structure Support :> SUPPORT = struct open Util Sql Init datatype status = NEW | PENDING | CLOSED type category = { id : int, grp : int, name : string, descr : string } type issue = { id : int, usr : int, cat : int, title : string, priv : bool, status : status, stamp : C.timestamp } type post = { id : int, usr : int, iss : int, body : string, stamp : C.timestamp } type subscription = { usr : int, cat : int } (* Categories *) fun mkCatRow [id, grp, name, descr] = {id = C.intFromSql id, grp = C.intFromSql grp, name = C.stringFromSql name, descr = C.stringFromSql descr} | mkCatRow row = rowError ("category", row) fun lookupCategory id = mkCatRow (C.oneRow (getDb ()) ($`SELECT id, grp, name, descr FROM SupCategory WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id)`)) fun listCategories () = (getDb ()) mkCatRow ($`SELECT id, grp, name, descr FROM SupCategory ORDER BY name`) fun mkCatRow' (sub :: rest) = (not (C.isNull sub), mkCatRow rest) | mkCatRow' row = Init.rowError ("category'", row) fun listCategoriesWithSubscriptions usr = (getDb ()) mkCatRow' ($`SELECT cat, id, grp, name, descr FROM SupCategory LEFT OUTER JOIN SupSubscription ON (usr = ^(C.intToSql usr) AND cat = id) ORDER BY name`) fun addCategory (grp, name, descr) = let val db = getDb () val id = nextSeq (db, "SupCategorySeq") in C.dml db ($`INSERT INTO SupCategory (id, grp, name, descr) VALUES (^(C.intToSql id), ^(C.intToSql grp), ^(C.stringToSql name), ^(C.stringToSql descr))`); id end fun modCategory (cat : category) = let val db = getDb () in ignore (C.dml db ($`UPDATE SupCategory SET grp = ^(C.intToSql (#grp cat)), name = ^(C.stringToSql (#name cat)), descr = ^(C.stringToSql (#descr cat)) WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql (#id cat))`)) end fun deleteCategory id = ignore (C.dml (getDb ()) ($`DELETE FROM SupCategory WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id)`)) (* Issues *) val statusToSql = fn NEW => "0" | PENDING => "1" | CLOSED => "2" fun statusFromSql v = case C.intFromSql v of 0 => NEW | 1 => PENDING | 2 => CLOSED | _ => raise Fail "Bad support issue status" fun mkIssueRow [id, usr, cat, title, priv, status, stamp] = {id = C.intFromSql id, usr = C.intFromSql usr, cat = C.intFromSql cat, title = C.stringFromSql title, priv = C.boolFromSql priv, status = statusFromSql status, stamp = C.timestampFromSql stamp} | mkIssueRow row = rowError ("issue", row) fun lookupIssue id = mkIssueRow (C.oneRow (getDb ()) ($`SELECT id, usr, cat, title, priv, status, stamp FROM SupIssue WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id)`)) fun listIssues () = (getDb ()) mkIssueRow ($`SELECT id, usr, cat, title, priv, status, stamp FROM SupIssue ORDER BY stamp DESC`) fun mkIssueRow' (name :: rest) = (C.stringFromSql name, mkIssueRow rest) | mkIssueRow' r = Init.rowError ("issue'", r) fun listOpenIssues usr = (getDb ()) mkIssueRow' ($`SELECT,, SupIssue.usr,, title, priv, status, stamp FROM SupIssue JOIN SupCategory ON cat = JOIN WebUser ON = SupIssue.usr WHERE status < 2 AND (usr = ^(C.intToSql usr) OR ((SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM SupSubscription WHERE SupSubscription.usr = ^(C.intToSql usr) AND = > 0 AND (not priv OR (SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM Membership WHERE Membership.usr = ^(C.intToSql usr) AND Membership.grp = SupCategory.grp) > 0))) ORDER BY stamp DESC`) fun listCategoryIssues cat = (getDb ()) mkIssueRow' ($`SELECT,, usr, cat, title, priv, status, stamp