(module $step3_env (global $repl_env (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) ;; READ (func $READ (param $str i32) (result i32) ($read_str $str) ) ;; EVAL (func $EVAL_AST (param $ast i32 $env i32) (result i32) (LET $res 0 $val2 0 $val3 0 $type 0 $found 0 $ret 0 $empty 0 $current 0) (if (get_global $error_type) (return 0)) (set_local $type ($TYPE $ast)) ;;($PR_VALUE ">>> EVAL_AST ast: '%s'\n" $ast) ;;; switch(type) (block $done (block $default (block (block (br_table 2 2 2 2 2 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 $type)) ;; symbol ;; found/res returned as hi 32/lo 32 of i64 (set_local $res ($ENV_GET $env $ast)) (br $done)) ;; list, vector, hashmap ;; MAP_LOOP_START (set_local $res ($MAP_LOOP_START $type)) ;; push MAP_LOOP stack ;;; empty = current = ret = res (set_local $ret $res) (set_local $current $res) (set_local $empty $res) (block $done (loop $loop ;; check if we are done evaluating the source sequence (br_if $done (i32.eq ($VAL0 $ast) 0)) (if (i32.eq $type (get_global $HASHMAP_T)) (then (set_local $res ($EVAL ($MEM_VAL2_ptr $ast) $env))) (else (set_local $res ($EVAL ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $ast) $env)))) (set_local $val2 $res) ;; if error, release the unattached element (if (get_global $error_type) (then ($RELEASE $res) (set_local $res 0) (br $done))) ;; for hash-maps, copy the key (inc ref since we are going ;; to release it below) (if (i32.eq $type (get_global $HASHMAP_T)) (then (set_local $val3 $val2) (set_local $val2 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $ast)) (drop ($INC_REF $val2)))) ;; MAP_LOOP_UPDATE (set_local $res ($MAP_LOOP_UPDATE $type $empty $current $val2 $val3)) (if (i32.le_u $current (get_global $EMPTY_HASHMAP)) ;; if first element, set return to new element (set_local $ret $res)) ;; update current to point to new element (set_local $current $res) (set_local $ast ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $ast)) (br $loop) ) ) ;; MAP_LOOP_DONE (set_local $res $ret) ;; EVAL_AST_RETURN: nothing to do (br $done)) ;; default (set_local $res ($INC_REF $ast)) ) $res ) (type $fnT (func (param i32) (result i32))) (table anyfunc (elem $add $subtract $multiply $divide)) (func $MAL_GET_A1 (param $ast i32) (result i32) ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $ast))) (func $MAL_GET_A2 (param $ast i32) (result i32) ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $ast)))) (func $MAL_GET_A3 (param $ast i32) (result i32) ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $ast))))) (func $EVAL (param $ast i32 $env i32) (result i32) (LET $res 0 $ftype 0 $f_args 0 $f 0 $args 0 $a0 0 $a0sym 0 $a1 0 $a2 0 $let_env 0) (set_local $f_args 0) (set_local $f 0) (set_local $args 0) (if (get_global $error_type) (return 0)) ;;($PR_VALUE ">>> EVAL ast: '%s'\n" $ast) (if (i32.ne ($TYPE $ast) (get_global $LIST_T)) (return ($EVAL_AST $ast $env))) ;; APPLY_LIST (if ($EMPTY_Q $ast) (return ($INC_REF $ast))) (set_local $a0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $ast)) (set_local $a0sym "") (if (i32.eq ($TYPE $a0) (get_global $SYMBOL_T)) (set_local $a0sym ($to_String $a0))) (if (i32.eqz ($strcmp "def!" $a0sym)) (then (set_local $a1 ($MAL_GET_A1 $ast)) (set_local $a2 ($MAL_GET_A2 $ast)) (set_local $res ($EVAL $a2 $env)) (if (get_global $error_type) (return $res)) ;; set a1 in env to a2 (set_local $res ($ENV_SET $env $a1 $res))) (else (if (i32.eqz ($strcmp "let*" $a0sym)) (then (set_local $a1 ($MAL_GET_A1 $ast)) (set_local $a2 ($MAL_GET_A2 $ast)) ;; create new environment with outer as current environment (set_local $let_env ($ENV_NEW $env)) (block $done (loop $loop (br_if $done (i32.eqz ($VAL0 $a1))) ;; eval current A1 odd element (set_local $res ($EVAL ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $a1)) $let_env)) (br_if $done (get_global $error_type)) ;; set key/value in the let environment (set_local $res ($ENV_SET $let_env ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $a1) $res)) ;; release our use, ENV_SET took ownership ($RELEASE $res) ;; skip to the next pair of a1 elements (set_local $a1 ($MEM_VAL0_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $a1))) (br $loop) ) ) (set_local $res ($EVAL $a2 $let_env)) ;; EVAL_RETURN ($RELEASE $let_env)) (else ;; EVAL_INVOKE (set_local $res ($EVAL_AST $ast $env)) (set_local $f_args $res) ;; if error, return f/args for release by caller (if (get_global $error_type) (return $f_args)) (set_local $args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $f_args)) ;; rest (set_local $f ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $f_args)) ;; value (set_local $ftype ($TYPE $f)) (if (i32.eq $ftype (get_global $FUNCTION_T)) (then (set_local $res (call_indirect (type $fnT) $args ($VAL0 $f)))) (else ($THROW_STR_1 "apply of non-function type: %d\n" $ftype) (set_local $res 0))) ($RELEASE $f_args))))) $res ) ;; PRINT (func $PRINT (param $ast i32) (result i32) ($pr_str $ast 1) ) ;; REPL (func $REP (param $line i32 $env i32) (result i32) (LET $mv1 0 $mv2 0 $ms 0) (block $done (set_local $mv1 ($READ $line)) (br_if $done (get_global $error_type)) (set_local $mv2 ($EVAL $mv1 $env)) (br_if $done (get_global $error_type)) ;; ($PR_MEMORY -1 -1) (set_local $ms ($PRINT $mv2)) ) ;; release memory from MAL_READ and EVAL ($RELEASE $mv2) ($RELEASE $mv1) $ms ) (func $add (param $args i32) (result i32) ($INTEGER (i32.add ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))))) (func $subtract (param $args i32) (result i32) ($INTEGER (i32.sub ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))))) (func $multiply (param $args i32) (result i32) ($INTEGER (i32.mul ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))))) (func $divide (param $args i32) (result i32) ($INTEGER (i32.div_s ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))))) (func $pr_memory (param $args i32) (result i32) ($PR_MEMORY -1 -1) ($INC_REF (get_global $NIL))) (func $main (result i32) (LET $line (STATIC_ARRAY 201) $res 0 $repl_env 0) ;; DEBUG ;; ($printf_1 "argc: 0x%x\n" $argc) ;; ($printf_1 "memoryBase: 0x%x\n" (get_global $memoryBase)) ;; ($printf_1 "heap_start: 0x%x\n" (get_global $heap_start)) ;; ($printf_1 "heap_end: 0x%x\n" (get_global $heap_end)) ;; ($printf_1 "mem: 0x%x\n" (get_global $mem)) ;; ($printf_1 "string_mem: %d\n" (get_global $string_mem)) (set_global $repl_env ($ENV_NEW (get_global $NIL))) (set_local $repl_env (get_global $repl_env)) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $repl_env "+" ($FUNCTION 0))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $repl_env "-" ($FUNCTION 1))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $repl_env "*" ($FUNCTION 2))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $repl_env "/" ($FUNCTION 3))) ;;($PR_MEMORY -1 -1) ;; Start REPL (block $repl_done (loop $repl_loop (br_if $repl_done (i32.eqz ($readline "user> " $line))) (br_if $repl_loop (i32.eq (i32.load8_u $line) 0)) (set_local $res ($REP $line $repl_env)) (if (get_global $error_type) (then ($printf_1 "Error: %s\n" (get_global $error_str)) (set_global $error_type 0)) (else ($printf_1 "%s\n" ($to_String $res)))) ($RELEASE $res) ;;($PR_MEMORY_SUMMARY_SMALL) (br $repl_loop) ) ) ($print "\n") ;;($PR_MEMORY -1 -1) 0 ) (export "_main" (func $main)) (export "__post_instantiate" (func $init_memory)) )