Fix backquote error for perf tests
[jackhill/mal.git] / vhdl / printer.vhdl
1library STD;
2use STD.textio.all;
3library WORK;
4use WORK.types.all;
6package printer is
7 procedure pr_str(ast: inout mal_val_ptr; readable: in boolean; result: out line);
8 procedure pr_seq(start_ch: in string; end_ch: in string; delim: in string; a_seq: inout mal_seq_ptr; readable: in boolean; result: out line);
9end package printer;
11package body printer is
13 procedure pr_string(val: inout line; readable: in boolean; result: out line) is
14 variable s: line;
15 variable src_i, dst_i: integer;
16 begin
17 if readable then
18 s := new string(1 to val'length * 2);
19 dst_i := 0;
20 for src_i in val'range loop
21 dst_i := dst_i + 1;
22 case val(src_i) is
23 when LF =>
24 s(dst_i) := '\';
25 dst_i := dst_i + 1;
26 s(dst_i) := 'n';
27 when '"' =>
28 s(dst_i) := '\';
29 dst_i := dst_i + 1;
30 s(dst_i) := '"';
31 when '\' =>
32 s(dst_i) := '\';
33 dst_i := dst_i + 1;
34 s(dst_i) := '\';
35 when others =>
36 s(dst_i) := val(src_i);
37 end case;
38 end loop;
39 result := new string'("" & '"' & s(1 to dst_i) & '"');
40 deallocate(s);
41 else
42 result := val;
43 end if;
44 end;
46 procedure pr_str(ast: inout mal_val_ptr; readable: in boolean; result: out line) is
47 variable l: line;
48 begin
49 case ast.val_type is
50 when mal_nil =>
51 result := new string'("nil");
52 when mal_true =>
53 result := new string'("true");
54 when mal_false =>
55 result := new string'("false");
56 when mal_number =>
57 write(l, ast.number_val);
58 result := l;
59 when mal_symbol =>
60 result := ast.string_val;
61 when mal_string =>
62 pr_string(ast.string_val, readable, result);
63 when mal_keyword =>
64 result := new string'(":" & ast.string_val.all);
65 when mal_list =>
66 pr_seq("(", ")", " ", ast.seq_val, readable, result);
67 when mal_vector =>
68 pr_seq("[", "]", " ", ast.seq_val, readable, result);
69 when mal_hashmap =>
70 pr_seq("{", "}", " ", ast.seq_val, readable, result);
71 when mal_atom =>
72 pr_str(ast.seq_val(0), true, l);
73 result := new string'("(atom " & l.all & ")");
74 when mal_nativefn =>
75 result := new string'("#<NativeFunction:" & ast.string_val.all & ">");
76 when mal_fn =>
77 result := new string'("#<MalFunction>");
78 end case;
79 end procedure pr_str;
81 procedure pr_seq(start_ch: in string; end_ch: in string; delim: in string; a_seq: inout mal_seq_ptr; readable: in boolean; result: out line) is
82 variable s, element_s: line;
83 begin
84 s := new string'(start_ch);
85 for i in a_seq'range loop
86 pr_str(a_seq(i), readable, element_s);
87 if i = 0 then
88 s := new string'(s.all & element_s.all);
89 else
90 s := new string'(s.all & delim & element_s.all);
91 end if;
92 end loop;
93 s := new string'(s.all & end_ch);
94 result := s;
95 end procedure pr_seq;
97end package body printer;