REM ENV_NEW(C) -> R ENV_NEW: REM allocate the data hashmap GOSUB HASHMAP AY=R REM set the outer and data pointer T=13:L=R:M=C:GOSUB ALLOC GOSUB RELEASE: REM environment takes ownership RETURN REM see RELEASE for environment cleanup REM ENV_NEW_BINDS(C, A, B) -> R ENV_NEW_BINDS: GOSUB ENV_NEW E=R REM process bindings ENV_NEW_BINDS_LOOP: IF Z%(A+1)=0 THEN R=E:RETURN REM get/deref the key from A K=Z%(A+2) IF S$(Z%(K+1))="&" THEN GOTO EVAL_NEW_BINDS_VARGS EVAL_NEW_BINDS_1x1: REM get/deref the key from B C=Z%(B+2) REM set the binding in the environment data GOSUB ENV_SET REM go to next element of A and B A=Z%(A+1) B=Z%(B+1) GOTO ENV_NEW_BINDS_LOOP EVAL_NEW_BINDS_VARGS: REM get/deref the key from next element of A A=Z%(A+1) K=Z%(A+2) REM the value is the remaining list in B A=B:T=6:GOSUB FORCE_SEQ_TYPE C=R REM set the binding in the environment data GOSUB ENV_SET R=E AY=C:GOSUB RELEASE: REM list is owned by environment RETURN REM ENV_SET(E, K, C) -> R ENV_SET: H=Z%(E+1) GOSUB ASSOC1 Z%(E+1)=R R=C RETURN REM ENV_SET_S(E, B$, C) -> R ENV_SET_S: H=Z%(E+1) GOSUB ASSOC1_S Z%(E+1)=R R=C RETURN REM ENV_FIND(E, K) -> R REM Returns environment (R) containing K. If found, value found is REM in R4 SUB ENV_FIND T=E ENV_FIND_LOOP: H=Z%(T+1) REM More efficient to use GET for value (R) and contains? (R3) GOSUB HASHMAP_GET REM if we found it, save value in R4 for ENV_GET IF R3=1 THEN R4=R:R=T:GOTO ENV_FIND_DONE T=Z%(T+2): REM get outer environment IF T>0 THEN GOTO ENV_FIND_LOOP R=-1 ENV_FIND_DONE: END SUB REM ENV_GET(E, K) -> R ENV_GET: CALL ENV_FIND IF R=-1 THEN ER=-1:E$="'"+S$(Z%(K+1))+"' not found":GOTO ENV_GET_RETURN R=R4 GOSUB INC_REF_R GOTO ENV_GET_RETURN