module Env exposing ( global , push , pop , enter , leave , ref , get , set , newAtom , getAtom , setAtom , gc ) import Types exposing (MalExpr(..), MalFunction(..), Frame, Env) import Dict import Array import Set globalFrameId : Int globalFrameId = 0 global : Env global = { frames = Dict.singleton globalFrameId (emptyFrame Nothing) , nextFrameId = globalFrameId + 1 , currentFrameId = globalFrameId , atoms = Dict.empty , nextAtomId = 0 } push : Env -> Env push env = let frameId = env.nextFrameId newFrame = emptyFrame (Just env.currentFrameId) in { env | currentFrameId = frameId , frames = Dict.insert frameId newFrame env.frames , nextFrameId = env.nextFrameId + 1 } pop : Env -> Env pop env = let frameId = env.currentFrameId in case Dict.get frameId env.frames of Just currentFrame -> case currentFrame.outerId of Just outerId -> { env | currentFrameId = outerId , frames = Dict.update frameId deref env.frames } _ -> Debug.crash "tried to pop global frame" Nothing -> Debug.crash <| "current frame " ++ (toString frameId) ++ " doesn't exist" setBinds : List ( String, MalExpr ) -> Frame -> Frame setBinds binds frame = case binds of [] -> frame ( name, expr ) :: rest -> setBinds rest { frame | data = Dict.insert name expr } enter : Int -> List ( String, MalExpr ) -> Env -> Env enter parentFrameId binds env = let frameId = Debug.log "enter #" env.nextFrameId newFrame = setBinds binds (emptyFrame (Just parentFrameId)) in { env | currentFrameId = frameId , frames = Dict.insert frameId newFrame env.frames , nextFrameId = env.nextFrameId + 1 } leave : Int -> Env -> Env leave orgFrameId env = let frameId = Debug.log "leave #" env.currentFrameId in { env | currentFrameId = orgFrameId , frames = Dict.update frameId deref env.frames } {-| Increase refCnt for the current frame -} ref : Env -> Env ref env = let incRef = (\frame -> { frame | refCnt = frame.refCnt + 1 } ) newFrames = Dict.update env.currentFrameId incRef env.frames in { env | frames = newFrames } -- TODO: when disposing, deref all function's frames? -- TODO: is that enough instead of a GC? no: don't know how often the function is referenced. -- TODO: consideration: keep refCnt for MalFunction, or implement a light GC. deref : Maybe Frame -> Maybe Frame deref = Maybe.andThen (\frame -> if frame.refCnt == 1 then Nothing else Just { frame | refCnt = frame.refCnt - 1 } ) -- TODO need a GC. -- given a Env, see which frames are not reachable. -- in MalFunction need to refer to the frameId. {-| Given an Env see which frames are not reachable from the global frame. Return a new Env without the unreachable frames. -} gc : Env -> Env gc env = let countList acc = List.foldl countRefs acc countFrame acc { data } = data |> Dict.values |> countList acc countRefs expr acc = Debug.log (toString expr) <| case expr of MalFunction (UserFunc { frameId }) -> if not (Set.member frameId acc) then Debug.log "counting" <| case Dict.get frameId env.frames of Just frame -> countFrame (Set.insert frameId acc) frame Nothing -> Debug.crash ("frame " ++ (toString frameId) ++ " not found in GC") else acc MalList list -> countList acc list MalVector vec -> countList acc (Array.toList vec) MalMap map -> countList acc (Dict.values map) _ -> acc initSet = Set.fromList [ globalFrameId, env.currentFrameId ] in case Dict.get globalFrameId env.frames of Nothing -> Debug.crash "global frame not found" Just globalFrame -> countFrame initSet globalFrame |> Set.toList |> Debug.log "used frames" |> (\frameId -> ( frameId, emptyFrame Nothing )) |> Dict.fromList |> Dict.intersect (Debug.log "cur frames" env.frames) |> (\frames -> { env | frames = frames }) emptyFrame : Maybe Int -> Frame emptyFrame outerId = { outerId = outerId , data = Dict.empty , refCnt = 1 } set : String -> MalExpr -> Env -> Env set name expr env = let updateFrame = (\frame -> { frame | data = Dict.insert name expr } ) frameId = env.currentFrameId newFrames = Dict.update frameId updateFrame env.frames in { env | frames = newFrames } get : String -> Env -> Result String MalExpr get name env = let go frameId = case Dict.get frameId env.frames of Nothing -> Err <| "frame " ++ (toString frameId) ++ " not found" Just frame -> case Dict.get name of Just value -> Ok value Nothing -> frame.outerId |> go |> Maybe.withDefault (Err "symbol not found") in go env.currentFrameId newAtom : MalExpr -> Env -> ( Env, Int ) newAtom value env = let atomId = env.nextAtomId newEnv = { env | atoms = Dict.insert atomId value env.atoms , nextAtomId = atomId + 1 } in ( newEnv, atomId ) getAtom : Int -> Env -> MalExpr getAtom atomId env = case Dict.get atomId env.atoms of Just value -> value Nothing -> Debug.crash <| "atom " ++ (toString atomId) ++ " not found" setAtom : Int -> MalExpr -> Env -> Env setAtom atomId value env = { env | atoms = Dict.insert atomId value env.atoms }