FROM SupIssue JOIN WebUser ON = usr WHERE cat = ^(C.intToSql cat) ORDER BY stamp DESC`) fun listOpenCategoryIssues (cat, usr) = (getDb ()) mkIssueRow' ($`SELECT name,, usr, cat, title, priv, status, stamp FROM SupIssue JOIN WebUser ON = usr WHERE cat = ^(C.intToSql cat) AND status < 2 AND (NOT priv OR usr = ^(C.intToSql usr)) ORDER BY stamp DESC`) fun listOpenCategoryIssuesAdmin cat = (getDb ()) mkIssueRow' ($`SELECT name,, usr, cat, title, priv, status, stamp FROM SupIssue JOIN WebUser ON = usr WHERE cat = ^(C.intToSql cat) AND status < 2 ORDER BY stamp DESC`) fun addIssue (usr, cat, title, priv, status) = let val db = getDb () val id = nextSeq (db, "SupIssueSeq") in C.dml db ($`INSERT INTO SupIssue (id, usr, cat, title, priv, status, stamp) VALUES (^(C.intToSql id), ^(C.intToSql usr), ^(C.intToSql cat), ^(C.stringToSql title), ^(C.boolToSql priv), ^(statusToSql status), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)`); id end fun modIssue (iss : issue) = let val db = getDb () in ignore (C.dml db ($`UPDATE SupIssue SET usr = ^(C.intToSql (#usr iss)), cat = ^(C.intToSql (#cat iss)), title = ^(C.stringToSql (#title iss)), priv = ^(C.boolToSql (#priv iss)), status = ^(statusToSql (#status iss)) WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql (#id iss))`)) end fun deleteIssue id = ignore (C.dml (getDb ()) ($`DELETE FROM SupIssue WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id)`)) (* Posts *) fun mkPostRow [id, usr, iss, body, stamp] = {id = C.intFromSql id, usr = C.intFromSql usr, iss = C.intFromSql iss, body = C.stringFromSql body, stamp = C.timestampFromSql stamp} | mkPostRow row = rowError ("post", row) fun lookupPost id = mkPostRow (C.oneRow (getDb ()) ($`SELECT id, usr, iss, body, stamp FROM SupPost WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id)`)) fun mkPostRow' (name :: rest) = (C.stringFromSql name, mkPostRow rest) | mkPostRow' row = Init.rowError ("post'", row) fun listPosts iss = (getDb ()) mkPostRow' ($`SELECT name,, usr, iss, body, SupPost.stamp FROM SupPost JOIN WebUser ON usr = WHERE iss = ^(C.intToSql iss) ORDER BY stamp`) fun addPost (usr, iss, body) = let val db = getDb () val id = nextSeq (db, "SupPostSeq") in C.dml db ($`INSERT INTO SupPost (id, usr, iss, body, stamp) VALUES (^(C.intToSql id), ^(C.intToSql usr), ^(C.intToSql iss), ^(C.stringToSql body), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)`); id end fun modPost (post : post) = let val db = getDb () in ignore (C.dml db ($`UPDATE SupPost SET usr = ^(C.intToSql (#usr post)), iss = ^(C.intToSql (#iss post)), body = ^(C.stringToSql (#body post)) WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql (#id post))`)) end fun deletePost id = ignore (C.dml (getDb ()) ($`DELETE FROM SupPost WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id)`)) (* Subscriptions *) fun mkSubRow [usr, cat] = {usr = C.intFromSql usr, cat = C.intFromSql cat} | mkSubRow row = rowError ("subscription", row) fun subscribed {usr, cat} = case C.oneRow (getDb ()) ($`SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM SupSubscription WHERE usr = ^(C.intToSql usr) AND cat = ^(C.intToSql cat)`) of [n] => not (C.isNull n) andalso C.intFromSql n > 0 | r => Init.rowError ("subscribed", r) fun subscribe (sub as {usr, cat}) = if subscribed sub then () else ignore (C.dml (getDb ()) ($`INSERT INTO SupSubscription (usr, cat) VALUES (^(C.intToSql usr), ^(C.intToSql cat))`)) fun