<% val you = Init.getUser(); val bal = Balance.lookupBalance (#bal you); val deposit = Balance.depositAmount (#id bal); val showBal = Util.sub (#amount bal, deposit); @header [] %>

Notice: Transition to Upgraded Servers in Progress

We are now providing a more powerful shell server and web server running Debian Squeeze. All members must take action to run their services on the new machines. There are also changes to mail routing that require action by most members. Read the migration guide for details on what you need to do to keep your account working. We have also called a roll call, so check your spam folder for recent mail from hcoop if you have not received it.

<% @payment [] %>

Your recent account activity

<% ref running = showBal %> <% foreach (amount, trn) in Money.listUserTransactionsLimit (Init.getUserId (), 5) do %> <% running := Util.sub (running, amount) end %>
Date Description Amount Balance
<% #d trn %> <% Web.html (#descr trn) %> <% amount %>/<% #amount trn %> <% running %>
Show all transactions
Balance: $<% showBal %>
Deposit: $<% deposit %> (3 months of dues at the minimal pledge level) <% val polls = Poll.listCurrentPolls (); switch polls of _::_ => %>

Current polls

<% foreach pol in polls do %>
  • <% Web.html (#title pol) %> <% if Poll.takingVotes pol then %>[VOTE]<% end %> (<% Web.html (#starts pol) %> to <% Web.html (#ends pol) %>)
  • <% end end %> <% val issues = Support.listOpenIssues (#id you); switch issues of _::_ => %>

    Open support issues

    <% foreach (name, issue) in issues do %> <% name %>: <% Web.html (#title issue) %> <% switch #status issue of Support.NEW => %>(New)<% | Support.PENDING => %>(Pending)<% | Support.CLOSED => %>(Closed)<% end %>
    <% end end; val {total, vhosts} = Stats.getWebbwUser {user = Init.getUserName (), last = 0}; switch vhosts of _ :: _ => %>

    Your web traffic this month

    <% foreach e in vhosts do %> <% end %>
    Site Data transferred (kB)
    <% #hostname (#host e) %><% if #ssl (#host e) then %> (SSL)<% end %> [detail]<% #size e %>
    <% end; @footer [] %>