structure Remind :> REMIND = struct open Config structure C = PgClient fun printReal n = if n < 0.0 then "-" ^ Real.fmt (StringCvt.FIX (SOME 2)) (~n) else Real.fmt (StringCvt.FIX (SOME 2)) n val basePerMonth = 7.0 val deposit = basePerMonth * 3.0 fun main _ = let val db = C.conn dbstring val totalShares = case C.oneRow db "SELECT SUM(shares) FROM WebUserPaying" of [total] => C.intFromSql total | _ => raise Fail "Bad SUM(shares) row" fun doOne [user, members, shares, amount] = let val user = C.stringFromSql user val members = C.intFromSql members val shares = C.intFromSql shares val amount = C.realFromSql amount val perMonth = basePerMonth * real shares val headsUp = deposit + perMonth * 2.0 in if amount >= headsUp then () else let val m = Mail.mopen () fun write msg = Mail.mwrite (m, msg) in if amount < deposit then write "Subject: Your NEGATIVE HCoop balance\n" else write "Subject: Your low HCoop balance\n"; write "From: HCoop Payment Reminder Robot \n"; write "To: "; write user; write emailSuffix; write "\nCc:"; write "\n\n"; if amount < deposit then (write "Your HCoop balance is negative. This means that you've paid less than you've\n"; write "been charged to date, excluding your required deposit. If your account hasn't\n"; write "been frozen yet, expect that to happen very soon. Our bylaws allow our board\n"; write "of directors to vote you out of the co-op, without any obligation to contact\n"; write "you first, when your balance stays negative for three months. Please make a\n"; write "payment as soon as possible, so that we don't need to do this!\n\n") else (write "With our current dues projections, you have less than two months left until\n"; write "your HCoop balance becomes negative, based on your sliding scale pledge amount.\n"; write "Please make a payment as soon as you can. We will freeze your account if your\n"; write "balance does become negative, and the board of directors will probably vote you\n"; write "out of the cooperative shortly thereafter if you don't make a payment.\n\n"); write "Your balance: US$"; write (printReal (amount - deposit)); write "\nTotal number of members linked to your balance: "; write (Int.toString members); write "\nTotal pledge amount: "; write (Int.toString shares); write "\nDeposit: US$"; write (printReal deposit); write "\nMinimum amount to pay to not see this message again for two months: US$"; write (printReal (headsUp - amount)); write "\n\nThe deposit requirement was calculated as three months of dues at $7/mo..\n\n"; write "To make a payment, visit:\n"; write "\n"; write "and use the PayPal or Google Checkout link.\n"; write "\nIf for whatever reason you don't plan to pay the amount suggested in this e-mail,\n"; write "_please_ don't stay silent. Reply to this message explaining your circumstances.\n"; ignore (Mail.mclose m) end end | doOne _ = raise Fail "Bad SQL row" in db doOne ("SELECT, COUNT(*), SUM(WebUserPaying.shares) AS shrs, Balance.amount FROM WebUserPaying JOIN Balance ON WebUserPaying.bal = GROUP BY, Balance.amount HAVING amount < " ^ C.realToSql deposit ^ " + " ^ C.realToSql (basePerMonth * 2.0) ^ " * SUM(WebUserPaying.shares)"); C.close db; OS.Process.success end handle C.Sql s => (print ("SQL failure: " ^ s ^ "\n"); OS.Process.failure) end