structure Gen :> GEN = struct structure C = PgClient structure IntKey = struct type ord_key = int val compare = end structure NM = BinaryMapFn(IntKey) val outputDir = "/var/www/home/html/static/" fun generate () = let val db = C.conn "dbname='hcoop'" fun header (outf, title) = (TextIO.output (outf, "\n"); TextIO.output (outf, title); TextIO.output (outf, "\n\n

"); TextIO.output (outf, title); TextIO.output (outf, "

\n")) fun footer outf = TextIO.output (outf, "\n") fun genMemberList () = let val outf = TextIO.openOut (outputDir ^ "members.html") fun printOne ([name, rname, usr], (total, anon)) = let val name = C.stringFromSql name val rname = C.stringFromSql rname val isAnon = C.isNull usr in if not isAnon then (TextIO.output (outf, " "); TextIO.output (outf, name); TextIO.output (outf, " "); TextIO.output (outf, rname); TextIO.output (outf, " \n")) else (); (total + 1, (if C.isNull usr then anon + 1 else anon)) end | printOne _ = raise Fail "Bad printOne line" val _ = header (outf, "Member list") val _ = TextIO.output (outf, "\n") val (total, anon) = C.fold db printOne (0, 0) "SELECT name, rname, usr FROM WebUser LEFT OUTER JOIN DirectoryPref ON id = usr ORDER BY name" in TextIO.output (outf, "

\n\nUnlisted members: "); TextIO.output (outf, Int.toString anon); TextIO.output (outf, " out of "); TextIO.output (outf, Int.toString total); TextIO.output (outf, " total.\n"); footer outf; TextIO.closeOut outf end fun genMemberPages () = let fun doOne [id, name, rname, joined, usr] = let val id = C.intFromSql id val name = C.stringFromSql name val rname = C.stringFromSql rname val joined = C.timestampFromSql joined val anon = C.isNull usr in if anon then () else let val outf = TextIO.openOut (String.concat [outputDir, "member/", name, ".html"]) val _ = header (outf, "Hcoop member: " ^ name) val _ = TextIO.output (outf, "\n\n\n\n\n\n")) fun doLink [url, title, descr] = (C.stringFromSql url, C.stringFromSql title, C.stringFromSql descr) | doLink _ = raise Fail "Bad link row" val links = db doLink (String.concat ["SELECT url, title, descr FROM Link WHERE usr = ", Int.toString id, " ORDER BY title"]) fun appLink (url, title, descr) = (TextIO.output (outf, "\n")) val _ = case links of [] => () | _ => (TextIO.output (outf, "\n\n\n"); app appLink links) fun doContact [v, name, url, urlPrefix, urlPostfix] = (C.stringFromSql v, C.stringFromSql name, if C.boolFromSql url then SOME (C.stringFromSql urlPrefix, C.stringFromSql urlPostfix) else NONE) | doContact _ = raise Fail "Bad contact row" val contacts = db doContact (String.concat ["SELECT v, name, url, urlPrefix, urlPostfix", " FROM Contact JOIN ContactKind ON knd =", " WHERE priv = 0", " AND usr = ", Int.toString id, " ORDER BY name, v"]) fun appContact (v, name, url) = let val link = case url of SOME (pre, post) => String.concat ["", Web.html v, ""] | NONE => v in TextIO.output (outf, "\n\n") end val _ = case contacts of [] => () | _ => (TextIO.output (outf, "\n\n\n"); app appContact contacts) in TextIO.output (outf, "
Member: ") val _ = TextIO.output (outf, name) val _ = TextIO.output (outf, "
Name: ") val _ = TextIO.output (outf, rname) val _ = TextIO.output (outf, "
Joined: ") val _ = TextIO.output (outf, Date.toString (Date.fromTimeLocal joined)) fun doLocation [id] = C.intFromSql id | doLocation _ = raise Fail "Bad location row" val locations = db doLocation (String.concat ["SELECT id FROM Location JOIN Lives ON loc = id AND usr = ", Int.toString id]) fun printLocation id = let val (name, parent) = case C.oneRow db ("SELECT name, parent FROM Location WHERE id = " ^ Int.toString id) of [name, parent] => (C.stringFromSql name, if C.isNull parent then NONE else SOME (C.intFromSql parent)) | _ => raise Fail "Bad printLocation row" in case parent of NONE => () | SOME parent => (printLocation parent; TextIO.output (outf, " : ")); TextIO.output (outf, name) end val first = ref true fun appLocation id = (if !first then first := false else TextIO.output (outf, ", "); printLocation id) val _ = case locations of [] => () | _ => (TextIO.output (outf, "
Locations: "); app appLocation locations; TextIO.output (outf, "
"); TextIO.output (outf, Web.html title); TextIO.output (outf, ""); if descr <> "" then TextIO.output (outf, ": ") else (); TextIO.output (outf, Web.html descr); TextIO.output (outf, "
Hosted sites
"); TextIO.output (outf, Web.html name); TextIO.output (outf, ":"); TextIO.output (outf, link); TextIO.output (outf, "
Contact information
\n"); footer outf; TextIO.closeOut outf end end | doOne _ = raise Fail "Bad member row" in db doOne "SELECT id, name, rname, joined, usr FROM WebUser LEFT OUTER JOIN DirectoryPref ON usr = id" end fun genLocations () = let val outf = TextIO.openOut (outputDir ^ "locs.html") val _ = header (outf, "Where members live") fun countResidents () = let fun mkLivesRow [loc, usr] = {loc = C.intFromSql loc, usr = C.intFromSql usr} | mkLivesRow row = raise Fail "Bad lives row" fun folder (row, count) = let fun addToParents (id, count) = let val count = NM.insert (count, id, (case NM.find (count, id) of NONE => 1 | SOME n => n+1)) in case C.oneRow db ("SELECT parent FROM Location WHERE id = " ^ C.intToSql id) of [p] => if C.isNull p then count else addToParents (C.intFromSql p, count) | r => raise Fail "Bad addToParents row" end val lives = mkLivesRow row in addToParents (#loc lives, count) end in C.fold db folder NM.empty "SELECT loc, usr FROM Lives" end val res = countResidents () fun locationTree root = let fun doOne [id, name] = let val id = C.intFromSql id val name = C.stringFromSql name in TextIO.output (outf, "
  • "); TextIO.output (outf, Web.html name); case NM.find (res, id) of NONE => () | SOME n => (TextIO.output (outf, " ("); TextIO.output (outf, Int.toString n); TextIO.output (outf, ")")); TextIO.output (outf, "
  • \n\n") end | doOne _ = raise Fail "Bad locationTree row" in db doOne (String.concat ["SELECT id, name FROM Location WHERE parent ", (case root of NONE => "IS NULL" | SOME p => "= " ^ Int.toString p), " ORDER BY name"]) end in locationTree NONE; footer outf; TextIO.closeOut outf end in genMemberList (); genMemberPages (); genLocations (); OS.Process.success end fun main _ = (generate ()) handle C.Sql s => (print "SQL exception: \n"; print s; OS.Process.failure) | Fail s => (print "Fail: "; print s; OS.Process.failure) | ex => (print "Exception!\n"; (fn s => print (s ^ "\n")) (SMLofNJ.exnHistory ex); OS.Process.failure) end