(* HCoop Domtool (http://hcoop.sourceforge.net/) * Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Adam Chlipala * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *) (* Domain-related primitive actions *) structure Domain :> DOMAIN = struct open MsgTypes structure SM = DataStructures.StringMap structure SS = DataStructures.StringSet val ssl_context = ref (NONE : OpenSSL.context option) fun set_context ctx = ssl_context := SOME ctx val nodes = map #1 Config.nodeIps val nodeMap = foldl (fn ((node, ip), mp) => SM.insert (mp, node, ip)) SM.empty Config.nodeIps fun nodeIp node = valOf (SM.find (nodeMap, node)) val usr = ref "" fun getUser () = !usr val fakePrivs = ref false val isClient = ref false val your_doms = ref SS.empty fun your_domains () = !your_doms val your_usrs = ref SS.empty fun your_users () = !your_usrs val your_grps = ref SS.empty fun your_groups () = !your_grps val your_pths = ref SS.empty fun your_paths () = !your_pths val your_ipss = ref SS.empty fun your_ips () = !your_ipss val world_readable = SS.addList (SS.empty, Config.worldReadable) val readable_pths = ref world_readable fun readable_paths () = !readable_pths fun setUser user = let val () = usr := user val your_paths = Acl.class {user = getUser (), class = "path"} in fakePrivs := false; your_doms := Acl.class {user = getUser (), class = "domain"}; your_usrs := Acl.class {user = getUser (), class = "user"}; your_grps := Acl.class {user = getUser (), class = "group"}; your_pths := your_paths; readable_pths := SS.union (your_paths, world_readable); your_ipss := Acl.class {user = getUser (), class = "ip"} end fun declareClient () = isClient := true fun fakePrivileges () = if !isClient then fakePrivs := true else raise Fail "Tried to fake privileges as non-client" fun validIp s = case map Int.fromString (String.fields (fn ch => ch = #".") s) of [SOME n1, SOME n2, SOME n3, SOME n4] => n1 >= 0 andalso n1 < 256 andalso n2 >= 0 andalso n2 < 256 andalso n3 >= 0 andalso n3 < 256 andalso n4 >= 0 andalso n4 < 256 | _ => false fun isHexDigit ch = Char.isDigit ch orelse (ord ch >= ord #"a" andalso ord ch <= ord #"f") fun validIpv6 s = let val fields = String.fields (fn ch => ch = #":") s val empties = foldl (fn ("", n) => n + 1 | (_, n) => n) 0 fields fun noIpv4 maxLen = length fields >= 2 andalso length fields <= maxLen andalso empties <= 1 andalso List.all (fn "" => true | s => size s <= 4 andalso CharVector.all isHexDigit s) fields fun hasIpv4 () = length fields > 0 andalso let val maybeIpv4 = List.last fields val theRest = List.take (fields, length fields - 1) in validIp maybeIpv4 andalso noIpv4 6 end in noIpv4 8 orelse hasIpv4 () end fun isIdent ch = Char.isLower ch orelse Char.isDigit ch fun validHost s = size s > 0 andalso size s < 50 andalso CharVector.all (fn ch => isIdent ch orelse ch = #"-") s fun validDomain s = size s > 0 andalso size s < 200 andalso List.all validHost (String.fields (fn ch => ch = #".") s) fun validNode s = List.exists (fn s' => s = s') nodes fun yourDomain s = !fakePrivs orelse SS.member (your_domains (), s) fun yourUser s = !fakePrivs orelse SS.member (your_users (), s) fun yourGroup s = !fakePrivs orelse SS.member (your_groups (), s) fun checkPath paths path = !fakePrivs orelse (List.all (fn s => s <> "..") (String.fields (fn ch => ch = #"/") path) andalso CharVector.all (fn ch => Char.isAlphaNum ch orelse ch = #"." orelse ch = #"/" orelse ch = #"-" orelse ch = #"_") path andalso SS.exists (fn s' => path = s' orelse String.isPrefix (s' ^ "/") path) (paths ())) val yourPath = checkPath your_paths val readablePath = checkPath readable_paths fun yourIp s = !fakePrivs orelse SS.member (your_ips (), s) fun yourDomainHost s = !fakePrivs orelse yourDomain s orelse let val (pref, suf) = Substring.splitl (fn ch => ch <> #".") (Substring.full s) in Substring.size suf > 0 