Show running balances on transaction summaries
[hcoop/portal.git] / sec.mlt
... / ...
1<% val you = Init.getUserId ();
2val yourname = Init.getUserName ();
4val nodeNum = case $"node" of
5 "" => 2
6 | node => Web.stoi node;
7val nodeName = Init.nodeName nodeNum;
9val uname = case $"uname" of
10 "" => yourname
11 | uname => uname;
13val socks = Sec.socketPerms {node = nodeNum, uname = uname};
14val tpe = Sec.isTpe {node = nodeNum, uname = uname};
15val cron = Sec.cronAllowed {node = nodeNum, uname = uname};
16val ftp = Sec.ftpAllowed {node = nodeNum, uname = uname};
18ref showNormal = true;
20@header [("title", ["Security settings"])];
22if $"cmd" = "socks" then
23 showNormal := false;
24 val socks = $"socks";
25 %>Are you sure you want to request that socket permissions for <b><% Web.html uname %></b> on <b><% Web.html nodeName %></b> be changed to <b><% Web.html socks %></b>?<br>
26 <a href="sec?cmd=socks2&node=<% nodeNum %>&uname=<% Web.urlEncode uname %>&socks=<% Web.urlEncode socks %>&msg=<% Web.urlEncode ($"msg") %>">Yes, place the request!</a><%
27elseif $"cmd" = "socks2" then
28 val id = Sec.Req.add {usr = you, node = nodeNum, data = String.concat [uname, ": change socket permissions to ", $"socks"], msg = $"msg"};
29 if not (Sec.Req.notifyNew id) then
30 %><h3>Error sending e-mail notification</h3><%
31 end
32 %><h3>Request added</h3><%
34elseif $"cmd" = "tpe" then
35 showNormal := false;
36 val tpe = iff $"tpe" = "yes" then "on" else "off";
37 %>Are you sure you want to request that trusted-path-executables-only for <b><% Web.html uname %></b> on <b><% Web.html nodeName %></b> be turned <b><% tpe %></b>?<br>
38 <a href="sec?cmd=tpe2&node=<% nodeNum %>&uname=<% Web.urlEncode uname %>&tpe=<% tpe %>&msg=<% Web.urlEncode ($"msg") %>">Yes, place the request!</a><%
39elseif $"cmd" = "tpe2" then
40 val id = Sec.Req.add {usr = you, node = nodeNum, data = String.concat [uname, ": turn tpe ", $"tpe"], msg = $"msg"};
41 if not (Sec.Req.notifyNew id) then
42 %><h3>Error sending e-mail notification</h3><%
43 end
44 %><h3>Request added</h3><%
46elseif $"cmd" = "cron" then
47 showNormal := false;
48 val cron = iff $"cron" = "yes" then "enabled" else "disabled";
49 %>Are you sure you want to request that <tt>cron</tt> permissions for <b><% Web.html uname %></b> on <b><% Web.html nodeName %></b> be <b><% cron %></b>?<br>
50 <a href="sec?cmd=cron2&node=<% nodeNum %>&uname=<% Web.urlEncode uname %>&cron=<% cron %>&msg=<% Web.urlEncode ($"msg") %>">Yes, place the request!</a><%
51elseif $"cmd" = "cron2" then
52 val cron = iff $"cron" = "enabled" then "enable" else "disable";
53 val id = Sec.Req.add {usr = you, node = nodeNum, data = String.concat [uname, ": ", cron, " cron access"], msg = $"msg"};
54 if not (Sec.Req.notifyNew id) then
55 %><h3>Error sending e-mail notification</h3><%
56 end
57 %><h3>Request added</h3><%
59elseif $"cmd" = "ftp" then
60 showNormal := false;
61 val ftp = iff $"ftp" = "yes" then "enabled" else "disabled";
62 %>Are you sure you want to request that FTP permissions for <b><% Web.html uname %></b> on <b><% Web.html nodeName %></b> be <b><% ftp %></b>?<br>
63 <a href="sec?cmd=ftp2&node=<% nodeNum %>&uname=<% Web.urlEncode uname %>&ftp=<% ftp %>&msg=<% Web.urlEncode ($"msg") %>">Yes, place the request!</a><%
64elseif $"cmd" = "ftp2" then
65 val ftp = iff $"ftp" = "enabled" then "enable" else "disable";
66 val id = Sec.Req.add {usr = you, node = nodeNum, data = String.concat [uname, ": ", ftp, " FTP access"], msg = $"msg"};
67 if not (Sec.Req.notifyNew id) then
