import tables, strutils type MalTypeKind* = enum Nil, True, False, Number, Symbol, String, List, Vector, HashMap, Fun, MalFun, Atom FunType = proc(a: varargs[MalType]): MalType MalFunType* = ref object fn*: FunType ast*: MalType params*: MalType env*: Env is_macro*: bool MalType* = ref object case kind*: MalTypeKind of Nil, True, False: nil of Number: number*: int of String, Symbol: str*: string of List, Vector: list*: seq[MalType] of HashMap: hash_map*: Table[string, MalType] of Fun: fun*: FunType is_macro*: bool of MalFun: malfun*: MalFunType of Atom: val*: MalType meta*: MalType Env* = ref object data*: Table[string, MalType] outer*: Env let nilObj* = MalType(kind: Nil) let trueObj* = MalType(kind: True) let falseObj* = MalType(kind: False) proc number*(x: int): MalType = MalType(kind: Number, number: x) proc symbol*(x: string): MalType = MalType(kind: Symbol, str: x) proc str*(x: string): MalType {.procvar.} = MalType(kind: String, str: x) proc keyword*(x: string): MalType = MalType(kind: String, str: "\xff" & x) proc atom*(x: MalType): MalType = result = MalType(kind: Atom) result.val = x proc list*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = result = MalType(kind: List, list: newSeq[MalType](xs.len)) for i, x in xs: result.list[i] = x proc vector*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = result = MalType(kind: Vector, list: newSeq[MalType](xs.len)) for i, x in xs: result.list[i] = x proc hash_map*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = result = MalType(kind: HashMap, hash_map: initTable[string, MalType]()) for i in countup(0, xs.high, 2): let s = case xs[i].kind of String: xs[i].str else: xs[i].str result.hash_map[s] = xs[i+1] proc macro_q*(x: MalType): bool = if x.kind == Fun: result = x.is_macro elif x.kind == MalFun: result = x.malfun.is_macro else: raise newException(ValueError, "no function") proc getFun*(x: MalType): FunType = if x.kind == Fun: result = elif x.kind == MalFun: result = x.malfun.fn else: raise newException(ValueError, "no function") proc fun*(x: proc(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType, is_macro = false): MalType = MalType(kind: Fun, fun: x, is_macro: is_macro) proc malfun*(fn: auto, ast, params: MalType, env: Env, is_macro = false): MalType = MalType(kind: MalFun, malfun: MalFunType(fn: fn, ast: ast, params: params, env: env, is_macro: is_macro)) proc boolObj*(b: bool): MalType = if b: trueObj else: falseObj proc list_q*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = boolObj xs[0].kind == List proc vector_q*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = boolObj xs[0].kind == Vector proc seq_q*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = boolObj xs[0].kind in {List, Vector} proc hash_map_q*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = boolObj xs[0].kind == HashMap proc empty_q*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = boolObj xs[0].list.len == 0 proc nil_q*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = boolObj xs[0].kind == Nil proc true_q*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = boolObj xs[0].kind == True proc false_q*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = boolObj xs[0].kind == False proc string_q*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = boolObj(xs[0].kind == String and xs[0].str[0] != '\xff') proc symbol*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = symbol(xs[0].str) proc symbol_q*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = boolObj xs[0].kind == Symbol proc keyword*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = keyword(xs[0].str) proc keyword_q*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = boolObj(xs[0].kind == String and xs[0].str[0] == '\xff') proc atom*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = atom(xs[0]) proc atom_q*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = boolObj xs[0].kind == Atom proc count*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = number if xs[0].kind == Nil: 0 else: xs[0].list.len proc `==`*(x, y: MalType): bool = if not (x.kind in {List, Vector} and y.kind in {List, Vector}): if x.kind != y.kind: return false result = case x.kind of Nil, True, False: true of Number: x.number == y.number of Symbol, String: x.str == y.str of List, Vector: x.list == y.list of HashMap: x.hash_map == y.hash_map of Fun: == and x.is_macro == y.is_macro of MalFun: x.malfun == y.malfun of Atom: x.val == y.val proc equal*(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType {.procvar.} = boolObj xs[0] == xs[1]