structure Location :> LOCATION = struct open Util Sql Init (* Managing locations *) type location = {id : int, parent : int option, name : string} fun intOptFromSql v = if C.isNull v then NONE else SOME (C.intFromSql v) fun mkLocationRow [id, parent, name] = {id = C.intFromSql id, parent = intOptFromSql parent, name = C.stringFromSql name} | mkLocationRow row = Init.rowError ("location", row) val intOptToSql = fn NONE => "NULL" | SOME n => C.intToSql n val intOptToSqlCompare = fn NONE => "IS NULL" | SOME n => "= " ^ C.intToSql n fun addLocation (parent, name) = let val db = getDb () val id = nextSeq (db, "LocationSeq") in C.dml db ($`INSERT INTO Location (id, parent, name) VALUES (^(C.intToSql id), ^(intOptToSql parent), ^(C.stringToSql name))`); id end fun lookupLocation id = let val c = getDb () in (case C.oneOrNoRows c ($`SELECT id, parent, name FROM Location WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id)`) of NONE => raise Fail "Location not found" | SOME r => mkLocationRow r) end fun modLocation (loc : location) = let val db = getDb () in ignore (C.dml db ($`UPDATE Location SET parent = ^(intOptToSql (#parent loc)), name = ^(C.stringToSql (#name loc)) WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql (#id loc))`)) end fun deleteLocation id = ignore (C.dml (getDb ()) ($`DELETE FROM Location WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id)`)) structure IntKey = struct type ord_key = int val compare = end structure NM = BinaryMapFn(IntKey) structure UserKey = struct type ord_key = Init.user fun compare (u1 : ord_key, u2 : ord_key) = (#name u1, #name u2) end structure US = BinarySetFn(UserKey) fun mkLivesRow [loc, usr] = {loc = C.intFromSql loc, usr = C.intFromSql usr} | mkLivesRow row = Init.rowError ("lives", row) fun countResidents () = let val db = getDb () fun folder (row, count) = let fun addToParents (id, count) = let val count = NM.insert (count, id, (case NM.find (count, id) of NONE => 1 | SOME n => n+1)) in case C.oneRow db ($`SELECT parent FROM Location WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id)`) of [p] => if C.isNull p then count else addToParents (C.intFromSql p, count) | r => Init.rowError ("Location.addToParents", r) end val lives = mkLivesRow row in addToParents (#loc lives, count) end in C.fold db folder NM.empty ($`SELECT loc, usr FROM Lives`) end fun recordResidents () = let val db = getDb () fun mkRow row = case row of loc :: rest => (C.intFromSql loc, mkUserRow rest) | _ => Init.rowError ("recordResidents.mkRow", row) fun folder (row, count) = let val (loc, user) = mkRow row fun addToParents (id, count) = let val count = NM.insert (count, id, (case NM.find (count, id) of NONE => US.singleton user | SOME ns => US.add (ns, user))) in case C.oneRow db ($`SELECT parent FROM Location WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id)`) of [p] => if C.isNull p then count else addToParents (C.intFromSql p, count) | r => Init.rowError ("Location.addToParents'", r) end in addToParents (loc, count) end in C.fold db folder NM.empty ($`SELECT loc, id, name, rname, bal, joined, app, shares, paypal, checkout FROM Lives JOIN WebUser ON usr = id`) end fun residents loc = let val res = recordResidents () in case NM.find (res, loc) of NONE => [] | SOME us => US.foldr (op ::) [] us end fun locationTree (root, lim) = let val db = getDb () fun locationTree' (root, lim, acc) = let fun folder (row, acc) = let val loc = mkLocationRow