68 %><h3>Error sending e-mail notification</h3><%
69 end
70 %><h3>Request added</h3><%
72elseif $"cmd" = "rule" then
73 showNormal := false;
74 val rule = $"rule";
76 if Sec.validRule rule then
77 %>Are you sure you want to request the firewall rule <b><% Web.html uname %>&nbsp;<% Web.html rule %></b> on <b><% Web.html nodeName %></b>?<br>
78 <a href="sec?cmd=rule2&node=<% nodeNum %>&uname=<% Web.urlEncode uname %>&rule=<% Web.urlEncode rule %>&msg=<% Web.urlEncode ($"msg") %>">Yes, place the request!</a><%
79 else
80 %>"<% Web.html rule %>" is not a valid firewall rule! Please reread <a href="">the instructions</a>, and remember to leave off the initial username portion.<%
81 end
83elseif $"cmd" = "rule2" then
84 val rule = $"rule";
86 if Sec.validRule rule then
87 val id = Sec.Req.add {usr = you, node = nodeNum, data = String.concat ["Add firewall rule \"", uname, " ", rule, "\""], msg = $"msg"};
88 if not (Sec.Req.notifyNew id) then
89 %><h3>Error sending e-mail notification</h3><%
90 end
91 %><h3>Request added</h3><%
92 else
93 %>"<% Web.html rule %>" is not a valid firewall rule! Please reread <a href="">the instructions</a>, and remember to leave off the initial username portion.<%
94 end
96elseif $"modRule" <> "" then
97 showNormal := false;
98 val oldRule = $"modRule";
99 val rule = $"rule"
100 if oldRule = rule then
101 %>You didn't modify the textbox for this rule before clicking the button, so there is no request to be made.<%
102 else
103 %>Are you sure you want to request that firewall rule <b><% Web.html uname %>&nbsp;<% Web.html oldRule %></b> be replaced by <b><% Web.html uname %>&nbsp;<% Web.html rule %></b> on <b><% Web.html nodeName %></b>?<br>
104 <a href="sec?node=<% nodeNum %>&uname=<% Web.urlEncode uname %>&modRule2=<% Web.urlEncode oldRule %>&rule=<% Web.urlEncode rule %>&msg=<% Web.urlEncode ($"msg") %>">Yes, place the request!</a><%
105 end
106elseif $"modRule2" <> "" then
107 val id = Sec.Req.add {usr = you, node = nodeNum, data = String.concat ["Change firewall rule \"", uname, " ", $"modRule2", "\" to \"", uname, " ", $"rule", "\""], msg = $"msg"};
108 if not (Sec.Req.notifyNew id) then
109 %><h3>Error sending e-mail notification</h3><%
110 end
111 %><h3>Request added</h3><%
113elseif $"delRule" <> "" then
114 showNormal := false;
115 val oldRule = $"delRule";
116 %>Are you sure you want to request that firewall rule <b><% Web.html uname %>&nbsp;<% Web.html oldRule %></b> on <b><% Web.html nodeName %></b> be <b>deleted</bD>?<br>
117 <a href="sec?node=<% nodeNum %>&uname=<% Web.urlEncode uname %>&delRule2=<% Web.urlEncode oldRule %>&msg=<% Web.urlEncode ($"msg") %>">Yes, place the request!</a><%
118elseif $"delRule2" <> "" then
119 val id = Sec.Req.add {usr = you, node = nodeNum, data = String.concat ["Delete firewall rule \"", uname, " ", $"delRule2", "\""], msg = $"msg"};
120 if not (Sec.Req.notifyNew id) then
121 %><h3>Error sending e-mail notification</h3><%
122 end
123 %><h3>Request added</h3><%
125elseif $"cmd" = "open" then
126 showNormal := false;
127 Group.requireGroupName "server";
128 %><h3>Open requests</h3>
129 <a href="sec?cmd=list">List all requests</a><%
131 foreach (name, req) in Sec.Req.listOpen () do %>
133<table class="blanks">
134<tr> <td>By:</td> <td><a href="user?id=<% #usr req %>"><% name %></a></td> </tr>
135<tr> <td>Time:</td> <td><% #stamp req %> (<% Util.diffFromNow (#stamp req) %> ago)</td></tr>
136<tr> <td>Node:</td> <td><% Web.html (Init.nodeName (#node req)) %></td> </tr>
137<tr> <td>Request:</td> <td><% #data req %></td> </tr>
