structure Poll :> POLL = struct open Util Sql Init type poll = {id : int, usr : int, title : string, descr : string, starts : string, ends : string, votes : int} fun mkPollRow [id, usr, title, descr, starts, ends, votes] = {id = C.intFromSql id, usr = C.intFromSql usr, title = C.stringFromSql title, descr = C.stringFromSql descr, starts = C.stringFromSql starts, ends = C.stringFromSql ends, votes = C.intFromSql votes} | mkPollRow row = Init.rowError ("poll", row) fun lookupPoll id = case C.oneOrNoRows (getDb ()) ($`SELECT id, usr, title, descr, starts, ends, votes FROM Poll WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id)`) of NONE => raise Fail "Poll not found" | SOME row => mkPollRow row fun listPolls () = (getDb ()) mkPollRow ($`SELECT id, usr, title, descr, starts, ends, votes FROM Poll ORDER BY ends, starts DESC, title`) fun listCurrentPolls () = (getDb ()) mkPollRow ($`SELECT id, usr, title, descr, starts, ends, votes FROM Poll WHERE EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM starts) <= EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM CURRENT_DATE) AND EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ends) >= EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM CURRENT_DATE) ORDER BY ends, starts DESC, title`) fun listPollsLimit lim = (getDb ()) mkPollRow ($`SELECT id, usr, title, descr, starts, ends, votes FROM Poll ORDER BY starts DESC, ends, title LIMIT ^(C.intToSql lim)`) fun addPoll (usr, title, descr, starts, ends, votes) = let val db = getDb () val id = nextSeq (db, "PollSeq") in C.dml db ($`INSERT INTO Poll (id, usr, title, descr, starts, ends, votes) VALUES (^(C.intToSql id), ^(C.intToSql usr), ^(C.stringToSql title), ^(C.stringToSql descr), ^(C.stringToSql starts), ^(C.stringToSql ends), ^(C.intToSql votes))`); id end fun modPoll (poll : poll) = let val db = getDb () in ignore (C.dml db ($`UPDATE Poll SET usr = ^(C.intToSql (#usr poll)), title = ^(C.stringToSql (#title poll)), descr = ^(C.stringToSql (#descr poll)), starts = ^(C.stringToSql (#starts poll)), ends = ^(C.stringToSql (#ends poll)), votes = ^(C.intToSql (#votes poll)) WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql (#id poll))`)) end fun deletePoll id = ignore (C.dml (getDb ()) ($`DELETE FROM Poll WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id)`)) (* Poll choices *) type choice = {id : int, pol : int, seq : real, descr : string} fun mkChoiceRow [id, pol, seq, descr] = {id = C.intFromSql id, pol = C.intFromSql pol, seq = C.realFromSql seq, descr = C.stringFromSql descr} | mkChoiceRow row = Init.rowError ("choice", row) fun lookupChoice id = case C.oneOrNoRows (getDb ()) ($`SELECT id, pol, seq, descr FROM PollChoice WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id)`) of NONE => raise Fail "Poll choice not found" | SOME row => mkChoiceRow row fun listChoices pol = (getDb ()) mkChoiceRow ($`SELECT id, pol, seq, descr FROM PollChoice WHERE pol = ^(C.intToSql pol) ORDER BY seq`) val mkChoiceRow' = fn (yours :: total :: rest) => (not (C.isNull yours) andalso C.intFromSql yours <> 0, if C.isNull total then 0 else C.intFromSql total, mkChoiceRow rest) | row => Init.rowError ("choice'", row) fun listChoicesWithVotes pol = (getDb ()) mkChoiceRow' ($`SELECT (SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM Vote V WHERE V.cho = id AND V.usr = ^(C.intToSql (Init.getUserId ()))), (SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM Vote V WHERE V.cho = id) AS total, id, pol, seq, descr FROM