#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- python -*- from hcoopstripe import * import stripe, cgi, psycopg2, cgitb, datetime, smtplib hcoop_stripe_init () # Get the credit card details submitted by the form request_params = cgi.FieldStorage() request_command = request_params.getvalue ('cmd', 'none'); assert request_command != 'none', 'No command given.' # Create the charge on Stripe's servers - this will charge the user's card if request_command == 'member_payment': token = request_params.getvalue ('stripeToken') webuser_id = request_params.getvalue('webuser_id') member_name = request_params.getvalue('webuser_name') amount = request_params.getvalue('stripeDues') with stripe_error_handling (): charge = stripe.Charge.create( amount=amount, currency="usd", card=token, description='Payment for member {0}'.format (member_name)) with stripe_refund_on_error (charge): # assert charge.card.address_line1_check == 'pass', 'Address verification failed or unknown.' assert charge.card.cvc_check == 'pass', 'CVC verification failed or unknown.' # assert charge.card.address_zip_check == 'pass', 'Zipcode verification failed or unknown.' balance = stripe.BalanceTransaction.retrieve (charge.balance_transaction) conn = psycopg2.connect ('dbname=hcoop_portal3 user=hcoop host=postgres port=5433') cur = conn.cursor () cur.execute ('insert into stripe_payment (charge_id, card_name, webuser_id, paid_on, gross, fee) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', (charge.id, charge.card.name, webuser_id, datetime.date.today (), charge.amount, balance.fee)) conn.commit () notify_payment (charge, member_name) stripe_success ('/portal/portal?cmd=stripeSuccess') else: assert False, 'Invalid command.' # Use mod_authz_groupfile to store money/root # (All hcoop members should be able to use this!) # [support Satisfy? Satisfy: all is OK for now...] # Whenever groups are updated in the portal, write the file # make sure to store the file outside of the web root (duh) # only users in money/root can do reject/adduser # common code should go into a module (feh!) # application_payment in one cgi (anyone) # member_payment in another (only kerberos users) # reject_payment / capture_application_payment (kerberos + inGroup {money, root}) # If there is a way to allow all and check the group info # here... maybe investigate, but beware security holes # alt: libapache2-mod-authnz-external + db helper script # can use ExternalGroup, check kerberos user is in group specified in # another env var