row in case lim of SOME 0 => Util.ITEM loc :: acc | _ => let val dec = case lim of SOME n => SOME (n-1) | NONE => NONE in Util.ITEM loc :: Util.BEGIN :: locationTree' (SOME (#id loc), dec, Util.END :: acc) end end in C.fold db folder acc ($`SELECT id, parent, name FROM Location WHERE parent ^(intOptToSqlCompare root) ORDER BY name DESC`) end in locationTree' (root, lim, []) end fun locationTreeWithUser (root, lim, usr) = let val db = getDb () val mkLocationRow' = fn (mine :: rest) => (not (C.isNull mine), mkLocationRow rest) | row => Init.rowError ("location'", row) fun locationTree' (root, lim, acc) = let fun folder (row, acc) = let val loc = mkLocationRow' row in case lim of SOME 0 => Util.ITEM loc :: acc | _ => let val dec = case lim of SOME n => SOME (n-1) | NONE => NONE in Util.ITEM loc :: Util.BEGIN :: locationTree' (SOME (#id (#2 loc)), dec, Util.END :: acc) end end in C.fold db folder acc ($`SELECT loc, id, parent, name FROM Location LEFT OUTER JOIN Lives ON (id = loc AND usr = ^(C.intToSql usr)) WHERE parent ^(intOptToSqlCompare root) ORDER BY name DESC`) end in locationTree' (root, lim, []) end fun locationTreeWithCounts (root, lim) = let val count = countResidents () fun numResidents id = case NM.find (count, id) of NONE => 0 | SOME n => n val db = getDb () fun locationTree' (root, lim, acc) = let fun folder (row, acc) = let val loc = mkLocationRow row in case lim of SOME 0 => Util.ITEM (numResidents (#id loc), loc) :: acc | _ => let val dec = case lim of SOME n => SOME (n-1) | NONE => NONE in Util.ITEM (numResidents (#id loc), loc) :: Util.BEGIN :: locationTree' (SOME (#id loc), dec, Util.END :: acc) end end in C.fold db folder acc ($`SELECT id, parent, name FROM Location WHERE parent ^(intOptToSqlCompare root) ORDER BY name DESC`) end in locationTree' (root, lim, []) end (* Checking who lives where *) type lives = {usr : int, loc : int} fun livesIn (usr, loc) = let val c = getDb () in (case C.oneOrNoRows c ($`SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM Lives WHERE loc = ^(C.intToSql loc) AND usr = ^(C.intToSql usr)`) of SOME[x] => not (C.isNull x) andalso C.intFromSql x <> 0 | _ => false) end (* Managing who lives where *) fun addToLocation (lives : lives) = let val usr = #usr lives val loc = #loc lives in if livesIn (usr, loc) then () else ignore (C.dml (getDb ()) ($`INSERT INTO Lives (loc, usr) VALUES (^(C.intToSql loc), ^(C.intToSql usr))`)) end fun removeFromLocation (lives : lives) = let val usr = #usr lives val loc = #loc lives in ignore (C.dml (getDb ()) ($`DELETE FROM Lives WHERE loc = ^(C.intToSql loc) AND usr = ^(C.intToSql usr)`)) end fun residentsOneLevel loc = (getDb ()) mkUserRow ($`SELECT id, name, rname, bal, joined, app, shares, paypal, checkout FROM Lives, WebUser WHERE loc = ^(C.intToSql loc) AND usr = id ORDER BY name`) fun alreadyExists (parent, name) = case C.oneRow (getDb ()) ($`SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM Location WHERE parent ^(intOptToSqlCompare parent) AND name = ^(C.stringToSql name)`) of [n] => not (C.isNull n) andalso C.intFromSql n <> 0 | r => Init.rowError ("Location.alreadyExists", r) fun userLocations usr = (getDb ()) mkLocationRow ($`SELECT id, parent, name FROM Location JOIN Lives ON loc = id WHERE usr = ^(C.intToSql usr) ORDER BY name`) fun subLocations par = (getDb ()) mkLocationRow ($`SELECT id, parent, name FROM Location WHERE parent ^(intOptToSqlCompare par) ORDER BY name`) end