_str = types.Nil, types.List, types.HashMap, printer._pr_str local M = {} -- string functions function pr_str(...) return table.concat( utils.map(function(e) return _pr_str(e, true) end, arg), " ") end function str(...) return table.concat( utils.map(function(e) return _pr_str(e, false) end, arg), "") end function prn(...) print(table.concat( utils.map(function(e) return _pr_str(e, true) end, arg), " ")) io.flush() return Nil end function println(...) print(table.concat( utils.map(function(e) return _pr_str(e, false) end, arg), " ")) io.flush() return Nil end function slurp(file) local lines = {} for line in io.lines(file) do lines[#lines+1] = line end return table.concat(lines, "\n") .. "\n" end function do_readline(prompt) local line = readline.readline(prompt) if line == nil then return Nil else return line end end -- hash map functions function assoc(hm, ...) return types._assoc_BANG(types.copy(hm), unpack(arg)) end function dissoc(hm, ...) return types._dissoc_BANG(types.copy(hm), unpack(arg)) end function get(hm, key) local res = hm[key] if res == nil then return Nil end return res end function keys(hm) local res = {} for k,v in pairs(hm) do res[#res+1] = k end return List:new(res) end function vals(hm) local res = {} for k,v in pairs(hm) do res[#res+1] = v end return List:new(res) end -- sequential functions function cons(a,lst) local new_lst = lst:slice(1) table.insert(new_lst, 1, a) return List:new(new_lst) end function concat(...) local new_lst = {} for i = 1, #arg do for j = 1, #arg[i] do table.insert(new_lst, arg[i][j]) end end return List:new(new_lst) end function nth(seq, idx) if idx+1 <= #seq then return seq[idx+1] else types.throw("nth: index out of range") end end function first(a) if #a == 0 then return Nil else return a[1] end end function rest(a) if a == Nil then return List:new() else return List:new(a:slice(2)) end end function apply(f, ...) if types._malfunc_Q(f) then f = f.fn end local args = concat(types.slice(arg, 1, #arg-1), arg[#arg]) return f(unpack(args)) end function map(f, lst) if types._malfunc_Q(f) then f = f.fn end return List:new(utils.map(f, lst)) end -- metadata functions function meta(obj) local m = getmetatable(obj) if m == nil or m.meta == nil then return Nil end return m.meta end function with_meta(obj, meta) local new_obj = types.copy(obj) getmetatable(new_obj).meta = meta return new_obj end -- atom functions function swap_BANG(atm,f,...) if types._malfunc_Q(f) then f = f.fn end local args = List:new(arg) table.insert(args, 1, atm.val) atm.val = f(unpack(args)) return atm.val end local function conj(obj, ...) local new_obj = types.copy(obj) if types._list_Q(new_obj) then for i, v in ipairs(arg) do table.insert(new_obj, 1, v) end else for i, v in ipairs(arg) do table.insert(new_obj, v) end end return new_obj end local function seq(obj, ...) if obj == Nil or #obj == 0 then return Nil elseif types._list_Q(obj) then return obj elseif types._vector_Q(obj) then return List:new(obj) elseif types._string_Q(obj) then local chars = {} for i = 1, #obj do chars[#chars+1] = string.sub(obj,i,i) end return List:new(chars) end return Nil end local function lua_to_mal(a) if a == nil then return Nil elseif type(a) == "boolean" or type(a) == "number" or type(a) == "string" then return a elseif type(a) == "table" then local first_key, _ = next(a) if first_key == nil then return List:new({}) elseif type(first_key) == "number" then local list = {} for i, v in ipairs(a) do list[i] = lua_to_mal(v) end return List:new(list) else local hashmap = {} for k, v in pairs(a) do hashmap[lua_to_mal(k)] = lua_to_mal(v) end return HashMap:new(hashmap) end end return tostring(a) end local function lua_eval(str) local f, err = loadstring("return "..str) if err then types.throw("lua-eval: can't load code: "..err) end return lua_to_mal(f()) end M.ns = { ['='] = types._equal_Q, throw = types.throw, ['nil?'] = function(a) return a==Nil end, ['true?'] = function(a) return a==true end, ['false?'] = function(a) return a==false end, symbol = function(a) return types.Symbol:new(a) end, ['symbol?'] = function(a) return types._symbol_Q(a) end, ['string?'] = function(a) return types._string_Q(a) and "\177" ~= string.sub(a,1,1) end, keyword = function(a) return "\177"..a end, ['keyword?'] = function(a) return types._keyword_Q(a) end, ['pr-str'] = pr_str, str = str, prn = prn, println = println, ['read-string'] = reader.read_str, readline = do_readline, slurp = slurp, ['<'] = function(a,b) return a'] = function(a,b) return a>b end, ['>='] = function(a,b) return a>=b end, ['+'] = function(a,b) return a+b end, ['-'] = function(a,b) return a-b end, ['*'] = function(a,b) return a*b end, ['/'] = function(a,b) return math.floor(a/b) end, ['time-ms'] = function() return math.floor(socket.gettime() * 1000) end, list = function(...) return List:new(arg) end, ['list?'] = function(a) return types._list_Q(a) end, vector = function(...) return types.Vector:new(arg) end, ['vector?'] = types._vector_Q, ['hash-map'] = types.hash_map, ['map?'] = types._hash_map_Q, assoc = assoc, dissoc = dissoc, get = get, ['contains?'] = function(a,b) return a[b] ~= nil end, keys = keys, vals = vals, ['sequential?'] = types._sequential_Q, cons = cons, concat = concat, nth = nth, first = first, rest = rest, ['empty?'] = function(a) return a==Nil or #a == 0 end, count = function(a) return #a end, apply = apply, map = map, conj = conj, seq = seq, meta = meta, ['with-meta'] = with_meta, atom = function(a) return types.Atom:new(a) end, ['atom?'] = types._atom_Q, deref = function(a) return a.val end, ['reset!'] = function(a,b) a.val = b; return b end, ['swap!'] = swap_BANG, ['lua-eval'] = lua_eval, } return M