andalso validHost (Substring.string pref) andalso yourDomain (Substring.string (Substring.slice (suf, 1, NONE))) end val yourDomain = yourDomainHost fun validUser s = size s > 0 andalso size s < 20 andalso CharVector.all Char.isAlphaNum s fun validEmailUser s = size s > 0 andalso size s < 50 andalso CharVector.all (fn ch => Char.isAlphaNum ch orelse ch = #"." orelse ch = #"_" orelse ch = #"-" orelse ch = #"+") s val validGroup = validUser val _ = Env.type_one "no_spaces" Env.string (CharVector.all (fn ch => Char.isPrint ch andalso not (Char.isSpace ch) andalso ch <> #"\"" andalso ch <> #"'")) val _ = Env.type_one "no_newlines" Env.string (CharVector.all (fn ch => Char.isPrint ch andalso ch <> #"\n" andalso ch <> #"\r" andalso ch <> #"\"")) val _ = Env.type_one "ip" Env.string validIp val _ = Env.type_one "ipv6" Env.string validIpv6 val _ = Env.type_one "host" Env.string validHost val _ = Env.type_one "domain" Env.string validDomain val _ = Env.type_one "your_domain" Env.string yourDomain val _ = Env.type_one "your_domain_host" Env.string yourDomainHost val _ = Env.type_one "user" Env.string validUser val _ = Env.type_one "group" Env.string validGroup val _ = Env.type_one "your_user" Env.string yourUser val _ = Env.type_one "your_group" Env.string yourGroup val _ = Env.type_one "your_path" Env.string yourPath val _ = Env.type_one "readable_path" Env.string readablePath val _ = Env.type_one "your_ip" Env.string yourIp val _ = Env.type_one "node" Env.string validNode val _ = Env.registerFunction ("your_ip_to_ip", fn [e] => SOME e | _ => NONE) val _ = Env.registerFunction ("dns_node_to_node", fn [e] => SOME e | _ => NONE) val _ = Env.registerFunction ("mail_node_to_node", fn [e] => SOME e | _ => NONE) open Ast val dl = ErrorMsg.dummyLoc val _ = Env.registerFunction ("end_in_slash", fn [(EString "", _)] => SOME (EString "/", dl) | [(EString s, _)] => SOME (EString (if String.sub (s, size s - 1) = #"/" then s else s ^ "/"), dl) | _ => NONE) val nsD = (EString Config.defaultNs, dl) val serialD = (EVar "serialAuto", dl) val refD = (EInt Config.defaultRefresh, dl) val retD = (EInt Config.defaultRetry, dl) val expD = (EInt Config.defaultExpiry, dl) val minD = (EInt Config.defaultMinimum, dl) val soaD = multiApp ((EVar "soa", dl), dl, [nsD, serialD, refD, retD, expD, minD]) val masterD = (EApp ((EVar "internalMaster", dl), (EString Config.masterNode, dl)), dl) val slavesD = (EList (map (fn s => (EString s, dl)) Config.slaveNodes), dl) val _ = Defaults.registerDefault ("Aliases", (TList (TBase "your_domain", dl), dl), (fn () => (EList [], dl))) val _ = Defaults.registerDefault ("Mailbox", (TBase "email", dl), (fn () => (EString (getUser ()), dl))) val _ = Defaults.registerDefault ("DNS", (TBase "dnsKind", dl), (fn () => multiApp ((EVar "useDns", dl), dl, [soaD, masterD, slavesD]))) val _ = Defaults.registerDefault ("TTL", (TBase "int", dl), (fn () => (EInt Config.Bind.defaultTTL, dl))) type soa = {ns : string, serial : int option, ref : int, ret : int, exp : int, min : int} val serial = fn (EVar "serialAuto", _) => SOME NONE | (EApp ((EVar "serialConst", _), n), _) => Option.map SOME (Env.int n) | _ => NONE val soa = fn (EApp ((EApp ((EApp ((EApp ((EApp ((EApp ((EVar "soa", _), ns), _), sl), _), rf), _), ret), _), exp), _), min), _) => (case (Env.string ns, serial sl, Env.int rf, Env.int ret, Env.int exp, Env.int min) of (SOME ns, SOME sl, SOME rf, SOME ret, SOME exp, SOME min) => SOME {ns = ns, serial = sl, ref = rf, ret = ret, exp = exp, min = min} | _ => NONE) | _ => NONE datatype master = ExternalMaster of string | InternalMaster of string val ip = Env.string val _ = Env.registerFunction ("ip_of_node", fn [(EString node, _)] => SOME (EString (nodeIp node), dl) | _ => NONE) val master = fn (EApp ((EVar "externalMaster", _), e), _) => Option.map ExternalMaster (ip