138<tr> <td>Msg:</td> <td colspan="2"><% Web.html (#msg req) %></td> </tr>
142<a href="sec?mod=<% #id req %>">[Modify]</a>
143<a href="sec?del=<% #id req %>">[Delete]</a><br>
145<% end
147elseif $"cmd" = "list" then
148 showNormal := false;
149 Group.requireGroupName "server"
150 %><h3>All requests</h3><%
152 foreach (name, req) in Sec.Req.list () do %>
154<table class="blanks">
155<tr> <td>By:</td> <td colspan="2"><a href="user?id=<% #usr req %>"><% name %></a></td> </tr>
156<tr> <td>Time:</td> <td colspan="2"><% #stamp req %> (<% Util.diffFromNow (#stamp req) %> ago)</td></tr>
157<tr> <td>Node:</td> <td><% Web.html (Init.nodeName (#node req)) %></td> </tr>
158<tr> <td>Request:</td> <td><% #data req %></td> </tr>
159<tr> <td>Reason:</td> <td colspan="2"><% Web.html (#msg req) %></td> </tr>
163<a href="sec?mod=<% #id req %>">[Modify]</a>
164<a href="sec?del=<% #id req %>">[Delete]</a>
166<% end
168elseif $"mod" <> "" then
169 showNormal := false;
170 Group.requireGroupName "server";
171 val id = Web.stoi ($"mod");
172 val req = Sec.Req.lookup id;
173 val user = Init.lookupUser (#usr req) %>
174<h3>Handle request</h3>
176<form action="sec" method="post">
177<input type="hidden" name="save" value="<% id %>">
178<table class="blanks">
179<tr> <td>Requestor:</td> <td><a href="user?id=<% #usr req %>"><% #name user %></a></td> </tr>
180<tr> <td>Time:</td> <td><% #stamp req %> (<% Util.diffFromNow (#stamp req) %> ago)</td></tr>
181<tr> <td>Status:</td> <td><select name="status">
182 <option value="0"<% if #status req = Sec.Req.NEW then %> selected<% end %>>New</option>
183 <option value="1"<% if #status req = Sec.Req.INSTALLED then %> selected<% end %>>Installed</option>
184 <option value="2"<% if #status req = Sec.Req.REJECTED then %> selected<% end %>>Rejected</option>
185</select></td> </tr>
186<tr> <td>Node:</td> <td><select name="node">
187<% foreach node in Init.listNodes () do %>
188 <option value="<% #id node %>"<% if nodeNum = #node req then %> selected<% end %>><% Web.html (#name node) %> (<% Web.html (#descr node) %>)</option>
189<% end %></select></td> </tr>
190<tr> <td>Request:</td> <td><input name="req" value="<% #data req %>"></td> </tr>
191<tr> <td>Message:</td> <td><textarea name="msg" rows="10" cols="80" wrap="soft"><% Web.html (#msg req) %></textarea></td> </tr>
192<tr> <td><input type="submit" value="Save"></td> </tr>
196<% elseif $"save" <> "" then
197 showNormal := false;
198 Group.requireGroupName "server";
199 val id = Web.stoi ($"save");
200 val req = Sec.Req.lookup id;
201 val oldStatus = #status req;
202 val newStatus = Sec.Req.statusFromInt (Web.stoi ($"status"));
203 Sec.Req.modify {req with node = nodeNum, data = $"req", msg = $"msg", status = newStatus};
204 if oldStatus <> newStatus then
205 if not (Sec.Req.notifyMod {old = oldStatus, new = newStatus, changer = Init.getUserName(), req = id}) then
206 %><h3>Error sending e-mail notification</h3><%
207 end
208 end
209 %><h3>Request modified</h3>
210 Back to: <a href="sec?cmd=open">open requests</a>, <a href="sec?cmd=list">all requests</a>
212<% elseif $"del" <> "" then
213 showNormal := false;
214 Group.requireGroupName "server";
215 val id = Web.stoi ($"del");
216 val req = Sec.Req.lookup id;
217 val user = Init.lookupUser (#usr req)
218 %><h3>Are you sure you want to delete request by <% #name user %> for "<% #data req %>" on <% Web.html (Init.nodeName (#node req)) %>?</h3>
219 <a href="sec?del2=<% id %>">Yes, I'm sure!</a>
221<% elseif $"del2" <> "" then
222 showNormal := false;
223 Group.requireGroupName "server";
224 val id = Web.stoi ($"del2");