unsubscribe {usr, cat} = ignore (C.dml (getDb ()) ($`DELETE FROM SupSubscription WHERE usr = ^(C.intToSql usr) AND cat = ^(C.intToSql cat)`)) val okChars = [#" ", #"-", #".", #"!", #"?", #":", #";", #"'", #"\""] fun validTitle s = CharVector.exists (fn ch => not (Char.isSpace ch)) s andalso CharVector.all (fn ch => Char.isAlphaNum ch orelse List.exists (fn ch' => ch = ch') okChars) s fun allowedToSee iss = let val iss = lookupIssue iss val cat = lookupCategory (#cat iss) in not (#priv iss) orelse Group.inGroupNum (#grp cat) orelse (Init.getUserId () = #usr iss) end fun allowedToEdit iss = let val iss = lookupIssue iss val cat = lookupCategory (#cat iss) in Group.inGroupNum (#grp cat) orelse (Init.getUserId () = #usr iss) end fun writeRecipients (mail, iss : issue, cat : category, noName) = let val query = if #priv iss then $`SELECT name FROM WebUser JOIN Membership ON (usr = id AND grp = ^(C.intToSql (#grp cat)))` else $`SELECT name FROM WebUser JOIN SupSubscription ON (usr = id AND cat = ^(C.intToSql (#id cat))) UNION SELECT name FROM WebUser JOIN Membership ON (usr = id AND grp = ^(C.intToSql (#grp cat)))` fun doOne [name] = let val name = C.stringFromSql name in if name = noName then () else (Mail.mwrite (mail, name); Mail.mwrite (mail, emailSuffix); Mail.mwrite (mail, ",")) end in Mail.mwrite (mail, "Bcc: "); (getDb ()) doOne query; Mail.mwrite (mail, "\n") end fun notify (prefix, f) iss = let val iss = lookupIssue iss val cat = lookupCategory (#cat iss) val user = Init.lookupUser (#usr iss) val mail = Mail.mopen () in Mail.mwrite (mail, "From: Hcoop Support System \nTo: "); Mail.mwrite (mail, #name user); Mail.mwrite (mail, emailSuffix); Mail.mwrite (mail, "\n"); writeRecipients (mail, iss, cat, #name user); Mail.mwrite (mail, "Subject: "); Mail.mwrite (mail, prefix); Mail.mwrite (mail, #title iss); Mail.mwrite (mail, "\n\nURL: "); Mail.mwrite (mail, Init.urlPrefix); Mail.mwrite (mail, "issue?cat="); Mail.mwrite (mail, C.intToSql (#id cat)); Mail.mwrite (mail, "&id="); Mail.mwrite (mail, C.intToSql (#id iss)); Mail.mwrite (mail, "\n\nSubmitted by: "); Mail.mwrite (mail, #name user); Mail.mwrite (mail, "\n Category: "); Mail.mwrite (mail, #name cat); Mail.mwrite (mail, "\n Issue: "); Mail.mwrite (mail, #title iss); Mail.mwrite (mail, "\n Private: "); Mail.mwrite (mail, if #priv iss then "yes" else "no"); Mail.mwrite (mail, "\n\n"); f (iss, cat, user, mail); OS.Process.isSuccess (Mail.mclose mail) end val notifyCreation = notify ("[New] ", fn (iss, cat, user, mail) => (case listPosts (#id iss) of [] => () | [(_, post)] => Mail.mwrite (mail, #body post) | _ => raise Fail "Too many posts for supposedly new support issue")) fun notifyPost pid = let val post = lookupPost pid val poster = Init.lookupUser (#usr post) in notify ("[Post] ", fn (iss, cat, user, mail) => (Mail.mwrite (mail, "New post by "); Mail.mwrite (mail, #name poster); Mail.mwrite (mail, ":\n\n"); Mail.mwrite (mail, #body post))) (#iss post) end val statusToString = fn NEW => "New" | PENDING => "Pending" | CLOSED => "Closed" fun notifyStatus (usr, oldStatus, newStatus, iss) = let val user = Init.lookupUser usr in notify ("[" ^ statusToString newStatus ^ "] ", fn (iss, cat, user', mail) => (Mail.mwrite (mail, #name user); Mail.mwrite (mail, " changed status from "); Mail.mwrite (mail, statusToString oldStatus); Mail.mwrite (mail, " to "); Mail.mwrite (mail, statusToString newStatus); Mail.mwrite (mail, ".\n"))) iss end end