e) | (EApp ((EVar "internalMaster", _), e), _) => Option.map InternalMaster (Env.string e) | _ => NONE datatype dnsKind = UseDns of {soa : soa, master : master, slaves : string list} | NoDns val dnsKind = fn (EApp ((EApp ((EApp ((EVar "useDns", _), sa), _), mstr), _), slaves), _) => (case (soa sa, master mstr, Env.list Env.string slaves) of (SOME sa, SOME mstr, SOME slaves) => SOME (UseDns {soa = sa, master = mstr, slaves = slaves}) | _ => NONE) | (EVar "noDns", _) => SOME NoDns | _ => NONE val befores = ref (fn (_ : string) => ()) val afters = ref (fn (_ : string) => ()) fun registerBefore f = let val old = !befores in befores := (fn x => (old x; f x)) end fun registerAfter f = let val old = !afters in afters := (fn x => (old x; f x)) end val globals = ref (fn () => ()) val locals = ref (fn () => ()) fun registerResetGlobal f = let val old = !globals in globals := (fn x => (old x; f x)) end fun registerResetLocal f = let val old = !locals in locals := (fn x => (old x; f x)) end fun resetGlobal () = (!globals (); ignore (OS.Process.system (Config.rm ^ " -rf " ^ Config.resultRoot ^ "/*"))) fun resetLocal () = !locals () val current = ref "" val currentPath = ref (fn (_ : string) => "") val currentPathAli = ref (fn (_ : string, _ : string) => "") val scratch = ref "" fun currentDomain () = !current val currentsAli = ref ([] : string list) fun currentAliasDomains () = !currentsAli fun currentDomains () = currentDomain () :: currentAliasDomains () fun domainFile {node, name} = ((*print ("Opening " ^ !currentPath node ^ name ^ "\n");*) TextIO.openOut (!currentPath node ^ name)) type files = {write : string -> unit, writeDom : unit -> unit, close : unit -> unit} fun domainsFile {node, name} = let val doms = currentDomains () val files = map (fn dom => (dom, TextIO.openOut (!currentPathAli (dom, node) ^ name))) doms in {write = fn s => app (fn (_, outf) => TextIO.output (outf, s)) files, writeDom = fn () => app (fn (dom, outf) => TextIO.output (outf, dom)) files, close = fn () => app (fn (_, outf) => TextIO.closeOut outf) files} end fun getPath domain = let val toks = String.fields (fn ch => ch = #".") domain val elems = foldr (fn (piece, elems) => let val elems = piece :: elems fun doNode node = let val path = String.concatWith "/" (Config.resultRoot :: node :: rev elems) val tmpPath = String.concatWith "/" (Config.tmpDir :: node :: rev elems) in (if Posix.FileSys.ST.isDir (Posix.FileSys.stat path) then () else (OS.FileSys.remove path; OS.FileSys.mkDir path)) handle OS.SysErr _ => OS.FileSys.mkDir path; (if Posix.FileSys.ST.isDir (Posix.FileSys.stat tmpPath) then () else (OS.FileSys.remove tmpPath; OS.FileSys.mkDir tmpPath)) handle OS.SysErr _ => OS.FileSys.mkDir tmpPath end in app doNode nodes; elems end) [] toks in fn (root, site) => String.concatWith "/" (root :: site :: rev ("" :: elems)) end datatype file_action' = Add' of {src : string, dst : string} | Delete' of string | Modify' of {src : string, dst : string} fun findDiffs (prefixes, site, dom, acts) = let val gp = getPath dom val realPath = gp (Config.resultRoot, site) val tmpPath = gp (Config.tmpDir, site) (*val _ = print ("getDiffs(" ^ site ^ ", " ^ dom ^ ")... " ^ realPath ^ "; " ^ tmpPath ^ "\n")*) val dir = Posix.FileSys.opendir realPath fun loopReal acts = case Posix.FileSys.readdir dir of NONE => (Posix.FileSys.closedir dir; acts) | SOME fname => let val real = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = realPath, file = fname} val tmp = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = tmpPath, file = fname} in if Posix.FileSys.ST.isDir (Posix.FileSys.stat real) then loopReal acts else if Posix.FileSys.access (tmp, []) then if Slave.shell [Config.diff, " ", real, " ", tmp] then loopReal acts else loopReal ((site, dom, realPath, Modify' {src = tmp, dst = real}) :: acts) else if List.exists (fn prefix => String.isPrefix prefix real) prefixes then loopReal ((site, dom, realPath, Delete' real) :: acts) else loopReal acts end val acts = loopReal acts val dir = Posix.FileSys.opendir tmpPath fun loopTmp acts = case Posix.FileSys.readdir dir of NONE => (Posix.FileSys.closedir dir; acts) | SOME fname => let val real = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = realPath, file = fname} val tmp = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = tmpPath, file = fname} in if Posix.FileSys.ST.isDir (Posix.FileSys.stat tmp) then loopTmp acts else if Posix.FileSys.access (real, []) then loopTmp acts else loopTmp ((site, dom, realPath, Add' {src = tmp, dst = real}) :: acts) end val acts = loopTmp acts in acts end fun findAllDiffs prefixes = let val dir = Posix.FileSys.opendir Config.tmpDir val len = length (String.fields (fn ch => ch = #"/") Config.tmpDir) + 1 fun exploreSites diffs = case Posix.FileSys.readdir dir of NONE => diffs | SOME site => let fun explore (dname, diffs) = let val dir = Posix.FileSys.opendir dname fun loop diffs = case Posix.FileSys.readdir dir of NONE => diffs | SOME name => let val fname = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = dname, file = name} in loop (if Posix.FileSys.ST.isDir (Posix.FileSys.stat fname) then let val dom = String.fields (fn ch => ch = #"/") fname val dom = List.drop (dom, len) val dom = String.concatWith "." (rev dom) val dname' = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = dname, file = name} in explore (dname', findDiffs (prefixes, site, dom, diffs)) end else diffs) end in loop diffs before Posix.FileSys.closedir dir end in exploreSites (explore (OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = Config.tmpDir, file = site}, diffs)) end in exploreSites [] before Posix.FileSys.closedir dir end val masterNode : string option ref = ref NONE fun dnsMaster () = !masterNode val seenDomains : string list ref = ref [] val _ = Env.containerV_one "domain" ("domain", Env.string) (fn (evs, dom) => let val () = seenDomains := dom :: !seenDomains val kind = Env.env dnsKind (evs, "DNS") val ttl = Env.env Env.int (evs, "TTL") val aliases = Env.env (Env.list Env.string) (evs, "Aliases") val path = getPath dom val () = (current := dom; currentsAli := Slave.remove (Slave.removeDups aliases, dom); currentPath := (fn site => path (Config.tmpDir, site)); currentPathAli := (fn (dom, site) => getPath dom (Config.tmpDir, site))) fun saveSoa (kind, soa : soa) node = let val {write, writeDom, close} = domainsFile {node = node, name = "soa"} in write kind; write "\n"; write (Int.toString ttl); write "\n"; write (#ns soa); write "\n"; case #serial soa of NONE => () | SOME n => write (Int.toString n); write "\n"; write (Int.toString (#ref soa)); write "\n"; write (Int.toString (#ret soa)); write "\n"; write (Int.toString (#exp soa)); write "\n"; write (Int.toString (#min soa)); write "\n"; close () end fun saveNamed (kind, soa : soa, masterIp, slaveIps) node = if dom = "localhost" then () else let val {write, writeDom, close} = domainsFile {node = node, name = "named.conf"} in write "\nzone \""; writeDom (); write "\" {\n\ttype "; write kind; write ";\n\tfile \""; write Config.Bind.zonePath_real; write "/"; writeDom (); write ".zone\";\n"; case kind of "master" => (write "\tallow-transfer {\n"; app (fn ip => (write "\t\t"; write ip; write ";\n")) slaveIps; write "\t};\n") | _ => (write "\tmasters { "; write masterIp; write "; };\n"; write "// Updated: "; write (Time.toString (Time.now ())); write "\n"); write "};\n"; close () end in case kind of NoDns => masterNode := NONE | UseDns dns => let val masterIp = case #master dns of InternalMaster node => nodeIp node | ExternalMaster ip => ip val slaveIps = map nodeIp (#slaves dns) in app (saveSoa ("slave", #soa dns)) (#slaves dns); app (saveNamed ("slave", #soa dns, masterIp, slaveIps)) (#slaves dns); case #master dns of InternalMaster node => (masterNode := SOME node; saveSoa ("master", #soa dns) node; saveNamed ("master", #soa dns, masterIp, slaveIps) node) | _ => masterNode := NONE end; !befores dom end, fn () => !afters (!current)) val () = Env.registerPre (fn () => (seenDomains := []; ignore (Slave.shellF ([Config.rm, " -rf ", Config.tmpDir, ""], fn cl => "Temp file cleanup failed: " ^ cl)); OS.FileSys.mkDir Config.tmpDir; app (fn node => OS.FileSys.mkDir (OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = Config.tmpDir, file = node})) nodes; app (fn node => OS.FileSys.mkDir (OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = Config.resultRoot, file = node}) handle OS.SysErr _ => ()) nodes)) fun handleSite (site, files) = let in print ("New configuration for node " ^ site ^ "\n"); if site = Config.defaultNode then Slave.handleChanges files else let val bio = OpenSSL.connect true (valOf (!ssl_context), nodeIp site ^ ":" ^ Int.toString Config.slavePort) in app (fn file => Msg.send (bio, MsgFile file)) files; Msg.send (bio, MsgDoFiles); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Slave closed connection unexpectedly\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print ("Slave " ^ site ^ " finished\n") | MsgError s => print ("Slave " ^ site ^ " returned error: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print ("Slave " ^ site ^ " returned unexpected command\n"); OpenSSL.close bio end end val () = Env.registerPost (fn () => let val prefixes = List.concat (List.map (fn dom => let val pieces = String.tokens (fn ch => ch = #".") dom val path = String.concatWith "/" (rev pieces) in List.map (fn node => Config.resultRoot ^ "/" ^ node ^ "/" ^ path ^ "/") nodes end) (!seenDomains)) val diffs = findAllDiffs prefixes val diffs = map (fn (site, dom, dir, Add' {src, dst}) => (Slave.shellF ([Config.cp, " ", src, " ", dst], fn cl => "Copy failed: " ^ cl); (site, {action = Slave.Add, domain = dom, dir = dir, file = dst})) | (site, dom, dir, Delete' dst) => (OS.FileSys.remove dst handle OS.SysErr _ => ErrorMsg.error NONE ("Delete failed for " ^ dst); (site, {action = Slave.Delete true, domain = dom, dir = dir, file = dst})) | (site, dom, dir, Modify' {src, dst}) => (Slave.shellF ([Config.cp, " ", src, " ", dst], fn cl => "Copy failed: " ^ cl); (site, {action = Slave.Modify, domain = dom, dir = dir, file = dst}))) diffs in if !ErrorMsg.anyErrors then () else let val changed = foldl (fn ((site, file), changed) => let val ls = case SM.find (changed, site) of NONE => [] | SOME ls => ls in SM.insert (changed, site, file :: ls) end) SM.empty diffs in SM.appi handleSite changed end; ignore (Slave.shellF ([Config.rm, " -rf ", Config.tmpDir, ""], fn cl => "Temp file cleanup failed: " ^ cl)) end) fun hasPriv priv = Acl.query {user = getUser (), class = "priv", value = "all"} orelse Acl.query {user = getUser (), class = "priv", value = priv} val _ = Env.type_one "dns_node" Env.string (fn node => List.exists (fn x => x = node) Config.dnsNodes_all orelse (hasPriv "dns" andalso List.exists (fn x => x = node) Config.dnsNodes_admin)) val _ = Env.type_one "mail_node" Env.string (fn node => List.exists (fn x => x = node) Config.mailNodes_all orelse (hasPriv "mail" andalso List.exists (fn x => x = node) Config.mailNodes_admin)) fun rmdom' delete resultRoot doms = let fun doNode (node, _) = let val dname = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = resultRoot, file = node} fun doDom (dom, actions) = let val domPath = String.concatWith "/" (rev (String.fields (fn ch => ch = #".") dom)) val dname = OS.Path.concat (dname, domPath) fun visitDom (dom, dname, actions) = let val dir = Posix.FileSys.opendir dname fun loop actions = case Posix.FileSys.readdir dir of NONE => actions | SOME fname => let val