225 Sec.Req.delete id
226 %><h3>Request deleted</b><h3>
227 Back to: <a href="sec?cmd=open">open requests</a>, <a href="sec?cmd=list">all requests</a>
229<% end;
231if showNormal then %>
233<table class="blanks">
234<form action="sec" method="post">
235<input type="hidden" name="uname" value="<% Web.html uname %>">
236<tr> <td>Machines:</td> <td><select name="node">
237<% foreach node in Init.listNodes () do %>
238 <option value="<% #id node %>"<% if nodeNum = #id node then %> selected<% end %>><% Web.html (#name node) %> (<% Web.html (#descr node) %>)</option>
239<% end %></select></td>
240<td><input type="submit" value="Switch"></td> </tr>
242<form action="sec" method="post">
243<input type="hidden" name="node" value="<% nodeNum %>">
244<tr> <td>Your users:</td> <td><select name="uname">
245<% foreach name in (yourname :: Sec.findSubusers yourname) do %>
246 <option value="<% name %>"<% if uname = name then %> selected<% end %>><% name %></option>
247<% end %></select></td>
248<td><input type="submit" value="Switch"></td> </tr>
252<!--h3>Request socket permissions change</h3>
254<p>You need to request socket permissions before you are able to open any network connections. While you will be limited by firewall rules even then, any requests for firewall rules you enter in the "Reason" blank here <b>will be ignored</b>. Please use the separate form at the bottom of this page for that. There is no need to wait until a request for socket permissions has been granted before starting to request firewall rules.</p>
256<p>Keep in mind that, if your request is granted, it will never apply to existing log-in sessions. Close them and re-connect to take advantage of your new privileges.</p>
258<form action="sec" method="post">
259<input type="hidden" name="node" value="<% nodeNum %>">
260<input type="hidden" name="uname" value="<% uname %>">
261<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="socks">
262<table class="blanks">
263<tr> <td>New permissions:</td> <td><select name="socks">
264 <option value="none"<% if socks = Sec.NADA then %> selected<% end %>>None</option>
265 <option value="any"<% if socks = Sec.ANY then %> selected<% end %>>Any</option>
266 <option value="client"<% if socks = Sec.CLIENT_ONLY then %> selected<% end %>>Client only</option>
267 <option value="server"<% if socks = Sec.SERVER_ONLY then %> selected<% end %>>Server only</option>
268</select></td> </tr>
269<tr> <td>Reason:</td> <td><textarea name="msg" wrap="soft" rows="3" cols="80"></textarea></td> </tr>
270<tr> <td><input type="submit" value="Request"></td> </tr>
274<h3>Request change to your execute permissions</h3>
276<form action="sec" method="post">
277<input type="hidden" name="node" value="<% nodeNum %>">
278<input type="hidden" name="uname" value="<% uname %>">
279<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="tpe">
280<table class="blanks">
281<tr> <td>Trusted path executables only?</td> <td><select name="tpe">
282 <option value="no"<% if not tpe then %> selected<% end %>>No</option>
283 <option value="yes"<% if tpe then %> selected<% end %>>Yes</option>
284</select></td> </tr>
285<tr> <td>Reason:</td> <td><textarea name="msg" wrap="soft" rows="3" cols="80"></textarea></td> </tr>
286<tr> <td><input type="submit" value="Request"></td> </tr>
290<h3>Request change to your <tt>cron</tt> permissions</h3>
292<form action="sec" method="post">
293<input type="hidden" name="node" value="<% nodeNum %>">
294<input type="hidden" name="uname" value="<% uname %>">
295<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="cron">