PollChoice WHERE pol = ^(C.intToSql pol) ORDER BY total DESC, seq`) val mkChoiceRow'' = fn (yours :: rest) => (not (C.isNull yours) andalso C.intFromSql yours <> 0, mkChoiceRow rest) | row => Init.rowError ("choice''", row) fun listChoicesWithMyVotes pol = (getDb ()) mkChoiceRow'' ($`SELECT (SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM Vote V WHERE V.cho = id AND V.usr = ^(C.intToSql (Init.getUserId ()))), id, pol, seq, descr FROM PollChoice WHERE pol = ^(C.intToSql pol) ORDER BY seq`) fun addChoice (pol, seq, descr) = let val db = getDb () val id = nextSeq (db, "PollChoiceSeq") in C.dml db ($`INSERT INTO PollChoice (id, pol, seq, descr) VALUES (^(C.intToSql id), ^(C.intToSql pol), ^(C.realToSql seq), ^(C.stringToSql descr))`); id end fun modChoice (choice : choice) = let val db = getDb () in ignore (C.dml db ($`UPDATE PollChoice SET pol = ^(C.intToSql (#pol choice)), seq = ^(C.realToSql (#seq choice)), descr = ^(C.stringToSql (#descr choice)) WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql (#id choice))`)) end fun deleteChoice id = ignore (C.dml (getDb ()) ($`DELETE FROM PollChoice WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id)`)) (* Member voting *) fun vote (usr, pol, chos) = let val db = getDb () fun voteOnce cho = ignore (C.dml db ($`INSERT INTO Vote (usr, cho) VALUES (^(C.intToSql usr), ^(C.intToSql cho))`)) in ignore (C.dml db ($`DELETE FROM Vote WHERE cho IN (SELECT id FROM PollChoice WHERE pol = ^(C.intToSql pol)) AND usr = ^(C.intToSql usr)`)); app voteOnce chos end (* Date comparison *) fun dateLe (d1, d2) = case C.oneRow (getDb ()) ($`SELECT (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM DATE ^(C.stringToSql d1)) <= EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM DATE ^(C.stringToSql d2)))`) of [res] => C.boolFromSql res | row => Init.rowError ("dateLe", row) fun dateGeNow d = case C.oneRow (getDb ()) ($`SELECT (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM CURRENT_DATE) <= EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM DATE ^(C.stringToSql d)))`) of [res] => C.boolFromSql res | row => Init.rowError ("dateGeNow", row) fun dateLeNow d = case C.oneRow (getDb ()) ($`SELECT (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM CURRENT_DATE) >= EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM DATE ^(C.stringToSql d)))`) of [res] => C.boolFromSql res | row => Init.rowError ("dateLeNow", row) fun dateLtNow d = case C.oneRow (getDb ()) ($`SELECT (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM CURRENT_DATE) > EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM DATE ^(C.stringToSql d)))`) of [res] => C.boolFromSql res | row => Init.rowError ("dateLtNow", row) fun canModify (poll : poll) = Group.inGroupName "poll" orelse (#usr poll = Init.getUserId() andalso dateLtNow (#starts poll)) fun requireCanModify poll = if canModify poll then () else raise Init.Access "Not authorized to edit that poll" fun nextSeq pol = case C.oneRow (getDb ()) ($`SELECT MAX(seq)+1 FROM PollChoice WHERE pol = ^(C.intToSql pol)`) of [max] => if C.isNull max then 1.0 else C.realFromSql max | row => Init.rowError ("nextSeq", row) fun takingVotes (poll : poll) = dateLeNow (#starts poll) andalso dateGeNow (#ends poll) fun noDupes l = case l of [] => true | h::t => List.all (fn x => x <> h) t andalso noDupes t fun listVoters cho = (getDb ()) mkUserRow ($`SELECT id, name, rname, bal, joined FROM WebUser, Vote WHERE usr = id AND cho = ^(C.intToSql cho) ORDER BY name`) end