fnameFull = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = dname, file = fname} in if Posix.FileSys.ST.isDir (Posix.FileSys.stat fnameFull) then loop (visitDom (fname ^ "." ^ dom, fnameFull, actions)) else loop ({action = Slave.Delete delete, domain = dom, dir = dname, file = fnameFull} :: actions) end in loop actions before Posix.FileSys.closedir dir end handle OS.SysErr (s, _) => (print ("Warning: System error deleting domain " ^ dom ^ " on " ^ node ^ ": " ^ s ^ "\n"); actions) in visitDom (dom, dname, actions) end val actions = foldl doDom [] doms in handleSite (node, actions) end handle IO.Io _ => print ("Warning: IO error deleting domains on " ^ node ^ ".\n") fun cleanupNode (node, _) = let fun doDom dom = let val domPath = String.concatWith "/" (rev (String.fields (fn ch => ch = #".") dom)) val dname = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = resultRoot, file = node} val dname = OS.Path.concat (dname, domPath) in if delete then ignore (OS.Process.system (Config.rm ^ " -rf " ^ dname)) else () end in app doDom doms end in app doNode Config.nodeIps; app cleanupNode Config.nodeIps end val rmdom = rmdom' true Config.resultRoot val rmdom' = rmdom' false fun homedirOf uname = Posix.SysDB.Passwd.home (Posix.SysDB.getpwnam uname) fun homedir () = homedirOf (getUser ()) type subject = {node : string, domain : string} val describers : (subject -> string) list ref = ref [] fun registerDescriber f = describers := f :: !describers fun describeOne arg = String.concat (map (fn f => f arg) (rev (!describers))) val line = "--------------------------------------------------------------\n" val dline = "==============================================================\n" fun describe dom = String.concat (List.mapPartial (fn node => case describeOne {node = node, domain = dom} of "" => NONE | s => SOME (String.concat [dline, "Node ", node, "\n", dline, "\n", s])) nodes) datatype description = Filename of { filename : string, heading : string, showEmpty : bool } | Extension of { extension : string, heading : string -> string } fun considerAll ds {node, domain} = let val ds = map (fn d => (d, ref [])) ds val path = Config.resultRoot val jdf = OS.Path.joinDirFile val path = jdf {dir = path, file = node} val path = foldr (fn (more, path) => jdf {dir = path, file = more}) path (String.tokens (fn ch => ch = #".") domain) in if Posix.FileSys.access (path, []) then let val dir = Posix.FileSys.opendir path fun loop () = case Posix.FileSys.readdir dir of NONE => () | SOME fname => (app (fn (d, entries) => let fun readFile showEmpty entries' = let val fname = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = path, file = fname} val inf = TextIO.openIn fname fun loop (seenOne, entries') = case TextIO.inputLine inf of NONE => if seenOne orelse showEmpty then "\n" :: entries' else !entries | SOME line => loop (true, line :: entries') in loop (false, entries') before TextIO.closeIn inf end in case d of Filename {filename, heading, showEmpty} => if fname = filename then entries := readFile showEmpty ("\n" :: line :: "\n" :: heading :: line :: !entries) else () | Extension {extension, heading} => let val {base, ext} = OS.Path.splitBaseExt fname in case ext of NONE => () | SOME extension' => if extension' = extension then entries := readFile true ("\n" :: line :: "\n" :: heading base :: line :: !entries) else () end end) ds; loop ()) in loop (); Posix.FileSys.closedir dir; String.concat (List.concat (map (fn (_, entries) => rev (!entries)) ds)) end else "" end val () = registerDescriber (considerAll [Filename {filename = "soa", heading = "DNS SOA:", showEmpty = false}]) val () = Env.registerAction ("domainHost", fn (env, [(EString host, _)]) => SM.insert (env, "Hostname", (EString (host ^ "." ^ currentDomain ()), dl)) | (_, args) => Env.badArgs ("domainHost", args)) end