296<table class="blanks">
297<tr> <td>Allowed to use cron?</td> <td><select name="cron">
298 <option value="no"<% if not cron then %> selected<% end %>>No</option>
299 <option value="yes"<% if cron then %> selected<% end %>>Yes</option>
300</select></td> </tr>
301<tr> <td>Reason:</td> <td><textarea name="msg" wrap="soft" rows="3" cols="80"></textarea></td> </tr>
302<tr> <td><input type="submit" value="Request"></td> </tr>
306<h3>Request change to your FTP permissions</h3>
308<p>Please read <a href="">our wiki instructions on file transfer</a> before requesting FTP access. Almost everyone should use alternative protocols to FTP that provide superior security benefits.</p>
310<form action="sec" method="post">
311<input type="hidden" name="node" value="<% nodeNum %>">
312<input type="hidden" name="uname" value="<% uname %>">
313<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="ftp">
314<table class="blanks">
315<tr> <td>Allowed to use FTP?</td> <td><select name="ftp">
316 <option value="no"<% if not ftp then %> selected<% end %>>No</option>
317 <option value="yes"<% if ftp then %> selected<% end %>>Yes</option>
318</select></td> </tr>
319<tr> <td>Reason:</td> <td><textarea name="msg" wrap="soft" rows="3" cols="80"></textarea></td> </tr>
320<tr> <td><input type="submit" value="Request"></td> </tr>
324<% val rules = Sec.findFirewallRules {node = nodeNum, uname = uname};
325switch rules of
326 _::_ => %>
327<h3>Your firewall rules</h3>
329<% foreach rule in rules do %>
330<form action="sec" method="post">
331<input type="hidden" name="node" value="<% nodeNum %>">
332<input type="hidden" name="uname" value="<% uname %>">
333<input type="hidden" name="modRule" value="<% Web.html rule %>">
334<input name="rule" value="<% Web.html rule %>">
335<a href="sec?delRule=<% Web.urlEncode rule %>">[Request deletion]</a>
336<input type="submit" value="Request change">
338<% end
341<h3>Request a new firewall rule</h3>
343<p><b>This form isn't needed yet to allow you to use any port. However, if you request a rule here, you can be sure it will be added when we first implement firewalls on our new servers. Otherwise, your custom services may stop working.</b></p>
345<p>You can find a description of rule formats <a href="">on our wiki</a>. Enter here the rule you want, without the initial <tt>user</tt> portion.</p>
347<p>Please note that <b>your firewall rule will be useless</b> if you don't first request the corresponding socket privileges at the top of this page. Also, common ports like 80 (HTTP) are open to everyone with socket permissions. Verify that you can't access a port after socket permissions have been granted before requesting a special rule here.</p>
349<p>We very rarely grant requests for Client rules that don't include remote host whitelists. For example, important security concerns make it a bad idea for us to give anybody blanket IRC permissions. Instead, request specific servers. We will refuse such requests that include networks that are popularly considered fronts for illegal activity.</p>
351<form action="sec" method="post">
352<input type="hidden" name="node" value="<% nodeNum %>">
353<input type="hidden" name="uname" value="<% uname %>">
354<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="rule">
355<table class="blanks">
356<tr> <td>Rule</td> <td><input name="rule" size="80"></td> </tr>
357<tr> <td>Reason:</td> <td><textarea name="msg" wrap="soft" rows="3" cols="80"></textarea></td> </tr>
358<tr> <td><input type="submit" value="Request"></td> </tr>
362<% end %>
364<% @footer[] %>